Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Board Review
On 5/11/2004 Tom M. wrote in from (198.26.nnn.nnn)

On 5/5/2004 silversurfer wrote in from 24.62.xxx.xxx:
It sounds like you like those Street G wheels a lot. Can you tell me a little bit more about them? I was thinking of getting them in 90a as a sliding wheel.

I've been using them for about two+ years. Prior to them, I liked the BeerCity 64mm?/95As as my "fast" park wheels (don't hear much about BC anymore...). The Gs are faster than the BCs and provide a better grip. The Snaps I bought are slower and (maybe) a tad more grippy than the Gs. These are the only two Gravity products I've tried, so I can't comment (with any authority) on the 90As.

The BDS 38" sounds cool too.
I am considering a 36" x 9.5" Comet spoon, would those indy 215's be a good fit for that and how do you like them?

On my BDS 38x10.5" with the Gs, the 215s are a perfect fit. With the same (offset) wheels, the 215s would probably stick out a bit on the 9.5" Comet.

AFA how I like them...
For the park, they are OK trucks for a stable ride (again, my experience is limited to three sizes of Indys, a set of new Seismics, some (SP3?) Gullwings, and two sizes of Randals, so I'm really no authority on trucks). They are a bit heavy compared to the 169s, but it is all relative to your setup (e.g., my Afroman Numbchuck w/169s is heavier than the BDS w/215s just due to the heavier board). Most people probably wouldn't want 215s for the park, but I don't fit the "most people" mold. I'm using stock bushings only because I haven't gotten around to changing them. I have several bushing to try, but -- up until lately -- my park time has been limited, so I haven't spent the time necessary for experimenting.

Last time I took the 215s down a hill (loooong time ago), I got the wobs to the point of bailing (luckily I wasn't going too fast). However, I would imagine a lot of this was due to my inexperience with riding at speed and in the mechanics of trucks (i.e., bushings, tightness, etc.).

For a cruising/carving board, I'd still rather have the R2s (for lack of a better, known, product).

Good luck!

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On 5/7/2004 SJ Ryan wrote in from (12.76.nnn.nnn)

Will i get in trouble if i search for the Madrid Bomber?...

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bozi mbII update
On 5/7/2004 vaitus wrote in from (24.199.nnn.nnn)

finally switched the double stims 184 trackers for the 180mm seismics on the bozi (gumballs 78s wheels), great loss in the soul dept. and great gain in the traction, stability and laser guided missile precision depts. great
evidently those things must go again each other....outstanding setups either way. on a side note after 5 weeks or so I went back to sliding on the bozi gs36 w/130mm seismics and 84a flashbacks and was once again amazed by this setup ability to slide easily, smoothly and controllably, great combo of deck height, stiffness and trucks for this purpose I guess...

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Madrid Collage Complete and Bomber Complete opinions?
On 5/6/2004 Trevor wrote in from (24.245.nnn.nnn)

Any one care to comment on the quality of Madrid Longboards? Specifically the Downhill Bomber and the Collage complete. I want two decks, one for carving and one for crusing and doing some oldschool on and maybe carving bowls. Would the bomber serve the purpose of a good carving/dowhill board? Would the collage be a good carving board? Any imput I can get on the Madrid Bomber or the collage would be awsome.

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On 5/5/2004 Q wrote in from (69.138.nnn.nnn)

The "W" concave is a love or hate thing.

I love it.

The BDS 38" LB is quite versatile when set up with the right trucks (personally, I've got the 155 Seismic 45-yellow/30-red with 85a BDA Shogos, ~1/2 flat risers front and back. I'm no expert, but I'm learning, and the BDS LB is a fun ride. I've even run some hybrid slalom courses with the "Big Pig".


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re:BDS 38"
On 5/5/2004 chris olden wrote in from (63.205.nnn.nnn)

Hey SS,
As I stated in my post below, the BDS 38" deck, is an outstanding
deck! I believe that you would dig it if you were to add it to your
quiver. A "deck of many trades" as it were...

