Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Long Distance Skateboard Pumping LDP

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 How to Pump

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Long Distance Pumping (LDP) (1492 Posts)
Topic Info
Big Pumper
On 11/30/2003 G7enn wrote in from (81.132.nnn.nnn)

Last year I did a lot of experimenting with which trucks worked best for pumping on a 38" Fibreflex pintail. Of course, while this board is a lot smaller than you are talking about it does have a fairly long wheelbase, probably equivilent to a 46" double kicked deck.

Initially this was set up with Randal II 150s, this seemed like a fantastic pumping board until I tried a friend's similar sized board with Seismic 157s. There was just no comparison, the seismics just made keeping the board going on the flat almost effortless.

After this I tried a set of antique Indy 151s, they were a slight improvment but I ended up buying a set of Seismics. I later improved this setup even further by replacing the back truck with a Tracker sixtrack. I did this because it sometimes felt like the back of the board was swinging to far into turns. The tracker cured this without effecting the pumpability.

I'm talking about the later plastic seismics here. They also have to have the soft yellow springs, red springed seismics are useless for me and i'm pretty heavy.

It sounds like a mismatched (one 30 degree, one 45) pair of metal seismics might be the ultimate setup for my pintail though I suspect you'll need all the turning you can get on an Ed Economy.

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Pumpin in Pools
On 11/22/2003 Jer wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

Thanks for the help - I guess the moral of the story is practice makes perfect. I've got it down, just not as good as some guys I watch. It seems as though they are going at a snails pace, then they are able to hop right on to the coping. I feel like my speed is amazingly fast, even with my downhill background, and I barely reach midway up the vert..

Anyway, thanks again for the help.

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big pumper
On 11/20/2003 drex wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

Hey, I'm (slowly) putting a big board together that I'm hoping to use as a bankrider/city cruiser. I'm hoping I'll be able to "pump it" around town. Here's what I'm thinking about getting:
Ed Economy Streetrider
Gumball 78a's
Seismic 180's
Will it be "pumpable"?

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New metal seismics pumping powerful!
On 11/18/2003 John Dillon, Team Fun wrote in from (151.200.nnn.nnn)

I agree with wax that Dan should do a How To Pump video clip....I just love the way I can get my Bozi Mad Bomber rolling quickly through the streets when I utilize the new metal Seismic trucks! Plus, u r right about Dan Gesmer being a talented skater...and he makes some downright fun street carving trucks!!

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Dan G
On 11/17/2003 wax wrote in from (24.9.nnn.nnn)

I was in our shop today, and some kids (flippers), were checking out the seismics, they asked a few questions so I brought them back to the computer and showed them Dans newer video clip (4 wheels down I think)...after a few brief seconds of giggles one of the brighter kids noticed how fast he was going, just gliding and not pushing...they were perplexed by this pumping thing, and not just going straight, doing 1 trick then starting over again....they were blown away by Dans skill, and were instantly wanting to learn how to pump, so I grabbed my comet with seismics and took them out front for a lesson...Great fun, they all smiled and laughed, but each boy learned a little, and they want me to teach them more...Dan should do a how to pump video clip...

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Article on Carving Technique
On 11/17/2003 Dan Gesmer / Seismic wrote in from (193.252.nnn.nnn)

Stevie, I've been meaning to include it somewhere on the Seismic website but haven't done so yet. However, I've already scanned the pages from the Oct. 1988 issue of TWS where it was printed.

TK, thanks for your kind words.

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Dan's Carving Technique
On 11/16/2003 Stevie wrote in from (68.4.nnn.nnn)

Dan, I'd love to get a hold of that carving technique article too, if you have it posted somewhere.

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Dan Gesmer
On 11/16/2003 TK wrote in from (66.30.nnn.nnn)

Dan, as usual , you were ahead of your time. TK

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Old pumping article
On 11/16/2003 Dan Gesmer / Seismic wrote in from (81.166.nnn.nnn)

In 1989, when almost nobody cared about this subject, I wrote an in-depth how-to on pumping. It almost ran in TransWorld Skateboarding magazine, as a followup to a piece I wrote for them on basic carving technique.

I've been meaning to update the article but haven't yet made the time. The original text is viewable on the web at the following URL:


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On 11/16/2003 Eddy wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Over the year I have been given alot of slalom imformation on how to improve my pump. # 1. Pump up a slight uphill. # 2 Find an empty parking lot and pump front and backside performing laps in a circle. # 3 line up 50 cones 6 ft apart in a straight line,run through them and then repeat the process over and over until you can pump no longer. Eddy Texas Outlaw.

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Pumping in bowls
On 11/14/2003 64mm wrote in from (67.164.nnn.nnn)


Keep practicing and you will get faster with time.
If you are on small wheels change to 60mm or larger.
Powell bowl bombers 64mm park formula is a fast wheel.

