Freestyle (1664 Posts)
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On 2/16/2004
Dave - Skaterbuilt
wrote in from
WE HAD A KILLER TIME AT THE HB FREESTYLE JAM! We were the first to show up at noon along with longboard guru EdE-but we had to leave a bit earlier than expected. It was our newborn daughters' first trip outside! It was SWEET-she got to hang with Richy and Maria for a few so I could get in some tricks on Richy's new wheel. Great time, wished I could hung longer....This was a historic freestyle moment, Primo, John "The Pontiff" Pope, legendary Per Welinder, Andre Walton, etc...great gathering and I commend the Carrasco's for keeping it ALIVE and REAL. Thanks again 360 Kings!
On 2/16/2004
Rene' CANNONBALL Carrasco
wrote in from
Photo: Rene' C.
*more JAM photo's @ http://www.renecarrasco.com/_wsn/page5.html
On 2/16/2004
wrote in from
> Photo's by Rene' CANNONBALL Carrasco - - Sun. - Feb. 15 - 2004 !
***For more COOL PHOTO'S from the "H.B. JAM" - - -
go to my web page -
On 2/16/2004 SK8KINGS.COM
wrote in from
Greetings from some of the boyz hanging out at the HB Skate Jam . . .
more pics to come. As you can see Primo and Mike were a little "pumped" up for the event . . .
On 2/14/2004 Richy C
wrote in from
Hey me-dork! come on out to HB,Edison park,Jam! You and dorks like you are the reason why I am so into freestyle skating
On 2/13/2004
wrote in from
just read the Gary Holl interview, check it out!
never expected to see the word HPV in the freestyle forum, weird.. ;-)
hc http://www.geocities.com/sk8sanjose/freestyle.html
On 2/12/2004
wrote in from
EY wat the is going on with you people, isn't there any frestyle/street skater uit there, dude this is sick. Don't you people ever heard of new school skating. Your decks are even older than me. (Must say though there were quite some cool tricks)But new school freestyle skating is much cooler then this s#@!.
On 2/11/2004
Rene' CANNONBALL Carrasco
wrote in from
Bob Staton, ......I checked out your early website -
-the music - the song - playing is an "instrumental" version of the 1958 hit- "AT THE HOP" - by Danny and the Juniors !
Ahhhhh, those were the days......... my favorite singer in that era was Bobby Rydell , and the early Motown music was FANTASTIC too !
I actually saw "Bill Haley and the Comets" sing "Rock Around the Clock" LIVE on T.V. - ... I think it was 1958 or 1959 ! ! ! Real cool.....
............................ ..-Rene' CANNONBALL Carrasco !
On 2/11/2004 Maria C.
wrote in from
Bob -- I'm worried you may have too much time on your hands . . . ;) Ha Ha . . . although I'm sure you couldn't possibly . . . interesting though. See ya Sunday!
On 2/11/2004
Bob Staton
wrote in from
Don’t ask me why, but I thought I would look up my own name and see what the other Bob Statons of the world were up to.
I discovered that many of them were a lot like me, a President or CEO or Councilman or the head of something. I thought I would cut and paste a few. This first one freaked me out because it sounds just like me and my work with the WFSA International Foundation, so I dropped in my wording in ( )’s. These are for real!
“Bigger donors make a bigger difference," Vice President for Development Bob Staton said about corporate officers, who can afford to make multimillion-dollar endowments.
He said the goal of the Bicentennial Capital Campaign (WFSA IF), the university's (WFSA’s) donation campaign, has never been to solicit only large donations.
"We want to solicit donations from everyone with an interest to support the university,"( freestyle) Staton said.
OK, how am I going to run all those contests all over the world? I’m not , you are, BUT..there will always be a Bob Staton near by, like in North Carolina:
"The Village of Flat Rock" North Carolina City Council is now comprised of: Ray E. Shaw, Jr - Mayor Bob Staton - Council Member - District 1 Nick Weedman - Council Member - District 1 Judy Boleman - Council Member - District 2 Terry Hicks - Council Member - District 3 Don Roark - Council Member - District 3
How come I never get any “of the year” awards? 2001 Business Leader of the Year Bill Barnet is joined by two past Business Leaders: Bob Staton, left, and Joel Smith, right.
