Freestyle (1664 Posts)
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Freestyle Info |
On 7/20/2003 SkateDude
wrote in from
Is Freestyle like street style?
On 7/20/2003 steelwheel Bob
wrote in from
Oh Yeah, Edison Park is at the corner of Magnolia ( crosses the 405 ) and Hamilton (about 5 blocks inland from the beach)across the street from the high school,in the city of Huntington Beach California.
On 7/20/2003 stelwheel Bob
wrote in from
Edison Park Flatland Freestyle Jam today Sunday the 20th of July form 10:00am on, probably 2:00 pm. Meet some of the top pros and ams from around the world. Punch, cookies, chips, high jump, longboard and 360's, freestyle plus: MINI PING PONG!
On 7/16/2003 Dagoo
wrote in from
Ah yes, the flatland philly guys (hmm). How is this going to be low key,these guys shred and are very competitive,dont you read the F-Forum sponcered by Lilis? Oh my gosh are you in for a treat,those guys are so good.I think I will be there and this time I am not going to hide,I am going to come out with both a guns blazing! I will show them what a little practice and a big heart can do. I will send them home crying! They will feel the wrath of the Dagoooooo! My edge work is strong and my feet work,some say compares to Rodneys,but most of all my 360's are fatal. Come bring in the storm from philly and let me shed some light on them!!! Dagooooo
On 7/16/2003
steelwheel Bob
wrote in from
This weeks flatland/slalom jam options.
Terry Synnott has brought to my attention that a few Casper Classic contestents, that are interested in slalom may be going to the WLAC race instead of the Edison Park Jam this Sunday, so I thought I would post the WLAC race info. for those of you that may want to choose that option. It s possible to make it to both, as the Edison Park jam will run from 10:00am until 5:00 pm.
I have no idea how many skaters will show up at any of the three, Hermosa Pier, Venice Beach Strand and Edison Park Huntington Beach Jams, but the locations are offered as well known and historic gathering places for the Casper Classic contestants and the Southern California flatland freestyle regulars to meet in a non competitive low stress athmosphere. The " Philly Connection" may make an appearence at the Edison Park jam.
All are invited to an informal (Bob Staton 60th Birthday) dinner party at the Mexican restaurant next to the skate area at the Hermosa Pier. The Hermosa Jam is 5:00 pm Thursday the 17th, until 9:00pm, and the dinner party is at 7:00 pm.
Hi, Terry,
Glad you mentioned that. The WLAC race is Sunday also and if the Carrascos are in town, that's where they will be. I had originally attempted to work out a deal with the promoter of the slalom race, at Maria's suggeston, to let us have our jam there with them as a number of freestylers are also active slalom racers. The problem is that there is an entry fee to cover the insurance requirements of the race area that must be paid by anyone that shows up, even for a flatland jam, and full saftey gear would be required. Beside that, the surface is not all that great for flatland, and the flat area is a ways away from the race hill. So, it was decided to have the flatland jam at Edison Park. I will post the WLAC race as an option to the Edison Park Jam. However! Maria also said that it is a common practice to have a short flatland jam in the parkng lot right after the race. What I recommend is to hit the Edison Park Jam at 10:00am and hang for an hour or so, then run up to WLAC and check out the races and hang out for the (underground) post race flatland jam that may or may not happen, so take your pick.
I will be skating in the un sponsored 16 and over Am division along with Manual Rodriguez, (Jessy Sanchez, James Santillan ???), and Denis Sopovic. We will probably compete some time between 11:00 am and noon. I can hardly skate at all these days, my appearance is just for the novelty and to support the event in general.
More later, Bob
On 7/14/2003 Dagoo
wrote in from
What style were the skaters under? Rodneyism, Perism,Kevshundo,oldschool,new scool,slow,fast? Please Yo Yo give us the impotant details. How is the progession,are they better than the chinese? Dagoo
On 7/14/2003 Arab
wrote in from
Bobmart-you obviously dont know me, I relish in antoganizing people and always put my name to a post, Dagoo has chutzpah, humor, and an uncanny ability to stump us all, He f#@!in Rules!, just do a search here and see how he has jostled with the slalom guys, the speedboarders etc etc.
Dagoo-the fan club is growing, I'm think of making memebership cards and stickers.
