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S9 pintail
On 6/9/2000
wrote in from
Doobie. I would go with the randals. its worth the extra money. The alumanators look cool but not worth the extra money. Go with 70mm 75a Power Paws, they are cheaper and work good.
Starwars shapes... no serious!
On 6/9/2000
wrote in from
All that silly stuff about Starwars got me thinking... how about a Y-wing shaped board? With one truck up front and two, next to each other, in the back. You don't need to give it a Y-wing shape, of course, that's just how I got the idea, but would this work? I think speedwobbles can't occur with two trucks mounted next to each other (Hey! One of you 8-wheeler guys out there, am I right?), so it would mean great stability, while still having manoeuvrability because of the single front truck. Maybe I should try this...
S9 pintail + R2's + Alluminators = ?
On 6/9/2000
wrote in from
Hey is this a good setup? is it worth the extra money? I am riding a S9 pintail with pivots and 70mm 9-Balls and I want to know if I should spend some money and get the Randals and Alluminators, what kind of bearings and risers should I use? is this a good Idea? worth the mad cash flow I would need? Thanks. -RIDE WITH PRIDE- --- DOOBIE ---
Fibreflex pintail 38", 44"
On 6/9/2000
wrote in from
I'm trying to decide which one of these boards to buy. I really like the 44" pintail,I'm 5'10" , and weigh about 160,and I was wondering if this may too long or flexy for my weight..I want a setup that is great for carving,and maybe some slalom. I 'm also thinking about mounting on some Randell trucks instead of the Excates,I hear alot about Excates giving you the wobbles. Please if anyone has any information, it is deeply appreciated
Hot Guy
On 6/8/2000
wrote in from
Go with the custom setup from Solid Skate. The R2's alone make it worth the extra money. I've never tried Greaseballs, but I can say that China Bones are very good bearings for the money. Finally, 65 mm wheels are too small. You're way better off with the Power Paws.
Re: Supercruiser
On 6/8/2000
wrote in from
Hot Guy:
Go with the custom setup. Comparing R2's to Pivots is like comparing a Porsche to a Yugo.
The bearings to me are a little much, but I don't know what kind of riding you're planning on doing. If you're just cruising, go with greaseballs or something that would suit your needs.
Even though you'll spend more for the custom setup, you'll be glad you did.
My humble opinion,
Keep Carvin'
On 6/7/2000 Scott
wrote in from
"Hot Guy," if that is your real name, you should get the Randal R-2 setup from solidskate. I had Indy 215s on my Supercruiser when I bought it and I recently made the switch to Randal R-2s and I'm tellin' ya that the Pivots just can't compete with R-2s. That setup from solidskate is going to be very nice. It has everything to put a smile on your face.
Sector 9 Super Cruiser
On 6/7/2000
That Hella Hot Guy
wrote in from
I am considering which super cruiser complete to buy, can anyone help? The two are:
$150- Pivot Trucks 65mm/78a Greaseballs (this complete is from the sector9 website)
$188- Randal R-II's, Power Paw 70mm/78a, and China Bones bearings (a custom put together order from solidskate.com)
Any help would be really great.
S9--- "Big Stiffy"
On 6/7/2000
wrote in from
hey anyone have a board like this that has broken, look down a few posts down for my reason. -_-RIDE WITH PRIDE-_- _-_RobRobRobRobRob_-_
On 6/7/2000
wrote in from
this thing look like the wheelie dealy in the pics part of ncdsa.com
On 6/7/2000 Herbn
wrote in from
I don't know if my posts on these "things" too many wheels, too many bearings being accellerated and decellerated constantly,while there is a of urithane on the board very little of it is actually on the ground at anyone time so lack of traction and if you somehow learned to ride this thing well you would probabely flat spot wheels real easy.
On 6/7/2000
wrote in from
It's funny you guys bring up Flowlab-I just discovered the link on the links page yesterday. I don't know anyone who has one nor have I ever seen one for sale except on that site. What a weird looking board though, hmm?
On 6/6/2000
hugh r
wrote in from
Hey Skeptic,
Me too. Every month I e-mail the guys there requesting a time I can go and do an eval/test ride. Every month he e-mails me back saying something to the effect of "sorry, just sold out, try back later."
Personally, I am just about ready to loose interest in their products... HR
On 6/6/2000 skeptic
wrote in from
If you or anyone you know has ordered a flowlab and actually received it, please respond and let me know how long it took and how it rides. I am beginning to think this company is a scam. I have yet to hear from anyone that actually owns one.
VMG Wood series
On 6/5/2000
hugh r
wrote in from
Just tried out one of these woodboards with an aluminum spline on the underside.
The deck is too flat for my tastes, but the ride is real nice. This one came with exkate trucks and wheels. The wheels may not be that great for big guys (one split after just a few days)
My opinion is that with your favorite trucks and wheels, that this may be the best deck out there for the REAL big guys (250 lbs plus) The aluminium spline really stiffens this board up under load. I weigh 235 and it flexed slightly.
My only critisism of the deck is that it needs more grip tape. I found the gloss finish a little slick on my vans.
This board feels more like a sidewalk beach cruiser more than anything else. And cruising the sidewalks is very comfortable on this board. Worth a look... HR
I will post some pix on my site soon...
more "power-assist" talk
On 6/4/2000
wrote in from
For those lacking hills and gravity, try the outside power sources such as zap's powerski, the rollerpup, or the gas-powered rollercycle. You won't have all that weight on your board--and you can use it several boards.
On 6/4/2000 racer
wrote in from
I was looking at adregs maggie or a dregs LI What is faster. Any suggestions
electric powerboard
On 6/3/2000 Mike
wrote in from
ok u have the same name as me.. i might just have to change my name. any sugestions?
electric boards
On 6/3/2000
Gunnar Westholm
wrote in from
Is there other electric powerboards than exkates
Exskate Powerboard
On 6/2/2000
wrote in from
Hey it's me again. I got another board question. How is the Exskate Powerboard (does it carve good, take up too much battery energy, ride good)? Also, how much do they usually go for? Thanx for all the help, this page kicks serious ass.
On 6/2/2000
wrote in from
Look at http://www.exkate.com/power/pwrcopy/pwrcopy.html you have all the specs there.
Quick question.... r u swedish?
Randal Powerboards
On 6/2/2000
Gunnar Westholm
wrote in from
Why slow turning, dose'nt the rear truck turn as an ordinary exkate truck, are they one or two wheel drive, dose the motor wourk as a brake or is ther an free wheeln clutch, Where can i finde the Randal Powerboards, on ther site i found nothing aboute it, are they allso electric.
power boards
On 6/1/2000
wrote in from
FUN, , FUN, FUN....yes they are heavy and kind of slow turning, but the acceleration and torque is quite heavy and will bring a grin to your face if it doesnt throw you off. you have to be very smooth on the throttle.
now the Randal Powerboards are where its at, much better all around.
ex-power board
On 6/1/2000 Kanoa
wrote in from
I hear their very heavy yet can reach up to 30mph, I have not rode one myself only read a post of someone who did. If I had the money I would buy one or a TSI power board, that's listed in the links as well. However it's a gas powered board, looks real good too.
On 6/1/2000
Gunnar Westholm
wrote in from
Do anyone have a Review on the eXkate™ X-24 Electric Skateboard, i have a friend who is thinking aboute getting one and ride it to work, what is the top speed and how heavy is it.