Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Sidewalk Surfing Skateboarding

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Sidewalk Surfing (537 Posts)
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its not a pool, nor a ditch so i post it here
On 9/30/2002 leo wrote in from (199.82.nnn.nnn)

best surfing feeling i experienced was on a velodrome(sp.?) u can carve up and down the "wave"


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get the kids started
On 9/30/2002 Mark wrote in from (199.46.nnn.nnn)

I went to visit a friend over the weekend, someone I hadn't seen in years.
He lives with his girlfriend in an airplane hangar, she has three kids aged
11, 14, and 17. I had my 57" longboard with me, because I rarely go anywhere
without bringing a board. As soon as I saw the smooth floor of the hangar,
I went to get my board from the car. I carved around the hangar, crouching
low to go under plane wings, and just goofing.
Then the kids saw my board. Brandon (11) begged me to stay for dinner, so he
could ride it as long as possible. Tiffany (14) wanted lessons and tips, and
demanded getting her turn (Brandon was hogging it). Neither of these kids has
a shortboard (yet), and now both want a long and a short setup. They were
having a blast rolling down the driveways and taxiways, and were soon carving
smooth arcs. Both made comments to the effect that the long, heavy board "felt
better" under them than the kickflipper setups they'd tried before.
All it takes is a good setup and an open mind. Two more enthusiasts. I've been
instructed to bring more than one board on my next visit.

Mark Colden

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Surfing, sidewalks and all that jive,,,
On 9/30/2002 Speedy wrote in from (169.237.nnn.nnn)

Hello, hello, All! You know, I was looking back at my skating life, and if you count the little bit I've been doing on my little bro's 24" Roller Derby-style banana board, I think I can honestly say I've ridden all the major styles: Old school, new school, VERY old school, dirtboard, longboard... But all in all, longboard and that banana board will forever be my favorite rides.
Skate long. Life fast.


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then new age
On 9/30/2002 SLICK wrote in from (166.113.nnn.nnn)

Im only 15 but i love the older styles of skateing. (you know like the ones in dogtown and the Z-boys) i enjoy all the slides and bank turns but i also am up for the faster version,

What is the green room???


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1975 northbrook il
On 9/30/2002 jordan wrote in from (216.68.nnn.nnn)

sidewalk surfing were it all began,tic tacs,clickity clack zipping down the sidewalks at probably 5-10 mph watching the freshly cut grass swirling behind me or the trails i left after going through someones sprinkler practicing bertlemans in the driveway with rush or blacksabbath ragging in the backround. those were the days.
now i'm just carving @ 40mph in good old cicinnati at age 37
ncdsa rocks, ilb rocks, longboarding rocks!!!

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FL sidewalk surfing...
On 9/30/2002 patio wrote in from (63.65.nnn.nnn)

there's sidewalks to surf at almost any beach...
I could do without the noise and jet fuel drippings of airport-side!
on our SkateTour in January, it'll be extra sweet to see bikinis...especially for the far north doods.
it's always strange going home to Delray Bch at Christmas, and after seeing nothing but overcoats and all up here, the first bikini I see always makes my brain think "stripper", but no, they just walk around like that ALL THE TIME. and it's worth getting sand in your bearings.

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Florida Sidewalk Surfing
On 9/30/2002 Johnny B wrote in from (66.36.nnn.nnn)

A Snowbird Sidewalk Surfing Cruise (as mentioned in Brady's previous post)
is a lot more appealing to the PA crew than a Snowbird Slalom Thingie.

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Florida Sidewalk Surfing
On 9/29/2002 Brady wrote in from (66.21.nnn.nnn)

When I was a wee tad living under pop`s roof, we didn`t have any sidewalks so as we always skated in the street. Luckily it was a dead end street we lived on so cars weren`t a problem.

Now jump back to the future and we have sidewalks everywhere. There`s one in particular that`s south of Ft Laud Airport and has rolling hills going up and down and winding back and forth too. It`s the berm on the south side of the airport turned into a pedestrian park. Nicely landscaped with bushes that hang over in spots that are great for that dip into the green room.

