Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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monacocone 2004 slalomcontest munich/germany
On 3/27/2004 thomas wrote in from (62.245.nnn.nnn)

we are starting an parallelslalomcontest in munich on the famous place where also the oktoberfest is. it is directly by the bavaria...

so there comes the infos:

monacocone paralellslalomcontest
place: germany/munich/theresienwiese

time: 24. April 2004
starting at 12.00 the first raceruns...

until 10.30 inscription
until 11.30 free Practice for Riders
12.00 First Runs
14.00 Quarterfinals
16.30 Finals
18.00 Awards
19.00 geting together to the frühlingsfest and have some beers!

paralellslalom. 8% in the start then flat

for all infos please go to:
(sorry website only in german, but i will prepare this weekend an english infotext)

on sunday we make also an snakerunsession on the famous pfannihills in munich. pfannihills was build in the 80´s and its fun also in this time!

hope to see something there if you wan´t to participate on the race please don´t forget to signup on this page:

Take Care

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RE: 2nd April
On 3/21/2004 lee wrote in from (195.234.nnn.nnn)

Hey everybody,

I hope your all cool and enjoying the slightly better weather we have here in Zurich.

I wanted to let people know that on the 2nd of April i will be djing at a bar on Fraumunsterstrasse in Zurich. Its the reopening party and will be a great night. Its called "Old Fashion".

Also my friend from London will be djing there as well who is a great dj.

It will be from 9pm till 2am and if you can make it i would really appreaciate the support and it will be a great night.

It will be funky, latin and sexy house from Uk and all over the world.

email me if you need more info otherwise i hope to see you there.

later sk8ers


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On 3/21/2004 apan wrote in from (81.225.nnn.nnn)

Mysigt att man kan svära allt vad man orkar på svenska utan att deras jävla spam filter tar bort skiten :-) bajspackare är vad de är och spö ska de ha!

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On 3/11/2004 KLANG wrote in from (129.178.nnn.nnn)

Ni har vell inte glömt "TRE KONER" träffen på lördag?
OSA era jävlar.

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Kommer Inte
On 3/10/2004 Ledsen Jumper wrote in from (67.31.nnn.nnn)

väl, tack för hjölpen, men jag kan inte gå till sverigge på semester, ingen pengar.......men om där är någon svenskar som vill att prata över e-post, du har min address. Jag vilja hör alla om longboarding i sverige och hur det står, eller någonting som helst, då var snäll och skriva mig!

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Paris Slalom 2004
On 3/9/2004 VinZzZ wrote in from (212.198.nnn.nnn)

The Paris Slalom World Cup event will be on 29th, 30th and 31st of May 2004
According to the last news of people organizing the event, they're still awaiting the definitive administration authorization (but last time they have been given really really late) but the dates aren't supposed to change.

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ROLLBRETT MAGAZIN the 2 issue avali.
On 3/8/2004 bernhard wrote in from (163.157.nnn.nnn)

hello everybody ,

the ROLLBRETT MAGAZIN(in german)the 2 issue is out .
all about freestyle,slalom,bowls&pipes,longboard, and more....

if you wanna know more .


www.freestyle-skateboarding.de (click on rollbrett banner)


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On 3/4/2004 lee wrote in from (195.234.nnn.nnn)

Hi Ed,

Well me and the Airflow boys will talk about coming to Brands for the race so maybe we can catch up then. Otherwise all is going well mate, good to hear from you and im sure our skateboards will cross paths this year.

Take it easy, good luck for this season,


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a bit in advance
On 3/4/2004 Paul K wrote in from (195.110.nnn.nnn)

just wondering what the chances are of a pick-up from the airport ( zurich ) on the day of the race is for 2-3 people


Paul K

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On 3/4/2004 edwin wrote in from (217.169.nnn.nnn)

Lee, how are you mate.
Hope you had a great Christmas and new year.

Congrats on being on Airflow mate. I probably will not be seeing you in June but definetly next year.

Speak to you later.


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RE: Roe
On 3/4/2004 lee wrote in from (195.234.nnn.nnn)

Sorry to the people who have asked today, the Roe is already now sold to the lucky Raf.

Its amazing how quick people come back to me on this, i wish i had more i could do some good business :0)

take it easy,


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RE: Roe Racing
On 3/3/2004 lee wrote in from (195.234.nnn.nnn)

Hi All,

I have a Roe racing slalom deck which I have decided to sell as I dont use it much because i ride for airflow and prefer to race with those boards so my Roe racing deck is not much use to me, i would rather sell it and for some one to get good use from it.

Please let me know if you are interested otherwise i will bring it along to the races and try to sell it there, but just in case some one is interested just send me an email i can send a pic or something,

take it easy


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Paris Slalom World Cup 2004
On 3/2/2004 SamG wrote in from (193.203.nnn.nnn)

Will there be an English version of the Riderz promotional site for the May slalom and have the racing dates and programme been confirmed so that we can book tickets on the Eurostar?

