Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Region: Canada (1525 Posts)
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Easter-n Canadian Slalom Season Opening Week-end
On 2/5/2004 mbl wrote in from (67.70.nnn.nnn)

hey robc - heck yes, we want TV, you can give your friend our e-mail and
as soon as i get the sponsorship stuff firmed up, i will do the press release;
i also need the T.O. venues - hello T.O.!!! are their any slalom event organizers reading this? wassup? civ, can u give me a location for dundas/hamilton? it would be nice to have TV live both locations - all these things r possible - spring is on it's way, people
set some cones down,
go skate!
and remember: gr8 things happen every day!

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Easter-n Canadian Slalom Season Opening Week-end
On 2/5/2004 robc wrote in from (205.150.nnn.nnn)

Hey all- let me know if you want some Toronto TV exposure for the slalom thing-
if you send me a press release or something, I could maybe get the station where I work to shoot something- one of the news guys here used to ride slalom, and he said to let him know about stuff like that.

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Easter-n Canadian Slalom Season Opening Week-end
On 1/27/2004 mbl wrote in from (67.70.nnn.nnn)

Civ - thanks for your positive input - we gave your name along with the others to our p.r. gal to organize the flights - hope you have the itinerary - if not we'll talk this week
gr8 idea for the demo near you and the race in T.O. - we're so there
good to here from you again
claude & mb

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Sorry for being out of touch.
On 1/26/2004 Civ wrote in from (24.141.nnn.nnn)

Ok, let me start this off by saying sorry to Claude, MBL and Rob.

I have been very out of touch recently with family stuff that I dont need to explain here. Claude, I have been trying to get Jay Pritchard to pay for the Roe, he has it, he wants it and I have told him to contact Gareth or T.K. several times. Gareth said 75US or so for one of those old roes. If is still up in the air I will paypal TK the money and just get Jay to pay me canadian. Jay, if you read this contact me.

Regarding the spring series i am totally up for helping out where I can. I think it may be best to race in T.O. and do a clinic type thing here in Hamilton, and of course a little racing on the side. Road closure might be tough to swing, but my bike path is pretty decent. My # is 905-627-4496, im usually in after 6, but im out tonight.

Rob, sorry that I havent called, and by the way, im looking at the sts Pocket Pistol and I believe the trucks are on the way, with a full complement of bushings.

So you can expect quicker responses from me now...thats basically my point.
Thanks for bearing with me.

Mike Cividino

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On 1/26/2004 Cknuck wrote in from (64.230.nnn.nnn)

Pretty cold today snowboarding again but sure was a blast.


Spring is just around the corner. But, watch those corners they seem to be all frozen at the moment.

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On 1/26/2004 Ian wrote in from (67.69.nnn.nnn)

This country really can suck at times!!

Plumbing exploded, minus twenty-four in my kitchen. KEEERIST

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The Roe
On 1/25/2004 Claude Regnier wrote in from (64.230.nnn.nnn)

Civ! Where is the Roe? Has the financial situation been rectified, yet?

Let me know. A.S.A.P


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CW party
On 1/16/2004 mbl wrote in from (67.70.nnn.nnn)

hey michael brooke
if you have a party in toronto, we will come
if you want to have a party in ottawa, The Ottawa Sk8park will gladly host it
it would be a nice kick-off to our slalom season or to open our expanded outdoor area in the spring

go skate!

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On 1/16/2004 Pierre wrote in from (24.200.nnn.nnn)

Claude, beeing that hochey fan, suggested the layout, i just did the illustraor work.

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Cdn. Slalom Winter
On 1/16/2004 mbl wrote in from (67.70.nnn.nnn)

hey - spring race road closures in mtl, slalom crews flyin' here and there, demos and races in ottawa, the newly formed Canadian Skateboard Slalom Association and a cdn. / american challenge?
wow - i'm pschyed!
hey mia - you better come home ready!

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Boston Trip
On 1/16/2004 Claude Regnier wrote in from (67.70.nnn.nnn)

As you know we spoke about holding a July 1, 04 Canada Day slalom event. We are working on it so stay tuned.

We are also planning to go to race and party in Boston. The plan is to leave Ottawa on July 2 ad return from Boston right after the fireworks (you don't want to miss them) display on the 4th of July.

Whether or not it becomes the CAN-AM event we had hoped for it will be a lot of fun.

We just reserved a bus to bring you down a Canadian contingent. We are planning the Canadian Slalom contest for July 1, 04 if any of you are interested in coming up for it.

We are working on an acommodation package for both venues.

