Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Completes (3882 Posts)
Board Review
Is eight enuough?
On 5/28/2004 silversurfer wrote in from (24.62.nnn.nnn)

What about a Flowlab...16 wheels (I think)!

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8 is too much?
On 5/28/2004 Dave H. wrote in from (24.13.nnn.nnn)

I can see two wheels (Tierney). 3, maybe. 4, and even a Freebord 6, but 8? That's gotta be a squirrely ride! Why 8?

Dave H.

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re:Riding an 8-wheeler
On 5/26/2004 chris olden wrote in from (67.121.nnn.nnn)

Hop over to bulldogskates.com and take a peek at their
home page for some 8-wheeler action, courtesy of
Steve Holt.
Chris Olden

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8 Wheeler
On 5/26/2004 Mike Moore wrote in from (66.196.nnn.nnn)

Currently I'm just trying to LEARN to ride it. It is a completely different animal.

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8 wheelers?
On 5/26/2004 sfPaul wrote in from (69.105.nnn.nnn)

I'm curious...what sort of riding do you do with those 8 wheeled boards?

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Fluid "Classic" longboard in Europe
On 5/26/2004 Jonas Larsson wrote in from (81.227.nnn.nnn)

Hi all!
I'm having a really hard time finding anyone who can sell me a Fluid "Classic" longboard. I live in Sweden. (that's Europe)
Every link I find takes me to longskate.com, even their own link to fluidskateboards.com.
I've tried contacting longboard.com, but their mailaddress doesn't exist.
Does anyone know of a european distributor, or even a correct mail-address for longboard.com?

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bozi gs 36 update
On 5/25/2004 vaitus wrote in from (24.199.nnn.nnn)

set up the gs 36 / uptrucks 180mm with the used 84a/81a avilas I got from Arab and...you can guess...thane sweet thane. great difference in traction with the 84a flashbacks I've been using so far, the avilas will slide easy and long with less input, just turn a little harder, feel the little vibration and vrrrrrrrr....lots of inertia when rolling and when sliding as well, too bad I get some wheelbite on the font truck and I will need to add some risers. this truck wheel combo would rock on the mbII, and hopefully won't need any risers, but I still need to redrill it...

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The trouble you can cause...
On 5/25/2004 vaitus wrote in from (24.199.nnn.nnn)

...oh my...factory 13 at the moma?

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The trouble you can cause...
On 5/25/2004 Mike Moore wrote in from (66.196.nnn.nnn)

When you have issues...

Custom F13 8 wheeler, Tracker Mids, Abec 11 60mm 81a No Skoolz, Biltin bearings. THANKS GUYS !!!

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On 5/24/2004 chris wrote in from (213.100.nnn.nnn)

yeah...you are so right..
but nevertheless..I cant think of a more comfortable ride in the city...a really steep hill..or just for some hardcore carving or sliding..

have only ridden it with 83mm fly´s and 73mm cliff sliders..
use like 6mm risers..or 9 if I will be sure not to scratch the board..its LOW...;)

101 flys works..but you have to have some major risers..and tighten the kingpins..
you´ll be able to carve though..

The new Landy Evo?
Got any pics?

..or is it just a myth?

Hm...that board you want...don´t know how it would be made..to be a bomber..carver..slider..pool and trickboard?

Tell me if you find it! ;)
I´ll by it.

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again and again
On 5/23/2004 henry wrote in from (172.178.nnn.nnn)

There IS no discussion. That Landy is a great deck for all that. But the term "all around riding" for me includes being able to carve, bomb, slide AND ride a pool, ollie a curb, or kickturn on a bank. You will admit that the R-IV is a bit limited on that point. That's all.

I'm thinking of getting one, too... I thougt it was designed for indys? Wouldn't 101 bite when carving hard, with RII's?

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On 5/23/2004 again..chris wrote in from (213.100.nnn.nnn)

Do you know any other board that is as STABLE, fast, low, goodlooking as the R-IV in the same priceclass?

If so....I would get one..

You don´t even have to have DH trucks on it to race..Randals RII is far good enough..and thats odd!!!

With 101 fly´s and SKF`s DH bearings....it´s a ticket to death!
And with cliff sliders..it´s a sliders dream.
Makes you slide like a God, even if you thought your skills sucked.
Try it..you´ll like it.

End of discussion.

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On 5/23/2004 again wrote in from (213.100.nnn.nnn)

no man..just kidding..

but to be honest..
it´s utlimate for sliding..with it´s low cg..
and for dh..well..I don´t know any other board that is as stable as the R-IV with Randals RII!!!!!

It beats most decks I´ve tried..

Even my supaflex boards..

But you should have the 11ply if you wanna race..not the 9ply..

It´s a really good carver too..

I´m sure it´s many other great boards..that I have yet to try..
but the Landy DH Race is really a great allround board.

WITH 180mm´s randals..red soft bushings.

Thats a fact.

