Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Longboarding (1457 Posts)
Topic Info
On 5/13/2004 isabelle wrote in from (209.66.nnn.nnn)

Try Gravityboards...no offense, but Suctor9s don't ride nearly as well. Been there, done that!?
Gravityboarding company produces all types of boards for all types of riders AND THEY SKATE, not just make cash selling them!For slide info, check out the Slideicon on this site! Roll with soul, skate & enjoy!

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On 5/12/2004 fokke wolfe wrote in from (67.173.nnn.nnn)

hey guys-
i have a sector 9 47''
when i try sliders the wheels stick and i end up turniing my self of the board

-does anyone have any good tricks or techniques to share on slides

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Longboarding in DC tues eve....
On 5/10/2004 John Dillon, Team Fun wrote in from (208.197.nnn.nnn)

meet in front of the Capitol, 6:30pm.....work up a sweat skating downtown then let's have a cold one &/or eat at Chipotle!

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Attn: Reeve
On 5/10/2004 John Dillon, Team Fun wrote in from (208.197.nnn.nnn)

In the 70s Skateboarder Mag issues there was a 3-truck skateboard advertised. I never have seen one in person nor seen this one in particular in use. I have seen and skated Lonnie Toft's 4-truck wide-a** skateboard.

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On 5/10/2004 Q wrote in from (198.232.nnn.nnn)

Another good indicator of preferred stance (besides the sprint start one mentioned below) is the "push".

1. Get the noob to stand directly in front of you, facing you, about 1 to 1.5 feet between you, with your shoulders parallel to the noob's, and the noob's feet a comfortable distance apart (directly under shoulders is good).

2. Quickly push them backwards (not too hard, just enough that they are forced to take a step backwards.)

3. Usually, noob will step backwards leaving them in their "comfortable" stance. (Right foot back = Regular, Left foot back = Goofy foot).


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the third...
On 5/10/2004 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (198.160.nnn.nnn)

not realizing that it has probably been done before, i once set up a three truck system on a santa cruse 36" longboard sometime around 1985. as i remember this particular deck was concave and had a trifold spoon nose.

what was neat about this deck is that when weight was applied between the front and middle truck, the flex in the deck would lift the rear truck and wheels so they were not in contention. like cruising in a lower gear. then when weight was shifted to the rear truck, all three would come into use and the fun just begun. it had a noticeably controllable slide with all four wheels down in the back. interesting and such a fun ride to say the least. it's probably still floating around or i may have given it as a tip to this bartender friend but that memory is kinda fuzzy.

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Three Trucks
On 5/9/2004 Library Boy wrote in from (24.52.nnn.nnn)

Dual Rear Truck Assembly On 1/20/2000 cranker sore wrote in from 63.28.xxx.xxx:
Skateboarding to me is aggressive and dangerous, and I
have developed a line of board to tackle heavy situations. With the full
body curve that I use, the approach to skateboarding mirrors Michelangelo's
body movement diagram. Adding the fixed triagulation of strap style
skateboarding to the tractor engagement of the twin attachment assembly, the
Payaso Flying Spear allows rare back wheelie carving and good speed weaves.
Often times you are leaning forward, and with feat cocked to a lock in a
strap, the propulsion and hold of the Flying Spear propeller can't be beat.
Timed at 5.6 seconds repeatedly, the Pocket Rocket with double straps weaves
twenty cones at six feet apart on the flats. The fact is that, straps will
make the parks of the future unlike most people image. Is there really a
potential this large that exists and remains entirely unimagined? Payaso is
convinced and hasput that imagination to real. Payaso's propeller Series is
four boards, the Long Bow, the Flying Spear, the Pocket Rocket, and the the
Bowl Slayer. Adjusted forward or rearward on the six-foot mold, the series
boards take a forward or rearward approach on the half inch kick to flat and
rocker of the propeller Series mold.

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3 truck
On 5/9/2004 Reeve McNall wrote in from (24.126.nnn.nnn)

has there ever been a 3-trucked skateboard? I want to make one but will it work?

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On 4/30/2004 robc wrote in from (205.150.nnn.nnn)

Yeah, just do what feels right. Interestingly, there doesn't seem to be a connection between right handedness and "footedness" or domininant eye, if you shoot (cameras or bullets). My sister and I are both pretty much right-handed but I skate regular and she skates goofy. Quick way to check which foot goes forward, for absolute beginners: crouch down, feet together, hands on the ground, then pretend you have to run, like a sprinter, Whichever foot comes forward first, goes at the front of the board. Most people, like you, though, figure it out just by instinct.