And then there`s the broadwalk at Ft Laud beach. Especially great during spring break :-)

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Florida Sidewalk Surfing
On 9/29/2002 Sponge Bob wrote in from (64.75.nnn.nnn)

Ya know, Florida's sidewalk surfing is the real thing. The sidewalks are just like the surf, F-L-A -T! Yadayaddayyaadddaa

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Commute On A Longboard
On 9/29/2002 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (24.148.nnn.nnn)

ash: There's been a funny sign at the Belmont Army Surplus Skate Shop which is located right at the same level and beside the Belmont "L" stop (read: elevated train) that says: "If you were skateboading, you'd be at home by now!" It always seemed funny to me because anybody who skateboards would feel at home whenever they were on one...

Alan Sidlo

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escorting the little fella
On 9/29/2002 Datu Ramel wrote in from (63.155.nnn.nnn)

Simple pleasure is accompanying my second grader to school. It's four blocks, two crossing guards, one underpass, a blind corner, and clickety clack. My boy rides a 20 inch bike, I follow him on my 46 or 57 incher with his backpack in my left hand. Each time I drop him off at school, yet another student pops his/her eyes out upon seeing the longboard. Most have never seen one; they've heard about them. The best part is that all the young moms dropping off their kids are very curious. They know ollie boards because their sons and neighbors have them. But the ladies can't figure out why a dad has a grown-up (big and long) slightly flexible plaything.

The ride home is in the street, and the crossing guards love putting up that eight-sided thing so I can pump through the intersection.

I hope I live long enough for my son to tow me behind his bike.

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sidewalk surfing
On 9/28/2002 ash wrote in from (24.69.nnn.nnn)

I live about 4 doors down from PD's Hot Shop in Vancouver, I hadn't skated for years when I saw a sign out front of Skull Skates that said "Commute On A Longboard." I thought that was pretty funny, then I went home,got my board out and skated down to the beach. Man, I forgot how good it feels to be Rad. That day was the beginning of my awakening. I realised I can do what ever I want so I bought a big 'ol cruiser. The freedom of riding my skateboard and my bike changed the way I saw life. I work for myself as a designer so nobody really tells me what to do. Last week I gave myself a mohawk... TOTAL RADNESS

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yelling "car"...
On 9/28/2002 sk8nwolf wrote in from (207.16.nnn.nnn)

I didn't sk8 in the 60's or anything like that, but if you've got some really good friends (or an over protective spouse), you'll always have someone to yell car.

When I was younger (in the 80's, heehee), I didn't know it was called sidwalk surfing...but it was such great fun to surf with friends and neighbors. I skate solo right now, and I'm trying to remember all that I've forgotten over the non-skating years, but surfing in the streets is still so much fun.

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On 9/28/2002 John Dillon wrote in from (204.255.nnn.nnn)

Great new forum...and to Datu...I echo your thoughts. I started sidewalk sufing in the 60s when all of us kids shared the only board around, my neighbor's board...we'd all sk8 around and when we did ride in the street we'd have a spotter looking out for cars and we'd shout "car" so the person on the sk8 could clear the way & the car could proceed w/o slowing down...nowadays you don't get that courtesy from anyone......anyways, soon after we all got our own boards & we conquered our own sidewalks,driveways,etc...we ventured out to banked sidewalks, steeper sidewalks...remember catamarans w/ as many people as you could find....i think when I lived in England in the 70s we made a 35-person catamaran....what a jamboree! Big softies in NYC...in May myself & an Allentowner,PA...Johnny B cruised all over NYC , down to Ground Zero, Brroklyn Banks, Naval shipson the hudson then to Central Park, all this before the Central Park Longboarders of NY Downhill Race...a month ago, the day before I sprained my ankle Johnny B, his bro, Jim and myself....wore out the paths in the Owl's head Park where the Millenium sk8 park in Brooklyn is located then we 'toured along the asphalt path between the highway and the hudson ,under the Verrazano Bridge and towards Coney Island...just cruising on our sidewalk surfers..and surfing the banks alongside it...just small ones but banks nontheless...nowadays my sidewalk surfer is between 43.75"and 57" long and not the tiny plastic or wooden deck I rode way back then. I'm still having fun sidewalk surfing at almost 41 y.o.

