Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Sidewalk Surfing (537 Posts)
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blocked paths
On 3/21/2004 Malakai wrote in from (68.48.nnn.nnn)

I usually approach every intersection like I could turn into the yin side of the turn, setting up to turn to the inside keeps me able to avoid traffic, once I see the path is clear I carve back into the traffic path, this also sets up the right of way. If I get caught off guard since I don't know how to slide I usually try to footbrake of run it off or hit the car if I have too. Most of my city skating is in Toronto and DC so my biggest fear is taxis. Normal civilians usually are nice enough not to hit ya, but cabbies... freaking killers

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On 3/18/2004 Roboto PDX wrote in from (63.242.nnn.nnn)

Wow this area is dead... I guess I will stoke the fire.
How do you deal with intersections when on the sidewalk? Does anyone have a good way to avoid being taken out by cars pulling out and blocking the sidewalk?

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On 2/14/2004 d wrote in from (66.235.nnn.nnn)

definatly a snake board.

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Alexandra's board
On 1/13/2004 Rick from OZ wrote in from (203.51.nnn.nnn)

Sounds like a snakeboard (www.snakeboard.com), but I don't think they're are wooden, at least not the current ones.

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carvin it up
On 12/27/2003 erik wrote in from (68.106.nnn.nnn)

I just put some new 65mm classic krypto k's wheels on my gravity board and now that bitch carves like a ffin ginsu knife.

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What is this board?
On 12/21/2003 Alexandra wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Hi. I'm trying to buy this board for my friend, but I don't know what it is called or where to get it (I live in San Diego, CA).

Here is a description of the skateboard I am trying to find:
It is wooden, and has two wooden circels over both trucks. There is a little hook that you slide your foot under (although it doesn't keep your foot stuck there it kinda puts it in place). the trucks rotate as you move your foot on the wood circles. each truck moves independently depending on how you move your feet. its hard to describe, but does anyone know what im talking about? I need to know the name of this board.
Please e-mail me at alexandrab11@aol.com or post a reply (although e-mailing is much better for me). Thanks.

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On 12/15/2003 Kolu wrote in from (67.192.nnn.nnn)

James - check out Keith Johnson's Surface Motion website. (www.surfacemotion.com) and click on the "skate" link. He covers basic and advanced cross stepping maneuvers with some good pictures to look at. Good luck....

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On 12/9/2003 James West wrote in from (198.59.nnn.nnn)

Hi guys I've been having probelms board walking. Ican move around on it get to the back and swing my board around, but I tried to walk foot over foot across my board and feel right on my face. Do you guys have any tips for me?

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Concrete Wave
On 11/25/2003 MissouriMatt wrote in from (128.206.nnn.nnn)

The simplistic pleasure is undeniable. Here's a big STOKE to you adn your sons!
Ride on

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Rolling on that concrete wave
On 11/25/2003 mick wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

When I first moved LA from Florida I could not wait to hit those waves. And I did. I have two sons who were bigger skaters than surfers. I never could turn them. When you add in the cost of wetsuits and parking and the time you need too stay in surf shape, one needs time and money. Lots of it. With the cost of living it seems to be work, work, work.
Snowboarding is way too rich for me. Lift tickets gear for 3. So my kid and I bought Sector9 boards and we are hooked. The board walk at Venice, or Santa Monica. Cruising and carving down the boardwalk at Santa Barbara, passing yuppies on the blades,its great. And now I think I am going to carve down to the video store. Longboards are the source for me. It is not a point break, but it rocks my world.

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new invention
On 10/21/2003 vaitus wrote in from (216.166.nnn.nnn)

Hey Tyson,

by reversible I meant if you could go back to the standard truck setup after you installed your "system", but I would guess a positive answer since you say it has both hole patterns. I think it's definetly worth a try even though the price would have me wait until somebody else tried it before a purchase. Hard to tell without trying it in person buy I think you definetly have something there, at least more versatile and with more chances of success than those big and expensive carve boards and similar stuff.

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New Invention
On 10/19/2003 Tyson wrote in from (203.51.nnn.nnn)

Hi Vaitus,

Thanks for the feedback.

-As for the height, it does increase the board hieght slighty. This is something we worked on till to the precise height.(Im not a fan of the high boards myself..).basically we need a little more height to allow for the 20% extra deck tilt so the deck doesnt scrape on the ground when on full carve..

-on the 2nd generation there are both hole patterns- new and old.

-You can change the dampening simply by changing the rubber bushings in the system..we have found for a guy weighing about 70kg the 79a hardness seems to be best.

-Results certianly do differ from different trucks..i personally prefer indy 215's myself for carving and the smaller for the park (less weight).

We are looking at a retail price at about $69 for a pair.

What do you mean by reversible?


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new invention
On 10/19/2003 vaitus wrote in from (216.166.nnn.nnn)


checked your videos and pictures and it looks pretty interesting, something I would definetly like to try.