Now if only our sk8park ran lenghtwise :) By the way go to the other site to check out Pierre's Design for the Canadian Skateboard Slalom Association.

As far as the Easter weekend the 1st Airline has been contacted and things are moving along.

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Road closure in Montreal
On 1/15/2004 Ian wrote in from (67.68.nnn.nnn)

Met with the top Challenge crew last night and Frank said he has a meeting with the city on Jan. 22nd. He will ask about the road closure for us for the Good Monday race in Montreal.

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On 1/14/2004 Steve wrote in from (142.109.nnn.nnn)

Thanks for the prompt answer. I'll definately try the clear grip tape.

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On 1/13/2004 tom wrote in from (24.114.nnn.nnn)

If you use surf wax itll get dirty and really ugly as soon as you take it outside, from skimboard experience.Clear grip is the way to go.

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Clear Grip Tape
On 1/13/2004 Rob wrote in from (209.250.nnn.nnn)


The answer to your question is to purchase clear grip tape - I think Jessop makes both black and clear.

I would not trust wax, when it gets warm and the wax melts and too cool it will chip/peel off.

Hope it helps.


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On 1/13/2004 Steve wrote in from (142.109.nnn.nnn)

I just have a question for my fellow Canadians. I just got a new landyachtz deck and i don't want to cover it with grip tape. I heard that surf wax can be a good alternative. Does anybody know the truth to this or any other alternatives?


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Slalom In Montreal
On 1/13/2004 Ian wrote in from (67.68.nnn.nnn)

We've talked about getting a couple of roads right in the downtown core. Berri has a lot of room with a bridge over it, it could be easy to divert traffic. Have you made up your mind on what the actual dates will be at each city?

Talk to you later.

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MBL's - - Calendar of events
On 1/10/2004 Claude Regnier wrote in from (64.230.nnn.nnn)

Rob - Civ and anyone else interested in the Easter weekend of race organizing please e-mail MB your telephone number ASAP.

We need to book the flights and other pertinent information.

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The Ottawa Sk8apark
On 1/8/2004 Claude Regnier wrote in from (67.70.nnn.nnn)

I just want to make this post to let anyone in the area know that we will be running Slalom clinics, Classes and races in the Ottawa area this year.

This will be seperate from our regular Sk8camps and summer park programs.

We have a bike path to use daily near the Ottawa Sk8park on a daily basis and we are also looking into other locations for regular Weekend Slalom sessions.

For more information contact us at 613-798 - (park) - 7275,
The Ottawa Sk8park, 335 Roosevelt ave. Ottawa, Ont.

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woodbridge park
On 1/7/2004 michael brooke wrote in from (209.29.nnn.nnn)

it's called common ground
421 rowntree dairy road unit 1
weston/407 area

i will call them today to see what's up
perhaps a party after asr?

i will let you know


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On 1/6/2004 Jerry wrote in from (63.139.nnn.nnn)

I'm trying to find info about the Woodbridge skatepark on the web, but can find nothing. I'm curious about the layout and the address. I'm assuming it's indoors...

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CW Party
On 1/6/2004 Rob wrote in from (209.250.nnn.nnn)

Hey Mike:

I can't ride park worth a damn, but I would be interested in a CW Party.

With the number of skaters at the new park in Leaside (my local neighbourhood) as well as the longboarders, I think you could have a pretty good crowd.

How technical is the park in Woodbridge??



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Concrete Wave Magazine party!?
On 1/6/2004 michael brooke wrote in from (209.29.nnn.nnn)

If you have wound up on this forum it means two things:

1) there's a good chance you are Canadian
2) you must like all types of skateboarding (ie you don't just stick to street)

I wanted to have a get together of folks who live in the Toronto area at a new skatepark...it's up in woodbridge.

if I held it....would you come out?

email me your thoughts...anyone who showed up would get CW goodies

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Garages - Jerry
On 1/6/2004 Rob wrote in from (209.250.nnn.nnn)

Happy New Year Everyone!!!!

Jerry type of skating are you looking to do in the garage.

I am looking for a garage suitable for setting slalom cones and not freezing my ass off.

If you are looking for the same, feel free to get in touch.

Would also be interested in getting a longboard session in as well.

Civ - give me a shout - either e-mail or phone!!



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On 1/5/2004 mia wrote in from (66.131.nnn.nnn)

Hey Pierre
I hope you read this sometime soon. Rememeber the session at the BigO i borrowed those gloves from you(i kinda ripped the figertips a bit. Would you maybe be able to sell those to me? or any other pair for that matter. If you can please contact me as soon as possible(i'm leaving really soon), anytime, by phone or email or this forum. Thanks so much

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