Also, the "W" concave is a little different for me on the Bulldog deck
and the BDS Longboard. On the Bulldog deck, it does make establishing
your footing quick and intuitve; whereas on the Longboard, I don't really
notice it. It'd be cool to see the "W" concave on a few more BDS decks.
Chris Olden

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Street G's
On 5/5/2004 silversurfer wrote in from (24.62.nnn.nnn)

Tom M - thank you for your response.

It sounds like you like those Street G wheels a lot. Can you tell me a little bit more about them? I was thinking of getting them in 90a as a sliding wheel.

The BDS 38" sounds cool too.

I am considering a 36" x 9.5" Comet spoon, would those indy 215's be a good fit for that and how do you like them?

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GP board, etc.
On 5/5/2004 Tom M. wrote in from (198.26.nnn.nnn)

Ah, SS. A different scenario (the trip).

If I'm going to a business spot that has a decent park(s) nearby, and if I have a rental car assigned to me, I may only take one board:
BDS 38 w/Indy 215, Gravity Street Gs (64?/97a), 3/16" front riser and 1/4" rear riser. This is my "normal" park board of choice -- especially if we're talking cement parks with bowls, etc.

If I'm going to a business spot that has a decent park(s) nearby, and if I have no rental car assigned to me, I have been known to take vacation time at the end of my business travel, rent my own car/motel, and check out the park(s). If this is the case, I may take two boards:
BDS 38 (see above).
Bozi MBII w/ R2-180s (modded bushing/kingpins), Flywheels (83/75a), and a token 1/16" riser front/rear.

If I'm going to a business spot that has a no decent park nearby (or is an "unknown" in the park area), and if I have a rental car assigned to me, I will probably take two boards:
BDS 38 (see above).
Bozi MBII (see above).

If I'm going to a business spot that has a no decent parks nearby OR if I have no rental car assigned to me, I will probably take one board:
Bozi MBII (see above)

If I'm going to a vacation spot (trust me, there WILL be some decent parks nearby/on-the-way <g>), I will probably take three boards:
BDS 38 (see above).
Afroman Numbchuck w/Indy 169s, Gravity Street Gs (64?/97a), 1/8" front riser and 1/8" rear riser. This is my chosen board for parks that are less "fluid" than cement parks. The Numbchuck is a tank.
Bozi MBII (see above).

If I'm going to a vacation spot soley for riding parks, I will probably take two boards:
BDS 38 (see above).
Afroman Numbchuck (see above).

If I'm DRIVING to a vacation OR business spot, I will probably take four-to-six of my normal faves:
BDS 38 (see above).
Afroman Numbchuck (see above).
Afroman Hustler w/Seismic 45/180/yellow front, 30/180/green rear, Gravity Snaps (62?/97a), can't remember the riser config. Just got this board last Xmas, and haven't gotten it "tuned in" yet. The trucks are quite responsive, and the board feels good... Something not quite right about the wheels... Maybe it needs Street Gs?...
Bozi MBII (see above).
Bozi MBII (same as above except for 92/75a Flywheels).
Big Red X dropthrough w/R2-180 (modded bushing/kingpin), Flywheels (83/78a).

Did I leave out anything?... :)

Oh yeah, I used to carry a Turner Fatboy w/RTX/S (modded bushings), Stingers (74/77a?), and don't remember the riser config. This is my only slalom board. I got it over a year ago, and still haven't run into anyone who rides slalom. Since I feel a bit conspicuous setting up cones in a parking lot by myself (afraid I'll get carted away by the whitecoats <g>), I've "retired" it out of the trunk until I find someone with which to slalom (there is still an open spot in the trunk for it, though).

I have several boards that used to have "TRUNK STATUS", but have been replaced for one reason or another. I still like them, and -- for all but three -- I wouldn't part with any of them. I'm big on the quiver thing...

