Video (832 Posts)
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Flowlab/Loaded video
On 1/19/2004 Dom
wrote in from
found on another site: >>>> New Flowlab/Apple computer video clip with a guest appearances from Lloyd and the guys from Loaded and Palermo Longboards:
http://www.flowlab.com/videos/fce_demo.mov (9.5 megs)
Dogtown And Z-Boys
On 1/10/2004 Mr.Bean
wrote in from
OK, I finally saw the documentary a few weeks ago. I know..."What took you so long?"
Anywho, the point I'm posting about is something I don't remember they touched in the doc. If I remember correctly, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't they the ones to revolutionize skateboard decks by making them wider (ie. "pigs")?
I practically lived in CA vicariously through my old Skateboarder, Skateboard World, Wide Wolrd of Skateboarding Mags and am pretty sure they came up with the wider-board concept. Am I wrong?
On 1/9/2004 Unit
wrote in from
Oh yeah... and there's also video from last weekend too. Grass slope carving and stuff. It was fun, try and make it if you can.
On 1/9/2004 Unit M
wrote in from
I was probably just not wanting to put up with it at the time. I'll post some more footage soon for the people who want to be entertained by it. For now I've uploaded some footage (including a 1260 attempt from the U.S. Open) at Dirtboarders.com
Hey Glen, We're riding every weekend this month and this weekend it's in the LA area again. If you're interested, talk to Todd at http://www.socaldirtriders.com
It's always a pretty mellow ride with their company so no worries about keeping up, and there is going to be a BBQ. It would be nice to finally meet you and family if you can attend this Saturday.
For pictures of last weekend, go to either Dirtboaders.com or Pyramid Pyro.com for a cool story too. There are a lot of new riders coming in and we'd like to have you a'board. I got a new 3CCD cam too, so I'll be filming something.
shining star
On 12/15/2003
wrote in from
glend. if it's not too much trouble could i also get a copy please? i have been searching for it for a while now and had just given up. please...
Shining Star
On 12/14/2003 repairman Cam
wrote in from
Kudos on your work! I find it quite the little pick-me-up when weather or real life kept me from going outmand pushing wood...My hat (or helmet) is off to you.
Shining Star
On 12/13/2003 GlenD
wrote in from
That was a video clip I had made for Solidskate. I don't know if it exists anywhere except in my old archives somewhere. I'll look for it and if I find it I'll email it to you.
looking for short longboard video...
On 12/10/2003
repairman Cam
wrote in from
I used to have a little video clip from a skateboard company, I think it was Solid Skate. Anyway It was some nice moves set to the music of Earth Wind and Fire's Shining Star...Unfortunately when my computer died it took that video with it. Does anyone know where I can find a copy to download?
hot heels
On 12/10/2003
wrote in from
please send on my E-mail address
On 12/2/2003
wrote in from
here is a little video i messed around with the other day. skating after spending the morning up skiing and boarding is fun. skating when it is sub 40 degree weather is fun too when it is dry. not that great tricks or even skills really. it's my first editing experience and filming experience, but here it is... please crituque me. http://home.comcast.net/~slcsk8/11-30-03guttemp_0001.WMV
All we do is skate
On 12/2/2003
Michael Brönnimann
wrote in from
We've got a little Downhill Movie, it's not actually very good, I just cut together some scenes of our training sessions on the Swiss World Cup Course and some other nice spots. Even Swiss Skate fast :)
Link: http://www.streetsurf.ch/movies/All_We_Do_is_SkateMedRes.zip
Scabs in wonderland
On 11/28/2003
wrote in from
I saw the flick, its really good, next thing cannes ( i mean beer cans*nes*)
Scabs in Wonderland
On 11/28/2003 shnitzel
wrote in from
here's the newest little ditty....
Sunset Skatefest
On 10/31/2003 Dom
wrote in from
(copy and paste)
swiss videos
On 10/28/2003
yvon Labarthe
wrote in from
http://www.yl-roller.ch/videos/chamrousse2003_luge.zip http://www.yl-roller.ch/videos/chamrousse2003_longboard.zip http://www.yl-roller.ch/videos/chamrousse2003_roller.zip
and many more in www.yl-roller.ch (click on videos)
Dirtboard videos
On 10/27/2003 Glen D.
wrote in from
I like the dirtboard videos. I was one of the original people who pushed to have this video page on NCDSA so that people could share their stoke with others. I'm do and have done skate videos for The FIRM, Gravity, Afroman, Fibreflex, Turner Downhill, and Deplo. I just got to see a Mountain board friend of mine (Josh Knepper MBS) do a demo today and was stoked on it. It's roots are split between skateboarding and snowboarding, whose roots are in skating too. The more the merrier. You don't like them, don't download them.
Dirtboard vids
On 10/19/2003 Dom
wrote in from
Unit - don't stop putting up those pics and videos. I think they're pretty cool. If somebody doesn't want to view them, they don't have to click the links.
Dirtboard vids
On 10/19/2003
PA Dan
wrote in from
Sorry Pierre, but dirtboarding (All Terrain) has its own category here on NCDSA just like Slalom, Speedboarding, Pools & Parks, etc. If these guys want to put up links to their videos, what is it to you or me?
Dirtboard Videos
On 10/19/2003 Unit M
wrote in from
Thank you for your feed-back, no more videos, pictures or information will be contributed from me to this website; longboard, skateboard, off road skateboard, or dirtboard.
If the administration to this website could plaese delete the posts made for dirtboarding, it would greatly be appreciated as it will save me quite a bit of bandwidth. Otherwise I would just have to change the image paths and it would unfortunately slow connection time to this page by a quite bit. I would not want to see this website suffer from this.
Sorry for the inconvienience, -Unit
mtb videos
On 10/19/2003 pierre
wrote in from
Maybe it's just me but i think we should try to contribute more to the video section with skateboarding, i'm sick of all those dirtboard vids that keep showing up here...Or add a dirtboard video section?
School Tour
On 10/18/2003 Unit M
wrote in from
Click on cover shots to read up
Two new videos, bonus interview with Jon Sever, hundreds of new pictures, many new articles. Have had several new covers as information is updated near every single weekend, finally have some new videos posted.
Trade Bones Brigade....
On 10/13/2003 Jay
wrote in from
If anyone has the Bones Brigade videos " Propoganda " and "Ban This".....I would be mosted interedted in trading.
I have the earlier "Search for Animal Chin" and "Public Domain".
an ego trip longboard video.
On 10/8/2003
Christian Stepien
wrote in from
Hey everyone,
I just wanted to let you guys know about a video my bro and I made this past summer. We've posted it up online at...
...if you're interested. It was our first attempt at a video, and is basically just us carving down the streets of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada to the sounds of Sublime. If you get a chance, fire some comments and/or suggestions for our next vid.
SPEEDSLALOM pro mpegs World cup Italy 93
On 10/2/2003
gianluca ferrero
wrote in from
giammarco luca,ridoli,matzukevich sidler,paolo gatti showing their best during world Cup ITALY FILAsPORT sPEED sLALOM cHAMPIONSHIPS 1993
figured NOW on
avaible a library on vhc of more than 20 euro vents.
have fun gianluca