Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Completes (3882 Posts)
Board Review
Turner Summer Skis
On 2/8/2000 Pre- School Rider wrote in from (209.198.nnn.nnn)

Yeah,Luke,those Turners are new!That's my friends Steve,Curt,and Mac,who all use those Turners for serious snowboard cross-training.I've known about Turners since the mid-seventies,and through John Gilmour,Finally attained one(used,now very used)about eight years ago.It frickin' rips!I can slam five-foot spaced cones,and with a full turn of bushing-nut adjustment go flying at forty,without wobbles,and still turn.I've been clocked(by car speedo,so give or take 5 mph)by my terrified wife at 55 mph on it,still running med-soft bushings on Tracker ful-tracks (7 inch axles)using 72mm Krypto Projects.I run Hyper Stradas or old Kryto C-65 Flatbacks on it for tight slalom,but I'm going for Power Paws this summer,as the board craves super sticky wheels.If you flip through the Board archives here,I believe Bobby Turner's E-mail was posted,and last I heard,He was still making boards.They're worth twice what he charges!!

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On 2/8/2000 tc wrote in from (198.39.nnn.nnn)

for those who don't know, Turners are pretty much the original "sandwich" foam/glass boards. There were others such as Hobies...but Turners were the best as they came in different lengths, shapes and degree of stiffness, all of which could be custom ordered. Bobby Piercy was the king of slalom for a while on one. Check the archives or search useing "turner" - they are still being made for $250 for the deck only.

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Turner boards
On 2/8/2000 Luke wrote in from (150.228.nnn.nnn)

What; c'mon guys--how about an answer from the person who posted this pic? Anyone? At 56 impressions a day, you'd think SOMEONE would know . . .
hang loose (but not that loose)

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wingnut flexDEX 41"
On 2/2/2000 WINGNUT wrote in from (24.188.nnn.nnn)


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Turner Boards--New pics
On 2/1/2000 Luke wrote in from (150.228.nnn.nnn)

Can anybody post info on what these boards are? I'm not "seasoned" enough to remember Turner Summer Skis so be kind if everyone else already knows, but these look like new boards & I'm interested. Hang loose . . . .

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chronic crew
On 2/1/2000 zuppafrog wrote in from (163.187.nnn.nnn)

i just want to say a "ura ura eh" to hte french crew of anglet for their boards wich are, we can say it, made by and for riders..Thank you to exist, fank you ot work so well, thank you...sorry for you , american people but it`s only a french pleasure..

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Freeride Marvin
On 1/28/2000 Matt wrote in from (208.165.nnn.nnn)

-As my board is making its long trek cross-country from
San Clemente, Ca to McKnightstown, Pa, I'm forced to resort
to the pages of this site to keep my longboarding fire fueled
(which is pretty touch indeed with 6" of snow on the ground!)
Anyway, what do yas' think of the freeride marvin?
Strengths? Weaknesses? And much thanks to D.T. for the

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Tandem wheel trucks
On 1/26/2000 Pre-School Rider wrote in from (209.198.nnn.nnn)

I've seen that setup quite a bit at Luge races,but I can't think of who makes them.I believe I saw them on Dr. Go Fast's web page,as an add-on to your choice of trucks,and I think Billet downhill truck also offered this as an option.

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What is for me??
On 1/25/2000 STR wrote in from (165.24.nnn.nnn)

I am thnking of buying a gravity board(not a hyper or mini carve board). I odnt want the classic but i was all around riding, including stairs if i have to. I was looking at the team 39" or the Park Board 40". if you know of any other longskate companys thats has something the fits my discription please let me know. Thanks alot


P.S. My friend got me to try my hypercarve on his launch ramp..it worked but i think it weakened the board alot.

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Not flowlab,
On 1/24/2000 Pre-School Rider wrote in from (209.198.nnn.nnn)

LoneCore,the LUGE I mentioned had three trucks,2 in front,1 at the rear.The hangars were Indy 169mm with 215mm axles,and the wheels were mounted four to an axle,dualie,not tandem.It was odd looking,but worked pretty well.At the time,Sk8 board wheel choices were 70mm krypto or hypers,or Road weapons,so using 84mm or 80mm blade wheels gave a slight speed advantage.

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On 1/20/2000 Ryan wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Besides the downhill usage, it doesn't look like another version of the freebord at all. It doesn't employ the same caster/slide concept and the freebord cannot be placed aggressively "on edge" like this board claims.