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iza numbchuck...
On 5/2/2004 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (216.80.nnn.nnn)

...so tear into the afroman witcho bad sef

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afroman or dregs?
On 5/1/2004 edd wrote in from (158.143.nnn.nnn)

hi-looking for all round board, if such a thing exists, to take with me ona round the world jaunt at end of year so soze and weight matters. torn between a afroman numchuck adn dregs 4o insh- the beery one. mostly street, carving but wuldnt mind some pool/ park use. any ideas from those in the know?
cheers, edd

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that 'W''
On 4/30/2004 silversurfer wrote in from (24.62.nnn.nnn)

Yes, good qustion, psYcho. How about that "W" concave? How does it feel? Does it serve a purpose?
And what about those wheel wells. Would they be functional with turny trucks like randal's? Would you get wheel bite with 70mm wheels? What size riser would you need?

Since your set up is different you might not know but I was just curious.

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BDS Long Board
On 4/30/2004 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (198.160.nnn.nnn)

...and how 'bout that "w"?

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re:BDS Longboard
On 4/29/2004 chris olden wrote in from (67.121.nnn.nnn)

Hey SS,
Originally, I had my BDS Longboard set up as a bowl-bomber
with 155mm Seismics(45 degree front/30 degree back with
heavier springs in back) BDS Shogo Soft Pour wheels, and
Oust Moc9 Airrr bearings. It was a smooth ride to be certain.
Not super fast, but would roll for days.
The Seismics really give this deck a different character than
regular trucks. Actually, I find that for me, Seismics are exclusively
long wheelbase deck trucks. For said decks, they are downright
One day, we changed out the Shogos for a set of BDS 100duro
Double Conical wheels; that changed the board completely.
It wasn't nearly as smooth, but it is MUCH faster and feels way more
aggressive now. I now ride it as a vert deck at my local skatepark's
I certainly see the BDS Longboard as being a multi-use deck, depending
upon the set-up you decide to run. Another option would be to step up
to the 180mm Seismics and run a narrower wheel like the Sh*tfire or
one of the Powell SPF wheels. Or, you could try out a set of abec11
65mm NoSkoolz in a softer duro and have an outstanding ditch board.
Speaking of the NoSkoolz...
Another deck I have had very good luck with is the Afroman Numbchuck.
A little bit longer wheelbase(I think) than the BDS Longboard, but not
a long enough deck to be unmanageable in a bowl. I have mine set up
with Indy 215's(thanks Foz!!!) and NoSkoolz 65mm's in 88 durometer.
The front truck is SERIOUSLY wedged, and both the front and the back
trucks have had their bushings swapped out. I'm not a fan of Indy's, but
with this deck they WORK for some reason. It should make a great bowl-
bomber/ditch rider.
Check 'em both out!
Chris Olden

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BDS Long Board
On 4/29/2004 silversurfer wrote in from (24.62.nnn.nnn)

Chris Olden - could you tell me a little bit about this board and how you use it, what types of skating, how it's set up, ect.?

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Great explaination!
On 4/29/2004 silversurfer wrote in from (24.62.nnn.nnn)

Thank You!

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not a fan
On 4/29/2004 vaitus wrote in from (24.199.nnn.nnn)

"And you are not a Randal fan? Why then would they be on your only board?"
that's why I have a quiver and not just one board....

SS, I'm not a fan because imo there are much better trucks for *specialized* applications: trackers for soulcarving or park pool riding, webbs for park /pool riding, exkates for surf skating, seismics for pumping, sliding and lower 30s mph downhill runs (I don't go any faster than that, usually a lot slower).

nevertheless on that particular board, which was specifically designed to be set up with randals, they work great and offer a decent performance in all of the above mentioned applications, *without being the absolute best in any of them*.

