Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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On 3/2/2002 jeremy cooper wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

what are moonwalks and spacewalks? how are they preformed?

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On 3/2/2002 steelwheel Bob wrote in from (4.41.nnn.nnn)

Hi Rene!
I missed that last post.
Great work on that ESPN segment. I would like to talk to you about The Oceanside Legends Skateboard Expo
and seeking a re-connection to Pepsi and some other major sponsors for Skate Expos in Eastern Europe and

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On 3/2/2002 steelwheel Bob wrote in from (4.41.nnn.nnn)

Hi, Claude!
The "Triple Crown" event will be in Frostberg MD and is on Flat ground. I will be requesting the aid of east coast
GRS members to assist in the slalom part of the event.
The Gateway Classic II in St. Louis on Sept.1st will also be a "Triple Crown" event as well as the Boulder Classic in June.

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On 3/1/2002 jeremy cooper wrote in from (64.12.nnn.nnn)

does anybody else out there still freestyle bare-footed besides myself?

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On 3/1/2002 Claude wrote in from (24.103.nnn.nnn)

Hey Bob! May 27th is the weekend after the FCR/TLP event in Tahoe, Ca. Where is the event your planning? I should be available and living on the road in the area by then.

Russ and I have tentative plans to meet up in Tahoe so let me know and I'll keep in touch on the matter.

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On 3/1/2002 steelwheel Bob wrote in from (4.41.nnn.nnn)

Congratz Maria! The ESPN spot was great. Hope to see more coverage op's in the future now that this has happened.
I have a date of May 27th set aside with FCCI for an event. I would like to stage, as a pilot project for a series, the 'Richy Carrasco King360 Triple Crown Classic', with flatland freestyle, slalom, and 360's.
We have been kicking this idea around for a while, so,
if you are up for it, lets nail this down and move on it.
Richy does not hav to be there, WFSA and GRS will run the event and pay a royalty or what ever works for you. I have had great responce and support for this modern day "Henry Hester Series' concept .
Let me know this week sometime what you think of this
and I will get things rolling

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On 2/28/2002 jeremy cooper wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

that's cool that they are finaly realizing that skaters before 1990 are still alive and can still rip. i saw some pictures of it at the OSSJ web site, i wish i could got to one, that would be awesome. i saw a picture of per welinder at the OSSJ, that would be cool to meet him, he has always been one of my favorites. i have been waiting for the new birdhouse site to be up and running so i could e-mail them and try to get them to have per get a little footage for the new birdhouse video, that would be great. well, i'm gonna keep dreaming...

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On 2/28/2002 Maria Carrasco wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

ESPN COVERAGE OF Old School Skate Jam - TOMORROW 3/1/02
Hey Everyone -- Set your VCR's to see the ESPN feature on this years' OSSJ. The first airing is tomorrow (March 1) at 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. ET -- (so that's 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. for us west coasters). The feature will be on EXPN2Day on ESPN2. Check out the web site for additional program schedule at: http://expn.go.com/tv/s/x2day.html.
Chances are it will repeat on March 8 and/or 15.

Thanks to everyone for cooperating with interviews and Todd Huber and the rest for organizing such a great event!

Note -- the final piece was produced by ESPN 2Day using footage that I supplied -- so final edit decisions were not in my control -- translation -- please don't be mad at me if YOUR interview wasn't included. Thanks again!

-- Maria Carrasco

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On 2/27/2002 Bob Loftin wrote in from (192.73.nnn.nnn)

By the way -- I just added a text explanation with some tips to the Walk the Dog tip.

See...I really AM working on the site. I'll have better video posted soon.


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On 2/26/2002 Kenny wrote in from (216.17.nnn.nnn)

Ben, as mentioned below, Bobstricktips.com is the normal response to your question, but you might also check out the video that Lynn Cooper is selling at skatelegends.com "Wheelin' in the Years" I think it's listed under skate products. Great footage of early 80's freestyle. He also sells Reverse Freestyle skateboards.

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On 2/26/2002 Ben Zacharias wrote in from (137.45.nnn.nnn)

Hey i have been interested in this sport for a few years now and want to increase my riding level. I want to learn how to do some of the spins and slides that i have heard of people doing. The closet thing that i can get my hands on to use as a guide to learn these tricks though is "gleaming the cube" so if anyone out there has a site that they know of that shows these moves or a movie of sorts please e-mail them to me. peace and smooth riding ezacharia@radford.edu

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On 2/26/2002 Chris S wrote in from (208.164.nnn.nnn)


What great news. I've often wondered whatever became of him, especially since so many of the other 70s skaters have turned up. I saw him skate once at La Costa, when I was about 13. Bud Browne was there filming that day. If you ever get saw The New Goin Surfin. There's a scene of Ty racing and beating a Motoboard. That was the day I was there. They actually raced twice. The Motoboard won the first time, and Ty won the second, and that's what ended up in the movie.


