Completes (3882 Posts)
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On 7/18/2000 Herbn
wrote in from
Pretty cool,I'm still not sure about how i feel about rubber tires,are you sure their not just black urithane?if the rubber were the same hardness or a little harder because i think its less progressive than urithane,meaning u and r of the same hardness may take the same pressure to compress the first little bit,but then u packs up more,while r keeps flexing.Suspension and linked steering may possibly be on this board(the web address did not work for me)i don't know if bumps will feed into the steering or what.Very cool, sign me up. Or maybe I'll just copy it, if its to much money or to unavailable(for my own use only)
BMW carver
On 7/18/2000 Kanoa
wrote in from
Is this thing made by BMW? This looks incredible!!! Suspention , tilt wheels, extreme type wheels (rubber) with steel hubs. Awsome skate tech at it's best, I have never seen anything like it before. I really need something like this for carving down extremely steep curving roads. I didn't see any prices and It doesn't look like it's available yet. I have a feeling this board is going to be close to a grand.
On 7/18/2000
hugh r
wrote in from
Since I like you guys... you need to know that the drawing is a fix. I am going to win... so save your time and don't enter... HR
On 7/18/2000
wrote in from
Actually Ant, I'm winning that. Sorry to disappoint you :)
BMW StreetCarver
On 7/17/2000 Adam
wrote in from
OK, so you can't have one yet, but at least you don't have to watch the ShockWave video over and over to see the goods.
On 7/17/2000 Ant
wrote in from
FlowLabs and that Freeride things at around 250, so im guess, 500? Theres this razoor scooter, thats 100-ish, and porshe or some crazy big time dudes made one and charged 400 for it. since this litte has so much meatal...im guessing 500. If its alumnium itll be tight...if its some dam metal stuff....its not gonna happen for me! Oh yeah guys...I plan on winning it too!!!
On 7/17/2000 Blah
wrote in from
It looks cool, but, BMW?
Maybe they do have the engineering no how, but do I really want a hybrid type skateboard at a BMW price? How much do you think they'll charge for that setup? Will I be able to test drive at a BMW dealer? (hehe) Now that's funny: "Are you in the market for a car?" "Well, not exactly."
On 7/17/2000 Pre-School Rider
wrote in from
Batman,your skateboard is ready....;)
On 7/17/2000 Joueflu
wrote in from
WOW... $$$?
BMW Street Carver
On 7/17/2000 Ant
wrote in from
What happend to the Flowlab hype? hahahahha.....tooo awesome!
On 7/17/2000
hugh r
wrote in from
Or will this be the stroker of the future... too expensive to sell, but great on e-bay!!! HR
BMW carver
On 7/17/2000 todcar
wrote in from
I just wet my pants.
BMW StreetCarver
On 7/17/2000 Adam
wrote in from
Hot Damn! Where does the line start to buy one?!
BMW StreetCarver
On 7/17/2000
wrote in from
I'm wondering whether this will REALLY go into production, though.
A bit sceptical Ali.
BMW StreetCarver
On 7/17/2000
wrote in from
The BMW(?!) StreetCarver... If you haven't seen it yet, go take a look (www.streetcarver.com)
What can I say? This thing looks amazing. Highly technical.
I hope it can take a beating, not that I'm that hardcore a skater, but I like things to work and keep working, and the simpler the mechanism, the smaller the chance of failure. Also, I hope the price won't be too high, 'cause I'm always low on cash and this thing looks like it's worth *several* dollars.
But assuming these minor details have been or will be taken care of, I want one. Or at least try one once in my life. The board looks (I wish they'd put some more picyures up) like it's gonna be a very sweet and smooth ride. A carving machine (Well duh! That's what the name says).
Is this gonna be the board of the new millenium? Or is this too high tech? Is it gonna be used by longboarders, or will it create a new type of boarders? Just like wakeboarders aren't surfers aren't snowboarders - though there is a lot of crossing over - a new breed? What are your thoughts on it?
I'm curious what Herbn and the other technical kids have to say about the technical details of this board, and I'm wondering where to apply for testriding this thing.
A somewhat amazed Ali.
