Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Michael Brooke Publisher Concrete Wave Magazine

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Q&A: Michael Brooke - Publisher, Concrete Wave Magazine (7141 Posts)
Topic Info
On 8/28/2003 Brady wrote in from (66.21.nnn.nnn)

Some great one mentioned but here`s s`more...



oh, and this one...


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Texas Banked Slalom
On 8/28/2003 Stubbs wrote in from (66.137.nnn.nnn)

I have some hills in mind throughout the Dallas area. We would have to talk to the city about getting them closed off for a day but that is no problem. I prefer waiting until it's not 103 degrees to run this though. I'm sure there would be many guys from the Texas Poolsharks site that would want to get in on this as well as others. Of course out-of-staters would be more than welcome.

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stinky pads
On 8/28/2003 robc wrote in from (205.150.nnn.nnn)

>They smelled exactly like someone had poured liquid >ammonia all over them. If one of the guys had been knocked >unconscious we could have used my kneepads as smelling >salts. Has anyone else ever experienced this?

Ummm, do you, by any chance, own a cat?
My old cat used to add "a little something" to anything that was left lying around with a little sweat on it.

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skate sites
On 8/28/2003 crunchy knee wrote in from (166.50.nnn.nnn)

anothre shameless plug:


lots of skateboarding and skateboarding related stuff.

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Skate Sites
On 8/28/2003 Mike Moore wrote in from (66.196.nnn.nnn)

In alphabetical order..

Bob's Trick Tips (www.bobstricktips.com) - Becuase it's a wealth of trick info and run by my pal Bob Loftin

Bonelessone (www.bonelessone.com) - Because it's Bob Loftin's and mine and most of my skate friends pop in there.

Art of Skateboarding (www.artofskateboarding.com) - Great collector info and tons of shots of things I wish I still had.

Bowlrider (www.bowlrider.com) - Loads of fun and friendly jabbing

Mike Moore Studios (www.mikemoorestudios.com) - I felt this would be a good place for a shameless plug.

NCDSA (if you're reading this...you know where it's at) - The best place to keep up with longboard news

Skateboard Graphics (www.skateboardgraphics.com) - loads of eye candy

Skull and Bones (www.skullandbonesskateboards.com) - Informative collector stuff and juicy gossip

Texas Poolsharks (groups.msn.com/TEXASPOOLSHARKS) - Tex-centric pool site with good bros, info, and recon for the Texas old dog scene.

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Website overhaul at CW....
On 8/28/2003 michael wrote in from (209.183.nnn.nnn)

Ok folks, after about a year of the site, we have decided to revamp things...

we want to make sure the site exceeds people's expectations....

I plan on offering samples of upcoming features, more feedback and a few surprises.

stay tuned....overhaul in progress...in the meantime, what are some of your FAVORITE skate websites and why?

mag arriving soon!
it's shipped and the US postal service has it...now, let's hope they don't screw up too badly!

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On 8/27/2003 Andre wrote in from (12.237.nnn.nnn)

Dude, talk to Stubbs. He's a cool guy. If ya'll (texan speech...) pull this off, I'll be glad to just sit down and watch people rip.

If I can manage, of course. I`m a college student and free time is scarce...


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On 8/27/2003 Eddy wrote in from (64.12.nnn.nnn)

Dudes all we need is a hill with some decent asphalt. I will travel anywhere in the Lone Star state to ride slalom. I have plenty of loaner boards.Turners,Pocket Pistols,ICK STICKS. Our boards are totally different than vert boards or freestyle boards. They are made for speed and quick turns. Marcos is much faster than me. The Bro can pump the hell out of a slalom board. But I am catching up to the Master/Sensay. The art of pumping a skateboard must not die. Texas Skaters unite. We could pull this off. Eddy Texas Outlaw.

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Smelly Pads
On 8/27/2003 Tony wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

I believe the source of the odor is a by-product of microbial metabolism (ammonia) dwelling in the pads. Time to disinfect or replace them.

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Texas Banked Slalom
On 8/27/2003 Mike Moore wrote in from (66.196.nnn.nnn)

My boy Stubbs lives in Dallas. He's really an Okie, but we've given him cred. Is Gigantor in Dallas? That would rock for Banked Slalom. Coming in October...There's gonna be a bowl/park slalom contest in Austin in conjunction with the Texas Old School Skate Jam 3...Cones in the fabled 69 bowl. Oh yeah!!!!

In my part of Texas, Central, theres a part of Miles ditch that would be killer for a banked slalom ditch fest....if it would ever dry!!!!

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Texas Slalom
On 8/27/2003 Marcos wrote in from (65.66.nnn.nnn)

Andre, don't worry man I'm not saying I'm any great shakes myself. I will contact some local people and see what kind of intrest I get. I have tried this already but it pays to be a pest sometimes.

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I meant banked..
On 8/27/2003 Andre wrote in from (12.237.nnn.nnn)

Sorry, I meant banked slalom, not "backed". Just got back from college, my brain is dead.


