Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Long Distance Pumping (LDP) (1492 Posts)
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On 6/19/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (24.18.nnn.nnn)

erin, check out the contest calendar results page, there will be more detailed mention on SF soon. just takin a day to recover ;-)

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solstice skate
On 6/19/2006 Erin wrote in from Canada  (66.183.nnn.nnn)

Hey guys how about a little more detail about the 'outlaw' solstice skate? Sounds like it was a good time. How many skaters, what was the route like, did everyone pump, what kind of set ups and what kind of times were clocked?

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solstice skate
On 6/19/2006 derek wrote in from United States  (24.16.nnn.nnn)

thanks for all the work you put into organizing the solstice skate. it was awesome getting out with a bunch of riders and hitting the trail, then heading off to the redhook brewery for beers and lunch. nice work bro!

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mixed duros
On 6/19/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (64.236.nnn.nnn)

hey kris, i'll usually run a white front + red back, because the trail I ride most the time runs from very poor to good asphalt, so this keeps my setup ready for anything. But if I knew most of the trails/paths were "good to excellent" I'd bump up to a green front + white rear, or even a yellow front + green. This is based on the chart:
red 73a
white 77a
green 80a
yellow 84a

I sometimes also ride the purple 72a's from purpleskunk for cruising ANYthing, like riding right over boulders ;-)

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Avila duros for l d p?
On 6/19/2006 Kris wrote in from United States  (69.106.nnn.nnn)

Can someone recommend a good split-duro combination for Avila's for medium to long distance pumping? Also, should either the front, rear or both sets be trimmed, or should the lips be left alone?


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seismic tracker combo
On 6/19/2006 silversurfer wrote in from (71.233.nnn.nnn)

Paul Howard runs a tracker rt-x front truck with a seismic back truck for slalom on his subsonic pauliwog deck. At least he used to.
But that's slalom and not LDP so I'm not sure.
Seismics are ok for quick slalom type turning.
Not so much for sharper u turn type situations.
Experiment I guess.
I don't really think a seismic would be a good ldp front truck but I could be wrong. Some people love them and some people hate them.

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On 6/18/2006 G7enn wrote in from United Kingdom  (84.9.nnn.nnn)

I used to swear by mine for pumping until I got a decent slalom board. I had Yellow sprung 157s and flashbacks. I suspect that the 130's would be slightly better for being narrower. My 157s were the 'good' ones (german?) with the clip on the kingpin and the 8mm axles as standard. What I didn't like was the way the trucks ran dead straight when pushing. Seems like a stupid point but I like a board you can adjust the direction of while pushing...

I improved my pumping board slightly with a an old Indy and then a tracker on the back.

If you don't get on with a pair of 130s you might enjoy one of them with something else on the back. I've never tried a seismic on the back and something else on the front but i'm sure i've read on NCDSA of slalomers who get on with that combination.

If you have the bits and the time, just try every combination, see if it works. In the winter I spend more time late at night swapping things around than I do skating. Stupid things pup into my head. I tried an Indy on the front and a Tracker on the back of my park board (now back to a pair of '70s Indys) and even had a Randal on the front of my bigger park board. Now the weather is better i'm spending more time actually riding which is possibly more healthy...

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On 6/16/2006 oldnbroken wrote in from United States  (66.69.nnn.nnn)

Seismic 130 for pumping.
So the question is, does a regular Seismic 130mm set (non geezered)also work well as an LDP truck set.
I am guessing the 8mm axles made things roll truer and have better contact but i wonder if anybody has done LDP on the normal 130mm set?

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On 6/16/2006 silversurfer wrote in from (71.233.nnn.nnn)

I would love to try some Orignial S8's on the Roe LDP deck.
I think I might prefer that set up to the LDP/Carver cx set up.
Not sure though.
I might try it when I finally get the deck.

Might be sort of like Yandall's set up.
38" with s8's.

I could always switch the trucks.
It would not be exlusively for pumping like my last distance pumping rig.
That set up was good for LDP (I guess) but not for general skating.
I would be trying to create a more versatile set up.

Pump, skog, carve, cruise.

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Original trucks...
On 6/16/2006 silversurfer wrote in from (71.233.nnn.nnn)

Hey all!
I've been lurking here because I have not had much to add to the converstation.
Not doing much LDP. Actually I never really got up to loong distance.
I guess what I do is medium distance pumping (MDP?).

But in response to clem's question....

Original's pump well.
Not quite as well as Carvers, but I think they are more versatile.
Both are great as are sidewinders.

Chris Yandall uses Original trucks on a 38" board for pumping and skogging.
Check out his comments and photos on his 'skogging' forum here.

Also check out www.pumpyourdeck.com
and www.skogging.com

And of course www.pavedwave.com (gear secton).

I hope everyone is doing well!

Pump on!

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On 6/15/2006 clem wrote in from (66.75.nnn.nnn)

heyy guys,

has anybody tried pumping on an original skateboards board/trucks? if you don't know, original trucks use a SINGLE spring system and non-conventional bushings. the return to center is nuts.

if anyone has pumped with an original board, how tight do the trucks have to be? i'm learning and i'm having a hard time pumping... i have the Custom 35 board, which is 35" long , and the trucks are 200mm.

again, the trucks have an amazing turn radius because of the spring/bushing system. thanks!