I am an environmentalist too! Environmental Success Story Confirming the Lignite Industry's Commitment to Protect the Environment Nelson Lake: Water for fun and power Water skiing in the winter? In North Dakota? It sounds impossible, but don’t tell that to Don Sinness of Bismarck. He and his friend Bob Staton accomplished the feat over a decade ago, but they had a little help.
And you thought I was only famous for being the inventor of the traditional freestyle board…. If you are having trouble diagnosing problems with your ATOMIC-4 engine, please call and we will try to help.
Contact Bob Staton at Seacraft Publications: tel: (416) 251-6366 fax: (416) 251-6365 e-mail: atomic4servicemanual@sympatico.ca
Dealer inquiries welcome.
And you wondered why I’m always wearing a red hat, t-shirt and shoe laces in the jam photos…. "We hoped that by making hunters more visible to other hunters, we would be able to reduce the number of hunting injuries and deaths," said Bob Staton, protection programs supervisor for the Conservation Department. "It has been a tremendous success."
Why am I always on the road, the forum, and the Internet trying to build new freestyle communities???…. COMMUNITY OF EXCELLENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bob Staton, Chairman Ike McLeese, President Greater Columbia Chamber of Commerce The COG will hear a report on the Chamber's "Community of Excellence" initiative dealing with the public, private and non-profit sectors of the community to help determine a shared regional vision.
With my spelling so bad, you’ve probably wondered where I went to school?…. Report shows S.C. students short of goals EOC Chairman Bob Staton called students' improvement rate "mild." He said South Carolina must improve its education system faster than nearly all other states to reach its goal.
With age comes memory loss, I came across one of my own web sites I had forgotten about. It plays Rock Around the Clock or Rockin’ Robin… hmmm, check it out: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/8480/
On 2/9/2004
Maria C.
wrote in from
Hey Mike -- Glad to hear from you on this forum. Don't have an e-mail for you -- if you shoot me your address -- I'll add you to our Newsletter list -- a list that is kept private and only used for SK8KINGS updates.
When we last met with Andre he was planning to be at the jam barring any work-related conflicts. Primo and John are expected along with many other cool people. Should be a good time.
As for SK8KINGS product -- we will bring some extra stuff with us -- we are hand-delivering some orders to a couple of people at the jam already. See ya there!
On 2/9/2004 mike mullen
wrote in from
is andre walton gonna be at the edison park jam? i used to skate with him at the huntington pier with rudy perez & my friend sammy. it would be cool to see him after all these years.hey richey & any other business owners,bring some product with you to the jam & i will bring my wallet. bring some xxl sk8 king shirts & some decks & stickers.also any videos or dvd's would be cool to buy. hopefully primo & john pope will show up.last time i went i missed seeing per welinder because i arrived too late.mr welinder if you are reading this please show up at the jam.per is easily in the top five of all time bad ass freestylers.it would be cool to see a true bones brigade legend freestyling in person.see you all on sunday..adios.
On 2/8/2004
wrote in from
We are stoked to welcome two new team members to our SK8KINGS Family . . . Gary Holl of Nor Cal and Andre Walton of So Cal -- team pages and bio coming soon to SK8KINGS.COM . . . It's interesting that we have so many great spinners on our team . . . Richy is looking forward to many 360 shoot outs with the team mates! Cheers!
Don't forget the Jam is set for this Sunday - Feb 15 in HB.
On 2/5/2004
Bob Staton
wrote in from
Cal Poly Flatland & Freestyle Contest up date
Emailed to Erik Matlin on 02/05/05
Hi, Erik How is everything at school going? I hope you are getting in some good freestyle skating time.
Here is what is happening so far for the April 17th WFSA Cal Poly M.E.D. Flatland & Freestyle & Flugtag Benefit Skateboard Contest 2004.
We have the Santa Rosa Park roller hockey rink reserved for April 17th.
George Leone likes the idea and the Flugtag contest idea also.
