Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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The Gong Show with Kenny Nature Boy Mollica

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Q&A: The Gong Show with Kenny 'Nature Boy' Mollica (6869 Posts)
Topic Info
On 2/27/2003 Brad Edwards wrote in from (207.167.nnn.nnn)

TOtD suggestion, Will this forum give ARab a heart attack? Just kiddin', I like the idea, content & suspense. I think we should talk about the ambiguity of pad rules accross the country. The closest threat to a US citizen is the over-riding jurisdictions of Federal, State and local laws. What are the REAL rules? Three beautiful sk8parks in SD have been finished for over a month, but remain closed 'till landscaping, fencing & gaurdhouse R completed. Skaters need, only, good diverse terrain, shade & H2O. No grass, no babysitter(s), no fence. What Bball court is so imprisoned? Lastly, boycott city parks that double-tax their citizens by making them pay for a park with tax dollars and them make you again pay to skate the park. The parents that can afford the double-tax R probably white. Minorities that don't have the resources need these parks free to skate. Else they're in the streets, gettin' booted from spot after spot.

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Topic of the day
On 2/26/2003 Arab wrote in from (24.24.nnn.nnn)

For thurs Topic Of the day

First person to make the next post sets the topic of the day. Unless of course I dont like it......... then I will ask somebody else to set it.

Please remember to stick to the TOTD!

If you dont like this topic, come back tommorow?

remember SATURDAY is "Kids Day" ONLY

No Shoulder Hopping!!!!!!!!!

Please try and keep it clean from here til then.


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Purse $$$$
On 2/26/2003 Arab wrote in from (24.24.nnn.nnn)

JRC-Dont feel bad, I didnt even get to go to the Deathbox Expression Session.

Lee-In 2001 there was small $purses$ and lots of goodies as you described, That was a great year for Slalom, it was loads of fun, If it goes back to that, its all good by me, I just want to race. If FCR doesnt get Sponsership, I hope the Entry Fees alone is enough to at least put on the races, Its alot of work and I dont know if FCR is gonna do something for nothing?.

SSofS-"At last, somewhere for the true spirit of NCDSA to thrive: Name-calling, back-biting, etc... Arab is the MAN!"
Sorry this is not what this forum is about, NCDSA posting guidlines still apply as they do every other forum. A token few have tried to make it that way right off the bat, Heres how it works, I name the topic, you talk amongst yourselves, and I will chime in, At this point you are already off topic.

G7enn-Please dont use that language on this forum, Saturday is "Kids Day" and I dont think that it is suitable for young ears and eyes. Moderator Please "GONG" G7enn's previous post where he refers to his "Sexual Preferances" with men.
Please stick to the topic at hand and abide by the posting guidlines.
As for your kid slaloming, set super wide offsets and make him learn to turn, this is the best thing to do with any beginning slalomer at any age.
The best advice I dish out about slalom is what I call the "Fork Lift Theory", Most people just starting out tend to keep there front foot to far behind the front truck, Try this:
Put your front foot in the middle of the board and your back foot wherever you want, Go try and run some cones, Its like driving an out of control rear steer Forklift.

Now put your back foot in the middle of the board and your front foot covering the first 2 truck bolts, go run cones, You can pump,steer and drive the board like this, but not the other way.

Stay Forward, and you will learn to turn faster.

Cabbage-I plan on going to Kona and The Bear, thats probably the only 2 events I'll fly to this year, beyond that, if its within 12 hours or so I'll drive. You gotta do the Bear this year! thanx for dropping in Bro!
PS, I charged everything last year, now my Visa is maxed out!

Ricky-Thanx for the reminder, I dig Nik! As for the money! I just want to race, If I want money I'll work or just sale some vintage skatestuff on ebay to SAPS like you! Just Kidding!!!! You were one of my early Ebay Bros! Thanx for helpin out when you did! Tell Josh and his friends to tune in Sat and let all us old folks know what the future of slalom is doing.

Geezer-Good Post! I agree with you(Did I just say that!) I still look forward to NOT meeting you.

SB-We aint funding FCR trips to nowhere! Don came to Albaqurque on his own dime for the Bear, I'm sure they had just as much if not more out of pocket expense then any one of us last year. I know it cost me near $8,000 to race last year, that doesnt account for missed work loss$$$$, then it would be about $18,000 for me. I just want to race!

