Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Sidewalk Surfing (537 Posts)
Topic Message
On 11/26/2002 lbk wrote in from (209.244.nnn.nnn)

100th post. Go Surfing!

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feelin the flow again
On 11/26/2002 easy rider wrote in from (128.243.nnn.nnn)

yeah JT.

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On 11/25/2002 h0dad wrote in from (202.37.nnn.nnn)

"I never dreamed that when I grew up I would play in a band
and surf at all the best spots in the land
now I'm not here to day to boast
but to talk about the spots that I love the most...

Natural bridges
on a clean west swell
first one off the reef
like a bat out of hell

Close out Pipe makes you wish you were a trout
when it's 'macking so hard
only two dudes paddle out

A clean summer south-swell hit when I was back in my home town
and all the surf -side biyz were nowhere to be found
checking out the spots that I love the most..."

Yeah, played in h0dads mind so many times he could just type it there and then. Sublime rule.

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SoCal music
On 11/25/2002 Speedy wrote in from (169.237.nnn.nnn)

Let's not forget the SoCal skateboarder classics- Sublime from Long Beach. Bradly Noel and the boys really had it down. They were THE thing to listen to, whether cruising on a board or in a car. For that matter, they still are and most likely always will be.


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socal music
On 11/23/2002 Brady wrote in from (66.21.nnn.nnn)

Don`t get Blink 182 but I dig Incubus big time,
And you can`t leave out Red Hot Chili Peppers...
speaking of which, check this link out and take a peek at "The Zephur Song"......


Now if I can only figure out how to watch and listen to the vid and skate at the same time. Fly away into Zephur Land....yeah brah !!

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On 11/22/2002 erik wrote in from (68.99.nnn.nnn)

It is funny...people bitch about SO-Cal music, like blink-182 and other punk bands similar to them, but I think they have the same feeling/sound as some of the 60's bands. Jan and Dean..great band. Ride ride the wild surf.

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~~~~~~feeling the flow~~~~
On 11/22/2002 JT!! wrote in from (194.222.nnn.nnn)

My local car park banks from either end to the centre at which point it runs like a gentle spine all the way down the length of it. I love skating over the spine making a backside carve... walking to the nose, hanging ten... sterr it to the rail, and hold... crosstep back...frontside carve, grabbing the rail and touching the ground. i have reached the shore! I sit for fifteen minutes and admire the tarmac! The car park that is quiet! The car park shaped like a wave! The car park in Scotland!

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On 11/21/2002 erik wrote in from (68.99.nnn.nnn)

Umm...ya.uhh Ok wierdo

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On 11/21/2002 Helter Skelter wrote in from (128.206.nnn.nnn)

...and I see you again,
yea, yea, yea...
do you or don't you want me to make you,
I'm coming down fast so don't let me break you,
Tell me tell me tellmetheanswercuzImaybealover,
but I ain't no dancer...
come on, helter skelter

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shortboard simulation
On 11/20/2002 inthebarrel wrote in from (198.86.nnn.nnn)

Anyone out there notice they can shortboard a lot better if they practice on the street a day before a session?
I have a cosmic II S9. Perfected my roundhouses on it. More the Curren like ones, maintaining speed through the whole part of the turn and coming off the rebound with more speed then I entered the turn with. I am just so stoked to be able to practice on the street. My trimming and bottom turns have also been improved via skating. My favorite however, is to bottom turn and snap it off the top with just enough pressure to keep the "fins" from sliding out. I imagine a big old spray out the back. Super fun. Usually done on a flattish street, with a little hump in the middle, sort of like a Huntington beach wave.
Would like to hear other's sidewalk shortboarding experiences.

