Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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The Gong Show with Kenny Nature Boy Mollica

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Q&A: The Gong Show with Kenny 'Nature Boy' Mollica (6869 Posts)
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RE: Purse
On 2/26/2003 lee wrote in from (195.234.nnn.nnn)

Hi Arab,

Im a slalom racer for Airflow sk8boards (Zurich, Switzerland) and regarding the prize money if like myself you hang around the 6-10th positions then it doesnt matter if there is money for the winners cause thats not me.

Although when i have got prizes it feels really good i would still ride to improve and enjoy regardless of money.

What we used to do in London, i have only recently moved to Zurich, was to offer prizes like boards, wheels,trucks and we would always do this by sponsor which meant if you was a sponsored rider that came in first you wouldnt be able to get the free deck as your sponsored and this would go to the highest unsponsored competitor which really incouraged them to attend races and to be able to get more equiptment.

I think all races should work like this, why does a sponsored sk8er need new boards, they will still only race on their team boards and like most pro racers i have a large collection.

I think that apart from a few people most riders race for position and progress not money.

Anyway thats just my view feel free to dis it!

later alisk8ers

lee diamant

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deathbox expression session 2
On 2/26/2003 JRC wrote in from (66.42.nnn.nnn)

arab metioned a few posts ago that someone should start a new topic so here goes...i was lucky enough to get down to simi valley for the "death race" and it was the best thing i've ever been witness too. everyone was ripping but the thing that i was stoked on the most was seeing alan gelfand skate. i saw him do this backside ollie and it looked like he was just going to come strait back in to the bowl but out of nowhere he slammed his board down into an axle stall, it was so gnarly. also seeing ed economy there was rad; i wanted to get his autograph but he was doing the gate, bummer. i also compete in the race and got 34th or something like that. it's funny because i didn't even get to do my second run, i was out in front and couldn't hear my name being called inside, i'm an idiot. the one thing that disapointed me is that rick blackhart wasn't there, he's my hero and i was hoping that he showed up because i really wanted to meet him. anyways, i had a really good time and i hope skate lab does something like that again soon.


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On 2/25/2003 Arab wrote in from (24.24.nnn.nnn)

First off thanx to those that stuck to the topic at hand.

I think its good to see these different type of slalom variations, it makes it possiable for people that generally wouldnt get involved, get involved, Maybe? Hopefully these type of events will spur more interest in traditional slalom.

In defense of FCR and the 2003 season, I'm sure when time comes there will be an announcement, having to put on 1 event is hard enough, try putting on a whole series. I for one just want to race! regardless of a purse or not.

Hugh, PLEASE take your personal vendettas elsewhere, If there is another Hamm Slam at SJC DUMP we all will be there. I'll race you or any downhiller around 15 cones on the bottom 2/3rds, the differance betweenn slalom skaters and downhillers is we know how to stand up around turns.(only if it gets repaved though).

Glen-I'm gonna try and make it Friday, I encourage anybody that lives in or near Skatelab to go see the FIRM premier, Burnquist looping Baldy will blow yer mind, The street skating is unreal and will give you a whole new outlook and appreciation for Street Skating. Lance's Bad Nightmere is hilirous, Lance Jr's piece is Classic, and to top it off, Bob at home on his ramp will leave you speechless. On top of all that, Glens contribution is great.

Henry J-I never know what I'm doing from one day to the next, Hopefully I can ride with ya when you get here, be sure to check in a day or 2 in advance.

Gorman-I had a blast at JPL, I really enjoy single lane racing, I think its fun to beable to listen to the times and decide what it is you have to do to make a better run next time. I really look forward to the next one!

Attila-Thanx for dropping in! Yer goin down at the next JPL!!!!