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Slow pump
On 11/13/2003 Geezer-X wrote in from (149.2.nnn.nnn)

We usually use a pretty short distance from the line to the first cone at the DC outlaw races. 4 pushes is all you get, so like with Cyberslalom, having a slow speed pump is key. I've found that there are at least 3 distict types of pump I use in different places in a course.
1. the "compress and extend" pump. For GS courses, an at the beginning of most courses. As you set up for the turn, compress, and explosively extend as you apex the turn. Works pretty much the same heelside and toeside. Big arm swings.
2. The regular aggro slalom pump. This is one that feels like it works once you've got some speed happening. Remember to keep your center of mass over the fall line, more or less, and never underestimate how much of your power is coming from your arms. Curt Kimbel watched me and told me to work on amy arms, and it was like the missing link.
3. The frantic thrashing wiggle aka "the Gilmour" Combine all the above, and do it really really fast through tight cones.
I recommend setting a cyberslalom course someplace which is very gently downhill in, and uphill out, equal both ways and remember to use you knees way more than you are now. Be in stance so you can attack the first cone, hard. Keep trying.

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Thanks CKnuck
On 11/11/2003 Jer wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

Thanks alot for the tips! I'll give it a try in the next few days and let you know how it went.

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Getting started
On 11/11/2003 Jim wrote in from (65.221.nnn.nnn)

This last weekend I ran a cyber slalom course with a few other guys. My problem is with the limited kicks before entering the cones I am unable to build up any speed. It feels like I'm stuck in low gear the whole time. When I took a 25 foot run at the same course I was able to generate significant speed even while going up hill.

Does anyone have any suggestions, besides practice, for how to get the slow speed pump going so that I can accelerate through the whole course?

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Pumping in bowls
On 11/10/2003 CKnuck wrote in from (66.185.nnn.nnn)

Jer if your question is simply, How to pump? A Bowl or Transition.

Think of compressing on the way up and decompressing on the way down. Bend at the knee's not the back/waist.

The timming of this is critical just like pumping a Slalom board. Out of timming then it slows you down. Don't try do do it all at once either(if you reach the maximum bent position to quick you still create force against the wall your trying to climb).

For example: if your riding a Bowl with an 8 foot wall then slowly bend your knee's on your way up. Make your (kick)turn or carve then extend (decompress) on your way back down.

Your are trying to create as little resistance as possible on the way up and as much as you can on the way down. You can also swing your arms slightly on the way up and down to help you get a feel for the direction and transition. Try to limit un-nescessary body movemment, (this detracts from the forward momentum).

Good Luck.

I hope this helps you out.

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pumping machines
On 11/10/2003 Leo wrote in from (200.84.nnn.nnn)

i herad that Psycholloyd´s brother can pump and pump for miles, hope he jumps into the forum and give us some tips


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in you endo
On 11/10/2003 herbn wrote in from (141.150.nnn.nnn)

man, i was hoping to be the first, "pumping" is a better term than say, "bunny hopping" a bicycle, whats a good term for fakie pumping or pumpig switch stance. "fumping", "switchumping","backwardsumping",

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Pumping in bowls
On 11/10/2003 Jer wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

Can anyone explain pumping in bowls.. I try, and I am able to to a certain extent. But, I see people going at half the speed I am and are able to fly to the top to the coping, when I can't even get half way up the vert section.. Any help?

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On 11/10/2003 Geezer "Mah name's Comfort, baby" X wrote in from (149.2.nnn.nnn)

So this is where we talk about pimps an' hoes, right?

Seriously, can we find a better term than "pumping"? I always thought that sounded sort of dirty...

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Forum title
On 11/7/2003 Adam wrote in from (66.121.nnn.nnn)

We've dropped the Flatland designation from this forum to broaden its scope.

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Nature Boy
On 11/7/2003 PALMER wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Yeah TK Kenny wears spandex but I perfer him in that verses being naked, which I think her perfers.


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It takes a real man to wear lycra.
On 11/7/2003 TK wrote in from (66.30.nnn.nnn)

The World Champ wears bike shorts.Coolmax I think which is a lycra weave.

Flat slalom is strictly a drill in my opinion. Races should ALWAYS be on a hill. The best hill is the one a race is on.,

Henry , want a mad powerful pump. Run your courses and a slight incline. Up Hill.

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On 11/7/2003 PALMER wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

Henry as far as I know there is no flat in West Coast slalom, but I will check into it and let you know


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On 11/6/2003 Henry wrote in from (128.2.nnn.nnn)

No palmer, this is where we talk about California Slalom.



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On 11/6/2003 PALMER wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Is this where we can find out about where the good sales on spandex are?


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