Geezer-As per your second post, I skate daily, I slalom or ? only when I have time. When the season starts I ride much more, I just helped design and build a backyard pool less then a mile from my house, when its done I can skate there, skate, then skate home.
As for asking questions and setting the "TOPIC AT HAND or Of THE DAY" Let the pros do that(ME). This is not your forum to set topic of discussion. thanx for following it on your first post.

Hugh-Local Taco Bell franchises arnt interested in Sponsering "National Events", maybe a little Grass Roots thing? Taco Bell Corperate would be who someone would speak to for a "National Event"

Herb-You got sucked into the OFF TOPIC discussion. I'll ask everybody, Please, If the topic swerves from the Topic of the Day, please use Email or move it to another forum. Since it was about Kids, and it was healthy conversation! Its OK this time.

GlenD-Your Excussed,Blessed and Forgivin, Go Repent now!!!!
Thanx for the Firm video info. Lance said he would hook me up with one, I told him "I dont work for free and neither should he, I'll buy one" Can you sale me a Bootleg for 1/2 price?

Hey Joe Lehm-thanx for dropping in with all the INFO for the Albakurky 2003, I dont Slide Glove.....I may do the Downhill for fun, I still got my leathers and helmet from when I did Luge and Stand-up, I suck at standup because I cant do the "Hut Tuck", I have a bad neck and I cant keep my shoulders forward and chin up, I have to do the oldschool tuck/hands forward style. As for Griding???? I dont do on top 50-50 or 50 grinds, If it was a True Carve Grind contest I'm In!. But I'm coming to ALBKY for the Bear, Thanx again for putting your money where your mouth is and steppin up to host the race, Whats his name that is the King of Albky, Gabe? That guy RULES!!!!! He has style,flow,balls and a bag a tricks that never ends.

Brad-AKA(To Bad Brad), It was 65 and partly cloudy today here in Skate City USA (Huntington Beach, Ca.) I worked all day and just got home, Painted Oilbase paint all day and I'm having 70's flashbacks(no, not the wheels), I'm Loaded!!
I only skated to get lunch today.

Hamm-Aggreed, I want to race!!!

Roger-2 good points, Brady, DUH! and Am/Pro Pro/Am, I skated in an Amatuer street contest last year just so I could add that to my list of different disciplens I've done over 5 different decades competing on a skateboard, I ended up getting 9th out of 14 in the 15 and over group. I did stuff none of these people ever seen or heard before, Walked the nose on a Bank, Rock Walk 540 to fakie slide, nose wheelie on the bank, 1 & 2 footed nose 360's, and a reverse kickflip(oldschool style with my toe under the rail) I got more applause then any little street puke out there, I had fat old skateboard moms hittin on me for the rest of the season! I've competed Pro and Am and back and fourth my whole life? I use to get paid for doin demos in the 70's, a major NO NO for an Am, Then I would go enter an AM event. I got $$$$ at the 97 X-Games in the Streetluge event, at that point I had never raced a pro event, in 98 I raced in the Ams again?
Who Knows? Who Cares?, I dont. But that Sandbagger Price better go Pro this year......he hates me, because he knows I'm kidding, but I'll never stop!!!!!!!!Sandbagger Sandbagger Sandbagger,, And speaking of Sandbaggers Hows that Beau Brown guy! Just Kidding BB, size 11 Black with the new gel heal.

Rene-As a former "Ultimate Fighter" I know you know Tank Abbott? I read in an interview that the only person he fears inside or out of the ring is Frank Merolas, Is that true?

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On 2/26/2003 Rene' Carasco wrote in from (66.81.nnn.nnn)

Silly Billy -
.......was it Taco Bell...........
...or the Del Taco PRO/JUNIOR Surf Series 2002 & MACHO AIR SHOW in HUNTINGTON BEACH ?

..........just wondering, -RENE' "FLYING" CARRASCO.

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Prize money
On 2/26/2003 Hamm wrote in from (63.175.nnn.nnn)

ARAB, I know this isn't the direction you intended to go with the topic, but I'm curious how many racers would be willing to waive prize money in exchange for lower entry fees. With gas hovering around 2.00 per gallon and experts saying it could be 3.00 per gallon by summer time, just the cost of getting to the race site is getting to be prohibitive.

