Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Longboarding (1457 Posts)
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On 11/12/2005 chainsmoker wrote in from United States  (72.20.nnn.nnn)

i am man enough to apologize for offending you, that was never the intent. skateboarding IS very much an extension of one's self and is absolutely sacred to me as i'm sure it is to you and your son. i also enjoy flowing down hills w/ my 10 old boy. my son is goofy footed as well and that has nothing to do w/ how he pushes. after reading back over what i wrote, i am surprised that you only picked out "negative things." however, i can see how the things i said could be construed that way. after being on board for quite some time i am just amazed at the change in attitude amongst skaters. my words are just a reflection of how i feel, as they should be. in my town i stand alone as far as skating goes. i began in '84 riding normal sized boards and in '88 i somehow came up w/ a blockhead 34" board and was waaaay stoked how this new longer board rode. the next year a friend gave my a santa cruz slalom board, and another doorway was opened. over the years i've ridden and still ride all kinds of boards. i catch flack from the shortboard set when i am on a longboard and i have been blown off by longboarders when i've ridden by on a 30" board. this isn't arrogance. i claim NOT to be the better than anyone b/c that is not what it's about for me. i have just always enjoyed riding many different types of boards. old earth skis, fibreflex, short boards, long boards, slalom, old school, and dirt boards. it's all been equally satisfying. one thing i did say was that it saddens me to see a lot of people now riding skate boards have "no spark." with the major commericalism of skateboarding has come many wanna bees and hangers on. i've asked some of THESE "kooks" if they wanted to go check out some local hills. and i could tell they had no idea what i even meant. i don't think i explained that properly and i think that is what offended some of you. i love skateboarding and showing out of towners what this city has to offer and have for almost half of my life. i don't want to see it reduced to something that is not respected, appreciated, or understood.

again, so sorry to offend anyone.

when it all boils down, i could really care less how someone pushes,or if they only go in a straight line, or if they only cruise longboards, or if they only do kickflips on tiny little boards, or if they only race slalom, or only skate pools. i was just venting, expressing myself with words........and now i am off to go roll around find that perfect hill.

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Goofy footed
On 11/11/2005 jaybyrd wrote in from Mexico  (207.17.nnn.nnn)

My son skates goofy footed and he does great, whether he's at the park on hills or in parkinglots. I was under the impression that skating was an extendsion of yourself not somebody elses opinion.

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On 11/11/2005 Bob wrote in from United States  (198.77.nnn.nnn)

"i've seen so many kooks on longboards pushing s#@! footed "

Hey ! I resemble that remark! Well, I almost never go in a straight line. Due to my s#@! pushing, I can't control my direction well enough to go straight!

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Chill out
On 11/10/2005 jaybyrd wrote in from Mexico  (207.17.nnn.nnn)


This is a forum for skating not arrogance, some of us like to talk about our boards and exchange information, not just about ourselves or our accomplishments.

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Would you go fibreflex?
On 11/9/2005 Don wrote in from United States  (67.170.nnn.nnn)

I'm thinking about getting a longbord after riding some of my friend's over the last few years. I'm looking for an all around cruiser which can carve as well. I'd like to vary the turn radius and when it comes to going mach shnell I'm ...well.. a wuss. Being locked in the "old school" cataegory and having a soft spot for the G & S I rode in gradeschool back in the late 70's, is this my soul ride?

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On 11/9/2005 chainsmoker wrote in from United States  (72.20.nnn.nnn)

while it's true i love longboards, never in a million years would i refer to myself as a longboarder. i realize that the intent of the forum is to make the "genres" easier to examine and discuss, but come on-it is a skateboard after all. nothing more nothing less. i am new to this on-line skateboard forum type of nonsense but i've noticed that a lot of people are wondering what to do or they are wondering where to go with their new "longboard skateboards" if i may offer some guidance in this regard.....first of all, learn how to push properly. it makes everything a whole lot prettier to look at. not to mention it is so much more effective. push with your back foot PLEASE!!! next up, learn to turn. now, you are not going to find out how to do this here in cyberskatewonderland. you actually have to go outside and ride your skateboard. in doing this, along will falling a few times, you will no doubt answer some of your other questions like..."where can i longboard?" or "are there any roads in my town that are good for learning to longboard on?" like anything else, it takes a little time to learn. take it slow and get the feel of your board. make it one with your self. whether your board is 32" or 48", whether you have randals or independent trucks, sector nine or spifire wheels. the bottom line is you need to ride your board and do it often. after 20+ years of rolling around on any and everything from hills to pools to bowls to ditches to pipes to curbs and to the store it is of utmost importance to not limit yourself to any one discipline of skateboarding, if it's really necessary to refer to those as "disciplines." this after all is skateboarding--1 deck+2 trucks+4wheels+the open road=1 life filled w/ freedom.