Posts thus far on The Gong Show Forum
Arab-8< br>
Hugh and Rooney-I really dont know of anybody within the slalom community that wants to listen to either of you guys, with the exception of yourselves, but you dont slalom. if I might quote the hispanic lady in the Jack in the Box commercial "Just Go"

Brady-"Just Go"

Stevie-I try and ride as much as possiable, which is about once every 2 weeks, useally at the last minute when I find that I have an hour to spare. Hopefully we can hook up one day, SSS rides regularly, I dont.

Next Topic of Discussion:
Though Prize Money only effects a handful of racers(Dunn,Cross,Chicken,Olson,Maysey,Ransom,Mol lica and a hand full of others),
Would you race if there was no purse?


PS Saturday is KIDS day on the Gong Show, I'm calling on you Josh Byrd, Dylan and Lauren, Cort, Russell Weber, Keli Benko and your Brother and any other kids(not you Hugh and Rooney), This is your day to tell us what it is like to be a kid that races slalom, tell us what you have been up to, hows school, what are your plans for the future. Henry J since your still in school you can join in, Ick Chick where are you?
I want to know what the future of slalom is doing?

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Skateboard Cliques
On 2/25/2003 Stevie wrote in from (68.4.nnn.nnn)

You know what, I'm gonna ride with whomever I ride with because they're cool and because I like 'em, not because of any kissy ass s#@! I say on some skateboard site. Maybe I'll run into you guys out there someday, maybe not. It doesn't really matter. Right now I'm focusing on getting those spots going close to home that I can spend more time at. See you there.

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On 2/25/2003 loone wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

sorry olsen that was hacket with the dog you do write nice stuf tho

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On 2/25/2003 Brady wrote in from (66.21.nnn.nnn)

What`s the format of this forum?
Is it a no holds barred slam fest?
Is it just about slalom?
Is it jsut a place where Eric Groff decides what is or what isn`t?

Or was it concieved to keep EG from the other forums?

What gives with your post as AxRxAxB on the MM forum? Why you gotta bring me in on your rants?

I had posted in the bulletin board forum regarding that post but it was removed. So I take it you can dis whoever and not play by the rules? Is this why this forum was created?

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On 2/25/2003 Hamm wrote in from (63.175.nnn.nnn)

You boys are way too much. Screw the Saddam Hussien interview, 60 minutes should do a segment on you guys called, " Grown men with too much time on thier hands".

Bust or not, the Dump Rd is in HORRIBLE condition right now. I wouldn't even go there for a fun skate, much less a race in its current shape.

HughR, You know I love ya bro! But your going down the wrong road on this deal. If you had been to the last JPL race you'd know what I mean. Guys like Sherman, Chicken, Wahl,Carrasco, etc,etc have NO PROBLEM with cones @ 35mph+. Whats more is that they will do it on decks 1/2 the length and super-loose trucks 1/2 the width of those other guys you mentioned. Oh yeah, no leathers. I really encourage you to come out to the next JPL & see what I'm talking bout.

How's Leland? I can't wait to see how's he's skating these days.

Rooney, Still got the Nova? Can you afford to drive it these days??

Glen Darcy, plz shoot me an email & let me know how your doing. I think about you daily!

DaveH/Skaterbuilt, hopefully this is the week for me. I need that deck!!. Are you guys skating the Path on Sat?

I wonder if I'll get gonged since this post in non-confrontational??

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I think I'll stick with SJC
On 2/25/2003 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

I'm thinking I'll do some more research on the SJC situation... but thanks! HR

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jay pee elle
On 2/25/2003 Attila wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

M Goremeisters words tell the truth ....

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On 2/25/2003 MG wrote in from (216.52.nnn.nnn)

Don't worry, running fast at this hill is all about Huevos. It's wide open GS. The runout was good enough for some of the fastest racers in competition. Is it totally safe? Hell this is skateboard racing. I am permanently scarred from this hill, but I'm back every week.
I know you are more comfortable with SJC, and it is alot of fun. But if it is a bust I am offering an alternative. This road is a little curvier and not quite as wide.
But if you want speed, be careful what you ask for. Because you can be accomodated.