Endovers and walk-the-dog are definitely different tricks. Endovers are a series of rapid 180 degree turns where you keep both feet on the ends of the board. Walk-the-dog is a a series of rapid 180 degree turns, but the footwork's different. You keep your front foot in the middle of the board on the ball of your foot. Then you step forward with your rear foot and do a 180 from the front while the board pivots around the ball of your foot in the middle of the board. Then step forward and do it again and so on. Kind of hard to explain, but there's some video of it on


If you think you're going to watch the clip over and over again, you might want to save it to your hard drive and watch it from there. Bob's had some trouble over the last year or so for using too much bandwidth. Saving it to your hard drive will save him some of that bandwidth. Also if you have time, go to some of his sponsors links since they're paying for part of that bandwidth.

Good luck,


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On 2/25/2002 jeremy cooper wrote in from (64.12.nnn.nnn)

are walk-the-dogs and endovers the same thing?

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On 2/24/2002 Daniel Gesmer wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

I had a long phone conversation with TY PAIGE yesterday. He's married, with one baby and another on the way, and works as a house painter in Park City, Utah. He still skates some but is careful to avoid an injury that would knock him out of work. Ty had some interesting things to say about the 1970s freestyle circuit and the Dogtown movement. He is still embarrassed about his association with FreeFormer - apparently he had absolutely no control over the low quality of the company's products. But heck, the guy was only 16 or so when he signed a binding contract with them! Let's all give it up for Ty Paige, truly "Mr. Incredible"!

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On 2/21/2002 Claude wrote in from (66.185.nnn.nnn)

StevieB1. If that were Shane Rouse it would be great not strange.

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On 2/21/2002 STEVIEB1 wrote in from (213.122.nnn.nnn)

I don't suppose that Shane is Shane Rouse buy any chance ???
na that would be too strange

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On 2/20/2002 Claude wrote in from (66.185.nnn.nnn)

Hi YoYO glad you had a good time. Sounds great. For those of you who may not know Claus I had the pleasure of meeting him at the World Championships at Expo 86 in Vancouver. His Vert talents were on par with best at the time. Hawk, Miller, Hosoi, Cab and the like. He was the only non American to make the Final 8 Pro Vert final and also Finished, he also finshed 7th in the bowl ridding competition.

Times have changed now the Ranking are Worldwide skakters from all around regularly place in the top group. If any of get a chance to see the Radical Moves video it is the story of the Contest you will see some excellent Freestyle Footage as well many other events.

Keep on Freestylin'. YoYo, some guys just make things look too easy, then the kids go, "OH I can't do that, it's too hard". Well it's just like anything else. Practice, Practice, Practice.

Of Course your aim is to have FUN and ENJOY. Spread the movement.

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On 2/19/2002 YOYO wrote in from (151.189.nnn.nnn)

Hi guys,

ok, I just got back from a week end full of skating.
I had a big blast, so just keep on reading.......

Yesterday afteroon I went together with an old skatepal named Chris Eggers to Muenster.
We got to the hall at about 4:30 pm and quickly headed to the VIP entrance, because the main entrance had a cue like half an hour waiting.
Right in front of me was a guy with a back pack, and guess what he had strapped on it??
Yes, a Freestyle board. As I did not know him, I just said:''I got one of these boards as well in my bag''
He looked araound and just couldn't believe that it was me when I replied that I am YOYO Schulz.
We went inside and I gave him my card and proposed to have a little session.
He said that he had just started some three months ago and just wants to watch.

I looked around for familiar faces, but not too many around at that time.
Went over to the small mini ramp to warm up a little and watched the vert guys pulling some big airs.

Later on I went downstairs to skate some Flatland in front of the stage.
It was almost dark there, but the only place to skate, because the warm up session for the best trick contest was underway.
I did not care, I just skated. After a few minutes Claus Grabke (former Santa Cruz vert Pro from Germany) approached me and said a big HI and both of us were stoked to meet each other after 10 years.
He asked me about Freestyle and I told him that I am still fully involved and the opportunity to have a little demo.
Claus went ahead and contacted the guy in charge and after a few minutes it was agreed to have a little session right after the Best Trick contest.
I did not enter the contest, but warmed up a little more. The place filled pretty quick and even Claus joined my warm up session with some cool Freestyle tricks on his ramp deck.
Claus was one of the best allround skaters in the 80's and he pulled off some nice kickflip M-80's with easy and spun some 10+ 360's.