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On 11/17/2002 Speedy wrote in from (67.121.nnn.nnn)

When I skate like I would like to think I surf, I have both feet parked on top of the front truck. I'm sliding along over the smoothnes with the tail of the board almost off the ground, both hands high in the air, above and a little behind my head. Knees bent, I flow through the green tunel, be it wave or hedge, then duck back out into the mainstream where people without boards toil to get past the shining overhang and loud motor vehicles. Finaly, I turn back the way I have come, and muscle-power my way against the gradient. Then I stop and I turn and I go for a ride, 'till I get to the bottom... (that last line is the Beatles')


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On 11/16/2002 erik wrote in from (68.99.nnn.nnn)

When I skate and I make a big carve all I can think about is smashing the lip of an overhead wave, then doing a big bottom turn only to line up and pump through the rest of the section as fast as I can.....so there

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surfy deck
On 11/14/2002 erik wrote in from (68.99.nnn.nnn)

Dom, I also ride for the purpose of practicing surfing until I get back to the ocean to actually surf. I ride a 46" gravity concave deck and I like it a lot. I have ridden sector 9's but this deck/setup seems a little more loose and flexy then other I have ridden. If you stand toward the front the back wheels get realy loose allowing you to make turns that somewhat feel like a turn on a shortboard when surfing, although it is not as fast or as tight. I would say it feels like you are not ripping the wave but flowing with it and carving.

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gobbly gook
On 11/14/2002 snoball wrote in from (65.32.nnn.nnn)

knate, you sure you didn't mean www.gravityboard.com? the only
longboards i saw at coreride ( the url you gave ) were s9's...
i'm not sure about the ed economy if you DON'T want to mimic
longboard surfing...that's a long, longboard heh heh...you didn't mention how long your current s9 is either...check out the new lineup at boziboards.com...they're 46" and jeff's da' man!!

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To dom
On 11/11/2002 knate wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

you should get the gravity longskate deck... its the ed economy deck, and i kicks a** for sur trinks on land...beware-its costly...just go to gravityskateboards.com

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Surfy Deck
On 11/10/2002 Dom wrote in from (213.1.nnn.nnn)

Not sure if this is the right place to post this but i'm looking to get a new deck and I'm seeking some advice. I like to skate like i surf and was wondering if anyone coulod recommend a deck that will help me emulate the surfing in my skating (if you know what i mean!). I want to get that fluidity that i get from surfing, alongside that snap you get from shortboarding (i dont want to walk the board or do any longboard surfing kinda stuff).
I'm currently riding a S9 Supercruiser with Randal 180's and 72a Flashbacks, which i love to ride. But is there better decks out there for what i want? Any help would be much appreciated.

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Far away from Cali !!
On 11/9/2002 Dom wrote in from (80.8.nnn.nnn)

I'm from Corsica a French Iland ( mediterraneen sea ) betwen France and Italia (Napoleon was also from here )

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no cali here
On 11/9/2002 sk8wolf wrote in from (207.16.nnn.nnn)

Georgia in the house!!!

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year-round boardsports
On 11/8/2002 brian wrote in from (199.245.nnn.nnn)

i just skated franklin elementary school for the first time tonight. rode my 46" pintail with the rII's. it was good. i should've gone easier on ethanob. sorry bro... yeah seriously, it was that good.

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all from cali?????
On 11/6/2002 joseph wrote in from (144.137.nnn.nnn)

i'm from sydney AUSTRALIA so i'm pretty far away.

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On 11/5/2002 brian wrote in from (12.150.nnn.nnn)

i hope the surf there has been awfully friggin bad or the water cold and full of an exceptionally large number of the big white ones. otherwise, i think you should go surfing.

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sf sidewalk snowboarding
On 11/5/2002 EthanOB wrote in from (192.12.nnn.nnn)

Yeah, SF is totally north shore... the sidewalks are nice and wide, too.

Lately I've been 'snowboarding' the streets and sidewalks on my new Freebord more than surfing, getting ready for the snow season.

All year round boardsports...life is good.

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sidewalk surfing
On 11/5/2002 fogtown baby wrote in from (12.236.nnn.nnn)

The "North Shore" of sidewalk surfing has gotta be San Francisco.... Pick a street and dropppp in....

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Where from
On 11/3/2002 Datu Ramel wrote in from (63.155.nnn.nnn)

The webmaster told me the original idea for the Sidewalk Surfing forum came from a Midwesterner.

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not all cali
On 11/3/2002 nick wrote in from (68.33.nnn.nnn)

not all of us are from cali....i'm from maryland myself

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