BMW streetcarver
On 7/17/2000
wrote in from
Does anybody heard about BMW's STREETCARVER? Is this the 21th century longboard?? Check that UFO on streetcarver.com.
MDH - wheel spacers
On 7/17/2000
hugh r
wrote in from
MDH, Just spoke with Phil at flowlab... he is having some spacers cut to put between the bearings. He was unable to match your initals to an e-mail acct. If you contact him he will send you a set to try out. I am having a set sent to me too. Hopefully it will help the wheel spin! HR
On 7/16/2000
hugh r
wrote in from
I haven't tried adjusting the axel nuts yet so the wheels spin a little slow for me too. I happen to live on a fairly steep hill so speed is not a problem... guess I am lucky there. The wheels free-spin for a few rotations, but nothing like on a straight axel. Spacer between the wheels sounds like it may be worth a try. Although my gut tells me that the slow spin is going to end up being the nature of the beast.
I spoke with Phil W. concerning the posibility of a six wheel per axel set up, using slightly wider wheels. I am hoping that will help in the pushing on the flats. I just can't seem to get good hard pushes... but since you are, it might just be me! It might even help with wheel spin/speed... HR
On 7/16/2000 MDH
wrote in from
I've been on it for a week and I still have the bearing problem. I have loosened the axles, but the wheels still will not spin free even when they are completely loose. Do you have the same problem hugh r?
The ride is really unique. Really controlable carves. I have no problem pushing through the flats with it, but it takes twice as many kicks with the slow bearings.
Tricks are kind of hard but I can ollie and kickflip it with the big, double kick tails. The hard part is that you have to land square on it. If you come down on edge it squirrels out. But, most 42 inch decks aren't designed for it anyway. It is a carving board all the way.
I have found that if I ride way forward I can make insanely tight carves and slide the tail end. It really feels like a short, flexy snowbaord when ridden this way. If I stay back or mid, I can lay out long arcs. If it only went faster, I could really utilize the outermost set of wheels and really get low on it.
I did take apart the entire wheel assembly, and I noticed that there are no spacers between the bearings within each wheel. This could be part of the problem eh?
MDH- flowlab
On 7/16/2000
hugh r
wrote in from
MDH, how is the new deck working for you now? I am starting to get used to it and am enjoying the ride. I don't do tricks... do you? If so, how does it perform?
CMC, I haven't had any problems with rocks in the wheels yet... I have been extra careful to avoid them! Not sure I am ready for that test!
On 7/14/2000
wrote in from
Herbn ought to get in touch so that we can shoot the shit about improving this thing. I like the single bearing idea the best. MDH needs to ease off his axle bolts so that the wheels are turning a little more freely without a jiggle in the spacers. We'd like to test a range of wheel types, shapes and softnesses so if you are interested we'll be getting a variety of sample wheels in over the next few months. To all, remember that this we really the first round of tooling and production and we have a long way to go in making this product all we hope it can be. We'd like any help we can get.
Robert August (Realwood?)
On 7/14/2000
wrote in from
Just got my 48" Robert August with the What I Ride spray job and it's almost too beaut to ride! One minor prob, the resin/fiberglass finish on the tail block is not finshed so good. About 1/3 of it is marred and starting to crack. Since I spent the big $ on this hottie, should I keep it or complain and try and get a replacement? Is this imperfection normal? Also, how are they connected to Realwood?
slick... flowlab
On 7/13/2000
hugh r
wrote in from
Hey Slick,
I wouldn't consider this one of the better decks for the street cruising duties. It is difficult to ride at very low speeds, and is not suitable for high speeds either. Where the flowlab board shines is in the moderate/low speeds (10 - 15 mph). Max preformance seems to be with making constant turns which puts more wheels on the pavement. Then it really hooks up. With lots of quick tight turns it is quite fun to ride... HR
RE: Flowlab
On 7/13/2000 Slick
wrote in from
Hugh R,
IM curious about something what do you think about the flowlab as street crusier? any good? im looking for something different and fast...this looks like it..kind expensive..
let me know
On 7/13/2000
hugh r
wrote in from
Hey Blah, I will have this thing for a while. I will be interested in what you think. You ride a lot more of the "crazy lookin'" boards than I do! Shoot me an e-mail... HR