after returning to college after the loss of my job, i am astonished to see so many people riding around on this campus. it saddens me though, even though they are on board there is no spark. i've seen so many kooks on longboards pushing s#@! footed and going in a straight line. with so much open space and unimagineable lines they are reduced to unproductive pushes and nevermind carving or turning. if you are really only interested in getting from point A to point B then get a bike or a razor scooter. hell, just walk for that matter. give the board to someone who will actually USE it.

skateboarding in essence is pure flow, speed, and style. i don't care if it is a backside disaster on jimmy's splintered garage mini, ripping through slalom cones on the bike trail, a midnight downhill run with the boys, or a drunken frontside gnarler in the big bowl at skatopia....you've got to be doing it because you feel it deep within the confines of your beating heart.

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On 11/9/2005 jaybyrd wrote in from Mexico  (207.17.nnn.nnn)


Check out http://www.longboardmaps.com/ for local skating references.


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Boarding in the midwest?
On 11/8/2005 kingothepitch wrote in from United States  (66.140.nnn.nnn)

So my roommates and I have just recently gotten into longboarding. We live in a small college town in the Midwest and we were wanting to take a weekend trip somewhere to board some sweet hills. Any ideas in the midwest (missouri).

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Try it you'll like it!
On 11/3/2005 jaybyrd wrote in from Mexico  (207.17.nnn.nnn)

Don J,

Come on over to the long side! If you've been boarding for awhile and you haven't rode a longboard, you're in for a suprise. My son has been tearing it up for a few years but I had'nt been on a board since the 60's. I took him to get a new board after someone had "lost" one of his for him, and while at the skate shop I fell in love with an old classic, a 52" Gravity. Well since then I have gotten my 18 year old interested in "that old school stuff". We have added a 44" Dregs to his ever growing quiver. And we spend alot of our weekends looking for hills or other places to ride together. Longboarding is great, I can't do the small boards because of back problems and arthritis but I enjoy watching my kid kick around in parking lots and at the local skate park, so in a sense we both enjoy the long and the short of it.

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80" Lonboards
On 11/2/2005 Don J wrote in from United States  (4.239.nnn.nnn)

WOW, and at $299 each, the Python looks awesome, I'd rather have that then the $1000 exotic wood Texan anyday...at least I can scratch it. Maybe I'll get into longboarding too.....
Don J


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80" Longboards
On 11/2/2005 jaybyrd wrote in from Mexico  (207.17.nnn.nnn)

Hey Don J, The Texasthunder by Soulboards is a beautiful board, and at one time it could claim to be the longest board (80"). But things have changed, check out www.longboard.net and look at their Silverback and Python both are 80" and awesome.

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On 10/31/2005 Andrew wrote in from United States  (71.208.nnn.nnn)

can ne one tell me if an arbor pin is a good board to start with?

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80" longboard largest available
On 10/30/2005 Don J wrote in from United States  (4.239.nnn.nnn)

Check out this' killer Longboard!! 80" long $1000


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Crail Trucks Are Now In Stock
On 10/27/2005 Dan Loveland wrote in from United States  (24.21.nnn.nnn)

I just wanted to let everyone know that we just recieved Crail Speed 180mm skateboard trucks. We have them available in Silver, Red and Blue. They look very similar to the Randal 180mm longboard trucks. Will give them a try.....

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Road my Barfoot in SF
On 10/26/2005 Leafsunbear wrote in from United States  (24.7.nnn.nnn)

Saturday night a buddy and I road from fulton and stanyan down to the mission on our boards. He rides a sector nine pintail and I ride a Barfoot. I just got the new pink polka dots and they ride nice. Man it was so much fun, I can't wait to ride in the city again...

