Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Longboarding (1457 Posts)
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On 4/4/2005 DownHill Billies Hill-Killer D. Holt wrote in from United States  (67.21.nnn.nnn)

I was very sorry to hear about my brother for life and fellow DHB lazer steve-o. But I was glad to hear he had his helmit on and is going to be allright.Lazer Steve-o was KNOCKED OUT for several minutes with his helmet on and he is a good rider. There is no doubt this accident could have been ALOT WORSE.I can't stress enough the importance in what DHB NCL Marion said in his post below. There is a high price of poker to bombing hills at 30-40mph without wearing atleast a helmit.


SWILLY BILLIE LIL E I'm stocked to check out the new spot on the north side.

DownHill Billies D. Holt

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response to tyler
On 4/4/2005 DownHill Billies hill killer D. holt wrote in from United States  (67.21.nnn.nnn)

I have to agree with my brothers & sistas of the D.H.B BOZI or SUBSONIC with sizemic 180s and the wheels of your choice.Any of those choices can't be wrong.

Stick with it!!!

DownHIll Billies

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Paids Some Dues!
On 4/4/2005 Swilly-Billy (LIL'E) DHB wrote in from United States  (67.33.nnn.nnn)

Scouted out a new spot in the N.Iredell country this afternoon that someone told me about.It was sweet!Nice pavement two nice hills and a nice road for a slalom course too.Unfortunately I also took a good shot to the shoulder and I'm glad I had my helmet on.The last run you can top about 35mph.Nice developement with no houses.Keep Steve-O in mind guys.

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Steve O Smash O
On 4/4/2005 North Carolina Longboarder- DownHill Billies wrote in from United States  (166.82.nnn.nnn)

Yesterday some of the DHB crew went to ride the Ridgewood Development down on the Catawba River. JBird called to tell me this mornign that one of the crew, Electric Steve O., took a major spill from his motor powered skateboard and was knocked unconscious. Jaybird, Jayson (Steve O's brother), and Lil E were with him. He is alright thanks to his brand new helmet but is still pretty groggy and loopy according to Jaybird.
Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he recovers from his knock. This situation could have been far more tragic had he not been wearing a helmet.

Those of you out in Longboard land you are still riding without a helmet should take heed to this warning. The question is a matter of 'when' you are going to hit your head, not 'if' you are going to or not. We all take the risk every time we step on a board that we could seriously injure ourselves. At least, we can mitigate the damage significantly if we strap on a proper lid.

Steve O: Glad you didn't get hurt worse and hope you get feeling better real soon.

Marion Karr
North Carolina Longboarder
Proud Member of the DownHill Billies

"Fueling the Stoke One Hillbilly at a Time!"

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On 4/4/2005 Gary in VA wrote in from United States  (141.129.nnn.nnn)

Just wanted to thank Marion for putting together the DHB Jam II. Had a blast there. Mucho fun carving down the perfect pavement, and knocking down some cones. The mood was perfect for a jam and it made you want to get back up the hill again and again to make another run. I'll be back for Jam III.

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Yo NCL, sessions!
On 4/4/2005 Lenny- DHB wrote in from United States  (69.211.nnn.nnn)

Sounds like pert near e'erbody had a great session yesterday! Spring has sprung and people are stoked! That rocks!! I'm hoping, with the newly added sunshine to the day, I can grab a small crave session after today's track meet. The forecast is for "abundant sunshine."

NCL (and others I emailed about it), check out my post on the Pools and Parks forum about the Falcon. I'm bummed.

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Trish's Ride
On 4/3/2005 North Carolina Longboarder- DownHill Billies wrote in from United States  (166.82.nnn.nnn)

That ride of yours sounds great! I just reread it! That's cool that you just took off and left your car behind! Talking about feeling the moment.

"Fueling the Stoke One Hillbilly at a Time!"

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Follow Up To Posts
On 4/3/2005 North Carolina Longboarder- Proud Member of the DownHill Billies wrote in from United States  (166.82.nnn.nnn)

Thanks for the order and the cool vibes! You are definitely a DHB in my mind! I will drop you an email as soon as your order goes out!

Tom T From Toronto: Dude, you are welcome to come on board as the Toronto rep for the DHB's. Drop me an email with your contact information and I will send you info about the crew. It's a loose federation of downhillers, carvers, slalom, and others skate disciplines. Rock on!
You are right about all of the board manufacturers represented in that pic. There was also Pocket Pistols, Turner's, Roe Racing, and Skaterbuilt just to name a few more. The cool thing about our skate jams is everyone shares their quivers and you get to ride a bunch of stuff you probably wouldn't always get a chance to ride. Like I talk about later in this post I road a Subsonic for the first time and it was sweeeeeeeeeeeet!