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slalom in Texas
On 8/27/2003 Andre wrote in from (12.237.nnn.nnn)

You know, after carving the cones at the Bear I think I would be down for some Backed slalom in Texas too! I even bought some cones already, and ran them downhill... I totally suck, but it`s fun...
So, if you throw down a race, more power to you!
Houston is kinda far, though (I live just north of Dallas, in Plano), not that it matters, since I would pose no real competition at all...


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Slalom In the Lone Star State
On 8/27/2003 Marcos wrote in from (67.64.nnn.nnn)

Hey Stubbs: I would be all for helping setting up of a slalom or banked slalom contest it Houston or the surrounding area. I live in Galveston, so I'm close to you. Just give me a holler are the fourm or e-mail me if you like.


On 8/19/2003 Stubbs wrote in from 65.70.xxx.xxx:
I'm down for some slalom. I'd love to throw a big slalom/banked slalom thing here in Texas.

Glad ya liked the article.

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Mag, meat, ammonia
On 8/27/2003 Geezer-X wrote in from (64.157.nnn.nnn)

Mag...I've yet to receive a copy of Concrete wave in my mailbox despite having subscribed ages ago, so maybe V2 #2 will break my curse.

The meat image referred to the thread started by Joe and Nick. Come to The Gathering next year, and you'll understand.

I'll as a chemist and a biologist at work and find out about the ammonia thing.

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mag, amonia and meat...
On 8/27/2003 michael brooke wrote in from (209.29.nnn.nnn)

mag off press...it is being bound and shipped today
it will arrive in California (for ASR Show) on Tuesday the 2nd of Sept.

Mags will be shipped out of Maine Friday...so with the US postal system on the case, expect to see things in 5 to 10 working days...beware of the fact that it can take some time.

However, it's finished and I think you will see a nice step forward...

Now, why the hell would pads smell like amonia?

Is there a chemist in the house?

Finally, why are people posting pictures of meat on my forum page?

Inquiring minds want to know...

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September issue?
On 8/26/2003 Mile High Mark wrote in from (192.18.nnn.nnn)


When can we expect to see the September issue state-side? Anxiously awaiting our advertiser's copy.

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Pungent Pads
On 8/26/2003 Monti wrote in from (161.184.nnn.nnn)

I took some guys up to Calgary to skate the concrete park up there and we found out about the indoor Source park. We got there and were so stoked, we skated like we never had before. After about 3-4 hours we quit and I took off my soaking pads and sniffed them (not always a good idea!). They smelled exactly like someone had poured liquid ammonia all over them. If one of the guys had been knocked unconscious we could have used my kneepads as smelling salts. Has anyone else ever experienced this?

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On 8/26/2003 Bom Petisco wrote in from (149.2.nnn.nnn)

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On 8/26/2003 Geezer-X wrote in from (149.2.nnn.nnn)

I think Joe and Nick must have my piquant aroma cofused with that of my 100% Portuguese compatriot Mr. Robert "Bob" "Bobo" Frias. I am, after all merely 50% Portuguese, and while I admit a certain propensity for the greasy orange porcine based comestibles, I most assuredly don't eminate a linguica-like vapor around my person. I'll allow that at The Gathering, I was responsible for the preparation and distribution of a substantial quantity of the aforementioned tasty, lipid laden ethnic delicacies to the amassed wigglers and hangers-on, and I did have a certain Portuguese fry-cook thing going on, but generally (and I asked my wife for verification) I smell more like a blend of recently cleaned human with a hint of cutting oil, aluminum, bondo, epoxy, and that funny smell 4140 CrMo gives off when you're cutting threads at a fast feed rate. On occasion theres a bit of that good 3M griptape smell, and in the summer, my wrists, elbows, and knees can get pretty stinky.

Suggested topic, while we're delving into the olfactory side of skating. Stinky pad stories. Everybody has one....

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On 8/25/2003 Homer Simsom wrote in from (64.12.nnn.nnn)

UUUUUMMMMMM Portuguese Sausage.

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Best Smells in the World
On 8/25/2003 Rob wrote in from (209.250.nnn.nnn)

Old grip tape had the absolute best smell in the world!!!!!

Second best - the smell of burning firecracker paper.

I do not know about the sausage smell!!


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Geezer X
On 8/25/2003 Joe & Nick wrote in from (63.87.nnn.nnn)

Everytime I smell Geezer X I instantly think of the back room at TA's in Fall River, MA. Seriously, that guy smells like Portuguese Sausage.



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Olfactory Flashback Memories
On 8/25/2003 Pauliwog wrote in from (128.193.nnn.nnn)

Hey! Yes! Every time I smell any of the clear translucent wheels (Gravity, Sector-9, etc) or smell certain brands of grip tape like Bear or 3-M, I instantly think of 1970's skating memories like the one ski shop in Cheyenne Wyoming that sold some "good stuff" or the pro shop of the Concrete Curl skatepark in Denver Colorado. There must be something different about todays urethanes and the binders or glues in grip tape as many skateshops don't trigger those old memories whereas some hardware stores still do. I'm with 'ya man - Pauliwog.

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On 8/25/2003 Chad wrote in from (65.24.nnn.nnn)

I remember getting it from the hardware store as well. It used to come in small strips that were about 1/2 to inch wide. We came up with all sorts of crazy designs with that stuff.

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