Wheel Reviews (7945 Posts)
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bones bombers 95a
On 12/1/1999
wrote in from
DT, Reguarding the 68mm 95a bones bombers: I got the wheels in one of the shops down here in Santa Cruz CA. It seems to me that some of the online frestyle skateboard shops sell them. The trick would be to do a search for bones bombers wheels.
Confidence ...
On 12/1/1999 ponch and john
wrote in from
Two tires for the journey either the power paw's or the payaso roadie racers. Stikky and wide.
Confidence ...
On 11/30/1999 Adam
wrote in from
That's a tricky question, Jason. Given your scenario, there's only one product I'd spend my money on: a helmet.
Confidence ...
On 11/30/1999 Jason
wrote in from
OK you Guys, you know that huge hill you always drive down whilst on missions. It's a state highway, about 5 miles long, lots of nicely cambered corners and the whole crew gets excited and skates it in their mind each time you drive down it. Well the big day has come, it's Sunrise, there will probably still be a few traffic hazard's, half your Mates have chickened out, you've got on all the pad's you own and are wishing you had a helmet, you've got you're favourite pintail with Randal original downhill trucks and you about to go faster than you've ever gone before ………… What wheels do you trust with your life ?????
Bones 9(5)a?
On 11/30/1999 Relic
wrote in from
I've go a set of the 85a, and www.solidskate.com sells both the 85a and the 90a formulas, but I've never seen an ad for a 95a formula. Thanks for the feedback on the power paws, I think I'll go for the red ones, it fasater and more durable sounds like a winning combination...
Re: Power Paw Re: Reds vs Whites
On 11/30/1999
wrote in from
The red (78a)power paw aluminators are really gummy and stick better than my kryptos 78a (opaque black) and the white (74a)power paw aluminators are even stickier. I believe the white aluminators share the same urethane as the regular white power paws.
I also did a few slides on my red aluminators and they didnt wear near as bad as i thought they would.
Bones Bomber 68mm 95a
On 11/30/1999
wrote in from
Do you or anyone know where i can get these wheels, specificlly (did i spell that right?) the 95a.
On 11/29/1999
wrote in from
I talked to Wendal of purple skunk over the weekend. Regarding flatspotting wheels while sliding, he said that the harder you go on wheels the easyere they flatspot, but the longer they slide, and the longer it takes them to wear down if you don't flatspot them. This makes logical sense, considering that a super hard wheel will keep sliding for a long time, and when theis happens the rider has a tendancey to really push hard on the wheels to slow down. I think this applies more to harder wheels, but I have not done enough experimentation to verify. I had 85a 68mm bones bombers and they flatspotted, but the flatspots are not as bad as the flatspots I got on a 95a 68mm bones bombers.
Powerpaw thanes
On 11/29/1999 Herbn
wrote in from
Thats cool to know, I wonder if Aluminators will be "recap-able"in the red formula I felt the whites were a bit sluggish just because they weren't as big as my Cherry Bombs,but I'm diggin the grip/speed control.I'm gonna have to take a few shuttle runs on my new mile long hill with the Cherrys,and a couple of carving bombs across my town on my oldest friend scaring hill thats still holding its own, as I look around my area for big steep strips of asphalt to ride down.When I've ridden both wheels down both types of hills with automotive speed checks,I'll be able to compare(not choose one) the two,they're both excellent.
Power paw formulas
On 11/29/1999 Relic
wrote in from
I e-mailed my question below to info@lingskate.com and Rene responded (quickly!), and I thoght that the information might be of general interest.
"The whites are 74a and reds 78a, what this means is a few things, first the white grip a bit better, as well as wear faster, the reds are faster and last longer. Depends alot on riding style and rider weight as to what works for you.
Hope this helps, any more info. let me know..."
kyrpto classic K 82a
On 11/28/1999 Adam
wrote in from
I find the blue kyrpto classic K 82a wheels to be stickier than their 78a reds.
To DT and Adam
On 11/28/1999 SXE Phil
wrote in from
Have you guys tried the kyrpto classic K 82a wheels yet? Do you think that would be a wiser choice for my riding style? What about a 80a wheel? How much difference is there between a 78a or an 80a? Or should it be wise to just stick with 78a wheels for my riding style. I just have one set-up, unfortunately. Anyway, thanks for answering my question guys (anyone who wants to shed alittle more insight is always appreciated). Later.
power paws - Aluminators
On 11/28/1999 Relic
wrote in from
What are the differences between the white 74a formula and the red 78a formula? I’ve got a set of the regular white 70mm power paws, and also 70mm Kryptonic Classic 78a and 76mm/76a Exkate Turbos, so any comparisons to those wheels would be helpful. I like the look of the Aluminators, but at $60 a set I want to pick the right ones.
sXe Phil
On 11/27/1999
wrote in from
I agree with Adam on the bones ( by the way thanx again, Adam) they are a good wheel to slide on but when it comes to carving, especially if your carving really hard, they tend to slide out. When i go riding i bring at least 2 decks with differet set ups, one for carving and one for sliding. Another good wheel to slide is the payaso roadie racer 84a.