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sidewalk surfing
On 9/28/2002 mikez wrote in from (196.2.nnn.nnn)

is done on aboard either with very loose trucks or a kicktail, a main road in a small subaurb here in cape town that leads down to the beach is perfect for sidewalk surfing, steep smooth and it has loads of driveways and inclining off roads to do huge turns and "snaps" and stand up slides and whatnot

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this may be cool...
On 9/28/2002 sk8nwolf wrote in from (207.16.nnn.nnn)

Well, I don't have a sidewalk anywhere near me...but if semi-empty roads count...then I'm in

Hmmm...then again, there are not too many no sk8ing signs in town where I work...perhaps I should try some of those.

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On 9/28/2002 Shredder wrote in from (132.230.nnn.nnn)

Look for bushes or trees that hang over the sidewalk and enter the green room...

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ya what he said
On 9/27/2002 erik wrote in from (68.99.nnn.nnn)

Cool, I like this forum. I started surfing about 4 years ago when I was stationed in Hawaii in the Navy. After I got out of the military I moved back home to Phoenix, Az to go to school. Wow am I ever missing the surf. So besides trips to Cali between semesters I dont get to surf much, so I started longboarding hoping that would fill the empty spot...that lack of surfing has created. So far it has been good, but I still can't wait to get back to the ocean to surf real waves, and not concrete ones. But for now this will do just fine.

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Sidewalk Surfing
On 9/27/2002 Datu Ramel wrote in from (63.155.nnn.nnn)

Thanks to Adam, our webmaster, for adding this forum. His suggestion to call it Sidewalk Surfing evokes the "Grab your board" feel of Jan and Dean from those Ed Sullivan and slot car days. With lots of help from these forums and all you fellas out there, I've rediscovered skateboarding and all its improvements.

'Boarding for this suburban kid in the Sixties was my connection to the I'll-never-travel-there and the I'll-never-be-able-to-afford worlds of surfing and skiing. Catching a wave or schussing a piste were barely imaginable fantasies. But in my driveway and on my sidewalk I got hooked up to the feel of gliding and turning thanks to my trusty Roller Derby.

In college, when I learned I could afford to ski, the time between grabs of the tow rope was more enjoyable because I had spent so much time learning about balance and motion on those flat land training devices, skateboards.

Now skateboarding is no longer a surrogate for the more expensive gravity and balance sports. I am addicted to cruising and pumping on flats, especially where all the other recreational movers look at you in wonder and amazement.

Faster than walking. Less stress than jogging. Compared to bicycles? Nobody looks at a bike anymore unless it's a recumbent; room-to-room, skateboards win over short distances because there's no unlock-lock time; you can't carry your bike inside the Borders or Starbucks; most buses and trains don't let you bring your bike on board. Compared to quad skates or rollerblades? Pushing to cruise easy on a longboard looks just as good as skating. Pumping to cruise quickly looks better than skating because it looks like skiing. Skateboarding takes up less of the paved path. Ask any bicyclist, they'd rather pass a skateboarder than a laterally flailing 'blader. You say 'bladers are faster? Set up the race with an equal number of wheels. 'Blader gets two per boot, we get two per truck. Place your bets, and the course includes getting a sixpack out of the store cooler, and we don't have to unlace/unbuckle to go into public places. Did I mention that nothing looks more awkward than a 'blader hanging on to a pole at an intersection waiting for the light to change?

Compared to skiing, Sidewalk Surfing is orders of magnitude cheaper and more accessible. I can get a carving workout in front of my house, forget the $100 lift ticket and condo expense. A ski run worth anyone's attention requires a mountain, a ski lift, certain meteorological conditions and frequent flier miles. We Sidewalk Surfers don't even need a hill to stop traffic and draw a crowd.