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Gong or Bong
On 2/26/2003 RHickey wrote in from (192.45.nnn.nnn)

I dunno Brady,,starting to sound alot like one of us in here. You are off to a "Hugh Like" start with this passive aggressive post of yours banging on Arab..Don't expect to get any respect yourself while on stage here at the 'Gong Show'. Your comment did remind me of a question I had for the other monkeys. If you are an amateur and you enter the pro division as some did at the FCR Avila race. Does that now mean you are pro? If you race a stand up downhill race as a pro does that keep you from entering a slalom race as an open am or vice versa?

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On 2/26/2003 Hamm wrote in from (63.175.nnn.nnn)

ARAB, obviously I'm not in 'money contention", but if I was it wouldn't matter. Racing is about bragging rights. Racing is the purest form of competition. Long before Adam said to Eve, "lets put on these boxing gloves and see who can kick who's arse", he said, "I bet I can beat you from here to there". I just like to go fast & see who I'm faster than.

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Kids trucks
On 2/26/2003 GX wrote in from (149.2.nnn.nnn)

I've heard the bushings in G Trucks are good for lightweights, and soft rubber stoppers from the hardware store can be made into super soft bushings. Start with a really easy course, and when he can do it clean, add more hill, or tighter spacing. Good luck.

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Ollies and pumping
On 2/26/2003 G7enn wrote in from (212.35.nnn.nnn)

herbn: Actually, he can Ollie about a foot but I agree, learning to pump is going to be difficult.

To be honest, I was thinking more about making it so he could just get through the cones on a slight hill, he currently can't and tends to give up after knocking over a few and goes back to learning to shuvit or whatever.

I'm not about to push him in any particular direction, I just encourage his skating in general and was looking for ways to make slalom a little more appealing.

Maybe I should think more about addapting the course than his board.

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to cold to do anything
On 2/26/2003 Gene Gene the dancing machine (aka Brad) wrote in from (20.137.nnn.nnn)

While you 'scules are arguing back and forth about what's cool to post, slalom racing, hate posts, etc. take a minute to reflect on your ability to skate AT ALL, as it was -7f this morning in a certain section of the "nor'east", where this winter will probably go down in the history books as the worst for snow, cold, and busted up roads...Hey Hugh! how ya doin?

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All Around Skaters
On 2/26/2003 Joe wrote in from (65.19.nnn.nnn)

As I understand it, this new forum is for the kinds of discussions that are not appropriate for the other boards.
I'm unimpressed with too many one discipline skaters that have way too much to say about the other guys and gals that skate other terrain, races, and rules. I want to ask Arab if he would join us this year at the Sandia Challenge to compete as an All Around Skater. More events are getting on board with multiple kinds of racing etc. and this is the future. Last year Arab only did the Bear Slalom event, while many skaters did all 3 events. I was disappointed to not get to skate the combi-pool with the "Legends". Of course some of the likely competitors either got hurt (Biker, John Dread) had to leave early (Dane Van Bommel, Darryl Freeman, Kenny Molica) or didn't even come (Olson, Alva). Chaput didn't grind. Can he?

This year we're adding a handsliding GS, and a Masters Class for 40 and over. All Around events are coming back. When BLR says they'll race anyone anytime anywhere, I am hoping they'll leather up and show up!
Downhill is the original skate terrain. The longest grind the original test of skill. Lets do it again, Sept 13 2003,
Albuquerque, NM.

Step UP!!

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The FIRM video
On 2/26/2003 Glen D. wrote in from (216.102.nnn.nnn)

The FIRM video should hit stores in the next week or so. They are in duplication now.
Active Ride Shop online will probably be one of the early bets because they are having a preview video showing somewhere this week too.

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Slalom pump
On 2/26/2003 herbn wrote in from (64.12.nnn.nnn)

I'm not sure if scaling down the stifness of bushings and the flex of the board, to fit a youngster is gonna work, it may, if things are boarder line(like almost able to pump but not quite) Think about it; ollies are lifting the board without grabbing it, pumping is forward motion without touching the ground, under a certain age/size/physical mental developement kids have trouble with both, they enjoy skating or maybe just the social aspects,but most little skaters lose interest once or twice before they get into their teens and able to do the things they want to do (I'm STILL waiting:) .My own feelings are when skater(or exskater) parents are trying to figure out how to help their kids get better , it smacks of the childhood actors and pagent contestents,"oh she he wants this" there are so many double negative psychological reasons,kids know you'll be happy if they do "whatever it is" and even if you tell them you don't mind if they quit, they can tell. It's so much simplier the good ol way , where your parents really don't want you doing something,and then really don't care one way or another, "as long as you stay out of trouble",parrents that don't bring you to skateparks, make you wait to get a paper route to buy your own boards, then still have a fit when they find out your Banzai cost 45 bucks,heh i didn't say it was better ,just simpler.I got so tired of waiting for those stroker trucks to show up under the christmas tree i made them, and then bought a set of originals for a bit more money than they would have cost , even if you convert to 1975 dollars.Sincerely, good luck raising tommorrows' slalom stars.