After the Best trick contest it was my turn to skate. The air was getting really bad, because of smoke and it was almost dark at that place. They could not turn on the lights, because the stage was already set up.
Never mind, I went out and did my best. I skated consecutively for four minutes and was grasping for some fresh air.
The crowd went WILD when I did my one footed 360's and other stuff. Pulled off lots of variations of my YOYO Plant and worked the crowd with double kickflips, railflips and other tricks.
Some magazine guys were taking fotos and did some filming as well. It was just great!!!
My intention was to bring Flatland Freestyle back to the masses and the young kids; so far a BIG success.
After the demo some kids tried some of my moves and realized how hard they are.
Others came up to me asking where to buy boards and stuff and that they had never seen something like this before.

Later in the evening I talked to George Powell (owner of Powell skates) and asked him to bring back some Freestyle wheels; so maybe sometime soon??? Who knows??!!!

Claus Grabke's band THUMB played really loud, but people were stoked anyways. It was virtually impossible to talk, so we just sat there and enjoyed the music.
After Thumb came Steve Caballero and The FACTION. They played some really great songs and everyone was stoked.The concert ended at 2 a.m. and I even managed to talk to Cab again and get my old deck signed by him.
What a day!!!!!!
At 2:45 we headed back to our hotel and fell asleep really quick.

The next morning we had some breakfast at 9:30 and headed over to the outdoor skate park. The weather was cold, but sunny and we had lots of FUN skating the snake run.
After that we drove by the hall to find it closed for today, because of all the thrash that was still lying there. No more people to meet, so let's just drive home and have another outdoor mini ramp session with Chris.
Chris is a vert guy, but skates everything as well. He was so stoked on my board that he bought one right away.....!


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On 2/19/2002 YOYO wrote in from (151.189.nnn.nnn)

Hi Shane,

I don't know what you are specifically looking for, but I have newschool kicknose Freestyle decks and completes for sale in Europe/ Germany.
There are some fotos on www.yoyoskates.com
For details feel free to drop me some lines.


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On 2/18/2002 Shane wrote in from (64.94.nnn.nnn)

Thanx HC I'll give em a try.

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On 2/17/2002 hc wrote in from (65.184.nnn.nnn)

ncdsa search "yoyo"

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On 2/17/2002 Shane wrote in from (64.94.nnn.nnn)

Is there a source for oldschool freestyle decks out there, Besides EBAY.


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On 2/15/2002 msk wrote in from (172.134.nnn.nnn)

Chris was the originator of that variation. It was known as the "Samoan Squat" back in the day, named after him (or at least his heritage)...

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On 2/15/2002 jeremy cooper wrote in from (64.12.nnn.nnn)

i was kinda get the feel for sanding to squating nose wheelies today, they feel really cool. i saw a picture of Chris Yandell doing one, that's were i got the idea from. anyway, thats all i wanted to say...

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On 2/14/2002 Rene Carrasco wrote in from (66.81.nnn.nnn)

steelwheelBob- - That "interview stuff" we did was for ESPN. I had a blast helping Maria with the interviewing and taping at the "Old School Skate Jam!" Pretty amazing hearing fellow skate pioneers and legends "talking from the heart"- about past experiences and accomplishments in skateboarding!!! - You asked about my brother Dave - the 3rd "Flying Carrasco Brother"- he was the 1976 Southern Calif. Downhill Speed Champion AND California State Slalom Racing Champion -plus other racing wins. He was about to turn pro -when skateboarding started to lose skateparks and companies goin out- plus the Pepsi Pro Team was goin out- remember that? Dave also did downhill luge riding with the late Dave Perry and I think with Roger Hickey. With all due respect- the racers out there now should thank God David doesn't come out of retirement.Dave is bigger and stronger now- and he's ALWAYS been WAY faster than me AND Richy C.!!! [ ask Richy!]. Also- the magazine cover you asked about- that was Richy and I doing that handstand on the same skateboard.It was the preview issue for International Longboard Skateboard Magazine! That is Michael Brooke's skate magazine from Canada! I gotta tell ya- that Michael Brooke is amazing! -He's authored 2 skateboard books- a skateboard magazine- a big film company from Canada made a skateboard documentary about his "Concrete Wave Book"; which is now playing worldwide!-on the EXTREME channel.He's got more things coming out that is just unbelievable! THIS-COMING FROM A GUY WAY UP IN CANADA! He's also a heck of a nice guy too! I'm lookin forward to your future 'Freestyle Contests' Bob. You and your wife do alot for "freestyle skateboarding" [much appreciated!] Is there gonna be another STARBURST "Barrio Games"? God bless ya!....................Rene Carrasco.

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