What we need to do is to establish this event as a mechanical engineering dept. activity to be able to be registered as an official event of Poly Royal and be listed in the program. So we need to talk to George and the MED heads to get everyone on the same page and get back to the Poly Royal Committee before Feb. 20th with confirmation.
We will need to make an announcement to the MED students and staff about the Flugtag event that will be in Portland Or. on the 31st. of July, so all interested students can participate. Then we will have to recruit Flugtag team members and build the Cal Poly/WFSA entry in George's hanger on campus. We have WFSA team members in Portland to assist on that end.
So, our WFSA freestyle contest is a benefit for the Cal Poly MED Flugtag entry.
We will have an entry fee with profits going to the CP MED Flugtag Project. We will probably be able to set up a MED booth, sell stuff, and have an exhibit of MED projects including the HPV cars.
The events for the day will probably be:
Freestyle Contest- Open/sponsored division, 15 and under division, 16 and over division ( two runs of two minutes ) Three- in- a- row best trick- 15 and under division, 16 and over division ( two runs of one minute )
Team game of s.k.a.t.e.- Open ( teams of three members go off two teams at a time so that there are six skaters per game, first team per game that has two skaters eliminated is out and the other team advances.)
Manual-to-Manual- Open ( two 45 second runs, back to back , of a manual to manual sequence without touching all four wheels to the ground)
High Jump- 6ft. and over division, 5ft. to 6ft. division, 5ft. and under division
Awards to 3rd place in all divisions
Give me a call: 805-705-4817
Thanx, Bob
On 1/29/2004 gh
wrote in from
and you are now OJ...not that OJ.. Orange Julius.
On 1/29/2004 Orange Julius
wrote in from
O.K. Gary Holl is now known as the " Professor " John Kim is now known as the " Iron Chef " Erik Takaoka has always been " Taco "
On 1/29/2004
steelwheel Bob
wrote in from
Yes, thats right, Gary Holl has been increasing his freestyle activity lately. I'm working on an interview of Gary for the WFSA F-Magazine, I'll let you know when that is up and ready to read.
Today I have been on the phone with Palo Alto and Mt. View recreation depts. over the cost of rental and insurance for either Rengstorff or Mitchell Park as the site of the WFSA Nor Cal Open Flatland Freestyle Contest. The contest date is not set but will be a weekend day in April or May. Rengstorff has not returned my call yet but Mitchell park is working out a deal as we speak. Mitchell park would cost $10. and hour plus what ever their insurance package comes in at. A budget would be developed and funds raised to pay for trophies and a per diem for staff. A modest entry fee of around $12.00 should off set some of the expence. I want to connect this event to a local charity as a benifit.
Those of you interested in being on the Nor Cal planning and staff team (or any of the teams for the other events listed here) please contact me. bobstaton@hotmail.com, 805-705-4817
The WFSA San Luis Obispo (SLO) Open Flatland Freestyle Contest will probably be on Saturday the 17th of April. This will probably be a part of the Poly Royal event and will be a benifit for the Cal Poly Mechanical Eng. students Red Bull Flugtag entry. The WFSA/Cal Poly Flugtag entry will be ready, I hope, for the July 31st Portland Oregon Red Bull event.
The WFSA So Cal Open Flatland Freestyle Contest is probably going to be in May and will probably be at Perry Park in Redondo Beach. This will be a benifit for the RBSA skate park project. No agreement has been reached yet.
For the fall, I'm working on the WFSA Sebastopol Open Flatland Freestyle Contest. I have found a location on the map but I need to actually go there so I will probably have an exploratory jam there in July or August. This would be a benifit for the local skate park project.
Also in the works is the WFSA San Diego Open Flatland Freestyle Contest. No location has been found as of yet but I would like to do this one in October.
I have been in contact with the Mervyns Beach Bash IMG organization over the possibility of haveing the WFSA USA Pro Flatland Freestyle Contest as a part of their event in Huntington Beach in June.
What's left ? Oh yes, the ASR show in San Diego in Sept. We may be running the entire skateboarding activities (if I have my way) and that will put our flatland freestyle activitiy in center stage with the street course and the mini-ramp.
