Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Nz Riders
On 7/26/2003 Jestah wrote in from (203.96.nnn.nnn)


If your going to be in auckland or more north drop me a line and ill come and bomb some hills


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NZ Downhill
On 7/23/2003 Nic wrote in from (210.54.nnn.nnn)

Riders few and far between, quite a few in Wellington and Christchurch.
Lots of good hills, bring longboard for sure;)

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Downhill in NZ ?
On 7/23/2003 Tobi wrote in from (217.193.nnn.nnn)

I am coming to NZ in october for a few month and im thinking of taking my longboard with me. But I can not found any information about downhill skating in NZ. Are there any good spots in NZ ? Is there someting like a downhillskater community ?

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On 7/16/2003 j wrote in from (132.185.nnn.nnn)

whoops thats oldskaters.com

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tony haslam
On 7/16/2003 jonathan wrote in from (132.185.nnn.nnn)

dude i know you are looking for a boronski deck for the man....some guy on oldskater.com has one!!!!

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boys in blue
On 7/11/2003 PETE wrote in from (211.26.nnn.nnn)

can't be sure about the west coast haven't been over there for a few years but the blue boy's but on the east coast don't even bat an eyelid at D/H skaters-luge's are are different kettle of fish and not as well accepted(by law enforcement or locals)

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Western Australia
On 7/8/2003 Texx wrote in from (80.3.nnn.nnn)

Hi Letus, I'm in the UK at the moment but emigrating around October time. I'm into a bit of longboarding as well as slalom, so hopefully we can hook up for a skate when i get there.
Any good hills around Perth that can be skated without too much hassle from the boys in blue?

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mr atkinson
On 7/6/2003 Pete wrote in from (211.26.nnn.nnn)

yeah he's a good kid, I pretty much built his luge with some help from him over a few weekends, I tend to swap my wheels around a bit pending on conditions but the ABEC 11 pretty much stay on the board and 85mmkryptos on the luge. say g,day to him for me

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On 7/6/2003 joseph wrote in from (211.28.nnn.nnn)

i'm going riding with simon atkinson from A.C.T know him? he's in sydney on thursday. going to go ride woolongong. oh if anyone is interested e-mail me asap. the brisbane guys did not contact you at all? thats a bit rude. sydney guys are way nicer then them. how are the 92mm flys? are you using them for standup or luge? kanufi uses them standup.

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QLD skaters
On 7/6/2003 Pcete wrote in from (211.26.nnn.nnn)

yeah, got in contact with Pat a while ago when picking up some 92mm abecs, he,s since put me in touch with fella's up here but they either don't ride much or they arent interested in playing with anyone else but themselves, I've been up here nearly two months and havent been contacted for a ride, could'nt be bothered hassling them I'tll be good when I get back to the ACT in spring they've got a good friendly scene growing down there.

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On 7/5/2003 joseph wrote in from (211.28.nnn.nnn)

try the luge australia web site. www.lugeaustralia.com for contacts in gold coast/brisbane area.

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QLD Bombers
On 7/2/2003 Pete wrote in from (211.26.nnn.nnn)

any serious DH sktaters or luger's around the gold coast area?

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Western Australia?
On 6/30/2003 Letus wrote in from (203.59.nnn.nnn)

heya Texx, im near Perth in WA.
Im a long boarder and i wouldnt mind getting a slalom board

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solidad - big island
On 6/17/2003 Kolu wrote in from (67.192.nnn.nnn)

solidad - check your email for some big island info....


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On 6/16/2003 Baka Dasai wrote in from (202.32.nnn.nnn)

Hey John, let me know if you have any more details about the slalom race in Yokohama. That's not too far from me, and would be one of the very few opportunities for me to see some slalom.

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old school (well kinda)
On 6/13/2003 joseph wrote in from (211.28.nnn.nnn)

i am looking for a board with a 19-21inch wheelbase that is not a long double kick. if anyone can suggest a board and where to get it in sydney would be much apreciated. i need a stiff board with atleast a kick on the back.

more general question. anyone know of any shops that might carry old school boards in sydney? other than manly blades of course (there today.)

need a new sliding board. really liked a black label (see riding techniques if interested.) but it's to short anyway could really use some help.