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On 2/25/2003 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

Gorman! Hows the run out on that hill?

Don't you know why I picked the dump road? Cause it's a road I know! And at 15 cones in that bottom 2/3 it comes down to heuvos man... not skill! You think I could even beat the slowest of these guys with my skill!!??!! I am not a slalom guy! But I don't mind going moderatly fast (40 mph is about my max... and 35 mph if its carving in a cone running fashion)

I got to stack the deck in my favor! CAUSE I GOTS NO SLALOMS SKILLS!!

But I promise... when and if the race happens, it will all be good and nice... I'll even put on my friendly face... HR

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The Grudge Match
On 2/25/2003 MG wrote in from (216.52.nnn.nnn)

I know about a fast hill. It's near where I live. JPL. Cars don't drive up it on weekends. Maybe you guys could settle it here.
Of course we've had two races here already, both fast. Where were you Hugh? Bill has already shown us he knows the fast way down. He won it once.

So if you wanna race, get in touch. And don't plan on any fistfighting or any thing like that. If you race here you will behave like gentlemen.

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On 2/25/2003 looney wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

thanx for the heads up on frank im sure he loves being labeled an excon and being outed on such apublic forum.frank I dont think these guys are looking out for youre interests.I thougt weight training was taken out of the penal system?olsen you are cool as a cucumber dog attacks you barely blink right on.I thought black leather was old skool punk rock,it is for me whatever happened to that kid gator?

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On 2/25/2003 Henry J wrote in from (12.148.nnn.nnn)

hey man, wanna slalom at the Path on march 16th?

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sea otter
On 2/25/2003 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

It's back peddling for a good reason Billy...

If Frank M just spent a big portion of his life in a place like that... he doesn't need a button pusher like me egging him on. Probably not ones like you either.

I would suspect that it would be best for those around him to be encouraging and helping him stay on the good path rather than getting him involved in our petty arguments here. I don't want to contribute to his anger or in anyway become a stumbling block in his new journey of freedom. There is much more to life than verbal battles on the internet.

I am all for fun and slaming each other on this forum... but I am not at all for being someone who pushes any one who doesn't need a butt head like me proding him along.

Frank... this isn't really what I am all about at all... my bad side comes out on these boards sometimes... and I give in to my weak nature and fan the fires with these bozos... that makes me a bozo too.

I put my email up in the box, so shoot me an email if you like. Life is too short and there is too much beauty out there to let a bunch of idiots like us lead you down the broad path of destruction.

I DO still want to race you (you called me a dork remember?)... if SJC really is a bust, then lets race somewhere else (you don't need that kind of trouble) and I DO intend on beating you down the hill... the main reason I thought of SJC is because its fast and has a very safe run out...


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SJC Dump Road is..........
On 2/25/2003 Dave - Skaterbuilt wrote in from (66.75.nnn.nnn)

a bust. I've been told that the O.C. Sheriff will take you to jail for skating that grade. This comes from fairly reliable sources in San Clemente. Maybe the Big Race should be at JPL? What do you think?

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Skater Dater..THe Movie..
On 2/25/2003 Sea Otter. wrote in from (192.45.nnn.nnn)

Talk about back peddling....jeeze Huge have some respect for yourself...oh big bad Frankie..the hole..just got out of the homo house...tell your boyfriend I said hi...Had to get that last one in before leaving...bye bye.

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TTFN....gots to go skate Vans tonight..you are welcome to meet me there and skate the combi..xoxoxkisses
On 2/25/2003 SillyBilly wrote in from (192.45.nnn.nnn)

Leave some flesh in a backyard pool or ditch while skating with me. Get up and drive a hundred miles to skate a hill or skatepark with me. Show up and race a DeathRace event or JPL Outlaw, FCR etc...Jeeezee just show up Huge...Not going to happen going straight down a hill in last place as you often do. The sad part of it all is you don't even do it with style...and Style is everything.