Those of you that came and helped and demoed etc at last years ASR Show, did a great job. We had the largest gathering of freestyle pros and legends in one place since the 80"s. We were there from open to close all three days with open jam time between our little events that served the wandering masses of skate pros looking for something to do. We have it together and should be the body that runs the whole skate program at the ASR Show in a seamless integrated production.
(insert Howard Dean sound bite)
On 1/29/2004 Gary H.
wrote in from
Julius has been spotted with his new kickin' flatland set up too.
In the Flatland world I'll drop the Sgt. and go with the "Professor". In slalom you have to YELL at people when they ride to motivate them. In freestyle it's more about technique and teaching foot, body arm positions.
Gary "The Professor" H.
On 1/29/2004 Julius
wrote in from
Rumour mill. Sgt. Holl has been spotted riding a lot of flatland locally. Rail, finger flips, footwork and those crazy whirrling steel wheel 360's ! Is there going to be another Holl model soon? Another Fox Sports show " The Sgt. Holl Experience " 31 Stay Tuned ? Also spotted riding was Erik Takaoka, he's got a lot of trick's he just keeps pulling out of the bag. I'll just have to practice more to keep up with these guys. J.
On 1/16/2004
Rene' CANNONBALL Carrasco
wrote in from
Bob Staton,
I did not know that was your sister in the photo I took. Sorry. -I met alot of people and skaters that day!
That is INCREDIBLE that you both have not skateboarded together since 1960! Wow!
Hey Diane, hope you keep up the skateboarding! Cool.
Bob - since you wanted to see it in a better resolution, - I think it deserves a LARGER image post - here goes-
Bob and Diane - back skatin' again since 1960 - at the 2003 Huntington Beach Freestyle Jam!
There ya go - ...........-Rene' CANNONBALL Carrasco!
On 1/16/2004
wrote in from
Ohhhh, It's time for the Jam HB style. I remembered the first one with Skaterbuilt,he put a picture up of himself. Is that guy for real does that cat still skate? Does it matter how many or what kind of tricks you can do? I only have 75 super hard tricks and a few connecting lines. Who's bringing the food?
On 1/16/2004
Maria C.
wrote in from
Bob -- Look forward to seeing you and your crew at the Jam in Feb. I've been hearing from some other hot young skaters in the area who are planning to come out -- as well as Primo who is making the trip from San Diego and John Pope who lives out that way too. The great thing about the jam is it's open to all levels of skaters -- come out and meet some new friends in a low key friendly atmosphere. It's not really about competition -- though we may see some impromptu "360 shoot-outs" and maybe even a high jump event (if we can fabricate one in time) for anyone who IS looking for a challenge.
Please tell us more about the Jan 31 expo? I want to add it to our all inclusive calendar at SK8KINGS.COM (go to “NEWS” and then “EVENT CALENDAR”) as well as consider attending. Thank you for all your efforts Bob -- cool!
As a general note to everyone -- the Calendar I mention above -- which is being hosted on our web site -- is open to everyone. I will gladly include events which are submitted either directly (button at bottom of calendar page) or via direct e-mail. I am hoping to help "unify” some of the disciplines, provide a central location to see what's on and to help those planning events see what dates might pose a conflict. Also -- we have a Forum on the site too -- stop by and say "Hi" - talk to the SK8KINGS -- or let us know about events and things in your area. Cheers!
On 1/16/2004
steelwheel Bob
wrote in from
Nice eFlyer Maria!
Rene, that picture of me is with my sister Diane. We had not skateboarded together since 1960! I would like to get a HQ jpeg of that to show the folks back home.
The Staton family will be at the Jam along with a few of the LA inner city crew.
I will be doing a demo with Nils and James Santillan at the Skate Park Expo on Jan 31st in Long Beach.
I will be looking into the possibility of having a modest contest at Edison Park some time this year.
Also, Rene, I did not get a responce from you about being on the WFSA International Foundations Board of Directors. ???
On 1/15/2004
wrote in from
More info will be announced on the "Forum" -- "News and Events" at SK8KINGS.COM
We had a good turnout at the last OC Jam in October '03 and the two before that were killer too. Hope to see some new faces along with the regulars.