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I know your dissing but...
On 2/26/2003 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

Funny you should mention Taco Bell... the couple who owns one of the local ones (and 66 others) has a kid who's really into skating... but then again I don't slalom... and I am the laughing stock of skateboarding... HR

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the firm video
On 2/26/2003 mike wrote in from (63.226.nnn.nnn)

so where can i buy this new video? is it out for sale yet? as much as i want to make the premier, driving from salt lake is not really an option at this point. i bought teh new transworld skateboarding at teh grocery store with my six pack hoping that there woudl be a story or something on burnquist's full loop, with a cover picture of him almost making it, but no. just a little picture within the first 20 pages and a paragraph or two on how you need to buy the firmm video to see it. by the way, i did search for posts on where to get the video, and i got nothin. by the way, i like what you are doing here arab. some of your posts in teh past border on insanity with the aggression levels, but are good in nature and well deserved by the recipient.

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An Hour every 2 weeks?
On 2/26/2003 Geezer-X wrote in from (149.2.nnn.nnn)

I just read down a bit and saw where you said

"I try and ride as much as possiable, which is about once every 2 weeks".

I understand being busy, Arab, I have a wife, a house I'm renovating, a very full time job and more trucks to offset and put axles in than I can count. It's been either snowy or salty since thanksgiving. I still manage to find enough time to run cones at Vans or an indoor parking garage a couple times a week, and get everyones trucks finished. And as soon as the pavement is clear I'll be skating as close to daily as I possibly can. Here's a topic for everyone:

How much time a week do you spend actually skating or doing something (other than posting) directly related to you or someone else skating? How many races will you race at this season, and how far will you travel to them?

I'll start. 2-4 hrs slalom practice. maybe 2hrs park. 6-8 hrs doing trucks. I'm in for our local outlaw series, the gathering, 2 WVA races, Da Farm races, La Costa, and either Catalina or Morrow. 1500 miles driving/2 flights from DC to CA. Anyone else?

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taco bell
On 2/26/2003 herbn wrote in from (64.12.nnn.nnn)

Hugh seems a likely candidate, he's supported taco bell for long enough ,it's about time they kick back some.

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2 cents?
On 2/26/2003 SillyBilly wrote in from (192.45.nnn.nnn)

I don't think it is about the purse as long our entry fees aren't funding Jack or someone elses trip to Hawaii. Of course these events cost money to put on and if done right I think the right sponsors could cover the expenses and our entry fees..but will we ever see that kind of smart marketing and hard work? Taco Bell sponsored the last pro surfing series I surfed in. Why can't someone like that throw down? I nominate Hugh he's good at asking for free stuff.

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On 2/26/2003 Geezer-X wrote in from (149.2.nnn.nnn)

For every 1 person that has a shot at winning $$, theres 40 who know they're doing it because they want to beat the next faster guy. And for every pro; purse winner or guy who makes up the rest of the pack, there's 40 open riders doing it cause they love it. The pro ranks will someday be made up those open riders who do it for free.

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Kid's and Slalom
On 2/26/2003 Ricky wrote in from (12.39.nnn.nnn)

I know exactly where you are coming from. It does take some amount of searching to find what's right for the smaller slalomers. Josh is very small for his age and early on we had a time coming up with a set up that he could turn well enough. Josh's very first board was one I cut from a junker we had lying around. This deck was very short and slightly wider than normal to give him more leverage to make it turn. I had to go with wider trucks because the board wanted to tip over with the narrower Indy's. I used Tracker Fulls on this. His first "real" board was a Comet deck which we got from UR13. It is a discontinued model and I'm not sure of the model name, very short, very flexie, perfect for a younger rider. I wish they would offer it again as a "kids" deck. Check into the Airflow thing. Fibreflex's 70's reissue slalom decks may work well. They have plenty of flex just a little narrow. Turner offers their GS/Hybrid in a very soft flex (1-0) and it may be a good time to pick one of those up, even if you have to save it for later as it's pretty long for a kid starting out but the flex is right.