Tyler: Jaybird and Lenny have some great advise for you. If you are wanting a board you can bomb on moderately and still carve then the Bozi or the Subsonic (I road Lil' E's Subsonic that is set up with Seismic 180's, 45 degree front truck, 30 rear and Gumballs and talk about a board that sticks in a turn!). Most of the local crew are riding Bozi's a great deal and the Mad Bomber II is killer in my book. It is set up the same way Lil E's Subsonic except I am running 3dm Avilas instead of Gumballs. If you are looking for more of an all round carve board them go with the Gravity. A Gravity is most likely going to be one of my next board purchases, probably closer to when the Charlotte skate park opens. Going to break out some longboard on the walls down ther.

What's up dude?

Missed a call from you tonight...sorry about that...my phone is a piece of crap.

Marion Karr
North Carolina Longboarder
Proud Member of the DownHill Billies

"Fueling the Stoke One Hillbilly at a Time!"

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DHB Shirts
On 4/3/2005 Utah Trish wrote in from United States  (63.230.nnn.nnn)

Hey NCL and all downhill billies!!

I sent the check. Can't wait for the shirts. All that skate or at least pretend to skate (LoL) should get one of theses shirts. I acually feel like I deserve one after todays ride. The sun was out, I rode the park for an hour then I found myself at the top of a great hill. Sooo, I rode it and kept on going...... all the way home. downhill. I had to get a ride back to my car from the husband. Shoulda seen the look on his face when I road in the driveway without the car. I pulled a few wimpy slides on the way but I stayed standing and grining (smiling?) the whole way! man, I love this sport.

ride on!


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Check Us Out
On 4/3/2005 Swilly Billy wrote in from United States  (67.33.nnn.nnn)

Tom check us out more at out site downhillbillies.org. It will be together a little better soon.Also check out the shirts in the buy-sell-trade forum. We have a couple designz for you. DHB LIL' E

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longboard who's who
On 4/3/2005 tom t wrote in from Canada  (64.228.nnn.nnn)

Wow! That group photo near the bottom of this page has so many great longboard companies representing...Landyachtz, Bozi, Carve, Skaterbuilt, Insect, Phat(?)...I wish I lived in NC! You guys have such a positive vibe all over these pages...I'd like to start up a Toronto franchise of the DownHillBillies...Maybe I could get some tips?

Skate is Good.

P.S. And a fine looking crew...

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Ben and Tyler
On 4/3/2005 Lenny- DHB wrote in from United States  (69.211.nnn.nnn)

Ben, I know the feeling too well. But... it's the ime of year when those days are becoming less common and days like today (although a bit too windy for my tastes) are going to rule!!

Tyler, there are TONS of great longboards to buy out there. It'd be easier to tell you which ones to avoid. :-) Anyway, my two $0.02: check out some Gravity cues; possibly a Hyper-carve or concave carve model. They make some great cues! It's a whole new world. Play around and find out what you like. Welcome!!

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Ben's Delim's
On 4/3/2005 DAve G wrote in from United States  (207.69.nnn.nnn)

Ben...you guys got it easy! We got a bit more than 6.5" and the winds were gnarly! My twins had soccer yesterday and then I was volunteered to run the concession stand for a few hours...We gotta hook up soon! Shady Spring maybe???

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On 4/3/2005 ben wrote in from United States  (66.190.nnn.nnn)

Rain all saturday, 3" of snow this morning, back to 60 by tue (my busiest day next week). Rain and snow next weekend. I need to skate but mother nature wont cooperate.

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On 4/3/2005 J-Bird aka Dankdownhiller wrote in from United States  (65.1.nnn.nnn)

Tyler I would suggest Bozi and my new found love Subsonic both oh these will fuel your stoke.I know,I started last summer and had losts of late night session and sleep deprived nights.Good luck and wear pads!!!

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New Longboarder
On 4/2/2005 Tyler wrote in from United States  (209.148.nnn.nnn)

Hey all, i was just introduced to the sport of longboarding, and i was instantly hooked. Ever since i havent been able to stop thinking about it. I am now looking to buy a longboard, and i would like to know what brand and model would be best for me. I am really interested in the downhill, speed, and cruising. Any help would be appreciated.

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DHB Shirts!
On 3/31/2005 North Carolina Longboarder- DownHill Billies wrote in from United States  (166.82.nnn.nnn)

Go to Buy Sale Trade Forum for Details!