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8MM Seismics-
On 6/15/2006 Geezer-X wrote in from United States  (65.127.nnn.nnn)

Contact Dan Gessmer @ Siesmic Skate Systems for pricing and availability,


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precision seismic!
On 6/15/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (64.236.nnn.nnn)

Heard about this and just talked with Dan about my "seismic stiks" which are kinda similar. They might be good on LDP but gotta test! Might use one as rear... how muchy? pavedwave@comcast.net

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Seismic 130 LDP trucks
On 6/15/2006 Geezer-X wrote in from United States  (65.127.nnn.nnn)

My shop, Monkeywrench machine Works, has been doing precision 8mm axle conversions on trucks for about 5 years. I did a run of 8mm axle aluminum Seismics for Dan @ Seismic in 90, 100, and 130mm hanger widths. The 90s and 100s are nearly sold out, but the 130's didn't move fast since it's a special use truck for slalom, essentially only for really big GS courses.

I just tried a set out on a Chris Yandall deck with some soft Gumballs, and it turns out they're not GS trucks.

They're LDP trucks. They're perfect. The springs are available in a wide range of rates, and you can tune them easily. The fact that the return to center is effected with springs rather than bushings, and that the hanger pivots on a shaft rather than on bushings means that almost no energy is lost in the pumping process.

I'm finishing up the sets of these. I'd suggest a pair with the steep baseplate front and stable rear. Get a range of springs to experiment with...

These things work REALLY well.

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Tracker rtx/s combo
On 6/14/2006 Kasmar wrote in from United States  (67.40.nnn.nnn)

I know that there are some guys out there trying out the Trackers for distance, I'm interested as to how it's working out. I've used them for slalom, and they've worked OK. Better for bigger courses. But I haven't tried them for distance. So, please share how it's going.

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DH snap... this ain't slalom baby!
On 6/14/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (24.18.nnn.nnn)

Dude come on wheres the concave and convex pumping article!? ;-) Gesmer would love it if I put in an order for 150,000 cones...

To dedicate this DH break to the pumping records, I'll be putting up a 'broken gear' page next to the pavedwave 'gear' page, someday in all my copious spare time . Nice one... Good thing you're planning on carbon fiber next time!

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On 6/14/2006 derek wrote in from United States  (24.16.nnn.nnn)

hey thanks erin and munchh!
i don't know my speed when the board broke, but when it did i hopped off the board and found myself at a full running sprint that i couldn't maintain. it must have looked comical, but i made it about 5 steps before taking a dive straight onto the pavement as a runner and a biker looked on. nice and humbling, for sure...

i was about 7 miles out on a ride, but luckily i was still able to ride the very front of the board all the way back. the back of the deck scraped a bit on the pavement, but there was no way i was going to walk all the way home. i'm just lucky i'm not an ultra distance guy like peters- not sure what i'd do if i broke down 21 miles out!
geezer posted something not long ago about the swing vs. the twist, and the dropdeck was an interested study. the board itself felt like being on a swing, with the power coming from weighting at the center of the pump, and unweighting at the extremes. on a board with a bit more ground clearance, i find the opposite pumping technique- weighting at the extremes, and unweighting in the middle- to come in handy more often. concave and convex pumping, i guess :) (i imagine there is something written about all this stuff, but it's all new to me...)
despite the break, i'm still diggin' the landy thing. i'm dreaming of getting that carbon evo, but the first thing on the shopping list now is a new dh for peters.

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On 6/13/2006 Munchh wrote in from United Kingdom  (86.132.nnn.nnn)

sorry wrong way round, Derek!!

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Breakboard speed?
On 6/13/2006 Munchh wrote in from United Kingdom  (86.132.nnn.nnn)

Your an animal JP. ouch!

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On 6/12/2006 Erin wrote in from Canada  (66.183.nnn.nnn)

Derek that's amazing. Just goes to show you the power of the pump! Those DH's are pretty sturdy boards. Clearly YOU ARE A MONSTER PUMPER!!!

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On 6/12/2006 derek wrote in from United States  (24.16.nnn.nnn)

peters- here's my public apology. remember that landyachtz dh you lent me last week?
here's what it looks like right now
Click to enlarge.

i wasn't using it like a trampoline or anything- i swear! i was in a pretty good groove though, and i guess i found that one spot where it couldn't support my big bum...

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On 6/12/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (64.236.nnn.nnn)

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On 6/12/2006 derek wrote in from United States  (24.16.nnn.nnn)

has anyone done much pumping on the landyachtz boards?

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old pumper
On 6/12/2006 Munchh wrote in from United Kingdom  (86.132.nnn.nnn)

Yeah he does make me feel old, little wotsit.

See you next week.

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On 6/12/2006 G7enn wrote in from United Kingdom  (80.229.nnn.nnn)

Munchh, I didn't realise it was a pumping setup until after the cones were packed up, though I did have a little fun running it through the easy straight 6' cones. Certainly less stressful than watching 11 year old Jack go through the tricky offset course way faster than I can on my slalom board...

I should be there on Friday.

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