Video (832 Posts)
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Panasonic Core Tour
On 6/18/2003 Unit
wrote in from
Core Tour rocked.
Only got some All Terrain, Surfing, and Skateboard footage though.
New stuff posted at; www.Dirtboarders.com
Downhill Skating Clips
On 6/18/2003
wrote in from
Here's a few downhill skating clips with music me and a few friends have made from footage over the past few years.
They are between 2-4 meg is size. Tell me what ya think
cheers big ears THE AUSSIE CREW
Looking for Luca vid
On 6/15/2003
wrote in from
Anyone out there have any video for download on this slalom monster?
I need to see what JG said today for myself.
All Terrain clips
On 6/10/2003 Unit M
wrote in from
Some stuff from a few places this year
There's a short park clip on the site under on of the articles.
I hope to get some footage from the Core Tour this weekend. Will post it if I get it.
Animal Chin
On 6/4/2003 Kolu
wrote in from
JRC just mentioned in the 'banks and ditches' forum that Animal Chin might be re-released this summer in DVD format. Anyone have inside info? I'd like a copy....
On 6/2/2003
wrote in from
new sliding video up on my web-site. coleman and 360 slides.. check it out @ www.geocities.com/sk8sanfran
On 5/23/2003
wrote in from
On 5/21/2003
wrote in from
You have to choose that option from the menu. When the menu page comes up, tab down to the SPECIAL FEATURES and press OK on your remote. FREESTYLE EXPERIENCE is the top choice. Click OK on that. On the next page at the bottom it says THIS OPTION DEACTIVATES ANY SUBTITLES tab over to ON and hit OK. On the next page tab down to PLAY MOVIE and hit PLAY.
That should work! Enjoy!
Dogtown DVD problem
On 5/21/2003
wrote in from
So what's the deal? There is supposed to be this special feature where the zephyr icon comes up during the movie and you hit enter on the remote when you see it, and then you get to see "extended raw footage" of that scene. Problem is, on my DVD and the one I just rented from Blockbuster to check, is that the icon never comes up so I just don't get it? Am I doing something wrong? Anyone??
Mayhem In Moab 2003
On 5/18/2003 Unit M
wrote in from
Those links may be removed soon, sorry. They are to be moved to here.
Here's a new one, this one is at it's final URL destination. Enjoy!
Mayhem in Moab 2003
On 5/15/2003 Unit
wrote in from
I don't have much on longboarding, because I can't get anyone to film me. I also have no one to ride with right now. I've got some Mountainboarding footage I put together last night if anyone wants to check it out.
Broadband (14.3 MB)
Dial Up (4.5 MB)
Longboarding single shot
May be down from time to time, or inaccessable. Try again later if having problems.
Hanover link
On 5/1/2003
wrote in from
Sorry about that. I guess Lycos doesn't do direct linking. Use the link below and download from there
File is hanover.avi http://members.lycos.co.uk/shadowofbob/ Right click to save or click to open
vid link
On 5/1/2003
wrote in from
robert i couldnt get it on that link.
Speedboarding and carving on Hanover
On 4/30/2003
wrote in from
hi mike, in my first tryes i was goin more straight and on the very first run,when i "stand up" on the board,the ground became a wall cause of the steepness so, i ve done a slide to try to slow down,but with 60° steep of rottten concrete you can t expect to slow down,and once the board reached first teh road down the barage my butt crash cause of the presure and was f#@!in sore in my whole back n head.what would be possible and fun to do would be to drop the road along the botom of the barage and go up on the barage for do slides like on a wave,the concrete is rotten cause before this used to hold a water lake so it slide very easely,believe me!!! no-comp ridin unridable s#@! sincec 1976
no comp video
On 4/30/2003
wrote in from
i would like to see somebody slide that wall. maybe not on the largest part, but at least the little part. looks real slick. have you seen gravity's trailer for their new movie? they slide some similar terrain that looks jsut sick. check it out on www.gravityboard.com
On 4/30/2003
wrote in from
well come over here and we can make a dual race :) we will see how fast u will go :)
75ft wave video
On 4/30/2003
wrote in from
I don't see the fun in that, way too slooow.
drop of 60° steep 75ft high ,rotten concreet
On 4/29/2003
wrote in from
video of concrete surfing on a wave of 75ft higu and 270 ft long, a must to see, real player streaming hope u enjoy and leave your impressions here http://www.d173.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=6
On 4/25/2003
wrote in from
hi all i am pleased to tell you that a video of the D173 is available for download here http://www.d173.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid=5
it s 70 MB and a light version in streaming is also avalaible,
enjoy the ride!!! thx to riderz.net for the nice work!
"Vintage Video Footage for Trade"
On 4/23/2003
wrote in from
GREAT SITE: Keeping old school alive!!!
IOWASK8ER's motto is: Old School Skater's get all the chicks and make all the tricks!! so get old school kid's
ALSO: check out my old school website for photos & my list of vintage skateboarding footage! a must skate website!
if you see something you want? please send me your list. this will make this trade a easy one!! if you dont have anything to trade? we can work some thing out!!!!
Also looking for a photographer/producer named Greg Lamons (I believe this is how he spelled his name) he filmed a full length motion picture in '79 about Badlands skaters. He died in an auto accident about a month after the picture was complete and I don't know where the film went or where it is today.
If anyone has any idea, or know anyone who does, I'd be gald to make it worth you effort to locate it. It had a lot of extrememly classic old school pool,pipe and vert footage.
I'm also trying to find some of the old CBS Sports footage from the Califorhia free Former World Skateboard Championships that was on CBS July 2 & 3 1977 Akron, Ohio at the (Derby Downs)
I heard of a veteran video editor, named Tyrrell who faced the task of editing 17 years' worth of "CBS Sports Spectacular" tapes into 13 "Classic Sports Spectacular" shows. The quadruplex 2" tapes had sat on shelves in various warehouses, survived floods and fires, and finally in 1997 were transferred to a digital format. ok where are they? does any one know?
============================================ also adding a cool e-mail from Elgato
Lewis,aka IASK8ER
It's great to hear from skaters from back in the day. I really enjoyed the time I spent their in Des Moines. It's amazing looking at the cool pic's from back then and to see how we skated the ramps with no decks. I would like to see some of the video footage you have from then if possible. I don't have any footage of me from my Variflex days. I wish I would have heard from you earlier, because I was in Sioux City a couple of weeks ago doing a demo.
Talk to you later
El Gato
WELL ENUFF FOR NOW ENJOY THIS SITE AND THEN SURF MINE! http://www.angelfire.com/ia/vidnight/Skate.html
On 4/22/2003
wrote in from
but WHY WHY WHY! allright! smack!
okay hummm... again,a new video is born! http://sona13.free.fr
it's just called video2...click on it, it will begin downloading...
On 4/21/2003 hc
wrote in from
i told gary holl about it, he had a good laugh! ;-)
On 4/18/2003 Guillaume
wrote in from
almost done no problem!
On 4/17/2003 hc
wrote in from
guillame, i suggest you remove the logo.
check under 'bay area links' to find out why,
www.geocities.com/sk8sanjose hc