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If I only had one board...
On 4/29/2004 chris olden wrote in from (68.123.nnn.nnn)

Over the last year, I've been fortunate enough to build up a nice
quiver of decks. It's been a fun process of putting together a deck
for a different situation. If I were forced to whittle the quiver back
down to only one deck, it'd be my Skaterbuilt Pig. Even after skating
all my other decks, I can come back to my Skaterbuilt Pig and it's
Skaterbuilt 12" Pig
Webb Wide Ride trucks
Bulldog Skates Double Conical wheels(95 duro)
Rockin' Rons Ceramic bearings
I don't see myself doing any whittling and time soon!! LOL
Chris Olden

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Not a Fan?
On 4/29/2004 silversurfer wrote in from (24.62.nnn.nnn)

Thank you, vaitus. That is the type of thing I am looking for.

Just two things:

Randal's modded in what way?

And you are not a Randal fan? Why then would they be on your only board?

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If you only had one Board ....
On 4/29/2004 vaitus wrote in from (24.199.nnn.nnn)

very tough one SS

it would be my comet parkflex 40" (really similar to the downhill spoon plus a kicktail, longer nose and shorter wb) with modded Randals II 180mm and 65mm 84a new skoolz. I'm not a fan of randals by any means but this set up is my the best all around ever.

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On 4/29/2004 SJ Ryan wrote in from (12.76.nnn.nnn)

I prob know as much about it as you, you can look at it in the contest calender forum, or on the right side of the www.ncdsa.com home page

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NYC contest?
On 4/29/2004 silversurfer wrote in from (24.62.nnn.nnn)

Tell me more about the NYC contest. I am near Boston, might be able to check it out. I don't think I have much chance of winning any prizes, though.

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On 4/29/2004 SJ Ryan wrote in from (12.76.nnn.nnn)

Hey silversurfer, if you really want some randall's or a new comet, come out to that NYC race, thats what they're given away as prizes.

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Great Start!
On 4/29/2004 silversurfer wrote in from (24.62.nnn.nnn)

Thank you, K-LEE. That was exactly what I was looking for.

Does anyone else have one or two main boards that they could describe?

I currently have two boards, and am agonizing over what to get for the third, there are so many great choices.

What are you guys dreaming about for your next board?

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all-in-one board
On 4/29/2004 K-LEE wrote in from (64.106.nnn.nnn)

I think I'm getting the idea. However, before I grabbed that "all around" board, I'd have to ask myself one question: "To kicktail, or not to kicktail?" The answer to that question would lead me to the two following choices:

Non-kicktail: Bozi GS36, 139mm Tracker Axis & B-2 wedge/dewedge combo (same idea as RTX/S, but wider) given the longer kingpin double Stimulator Bozi job, Avilas 80a front 76a rear, PT7 sealed bearings.

Kicktail: (which is currently in production, awaiting trucks and wheel wells) Comet Spoon 40" custom self-shaped with a wider tail and a blunt round nose, 167mm Webb Mike Smith trucks w/ soft Stimulators, 85a Super G's, PT7 sealed bearings.

It is my impression that if one can come up with an "all around" board, that it tends to reflect that person's style. For me, if I was forced to own only one board, it would be the Comet mentioned above. This makes sense because I feel most at home in the ditches and the Comet is going to be the bomb-diggity ditch board. However, the Bozi is my daily board, the one I grab when simply commuting or just going to feel the road beneath my wheels. It's the one I feel most at home on.

So, If I felt like ripping it up a bit, hitting up some curbs or ditches or even bowls, I'd take the Comet. But if I just needed to have a skate on hand in case my soul needed some freedom, the Bozi would be my first choice.

Sorry, instead of answering your question, I actually came up with a good argument of having minimum quiver of two. Right now I have 5 boards, and my girlfriend has 2, going on 3.

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On 4/29/2004 KH forever wrote in from (192.175.nnn.nnn)

I must've hit myself too hard. That happens sometimes.

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