Our sidewalks now include waterfront promenades, bike trails, street malls, campus paths and other automobile-free pavement. Sidewalk Surfing is where you'll find the ambassadors of longboarding. When Jane Citizen stops her stroller and says "cool longboard!" tell her "Thanks, but you should see what my buddies can do when the tarmac is tilted. . . !"

Keep pumping that urethane.

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Sidewalk Surfing
On 9/27/2002 Steve C wrote in from (12.81.nnn.nnn)

GAZ! You got it right. Bust off all the fins and work your best moves. Then just wait for some people to notice you and you'll be the neighborhood sidewalk surfing KING!

Are you using wax based grip or adhesive deck grip? I like to put a doorknob on the tail so my foot doesn't slip off.

Gotta love the O-ri-G-inality here.

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On 9/27/2002 kevin wrote in from (204.196.nnn.nnn)

hey man we know all about that terrian here in oklahoma city that is our best place to ride. we have a city park that has walking trails all through it on 3 tenths a mile and another half a mile long smooth 6 feet wide and speeds between 25 and 35. we even had a race here that was enjoyed by all like 14 people that attended

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The undiscovered terrain
On 9/27/2002 SPoKe wrote in from (148.59.nnn.nnn)

I’m so stoked we have this new forum!

Here in the Detroit area, we find ourselves primarily, riding parking garages due to the fact that we have a limited supply of hills. However, we have found a truly impressive area to ride. Its called Kensington Metro Park. It’s a state park, set in one of the more hilly areas, that has a 7’ wide paved trail that twists and turns around a 6 or 7 mile loop. It’s the kind of place where out-of-shape people ride their new hybrid/mountain bikes for about a month, before they hang ‘em up in the garage.

Anyway, one branch of the trail winds up and up to the highest peak (for lack of a better word) in the park. Typically, you will find that the average weekend warrior is not able to commit to the climb, which leaves this section basically unused. However, the park does not allow skateboarders anywhere on the trail, but for some reason they allow in-liners, whatever…

A few Saturday afternoon attempts to sneak up and down this portion of the trail on a longboard have been made with limited success. It is such a great run. We had to find a way to ride it without getting the boot. One of my boys suggested we pirate the trail at night. This may have been his single brightest idea in his 36 years.

So, after an evening of plotting and scheming, we came up with a plan. We set out on our delinquent journey at midnight on a new moon. We climbed, crawled and crept with flashlights, headlamps and longskates in hand. Through fields and over fences, our stealth maneuvers went undetected. We felt like we were one third of the “Dirty Dozen”, when actually we were more like “Hogan’s Heroes”.

Finally at the top of the hill, d-cells buzzing and headlamps adjusted, I set sail. I was so amped, so alert, so focused. The first turn came fast, the second even faster. By the third turn I was in the zone; initiating turns out of the darkness with little or no warning. I felt like Barry Sanders, spotting holes and lanes, weaving lines and carving turns like I never had before. The skinny black path felt like a 5 lane highway, under my headlamp’s high-noon sun. After 21 turns the path straightened and the slope lessened. As the wind in my ears quieted, I could hear the distinctive sound of wheels gripping the pavement behind me in the distance. I waited for the descending riders, each with the same look of quiet elation as they rolled gently by me.

Since that fateful day, I’ve been hooked on “sidewalk surfing”. I can’t believe I now have a place to discuss what I thought was a very rare ridding terrain.

This forum is a great addition, thanks Adam


Ps. Hidden gem: Hilly golf courses with long soft cart paths
Pps. Run big wide wheels to float thru the inevitable fairway run out

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Sidewalk surfing
On 9/27/2002 Gaz wrote in from (217.196.nnn.nnn)

Just tried it.
Broke 2 fins off.
Am I doing it wrong?

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On 9/26/2002 DIEGO wrote in from (61.174.nnn.nnn)

THE REAL FEELING!!!!!!!!!!!!

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On 9/26/2002 Nima wrote in from (12.250.nnn.nnn)

It was about time we get a forum about what this whole thing is all about... :-)


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