I have a few questions:
how does it increase the deck height from the ground? I'm not a big fan of tall boards (look at the drop through boards coming out recently)

is this adaptation reversible?

is there a hole pattern and if yes is it new or old school (or both)?

is there any way of adjusting tension/dampening?

do the results change depending on the trucks you use?

any idea on the retail price?

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wnat the surf/snow sensation?
On 10/17/2003 Tyson wrote in from (203.51.nnn.nnn)

A friend a i have designed a truck adaption which add vertical movement as well as heel - toe movement for full simulation of surf or snow..to be adapted to any longboard..we have a patent on it and now trying to bring it in to commercialisation...we love it and would imagine you guys would too..you can check it out at http://homepage.mac.com/tysonlundbech/swerve/ cheers.

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surf sensations
On 10/3/2003 vaitus wrote in from (152.31.nnn.nnn)

the best surf simulator trucks/wheels/bearings combo so far for me:

wide exkates with black bushings, white avalons, biltins:
unbelievable surf sensations!

I've been riding all kinds of randals, trackers, kryptos and flashbacks but nothing beats this setup as far as simulating surfing (the board is 54 inches long, 11 ply birchwood)

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chief's surf simulator
On 10/1/2003 brian wrote in from (67.250.nnn.nnn)

your randals will work great. if i was you i'd ride them until you get a chance to try enough other set-ups to see if you'd like something else better. for surfy turning, i like my bakus, but they are a much rougher ride than a traditional two bushing truck. for bombing i like my rii 180's. i've got pivots on my sliding board and trackers on the slalom rig. i like 'em all. they all do the same thing: turn. that's the cool thing about trucks. have fun.

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Dreggs L1 Surf longboard
On 9/18/2003 Chief Stooly wrote in from (213.208.nnn.nnn)

Could anyone advise me in what trucks to buy for this board. Anybody got one that could comment on it? I currently have some Randall 2 180s. Can I use this. Also wheel recommendations would be nice. I love to surf and want the nearest feel as possible, but with the added kicktail to use in parks. How is this board in parks and copings, steep transitions even.

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colorado ski/ snowboarding season
On 9/16/2003 david eye wrote in from (63.74.nnn.nnn)

St. Mary's glacier is being ridden as we speak, open all year; trace- 0" new, no lifts running (back-country!)
scheduled openings;
Loveland Basin; opens Oct. 16 typically the first open in U. S. every year.
A-Basin (the Legend!) Oct. 18
Breck, Vail, The 'boat, etc; mid Nov

Cameron Pass backcountry; typically the week before Halloween.

roll with soul, ride the glide

Fort Collins CO USA

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On 9/3/2003 plowboy wrote in from (209.86.nnn.nnn)

?? Colorado opens???

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snowboard season
On 8/25/2003 radishlion wrote in from (209.42.nnn.nnn)

I'm a huge longboarder, but even more of a snowboarder. When does snowboard season open in colorado? Kind of off topic, I know.

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On 8/15/2003 cody wrote in from (63.231.nnn.nnn)

that is great info everybody. ibk i have already a couple gravity videos and i always watch surf on the tube and i try to mimic them on the asphalt. i already do alot of what you all said on how surfing is on a longboard and im stoked that i actually am pretty close to surfing (on a longsk8board). im also glad snowboarding is like surfing also cause i live in colorado and i LOVE snowboard alot and cain wait for the season to open. thanks again to everyone who responded i didnt think that many people would. just a question tho, dont any of you have anything better to do than sit on the computer??? just messin thanks

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On 8/15/2003 cody wrote in from (63.231.nnn.nnn)


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On 8/15/2003 brian wrote in from (67.250.nnn.nnn)

powder is much fun (ice is not so much). for skating think long wheelbase, long kingpins, soft bushings and soft wheels. torsion-style trucks give a very surfy amount of lean but you feel the asphalt more so go for a slightly flexier deck or softer wheels or rubber risers or all three.
i love to surf: these days i only do it a few times a year. i love to skate: i can do it anywhere. having a family is cool--choices must be made based on new and evolving priorities. the ocean lost out for now, but i ride waves everyday.

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i want to add me in ur clab
On 8/15/2003 arif hussain wrote in from (202.87.nnn.nnn)

i want to do skate boarding

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Surf Cody
On 8/13/2003 lbk wrote in from (209.244.nnn.nnn)

I got to agree with Brian. Surfing is much broader when compared to skateboarding. But if you are like many that visit this site, longboard skateboarding is what you do when you don't have waves available.

When I also moved inland, I knew my surfing days would be far and few between. Guess that is what happens when family and career life take precedence. So anyway to my luck, longboard skateboarding started to take off. It sure isn't surfing but I can feel it while longboard skateboarding.

Cody, if you live up northward, then snowboarding is even more like surfing than longboard skateboarding. Hit some deep powder and you will get the same rush that surfing provides. For more info on snowboarding, check out ncdsa's sister page www.freecarve.com. We will be posting up soon on the "Freeride" forum. Already the 2003/2004 snowboard catalogs are out and the Washington DC area snowboard demo sale is in two weeks.

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