These dates are very popular in the UK because they fall on a Bank Holiday.

Please let us know about the above as soon as possible so that we can make the necessary arrangements whilst both transport and accommodation are still available.

Looking forward to it!


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On 2/24/2004 raf wrote in from (213.173.nnn.nnn)

wer hat lust am weekend mit nach D Stuttgart mitzukommen. Moartel (Martin Wellein)

unser downhill-freak und gewinner des Death Race in Giessen organisiert eine mega

fette party....

ich fahre sehrwarscheinlich hoch rolli kommt vieleicht auch mit, meldet euch per

mail oder über www.airflow-skateboards.com

grüsse an alle raf

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Saison der Absagen
On 2/24/2004 Mike B. wrote in from (212.117.nnn.nnn)

The British Gravity Festival has been cancelled aswell. Hmmm :(

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this will be fun
On 2/23/2004 marcus wrote in from (195.178.nnn.nnn)

summer is the way to go, with snow still falling it seems a little early to make plans, but send me an email when it starts closing in and we'll set you up!

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Hot Heels
On 2/22/2004 henry wrote in from (172.182.nnn.nnn)

hot heels is cancelled for 2004.

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Season Opening
On 2/17/2004 Mike wrote in from (62.2.nnn.nnn)

Check some of the season opnening the pics under


If you have some on your own, please feel free to add them, also if they aren't from the opening, just put them in another folder

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First Pics
On 2/16/2004 Mike B. wrote in from (62.2.nnn.nnn)

s si paar Bildli dobe, more up to come :)

Raff vs. Brönni:


D Zuekunft vom Speedskate, Steven Vit:


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Season Opening
On 2/15/2004 Mike Brönnimann wrote in from (80.218.nnn.nnn)

Hey, merci a aui wo si cho, isch ja vou dr Hammer-Event gsi :) Mit oder ohni Müeterli, Spass hets abartig gmacht.

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Downhill Season Opening 04
On 2/12/2004 Michael Brönnimann wrote in from (212.117.nnn.nnn)

Nächschte Sunntig wetti so öppis wie ä Saisoneröffnig z Altbüre mahce, wär isch derbi? Wäri schön wenn paari chäme, s Wätter wird schön. How to get there: www.sk8championship/howtogetthere.html
Wenn dr irgendwie öpper bruuchet oder was ou immer schicket mer äs Mail: mike_3_66@hotmail.com

For our English Friends: We're going to ride the spot of the Swiss World Cup Spot next Sunday. If anybody's interested click on the link above to get infos on how to get there. I'm looking forward to see some riders there, the weather will be fine (I hope the TV 's right). Questions: Feel free to contact me under mike_3_66@hotmail.com

This goes out to EVERYONE so don't hesitate to join us, it's going to be fun

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Hooking up
On 2/11/2004 Lutefisk Jumper wrote in from (137.190.nnn.nnn)

Finally a combination of my two most favorite things in the world, longboarding and Sverige. I have long loved the land of the north and have spent much of my time in college studying the land, its language, and especially it's history. This summer I will graduate and I am trying to make it possible to visit sweden for the first time. I cannot wait to try my swedish, self- taught but have never spoken it with anyone. Is there anyone ANTWHERE in Sweden who would be willing to bum around for a few day or something. Someone please show me legendary Swedish hospitality!!!

E-mail me and if you are ever in Utah I can return the favor.

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Paris in May
On 2/10/2004 Claude Regnier wrote in from (67.70.nnn.nnn)

Merci, The big one au Tour.

I know they are also waiting for confirmation. I hope the dates don;t have to change.

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On 2/10/2004 Marcus wrote in from (81.225.nnn.nnn)

Hey Farid!

We'll definately be in Paris, tickets are booked and paid so theres no turning back... we'll see about coming to the US after Paris, it would be awesome but it's a bit away from chilly sweden. I'll just have to go pro and make a million bucks on a shoe deal and I'll be there. My old shoes are done any way so I could use a pair... :) Whos coming to Paris from the US? Kenny is gonna be a dad by then if I have understood correct so I guess he's not coming...

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RE: Steve
On 2/10/2004 lee wrote in from (195.234.nnn.nnn)

Hi Steve,

you wont be alone mate, im from London and live in Zurich, there is a great scene here, lots of races and the people are really cool and friendly, its better and more organised than any other country i have been to.

Feel free to drop me an email if you need any info on roads to ride, events or just to chat. I also dont speak great German either but enough to get by.

just email me what you want to know, we can also meet for a skate, we also do some training and other things aswell.

take it easy


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