Trucks that worked well on this deck were Indy 101's with longer kingpins installed so you can back way off of the bushings without getting away from the nylon lock portion of the nut, loose, loose! Both trucks wedged for more turn.

Bushings? The old blue bones where working just OK until HG sent us some black chemisty lab beaker stoppers. These things were very soft and worked great. By the way the new Bones blues seem harder than the old solid blue ones. Look for some of the originals.

And remember as soon as you finally get him fixed up... he'll get a feel of the flow, and the pump, and viola he'll begin to be able to handle more conventional set ups, this "special" board will be put aside (Josh's was passed down to his sister who is showing promise)and he'll start stealing your stuff. Be wared, your creating a monster.:-)

Have fun and contact us anytime.

As far as prize money, Arab...I don't really race for money, I race for fun and excitement. I'm not fast enough to worry about it. At my upcoming Luna Slalom Jam in Jackson, I am putting up a $500 purse. The intent is to lure some fast racers to make "the show", which lures spectators, which make the sponsors happy. In this case, the racers stand a chance to have their trip down here partially paid for.

Thanks Arab for giving the kids a chance to come together.

And your talking about my hero when you say "Keli Benko and your Brother", that brother being wildman Nik Benko! And let's not forget Nathan Groff!

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Snow sucks, and so do haters.....................
On 2/26/2003 cabbage wrote in from (216.83.nnn.nnn)

right on Arab,

this rocks...Man I'm the biggest middle of the road, it's all good guy's, and I trip on how bad people hate on you. Everyone is different and thats cool, when you don't like certain people, thats cool too, but wow people. Madonna offended alot of people yet her popularity continued to grow, thats how it works... all you Arab haters know you read his board to see what he is talk'n about. I see arab doing good with this, as he should. He wants to talk skateboarding but he is always responding to people's s#@! talking....get over it, don't hate people because you don't like there style, hate people that kill your family members, or abduct your children. point it life is short, Arab actually contributes to the sk8boarding community, as do myself, and I'm sure many of you. I'm not hate'n on anyone, but broadcasting this as a general statement,an opinion..on Arab's board....

to get to something good, hey Arab, are you gonna come to Kona in June for the banked slalom race? If I remember correctly you have a top 5 finish to back up....plus from what I have heard this is gonna be the real deal big one of banked slalom events. More info on the contest is to come... Keep on bash'n in a free world..

charge everythinG,


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RE: G7enn's kid
On 2/26/2003 lee wrote in from (195.234.nnn.nnn)

Hi Glenn,

Just an idea for your son, i did this with one of our team riders who is 9 years old.

If you look at the brand Airflow or something simular which is a Swiss made board which has huge amounts of flex compared to any board out there, they make boards with a xtra soft flex so when your kid stands on it he will flex the board as i would on my medium flex.

The xtra soft if i remember right is for 30-50kg in weight does that sound about right?

Check out www.airflow-skateboards.com there will be no better board for a kid! The boards are beautiful covered with a clear fibre glass grip and have designs on the top side of the board which look great.

check it out and email them if you need more info,

later sk8er


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Kid's and Slalom
On 2/26/2003 G7enn wrote in from (212.35.nnn.nnn)

My eight year old son is really into skating and pretty good for his age, stuff like dropping in and working 7' halfpipes, various slides and a bunch of new school tricks, he's got nothing on Nathan but he holds his own against most of the local 12 year olds.

He's also got a Slalom board, the problem is that he's slightly small and skinny for his age and isn't really heavy enough to pump through cones, even with the softest deck and bushings.

Have you got any advice on customising boards for small kids?, it seems to me that, in a world where I weigh over 230 pounds and use the same bones blue bushings he does on my slalom board, it's hardly surprising that he can't really turn enough.

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Just what we dont need
On 2/26/2003 G7enn wrote in from (212.35.nnn.nnn)

Mike: I disagree, a forum where everyone knows exactly what they're going to get makes a lot of sense. Far more than the previous situation where Arab's, arguably[*] fair, 'S*ck my c*ck' response to one of my PVD defending posts was deleted almost imediately.

[*] by a foaming flat-earther.

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Pointless bickering: Let's do it!!
On 2/26/2003 SSofS wrote in from (192.12.nnn.nnn)

Well I never did!

At last, somewhere for the true spirit of NCDSA to thrive:

Name-calling, back-biting, etc... Arab is the MAN!!

Count on me to tune in!

Go Arab!

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