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On 5/22/2004 henry wrote in from (172.176.nnn.nnn)

i don't think so but YOU'll know better, of course...

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dh race
On 5/22/2004 chris wrote in from (213.100.nnn.nnn)

the landyachtz dh race is the BEST board for everything.

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dh race
On 5/21/2004 henry wrote in from (172.176.nnn.nnn)

mr.xz, as the name says, it's a "downhill race" deck...

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On 5/19/2004 xxzzxxzzxxzz wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

is a landyachtz dh race complete a goog board for all around riding?

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You Need A Bozi, Luc. . .
On 5/17/2004 Dave H. wrote in from (24.13.nnn.nnn)

Luke, you want a fast, high quality, everything board, check out Boziboards. He's known for the highest quality stuff and he'll work with you. There are a lot of really good longboards out there, but it sounds like you'll be happiest being Bozi-fied. . .

Dave H.

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New Electric In Town
On 5/17/2004 Dave H. wrote in from (24.13.nnn.nnn)

Thanks! Hugh R. It would be great if the new board is a real competitor to the Exkate. It's about 1/3 the price, much more realistic. The problem I've always had with the Exkate powerboard, which I own and really like, is that it is priced more into motorcycle than board or scooter territory. Wish I lived in SoCal instead of Chicago. I'd definitely help you test and even bring my X24 for a comparo. :)

Best, Dave H.

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Electric Board
On 5/17/2004 hugh r wrote in from (69.166.nnn.nnn)

Dr Dave!

I sent off an email to try and set up a test ride and possible review on my site... hopefully I'll hear back from them sometime soon.

If a test session can be arranged, are there any of you who would like to be involved? So Cal area... if so, let me know here or via email... HR

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New Electric in Town?
On 5/16/2004 Dave H. wrote in from (24.13.nnn.nnn)

Is this new puppy on ebay the affordable knockoff of the exkate powerboard? Come on Hugh r, road test one for us! . . . . :)


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want to ride
On 5/16/2004 Luc wrote in from (199.212.nnn.nnn)

hey whats going on. Rocking FunDAS!! im looking for a new longboard. its going to be my first board so i dont know what companys to look for. im looking for speed fast turning, a good crusing board. any body got some advice?

ps. yo slalom mike its that kid from the bridge (liquid pipe, red hair)

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F13 lifer
On 5/15/2004 vaitus wrote in from (216.166.nnn.nnn)

I was looking for something slightly more aggressive and with less concave than the comet parkflex 40", to use as a tight pool / small concrete park kind of set up with the webb trucks. I had eyed the skaterbuilt pig (deeper concave) and the bds bfII (flat) when Duane came out with a lifer review and pointed me in the right direction. Long story short I set this up with wide webbs on 1 full inch of risers, which may sound like a lot but the webbs are so low profile that it's same as tall as tracker quicktracks on 1/2 an inch risers!
add 65mm 94a noskools to the equation and you end up with ze perfect setup for the above mentioned application that also happens to be a kickass old school pig period. user friendly thanks to the wide width (no tapering for the benefit of those who wear the same size shoes for both feet...), very slight concave lack of nose and with just the right amount of aggression to handle tight situations with ease despite the longboard like 19" wheelbase, still retains fair amounts of glide and soul like a through old school deck. the truck wheel combo works beautifully, the webbs, another *low tech* fave, are plenty wide and I can keep them superloose while keeping a good amount of stability, offer a turning action that's quick, tight, consistent and predictable at the same time. the 94a noskools give the perfect width for this setup and are plenty fast and grippy enough, can slide at command without things getting out of control like you would expect from such a hard duro. I wonder what a slight strecthed out version of this setup would do in a bigger park....
Lastly a word of thanks to the f13 folks, real skaters who put their heart in what they're doing. Great customer service, great decks and they can do anything custom, including furry grip tape (!) Will definetly do business with them again.

here's a pic link:

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Comet 36" Spoon set-up
On 5/15/2004 Steve in AZ wrote in from (130.13.nnn.nnn)

I'll add my agreement to Tom M's post in that I think that the Indy 215's are the perfect width for the 10"+ BDS boards, but only if you're running a street/hard park wheel. If you're running wheels wider than that (BDS Shogos or DubCons, etc.), you'll want to go one-step more narrow.

My Comet 36" Spoon is set up with Sxtracks and 60mm NoSkools. If you run a 64mm+ wheel, you'll have to either build some wheelwells or jack up the trucks in order to avoid wheelbite.

My BDS OG 34" has the Indy 146's (~150mm) and Shogo SoftPour Yellow/Greens. With Builtin bearings to keep the wheels from creaking and crackling. Perfect width!


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the post below...
On 5/12/2004 Jerry wrote in from (69.194.nnn.nnn)

Ah, would that all posts were as well-considered, honest and succinct as Tom M's. Having said that, after reeling off the variety of trucks you've owned, I'd say you were pretty close to being a 'truck expert'.

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