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Trading Breckenridge for Japan
On 6/10/2003 John Gilmour wrote in from (209.6.nnn.nnn)

So I decided to stop my plunge into debt and hope for other races in far away lands- today I got this email.

Hello John,

Good Day.

Yokohama race is someday in October. The date is not fixed, yet.
This race will be smaller than Mt. Fuji's race. There will be about 20
30 contestants.

I went Seoul, Korea this March for the sports show. It seemed that
Skateboard market is very small.
I do not think there is slalom skate going on. So as other Asian

I am very interested in bring racers from Japan to US slalom events.
Please let me know the schedule.

Are you coming to Japan next month?

******************************* *********************

Welcome another program into the Skatrix.

Plug me in I'm going for the drop.

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moving ta Hawaii
On 6/3/2003 solidad wrote in from (65.122.nnn.nnn)

I will be moving to the big island in September. Any advice on where to skate?

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Rollerblides size 13UK = 14US
On 6/2/2003 A wrote in from (219.88.nnn.nnn)

And in all Auckland I couldn’t find any pair at this size!!
(except at the price of 350NZ$ - I’m not a professional, I’ll satisfy with something cheaper)

Any suggestion??

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skates up on the north shore
On 5/24/2003 daniel wrote in from (211.28.nnn.nnn)

on the weekend, me and a few mates went hunting around for some good hills to find and we found some, up near warrawee and wharonga, right near hornsby. anyway we got off the train at warrawee and walked up to the pacific highway and turned right, then at the lights (going towards hornsby) we turned down fox valley road, as you walk down, the second or third left there is a realatively big hill called roland ave, then from there onwards on the left and right going down fox valley road, there are lots of roads which are pretty quiet and some have lots of run off.

If you were to turn left at the pacific highway, just after leaving the station and walked towards the school there will be a really steep long road in the middle of the school (the school is broken up into two parts) with substantiol run off. the road quallity is pretty good to.

if you were to travel from central station, it is roughly 40-45 minutes. there are also lots of steep long side streets around that area too.

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rising cones
On 5/19/2003 kanufi wrote in from (139.134.nnn.nnn)

Japan slalom- now that would be fun,i wonder if there willing to put on an all expenses pay trip .Maybee there is the stow away option.

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Land of the rising Cone
On 5/17/2003 John Gilmour wrote in from (209.6.nnn.nnn)

I just got some contact from the Japanese slalom association- looks like this will be a good year for frequent flier miles.

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centenial park
On 5/13/2003 joseph wrote in from (211.28.nnn.nnn)

kanufi if you know anyone driving up to the centenial park near my area that wants to give me a lift (and if fernandez could get one to that'd be good).

i want to take the turner and a bigger board. have not taken the turner real fast yet and can only stop by jumping at the moment. so depending on the size of the hill might need a board i can slide. cant take both by train. call me or e-mail me if you hear anything.

I'll try and print that poster off for you and get it up in a couple of places. will not be untill next week got exams this week and need to use a computer at school with publisher.

Also there is a guy making a web page that i have been talking to that wants some pics. if you want any put up on it tell me or send them to me and i'll get them to him.

Fernandez the photos worked couple of good shots.

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the park
On 5/12/2003 kanufi wrote in from (139.134.nnn.nnn)

Yeah its happening we just have to get a few posters up to advertise.It will be a beginers day with slalom and bombing.The hill isnt huge but it still would freak out a complete novice if the went from the top ,but there is another level down the hill 4 people with less skills. Will let you know when we pull our finger out .

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centenial park
On 5/12/2003 fernandez wrote in from (203.108.nnn.nnn)

hey im new to the this, but ive been skating with joseph for a while now and a couple of times with daniel. i heard about something going on in centenial park, could i get some details?

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