At any rate, wheel replacement looks quite expensive for this one.

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Blade wheels on a luge
On 1/20/2000 Pre-School Rider wrote in from (207.136.nnn.nnn)

Hey,Keith,That's a setup I've seen work,but the trick was to put the blade wheels on as dualies (ala like on an 18 wheeler) with a soft compound on the outsides of the axles.The guy who did this could pull controlled drifts in turns that were totally sick!I rode with him like twice in the mid-80's,and have never seen another sled set up in this way since.

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On 1/19/2000 Adam wrote in from (63.192.nnn.nnn)

Could this be the final product of a protoytpe called Wheelie Dealie that showed up at an NCDSA event two years ago? See the pic here.

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On 1/19/2000 Lindsay wrote in from (202.37.nnn.nnn)

Looks like a product I saw on another infomercial for removing
troublesome body hair

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Flowlab (another version of the freebord)
On 1/19/2000 hc wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

check this board out. www.flowlab.com
it was featured in this issue of Wired.
I saw it ridden only once at the x-games.
The board seems to have a lot of rolling resistance, but manueverable. it seems to be another downhill-only board like freebord.

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Norway... pretty expencive
On 1/19/2000 Jocke wrote in from (195.178.nnn.nnn)

Jens, why dont you order from the states instead.
Or, if you find your way to Stockholm Sweden, we have some nice shops here.

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How much a complete board costs in Norway!
On 1/19/2000 jens wrote in from (195.204.nnn.nnn)

deck: Satalite 302 (the deck with the afro-dude on the bottom). "1000 Norwegian Krones"
trucks: Independent 215. "500 Norwegian Krones"
wheels: Union Longboard Wheels. "400 Norwegian Krones"
bearings: Bevo Bearings abec 7. "500 Norwegian Krones"
griptape: ?. "150 Norwegian Krones"
risers: Pig. "50 Norwegian Krones"

2600 KR = 300 dollars

Hehe,, cheap huh?

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Re: Carving Board
On 1/19/2000 DT wrote in from (24.1.nnn.nnn)

You definatly want a board that is stiff and has a set of randal trucks! the actual deck should be something your comfortable on and enjoy riding. My favorites are Freeride Senorita Love Joy 37" and TVS Mid 42"


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Rollerblade wheels on a luge
On 1/18/2000 Keith Fellmy (Mr. Safety) wrote in from (206.31.nnn.nnn)

Try rollerblade wheels on a luge. I just love picking those little road rash rocks out of my leathers. Yes leathers not skin!!!!!!

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On 1/18/2000 Lindsay wrote in from (202.37.nnn.nnn)

Yeah, the rollerboard looked like some kind of excercise device
from an infomercial. Perhaps it works your abs as well.

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carving boards
On 1/18/2000 $@&^$&*&%)& wrote in from (192.239.nnn.nnn)

what is the best board for carving at high speeds, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Rollerboard
On 1/18/2000 Hizzout wrote in from (4.18.nnn.nnn)

Regarding the "rollerboard"
Terrible, just terrible. not an innovation or breakthrough in either rollerblading or skateboarding. I can't believe they even have a web site. How many times must people put rollerblade wheels on our longboards???!!! Take a stand my bretheren! (and Cat, the only active female on this site).

Keep Carvin'

P.S. Fuzz, I want to hear your colorful commentary on the board...you crack my a$$ up.

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On 1/16/2000 rollerboarder wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

check this out, inline skateboard. www.rollerboard.com

I remember way back Trasher had a pic of the same idea as a joke, but rollerboard actually made it. and there's pics of people actually riding and doing tricks!

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freebord 112 review
On 1/16/2000 freeborder wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

i got a freebord 112 (original model) for a couple of month now. if you like snowboarding, freebord does a nice job of simulating the sliding feel.

however my board is heavy. you wouldn't want to skate it in the longboard mode. it's strictly a downhill board. hard to push to get speed because the board wants to slide out. at higher speed, control is sketchy. very easy to catch an edge and get chucked. in fact freebord came out with a new lighter model call the alpha that has shorter trucks, adjustable castor trail, nonretractable castor, lower deck height. this new board supposed is more stable, doesnt catch an edge as easily, lighter, and cheaper. If i get a chance, i want to try the alpha 112 and the 100 to see if its actually better.

just my 2 cents. for more info www.freebord.com

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TVS wheel base
On 1/15/2000 DT wrote in from (24.4.nnn.nnn)

It is axle to axle.

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