Bones Bombers
On 11/27/1999 Adam
wrote in from
SXE Phil,
The Bombers are great for sliding, but they do give up something in the way of smoothness. For learning to Coleman slide they are perfect, and as long as your road surfaces are very smooth, the Bombers aren't bad all-around wheels. Still, I prefer the plushness of a softer wheel like the Karma 76mm, Power Paw (available in two durometers, including 74a!), or Kryptonic Classic K (now available in three durometers).
Bones Bombers
On 11/27/1999 SXE Phil
wrote in from
Okay, for my next set of wheels I want to check out a set of 68mm/85a bombers. I'm used to using 78a wheels and I want to try something harder. I am a surf style skater who likes to carve hills at medium speed. I'm just wondering how these wheels will perform. I can do stand up power slides and I'm gonna start learning to coleman slide soon (as soon as I make a glove). I bet these wheels are great for sliding, but how do they hold up carving? Do they perform good on ruff surfaces? Do they get hung up easily? I read the archives on these wheels and I would like a couple more opinions, thanks to whoever answers my question. Later.
Sector9 balls
On 11/27/1999 Herbn
wrote in from
Just a little tidbit of trivia, when I was weighing the Powerpaws and Aluminators (same weight,within 2 grams)I weighed a few other longboard wheels the only weight of interest was the Sector 9 ball ;light, real light they were like 40 grams lighter each wheel. I you like a light set up there you go,unless of course you're a little tough on wheels,sure they accellerate quick but they decelerate in a cloud of urithane dust.
re:speed / re: rounded edges vs square edges
On 11/27/1999
wrote in from
I have always felt that a wider wheel feels more stable when i get over 30 and that wheels with rounded edges feel more twitchy. Correct me if i'm wrong but the Krypto Hawaii model has rounded edges but a wheel like the Payaso Roadie Racer (very wide and square, also good for sliding), Hyper Super Mundos (another good wheel if you can get your hands on them, similar to the payaso but not near as wide), Kryptos Classic ( a very well made wheel), and Power Paw (similar to the Kryptos but faster and stickier) would be a far better choice.
Power Paw Aluminator
On 11/27/1999
wrote in from
I've ridden the following similar wheels: Kryptonics 78a (red and black) Hyper Super Mundos 78a Gravity 78a Payaso Roadie Racer 78a (red) Sector 9 balls 78a Envy 78a and most recently the Power Paw Aluminators 78a (red)
Of those i would only choose to ride the Power Paws, Payaso, Hyper Super Mundos, and Kryptos in that order.
The Aluminators are by far the fastest and the stickiest of the group, especially if you opt for the 74a white ones. You can take my word, or even better try them for yourself.
On 11/26/1999 brian
wrote in from
which is better in terms of speed, the hawaii-k's or the red 70mm power paws?
On 11/26/1999 dt
wrote in from
did you order the red or the white ones? by the way you can call Rene at (949) 650-8885
On 11/26/1999
Newbie Boarder
wrote in from
Well, I did it. I ordered the aluminators from www.longskate.com.....i think. The order process was a little strange...it asked for all my billing information 3 times. I hope I didn't order 3 sets of them! Not to mention that the order online is unsecured...I seriously hope that changes soon, otherwise I might consider shopping online elsewhere.
Hey Rene, if you're reading this could ou send me an e-mail to confirm I've only placed one order (4 pk) of aluminators?
I'll write a review on here as soon as I get the wheels on. Until then...
Keep Carvin'
power paws
On 11/25/1999 Relic
wrote in from
The 70mm power paw has the same shape as the Krypto Classic 70mm. On the surfaces I ride the power paws grip a little better than any of the Kryptonics formulas.
Power Paws
On 11/25/1999 Jason
wrote in from
The Skatesaway advert at the top of this page is advertising Power Paw 70mm x 45mm x 78a. Has anyone tried these ... Are they double radius, do they have a centred hub ?? I can not tell from the picture ........ J.
On 11/25/1999
Newbie Boarder
wrote in from
The page is really looking good...with the exception of a couple of broken pics, but that's to be expected with a new site. Looks like the site has a lot to offer.
Keep up the good work! I just might become a customer very soon.
Keep Carvin'