Like I said, if it benefits you or serves some motive you are willing. But it is obvious you are not doing it because you love to skateboard. You think you have found something that will meet your Dads high expectations of you as a child. You are better off being know for your lattern collecting than skateboarding becuase you don't know how to respect it and others.

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Lets Race!
On 2/25/2003 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

No disrespect meant to Frank at all... but I do want to race him too! This is not about anger! This is about going fast and bragging rights!

It's about getting some good challenges going and getting the Hamm Slam 2 off the ground!

So Frank and Bill... Race me!! 15 cones down the bottom 2/3 of SJC dump road! No fighting... no hating... just racing! Losers buy lunch! HR

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On 2/25/2003 olSoN wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

Joe & Nick,
don't think
Black Leather Racing
is anything, but cats
that love to win.
And if that means going
faster than anyone else,
than be it........
No gay thing, because
Black leather doesn't cum
from the world of Queers....
But from motorcycle racing
and rock 'n' roll............
I have a son, and he hates slalom...
so be it....
I don't care............
to quote the "Ramones"
God save Frank M.............
& thilly billy
The facist regime
"Sex Pistols"
Enough of this s#@!................
Hi Arab...........
does your name have anything to do with
Just a thought
I LovE TalkIng s#@!

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The Big Race.......
On 2/25/2003 Dave - Skaterbuilt wrote in from (66.75.nnn.nnn)

Wow-this has all gotten kinda nutty-can't we all get a gong? I would put my $ on underground speed guru Herb Spitzer to shut anyone down in a "REAL" downhill race without speed braking and hand scrubbing. Or the NorCal version of Herb would have to be Richy DeLasada-he would clean all of your clocks for sure. But, between SillyBilly and Hugh at SJC? I'd have to go with the Pro because of experience and physical fitness factors. As for Frank Morelos? This dude just got out of Folsom County and is super hungry to race anyone, anywhere, and at anytime. After 7 years of weight lifting, and fighting just to stay alive, he has just a bit more pent up anger in him than most of us civilians who race. I would be very careful calling this guy out.......

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Smell it?
On 2/25/2003 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

True colors are hard to hide Yellow Billy... I figured you'd just ignore my challenges rather than throw the ol' "your too much of a pro to race a nobody like me" excuse around... but however you slice it, it comes down to your not being able to face your fear!

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Fastest Fingers in the West...
On 2/25/2003 SSSillyBilly wrote in from (192.45.nnn.nnn)

I would rather surf in a sea of jelly fish than give you the opporunity to stand next to me at a start line. You have to earn the respect first Huge. But what do you know about respecting a Pro skateboarder anyway?..You and LOOney have done nothing but damage your reps in this forum. So clueless and typical of a foolio such as yourself, challenging someone as you do...Like I said before you and your bro are self serving and all about confrontation. There are so many people that I would rather waste my time with..Never gonna happen unless you decide to join the Pro Ranks guys..........

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I take back your points
On 2/25/2003 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

Billy I am going to have to remove your AP's... because even though he bugs me... ARAB is a MAN and as such backs up his words with ACTION... and I have MUCHO RESPECT for that!

You might hear me say all sorts of things about him, but you'll never hear me call him a sissy la la or a panty waste (which seem to be phrases that fit you) or a guy who backs down from a CHALLENGE.


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Your wrong Col Sanders
On 2/25/2003 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

OH your wrong there Bill... my Challenge is very serious... aren't you one of the anytime anywhere race guys?

Well put up or shut up little man! You and your buddy Frank are now on the spot... you can do your fancy two step back peddling or you can RACE ME.

I say that you don't have the guts... you hide behind your computer screen and call other "keyboard racers" when in FACT it is you who is the keyboard racer!

If either of you has the GUTS to commit to a race, I will beat you both down the hill! So is it really anytime any place anywhere, or is it anywhere but here?

Race me or show your true colors as a spineless jelly fish of a wanna be racer!!!!!!!! HR

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