Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Completes (3882 Posts)
Board Review
Surfing thread
On 10/3/2000 Adam wrote in from (207.251.nnn.nnn)

The surfing thread has been relocted to the Bulletin Board.

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On 9/27/2000 Marc wrote in from (216.101.nnn.nnn)

I just got my flowlab complete from Phil and let me just tell you how unbelievable it is. At first it is a shakey take off due to the design of the axle, which allows you to have only one inline style wheel contacting the surface for the nose and tail of the board, so it's like taking off on one long rollerblade.
Once you get used to the take off, it takes about 5 minutes, this thing is unreal. It turns tighter and more responsive than any other board I've ridden in my life. It's a good board to go down moderate hills on because it is so easy to control speed. It is perfect for heel to toe carving, very similar to snowboarding and you can practically turn around and go up the hill!
I had this thing last weekend and was on the thing the entire time. Everyone who saw it, had to give it a try and everyone loved this thing. It's now available at longskate.com.

Great invention Phil!! Two thumbs up.

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advertising reviews
On 9/26/2000 Ali wrote in from (212.189.nnn.nnn)

Yeah, I've seen it happening before, at least I suspect some posts.
They always look like this:
Someone who has never posted before, unable to FIND A WAY TO TURN CAPS LOCK OFF, telling they just started longboarding, and the board they bought is the best ever and they got a great deal on it and we should all buy one or at least check it out.
Yeah, right.

Webmasters, would at least a CAPS LOCK FILTER be a possibility?

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On 9/26/2000 cricri wrote in from (193.251.nnn.nnn)

but i always have: Returned mail: Unexpected error...
i ll retry later.

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Solidskate e-mail
On 9/25/2000 kaspian wrote in from (208.244.nnn.nnn)

I think this works:


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mail of solid skate
On 9/25/2000 cricri wrote in from (193.251.nnn.nnn)

do you have a valid mail to solidskate.com, cause the linkmail on their site seems to be down...
thank a lot.

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On 9/25/2000 Magnus Sollenberg wrote in from (62.20.nnn.nnn)

Winston T Grant,
Let me know when you arrive in Stockholm. Seems like you have been doing some skating here before, maybe we can compare riding locations. I live downtown Stockholm and Jocke Englundh and I are setting up a European longboard site www.longboard.nu.
Can you mail me off list? I dont have your e-mail.

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On 9/24/2000 Chris Chaput wrote in from (63.168.nnn.nnn)

I can't find a single reference to "roadsurfer" in 3 different search engines. I have never seen a picture of one, never heard of a company name or website, never seen them in a brick and mortar store and I have no idea what kind of "suspension" I'm being told about nor do I understand what "putting a deck on rail like a surfboard or snowbaord" means. I don't mind someone putting out the word on a new product but PLEASE DON'T SHOUT and please give me something I can sink my teeth into. The post says "YOU HAVE TO CHECK THESE BOARDS OUT". Pass the crystal ball please.

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Road something
On 9/24/2000 RJ wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Right on Adam but isn't this a forum on completes? Doesn't that include riders telling you what they think of new boards? Some people just sound like a bad commercial but maybe they really believe this boards is good.

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roadsurfer/mystery boards
On 9/24/2000 Adam wrote in from (63.192.nnn.nnn)

Actually, these types of pseudo-product reviews are discouraged. The more blatent ones are simply deleted. Others are moved the the Buy-Sell-Trade forum, which is open to aspiring longboard companies and individuals alike.

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roadsurfer/mystery boards
On 9/24/2000 RJ wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Sure they are hugh but how else do you expect the small buissness man to make a buck and advertise? Give the guys a break i thought this was a skate forum? So let it be a forum and don't be so judgemental. I mean come on bro some of these smaller companies put out a good product they just don't have the financial backing. And its these skaters and inovaters thats help the industry to grow and not stay stagnate with the samll old products.

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mystery stuff
On 9/24/2000 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

Surf one/Roadsurfer...

Sometimes I think that posts are made just to get the name out there... HR

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On 9/23/2000 Pre-School Rider wrote in from (209.198.nnn.nnn)

O.K. Tyson,you got My attention..Now,how about some info that dosen't require going back to my homeland of Washington state.Pictures,an e-mail or internet site address,heck,even a snail-mail address,anything,,would be nice.Meanwhile,I'm glad to read about your obvious enthusiasm! Smile when you carve!

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On 9/23/2000 TYSON LUNDBECH wrote in from (203.19.nnn.nnn)


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On 9/20/2000 herbn wrote in from (216.107.nnn.nnn)

was't it gonna be a option with a car,like the Trek "jetta" bike,or was it the Volkwagon ,"Trek" what ever,if its as heavy and swervy,as people say it is i'd like to test ride one for five minutes,but not buy a car.Wait and see.