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Tonight's Night Ride!
On 3/30/2005 North Carolina Longboarder- DownHill Billies wrote in from United States  (166.82.nnn.nnn)

Lenny: Dude, wish you could have been at The Spot tonight. Rookie and Shannon road with me, Justin and Holly, and Evan drove out. We had a good crew but you would have had a blast. Can't you come down here and teach some North Carolina yunguns some of that Multiple Intelligence stuff you wuz talkin 'bout..... We set up a Super G that you would have dug big. We had to play with it a bit but by the end of the night we had a super fun carvy slalom course on the left side. Top Gun was covered with dirt and crap washed from the construction site this past Sunday. Justin had my broom and brushed it off pretty good but we needed our road blower (don't call it a leaf blower any more...it never touches leaves...only used to blow off the pavement. Thought better of running the machine that late at night so we just made do. Justin and Holly have been sliding a bunch the last couple of days and man they are starting to dial that in. I finally got so tired of not riding the main run that I finally just grabbed my Bozi Mad Bomber II in the car and ran to the top. Dude, when I hit that left hand turn at the bottom that was covered with dirt. I managed a big pendulum slide right through the dirt but ended up heading right for the road gutter drain. I basically slid right into the gutter! It was hilarious. Dust flying everywhere. Me traveling way too fast for the lighting and the stuff on the road.
Shannon and I are going to go out and scout that new spot I posted about earlier that is down near the river. I think it will be killer for tight, hybrid/G, and a massive Super G and regular DownHilling I will let you know what we think.

Surfer Jer: I will look trough all of the group shots this weekend. Thanks for coming to the jam.

Afterwhile Crocodile!

Marion Karr
North Carolina Longboarder

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Group Photo
On 3/30/2005 Surfer Jer wrote in from United States  (216.192.nnn.nnn)

Got one where my head isn't half hidden? ;)

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On 3/30/2005 Lenny-DHB wrote in from United States  (69.211.nnn.nnn)

Wish I could be there. Let me know how it goes.

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ridin' dem ol' boards again
On 3/30/2005 sst wrote in from United States  (66.44.nnn.nnn)

we's a gonna be a ridin' dem boards at the spot tonite 9:oo at Marion's house... hey ho let's go.

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DHB Shirts Update- New Email Address
On 3/30/2005 North Carolina Longboarder- DownHill Billies wrote in from United States  (166.82.nnn.nnn)

DHB Shirt Update: For those you out there that did not get the chance to purchase your DHB Logo wear this past weekend at the jam this past weekend or want more of what is soon to be the hottest thing going amongst the hillbilly skating community
watch the Buy-Sale-Trade Forum for details tomorrow for details! We have just a couple of things that need to be set up today to get us in shape to process your requests! Thank's again go to D-Holt and the Three DHB Amigos, Lil' Shane Bandy, Rookie, and Lil' E for getting our T-shirt stock put together last week before the Jam.

New Email Address: I have a new email address: karr@downhillbillies.org. Please update your contact lists. My old email address will still be functioning but this is the one to use for skateboarding related stuff!

Marion Karr
North Carolina Longboarder
Proud Member of the DownHill Billies

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On 3/29/2005 DHB HILL KILLER HOLT wrote in from United States  (67.21.nnn.nnn)

Man thats crasy that you ask me that. My wife and two other ladies seperatly asked me that same question today. So I guess I will cuz ya know we gotta keep the ladies happy.here lies the problem I have about ten pages of ladies stuff in my catalogs. Everything from short/long sleeve tee's,baby doll tees, v-neck, scoup neck, strap tanks, sleevless, ribbed and everything in between.




I took marion my pics of jam and some shirt pics should be up tomarrow and be for sale on buy-sale as well.

spread the disease.


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DHB Shirt Shtuff
On 3/29/2005 Lenny- Downhill Billies wrote in from United States  (69.213.nnn.nnn)

D.Holt. My wife and one of her friends were asking about girls DHB shirts. Are you going to do up any shirts that are cut for the ladies?

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On 3/29/2005 teasingdog@earthlink.net wrote in from United States  (207.69.nnn.nnn)

And you left out the fact that Joe is not Left handed. Must go race at the Farm. I am fortunate to be skating at my age. Must go race at the Farm. Your words are too kind jOE my amigo. Must go race at the Farm. Look forward to seeing you at the races this year dude. Must go race at the Farm. Damm you Joe I knew there were subliminal messages in your POST. Your Amigo Eddy Texas Outlaws. Must go race at the Farm. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH.

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