On 7/13/2003 da-gue
wrote in from
My name is not Day-go as in San Diego, it's Da-gue like in Da-tson and glue. Da-gue
On 7/13/2003
wrote in from
12 th place Vadim Martel 11 th place Christopher Whitehead 10th place Bernhard Kümpel 9 th place Stefan Albert 8 th place Jan Kupfer 7 th place Pierre Geisler 6 th place Hendrik Walderat 6 th place Georgio Czerwinski 5 th place YOYO Schulz 4 th place Luis Max Escarate 3 rd place Peter Ruschel 2 nd place Starsky Kleinhans 1 st place Ullrich Schoenborn
I just got back from a hot day of skating. The placings do not reflect the actual performances. Unfortunately the judging was a little sketchy as the organiszers did not use any guidlines. Some guys already got to the contest site on Saturday to warm up and meet with friends. It was a small contest and jam atmosphere and I guess most of us do not take these results really seriously. At least the list of participants shows that Freestyle is growing in Germany too, as we had quite a few new faces entering their first contest. Meeting new Freestyle entusiasts was more important than a placing.
To give you an idea what happend at the awards ceremonies: Ullrich was announced first place, but he refused to accept it and handed it over to Peter Ruschel, who had a blazing hot first run. The points were so close in the top 5 that an inconsistency in judging of 10 points made a whole difference.....
Conclusion: Go out and have fun, meet new people. Don't complain about judging if you did not distribute judging guidelines. Work on a better format for next year.
As this was part of a street contest, the organizers were really stoked to have a growing number of Freestylers participating.
YOYO, the guy who snapped his board during practice
On 7/12/2003
wrote in from
Don't be so thick.
Arab is Dagoo.
That was an easy one to figure out.
On 7/12/2003
wrote in from
u smell
On 7/12/2003 Arab
wrote in from
On 7/12/2003 Dagoo
wrote in from
Nagoo,Da,Dagoo? Dagoon,Da,Da,David,De,ego,San Diego,San Deigoon!
On 7/12/2003
Andy Terbovich
wrote in from
Haha, wow BOb, you put quite a bit of thought into the whole Dagoo thing. BUT, it's Nagoog, not Nagoo, if that makes a difference. Oh well, I know Nagoog somewhat, and that doesn't seem like him.
Terry, yes David did turn out to be an insanely talented man. It was odd, however, because he came around at a time when his real identity hadn't been posting in a while. Where is he, anyway? He freakin' rips, haha.
I should spend more time reading this forum, it's pretty interesting.
On 7/11/2003
steelwheel Bob
wrote in from
Results of Gary Holl Mitchell Park Jam practice events cont.
Erika Hidalgo: 1st Novice Female
"HC" Hung Chang: 1st Place Power Slide. 2nd Place Longboard Freestyle Open.
John Enos: 3rd Place Highest Ollie, 3rd Place Longest Ollie.
Dan Troyan: 2nd Place High Jump (31")17 and Under.
Chris Wu: 1st Place Highest Ollie, 1st Place Longest Ollie
Bob Staton: 1st Place Longest Travel (300 miles)18 and Over. Nils Hanson: 1st Place Longest Travel (404 miles)17 and Under.
Top Spinners in 360's, Gary Holl: 1st Place with 20.5. Manual Rodriguez: 2nd Place with ?
NEXT NO CAL JAM : Rengsdorff Park, Saturday the 16th Of August at Noon!
Expect more of the same activities, food and ghost jam awards.
Lets think about a modest flatland contest with the same elements as the jams for late Sept. or Early October. Any suggestions for a location???
On 7/11/2003 Gary H.
wrote in from
Bob, I think I speak for everyone, thank you for making the event happen.
We should do it again soon.
On 7/11/2003
steelwheel Bob
wrote in from
Results of the Gary Holl Mitchell Park Flatland Freestyle Jam practice events. This was a "ghost jam" style of contest and not intended for anything other than the fun of being there. There were several activities that emerged from the group and some great skating took place. So, with a little drum roll, here are our outstanding skaters of the day in no praticular order:
Julius Plesmakov: 2nd Place High Jump (32")18 and over. 2nd Place Longboard Freestyle
Nils Hanson: 1st Place Freestyle 17 and under. 1st Place High Jump (41")17 and under. 2nd place Longest Ollie (53"). 4th Place Highest Ollie.
Manual Rodriguez: 2nd Place Freestyle 18 and Over. 2nd Place Longest Wheelie Open.
John Kim: 1st Place Longboard Freestyle Open
Jorje Lin: 5th Place Highest Ollie
Robert Raymond: 1st Place High Jump(43") 18 and Over. 4th Place Freestyle 18 and Over.