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On 4/26/2004 henry wrote in from (172.182.nnn.nnn)

if it fits right for you, it doesn`t matter if you skate goofy or regular. Hawk (that millionaire guy) also rides goofy, what is called switch nowadays i guess... if you're mostly carving hills or don't use a kicktail so much you even could push mongo (with the front foot)...skate how you like it most, that's the best thing in longboarding i think

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Gettin it done
On 4/25/2004 wAnNaSk8bAd wrote in from (64.251.nnn.nnn)

Wow, I must say, I really enjoy this site. I am just barely getting into longboarding, but this site has made me so stoked about it. I always look forward to just carvin the hills by house with no care in the world. I just had a question if someone could answer it. My friend and I got into an argument (small one) over it. I am right handed, but i like to keep my right foot as my lead foot on my board, but i also like to push with my left. I was thinking about and I definitely like my left leg pushin moreso than mY right. my friend said that I can't be pushing with my back leg. Is it a big deal, or should I just continue with what feels right to me? Thanks all!

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On 4/15/2004 TATA wrote in from (200.148.nnn.nnn)


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Scott S has a damn good point
On 4/12/2004 Ryan wrote in from (66.239.nnn.nnn)

Sliding is definitely not a method for just stopping anymore. i spent alot of my time skating just perfecting slides now. Check out my vids.

www.freewebs.com/vbds/ they're under the gallery section

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Sliding Section
On 4/12/2004 Scott S. wrote in from (142.177.nnn.nnn)

Adam your the man, if you ever need my help just ask...hahaha if there is actually anything i could do

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SLiding Section? Or Not?
On 4/12/2004 Adam wrote in from (66.121.nnn.nnn)

Tis done. Plus a new forum on Stopping. Enjoy, and thanks for the suggestion.

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SLiding Section? Or Not?
On 4/12/2004 Scott S. wrote in from (142.177.nnn.nnn)

Adam, the more I think about this section the more I get excited....can we please have a section on Sliding...It would be all that!

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Sliding Section
On 4/7/2004 Scott S. wrote in from (142.177.nnn.nnn)

Adam I personally do not think it should be under stopping, maybe 5 years ago. I live in Nova Scotia and sliding has become a form of longboarding, a way to express yourself with style. Sliding is getting bigger and bigger as a form of a trick nto a form of stopping.
I understand what you mean though, but I think sliding has become another form of boarding rather then jus being used to stop!

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Sliding Section
On 4/6/2004 Adam wrote in from (66.121.nnn.nnn)

Thanks for your suggestion, Scott. I'm considering adding Sliding as a new forum. I'm just undecided on whether it should include Stopping or if that should be a separate forum.

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Sliding Section
On 4/6/2004 Scott S. wrote in from (142.177.nnn.nnn)

I think sliding is one of the biggest most important things of longboarding. It is not just a riding technique, there are so many different kinds of slides and spins you can do on a board. Sliding is the best thing that ever happend to longboarding and I think it would only be fair to have a section on sliding for people that are like me

Who can I ask about this that runs NCDSA?


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Re:Sliding Sections
On 4/6/2004 Matt G. wrote in from (207.239.nnn.nnn)

They probably don't have it because sliding is such a universal think, and could be considered a riding technique. It's a good idea tho. If you search the archives in different catagories you might find a answer to you sliding questions.


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Sliding Sections
On 4/5/2004 Scott S. wrote in from (142.177.nnn.nnn)

Does anyone agree that NCDSA is an awesome site but is missing a "Sliding" section?
How can I contact the manager to ask him about this?

Thanks, Scott S.

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On 4/5/2004 Matt G. wrote in from (207.239.nnn.nnn)

I skate street and parks on my longboard also. It mainly consists or manuals, no-complys, pop shuvits, berts, and boardslides. I'm riding a 36inch Alva which seems like a streetboard on steroids. It is great on the quarter pipes too because it's seems really hard to fall off of.

Oh yeah

Tip for a beginner:
Try to keep a low center of gravity
learn to slide for your safety
and adjust your skate until it feels good under your feet.

Here is a link to some vids that might help you learn some technique.


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On 4/2/2004 RJ wrote in from (63.173.nnn.nnn)

Three words.....embrace the pain. LOL Just relax and don't think too much about it. Rememeber no one was pro style the first time they stepped onto a board...well except for me. lol Have fun and welcome to longboarding.

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tips for a beginner
On 3/28/2004 cyle wrote in from (66.118.nnn.nnn)

hey- i am getting a new longboard on Tuesday and am very excited about getting rid of my stupid bike so that i can start to learn to carve, etc...Any tips for a "newbie", things to watch out for, adjustments i should make to my board or anything else you can think of would be great!...just drop me a line @ akoostiksoul@hotmail.com

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Longboarding In San Diego
On 3/22/2004 D wrote in from (66.75.nnn.nnn)

Want to start longboarding some hills and taking some trips to longboard with my son. Are there any groups getting together to do that around San Diego?

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