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On 9/20/2000 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)


Check out my website and you can read the chronical of my quest for this board. Last word was that there is still no part number available at US BMW dealers. They have now heard about it (which is progress)... go to my site to read the rest... off of the NCDSA links page... HR

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BMW Streetcarver
On 9/20/2000 drakkars wrote in from (213.56.nnn.nnn)

Mr Winston T.Grant
I've been checking their site lately and they announce the STREETCARVER not before 2001 .....
So maybe it was just some media hype or maybe they discovered that it did not fit the lifestyle of most of their customers or that it was much more difficult to get it right ........ or left (think of it as a 600 $ piece of ****) ;-)

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BMW Streetcarver
On 9/20/2000 Winston T.Grant wrote in from (209.240.nnn.nnn)

What happened to all the theorizing and proselytizing about this deck? All the guys who swore up and down that "they were gonna be first on the block " with this (theoretically)BAD DOG have been suspiciously silent(HMMM!) Well, I'll be going to Europe soon,and if they are available, i'm coming back with one(and some SUMMIT road wheels as well,for my other decks)I'll be looking to ROLL in the Stockholm area(LOTS of hills,and they have PUBLIC online kiosks where if i want to post,ican just skate up,and log on....
I mean it, you should SEE this place (and skate it!)

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On 9/17/2000 Ben Whitaker wrote in from (63.202.nnn.nnn)

If you're looking for a new ride to master, try the Freebord.

People just do not understand how you can be snowboarding on asphalt.

In three hours today I got stopped by police twice - skateboarding is prohibited by ordinance in all of San Francisco. That's not why they stopped me. The first one rolled down his window and said "nice Freebording" which was a total shocker for me; apparently he had seen it on Evening Magazine. He told me about how his kids were now thrashing his 70's board, how the local shop wanted him to donate it to their museum, etc.
The second one had to ask "how come so many wheels?" and watched for a while.

Anyway, if you already skate you can get to "the fun part" in about three hours, no bloody wipeouts here. The 12-15 hours they say it takes to learn is more than you need.

Anybody out there carving with Carvers?

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2001 Sector 9 Product Line
On 9/14/2000 Sector 9. wrote in from (216.203.nnn.nnn)

How's it going everyone. This is Keith from Sector 9
I just wanted everyone to know that we are working on
getting the new web site up and running and that we should
have it going in a couple of weeks...

We've got all new graphics for 2001, a brand new line of
boards dedicated to female longboarders and even a clothing
line that goes beyond t-shirts and ball caps.

Of course, I am biased, but I have to say that this is the
best line up we have ever put together. The new Deep End
graphics are insane and I have a feeling that these boards
will get a lot more attention than they did last year...

Anyhow, I just wanted everyone to know that we will be up and
running soon with the new S9 site. We have the new 2001 catalogs
ready to go, so if you can't wait for the site, stop by now
and ask us to send you a catalog...Ok, everyone, thanks for
making longboarding that great sport is has become and
remember to always Ride with Pride.

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Mark - Sector9
On 9/12/2000 waxfoot wrote in from (63.10.nnn.nnn)

All depends on what kind of riding you want to do Mark. Slalom? Cruising? Downhill? I have a Sector9 Cloud9 (the one listed as 'OG' on their site - with the white and black striping) and it's a darn sweet board. Good for cruising on, and good enough for an entry level hill bomber as well (at least for my current skill level). I'm set up with Randal II's, Krypto blue 70mm wheels, and China Bones bearings. All from Glen at solidskate.com. My feelings are that your first longboard should not only be functional, but something that you like the looks of and are stoked to ride. Aesthetics can have a larger than you would think impact on how much you like your board. I got a Sector9 about 6 or 7 years ago and the fact that the thing has a pointy nose always kind of bothered me (pointier than the new pintail boards). I had really wanted another shape, but that was the only one available at the time and one of my bros had just found a killer hill to bomb. Take your time, browse all the websites and shops, and get something that stokes you out. Good luck!


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sector 9
On 9/11/2000 Mark wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

umm. this aint a revew but i was looking for some suggestions on what is a good complete to start with. I was riding my friend's sector 9 the other day, it was kool. e-mail me.

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soulcarver trinity model
On 9/10/2000 steve wrote in from (64.193.nnn.nnn)

bought a complete Soulcarver Trinity model off of Ebay, a couple weeks ago. I've been riding it just about every day, and it is awesome! Overall lenght is 46" with randall r2's and power paw alluminators (a stellar combination). Anyway, it carves like a dream, not to mention the most stable board i have ever ridden. Check out ebay for great deals on Soulcarver boards!

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Powerhouse Prototype
On 9/8/2000 Jake wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

I just had the chance to ride The new Powerhouse Proto type. Man this board is great. Its flat no concave or camber with the signature powerhouse nose and a kick tail for tricks. Its wide body design gives the rider a lot of stability and i really want to add this board to my quiver. can't wait till it goes into mass production

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Ant hology
On 9/8/2000 Herbn wrote in from (208.192.nnn.nnn)

is he putting us on?,or is he wacky for real?a little of both?

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