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On 10/23/2005 e-dog wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

dont stand straight up when you do them. bend your body at the waist, away from the slide. use ur back foot to turn the board, and put allmost all ur weight on ur front foot only(if ur only sliding the back truck around to the front). and just push on the side of the board with your back foot.

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On 10/23/2005 bates wrote in from Canada  (24.235.nnn.nnn)

hey boys i've been skatin a 40" dogtown longboard and it is pretty sweet because you can hit up hills and still carve real nice and stuff ,like that or you can take it in the park....and does andy of you guys have any tips to doin those 180 backside powerslides.....i can do the hand plant 180 powerslides but not the ones without the hand plant...peace

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Virginia Riding
On 10/17/2005 jaybyrd wrote in from Mexico  (207.17.nnn.nnn)

John P.
Back in the early 70's I was stationed there in the Coast Guard and we would spend plenty of time up at Skyline drive in the mountains. What I would'nt do to be back there now and do some night riding down some of those sweet slopes. You may not have much at the beach but don't forget the National Park.

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On 10/16/2005 JOHN P. wrote in from United States  (70.174.nnn.nnn)

I live in virginia beach virginia right now and am suffering from no waves or hills to surf on. does anyone know of any good hills out here for longboarding???

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Tandem trucks
On 10/14/2005 jaybyrd wrote in from Mexico  (207.17.nnn.nnn)

I saw some tandem trucks on a beautifull Soulwood longboard in Concrete Waves Magazine. Are they custom made or does someone mass produce them? If so where can I find them?

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On 10/13/2005 Bob wrote in from United States  (198.77.nnn.nnn)

get on the forum at bonelessone.com -- we are based in Texas, and there's a lot going on in Houston.

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Beginner Longboarder
On 10/13/2005 John wrote in from Mexico  (207.17.nnn.nnn)

Beginner Longboarder On 10/12/2005 John wrote in from Mexico (207.17.xxx.xxx)
I tried skating back in the 60's but ended up in the service for a while. I've been supportive of my son's desire to skate, which led to me getting into longboarding. My problem is I live in Houston, Texas (no hills) Is there anybody else out there that knows of some rideable streets or anything for longboards down here.

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PP #5
On 10/9/2005 Josh Burt wrote in from United States  (24.20.nnn.nnn)

The race wasn't planned that way. The marathon just happened to be the same morning as this one. Their start line began where we would turn to leave downtown and cross the river. So,I had to make a few changes the night before. It worked to our benefit. What a morning!

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Portland Pusher #5
On 10/9/2005 Marc F. wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Do you have the longboard race the same time as a runners marathon? It would make sense since the road is already blocked of from traffic


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On 10/9/2005 Josh Burt wrote in from United States  (24.20.nnn.nnn)

Congratulations to Robin McGuirk for his 5TH CONSECUTIVE VICTORY!

This race was FUN!!! Those who didn't show missed a very good time. The young
ones are getting fast! The guys who showed up today are HARDCORE!!! No weak
excuses,no backing down. Just skateboarding-hard and fast.

Due to course conflicts with the Portland Marathon,3.5 miles were added to avoid
the runners. The plan worked very well. The course was better than the original
one. More downhill,steeper uphill climbs,less downtown traffic,more train
tracks,and NO CRASHES! Next time...

Terwilliger was soaked when we started the race. That didn't stop anyone from
bombing it full-speed and sticking the hairpin at the bottom. We made it through
downtown with only 2 stops the whole way,catching all the lights or running
4-ways. The Broadway Bridge made for a nice climb out of downtown. Rolled down
MLK,then past Burnside through the industrial area,where we were stuck behind a
train. No one jumped through this time. After that,it was a full-on flatland
push for the last 4 miles. Brutal.

Thanks to the sponsors for their support!
Eastside Longboards
Subsonic Skateboard Company
Daddies Boardshop
Rebel Skates
Peterson Photography
Matt Brush Photography
Kronik Energy
& Cal Skate

And all of the past sponsors as well-
138 Skateshop
7:06 Skateboards
Longboard Larry
Vertigo Gallery Tattoo-Pigpen & Tommy
Tigerlily Tattoo-Cheyenne
Entrust Clothing
& Cal's Pharmacy

The series will continue early next year with #6. Stay tuned for the "King of
the County" race on Oct. 30th.

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