Erik Matlin: 3rd Place Freestyle 18 and Over.
Gary Holl: 1st Place Freestyle 18 and Over. 1st Place Longest Wheelie Open.
Ayako Matsuoloa: 2nd Place Novice Female Freestyle Open.
Erika Hidalgo: 1st Place Novice Female Freestyle Open.
( lab is now closing , so I will post the rest of the results tomorrow! )
On 7/11/2003
steelwheel Bob
wrote in from
By The Way ! There will be another great Carrasco Family Style Flatland Free-for-all Jam on Sunday, July 20th, the day after the Casper Classic. Some of the out of town contestants will be at the jam including the Dynamic Duo of A.J.Kohn and J.J.O'Donnell who go by the name of The Philly Connection. It will start around 10:00 am to accomidate skaters that need to get on a plane and would have to leave a little early. This may be the only change some of you, that are not going to be able to make it to the Casper Classic, will be able to skate with the skate stars from around the world. Please come and have some classic fun, tell your friends. Now, for those of you that like to hit all the stops, There will be an evening jam at the Hermosa Beach Pier on th 17th PLUS!!! a "Bob Staton 60th Birthday Mexican Dinner Party" right there at a restaurant ( a favorite of Terry Synnott )at the foot of the Pier. All are invited, so RSVP if you can come!
On 7/11/2003
steelwheel Bob
wrote in from
O.K, I re-read the Dagoo comments and I must have missed the "Edison Park" post the first time around. Dagoo was there and i have the name of everyone that was in the area. It's coming together now, and other clue is the fake name "Dagoo" which sounds like Dago, a locals slang name for San Diego. Nagoo was not at Edison Park, but Dagoo may have also faked the name Nagoo on the f-forum. A common practice of using fake names to cause trouble is one of the things that caused the f-forum to be changed to a pre-registration board. That is probably why Dogoo apperared here and is not on the f-forum. The ID if Dagoo is at hand! For what ever it is worth.Nahahahaha!
On 7/11/2003 Arab
wrote in from
Bob-Whoever it is stumped me pretty good with a comment about Edison park, Remember he said he was there on the otherside of the wall where the curb is?, I skated thru there when I left with Nathan that day, there was 3 guys that wernt part of our group hanging out, if I remember only 1 was old enough to remember the 80's.
He has been all over this site with his witty bantor, thats why I'm the Pres of the Dagoo Fan Club.
Anybody that can slalom to music on the slalom track is OK by me.
Which way did he goo........................
On 7/11/2003
steelwheel Bob
wrote in from
Terry: That makes sence. He seemed to know a little too much about what buttons to push but only in a specific range so I don't think he is active today. Do you know for sure that this is not Nagoo?
On 7/11/2003
Terry Synnott
wrote in from
Haha, this is getting too funny. If I remember correctly, David turned out to be one of the best freestylers of all time having a little bit of fun at everybody else's expense. He finally owned up to it awhile back, but I don't feel it's my place to spoil his fun.
On 7/11/2003
steelwheel Bob
wrote in from
Hi Andy! Yes, we are all pretty sure he is Nagoo from the WFSA F-forum and we will know for sure when he responds to this post. We have tracked 5 of his email addresses, so that would lead me to think that he is not alowed to use the comp. at his house and must go to friends. He has posted from the same address while on this site so he probably has a friend that lets him post on a regular basis. He is from Australia and is probably part aborigional, or has a close connection to aborigional live. Possibably a parent is a missionary or govt. worker. I think he may have also lived in the US or UK for a while as his knoweledge of the 80's freestyle scene, where he seems to be fixated, is saturated with icons from those two areas. I would not be supprised if he was a problem on skatetalk, or skate4life also as his style is classic skatetalk pest.
On 7/9/2003
wrote in from
speaking of mainstream, i have skated a lot at vans milpitas this past year, and have noticed more kids doing freestyle tricks like rail stand to flips, one footed manuals, etc.
oftens times there will be an impromptu flatland session in the 'no man's land' part of the street section.
I met a kid in there last week, he had one footed and two footed manuals down (ok wheelies, happy?), both nose and tail! (i had him do it around the pool) He told me he learned it from doing one footed wheelies on his razor scooter.
anyways, i still need to check out rodney mullen in THPS3.
On 7/7/2003 President of the Mr Dagoo club
wrote in from
Dagoo-I'm the president of the Dagoo fanclub, Chutzpah is Jewish, its a good thing!