Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Skateboarding Law (490 Posts)
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re: Seattle beef
On 9/4/2004 todd wrote in from United States  (66.235.nnn.nnn)

Yeah, I've sat on this for a while now, and I realize all they have to do is vote on it and they are done. BUT, I also think too many people just accept things like this without raising a stink, allowing "the man" to step all over them (and paving the way for furthur abuse). The other authorities vs. skaters issue here in Seattle is huge (over the Ballard bowl). I think getting some press for my issue would benefit those fighting to save the bowl by bringing a little internal corruption to the surface.

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Seattle beef
On 9/4/2004 GBJ wrote in from United States  (69.140.nnn.nnn)

Y'know what, Todd? It sounds like you've pretty much got them on the "not taking a vote" issue. You've done your research well and seem right on all counts. Of course, all they'll do is take a vote and then treat your point like you're just some whining kid, particularly if you attempt to make a public big deal over the "not taking a vote issue". They may even attempt to tell you that the vote was taken in an "emergency" teleconference, in which case you can still ask them to produce minutes of that meeting. The bottom line is... they'll win and you'll have spent pointless breath. It sucks, but it rarely happens much different than that.

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Seattle skateboard laws
On 8/28/2004 Todd wrote in from United States  (66.235.nnn.nnn)

This is long, so bear with me. My favorite place to ride is a barely-used road in a local park in Seattle. It's newly paved, winding and a perfect grade. When I go out there, I wear a helmet, wait until I'm sure there are no cars and don't bother anyone (at least I didn't think so). I love the fact that I can haul ass down this hill, then walk back to the top, in the middle of the woods with not a soul around, it's a perfect balance.
My beef is this, the other day I went out there, rode down the hill once, then on my walk back up, noticed a newly posted "Skateboarding not allowed" sign. It can't begin to tell you how pissed off I was. All I can guess is that the stigma of skateboard=trouble is the reason this sign has been posted.
So I packed up my board, rushed home and researched the matter. They had 2 ordinances listed on the sign. The ordinance that actually has something to do with skateboarding says that the parks board must vote to ban skateboarding from any spot they want. So I checked the minutes from the board meetings from the past 3 months, and guess what? Nothing related to this sign. Obviously someone thinks they can just slap up a sign and that's it, no-one will question it, WRONG! The second ordinance listed on the sign was the icing on the cake for me, it has absolutely nothing to do with skating, it deals with soliciting! Do they think that I'm going to start asking for spare change between bombs? Or maybe just throwing another bulls#@! ordinance on there will make it look more serious?
Has anyone else dealt with a situation like this? I'm thinking I'd like to try and get a local reporter interested in this story. The parks department has already been in the news a lot lately because of a bowl they want to tear down, so this would be one more example of how anti-skate they are.

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Parking Lots
On 8/27/2004 Sketchmaster wrote in from United States  (4.22.nnn.nnn)

Lindsay: Is the parking lot specifically for the use of park visitors? If it is then it is part of the same premises. One of my favorite parts of parks is that signs are posted across several time periods without regard to past signs so you wind up with outdated and inaccurate signs. The signs must be current with regard to current "enabling ordinances"; The legislation that provides the basis for legitimacy for the sign. If the sign is not in compliance with its current enabling ordinance then it is void. An example of this is portable signs. Many states do not allow portable signs for "no parking", etc. because any a-hole could wheel up a sign after you legally parked and cause you to be in violation otherwise. I just saw a portable dumpster with a "no parking" sign on it on my way back from lunch. That's not going to fly. Read up on the enabling ordinances.

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Park parking lots
On 8/14/2004 lindsay wrote in from United States  (67.127.nnn.nnn)

Maybe I'm splitting hairs, but is a parking lot joined next to a park considered a part of a park that has a "no skateboarding" sign on it? I have been running cones in this parking lot before there was a sign. I haven't been there when the police patrol this area (and they do), but I don't want to get into any hassles.

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Chewning RE: Cones and his status as a dumbass.
On 8/5/2004 Sketchmaster wrote in from United States  (4.22.nnn.nnn)

Chewning is one of the most valuable contributors to this thread. If you feel the need to post a derogatory comment then you should at least look down the page to get a context for the individual whom you are attempting to insult.

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Yes sucker cones a bad idea
On 7/30/2004 Pat wrote in from United States  (24.21.nnn.nnn)

I already agreed that the sucker cones are a bad idea, so no need to keep telling me that.

-- Pat

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On 7/28/2004 GBMII in Albuq wrote in from United States  (143.183.nnn.nnn)

Last I heard, you could pick the cones up after somebody knocks 'em down. I happens all the time on our hill. Most of the time the cars make an effort to miss the cones, or even run a few gates. At least once a session some jackbag (usually driving a pickup truck) runs over about 20 cones. Big deal, reset them and consider it the price you pay for sharing the road. As for the gun thing, 911 works pretty well for me......

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Jesus Christ....the poser
On 7/28/2004 blah blah blah blah blah wrote in from United States  (68.234.nnn.nnn)

Jesus I always thought you were pretty lame...and well
you just keep on proving it. You know like when you hooked with
Andrew Loyd Webber to do that "Jesus Christ Superstar" thing?
Dude that was sooooo lame! What were you thinking?
I think these guys have some good suggestions, better than you
and your lame rock story, like you didn't steal that one from David right? Everyone knows Jesus would NEVER throw a rock
and smash some guys face open and then try and be a poser
on some skate website and brag about it.
Jesus used to do really cool things like turn wheat into marijuana,
sugar into cocaine, and bake a most excellent cake. But now look,
Jesus has gotten all negative on us and suggests we cast stones at our enemies.
You know, I don't think you're really Jesus at all.
Jesus if you ever come back to New York, let me know.
I'd be glad to get a handfull of nails and put you up for the night.
And...leave you there.

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On 7/28/2004 Jesus Christ wrote in from United States  (66.108.nnn.nnn)

Pardon the bad spelling in my last post. Bit jet lagged. Take the "e" off of "worste" among other things.


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Pat... Tom... you're dumb asses.
On 7/28/2004 Jesus Christ wrote in from United States  (66.108.nnn.nnn)

That's a terrible idea. Just like.. the worste. Document it? Why not just wait for the f#@!ing police? Tom, put the phone's volume up so the Sherif can hear gun shots? What the f#@! is wrong with you?! Gun shots are usualy fired at something, in this case Pat. You douche. Making documentation obvouse is dangerous as f#@!. He wouldn't just "crap his pants" because he'd realize he'd be in trouble and want to GET RID OF THE RECORDS... AKA Pat. The story's probubly not even true.


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The evil cone runneroverer
On 7/27/2004 tom wrote in from United States  (68.234.nnn.nnn)

Hey Pat,
I think you've got it.
Just keep the sheriff on speed dial, keep a video cam running where the driver doesn't have a clue, and whatever happens hit the speed dial and recite the punks license plate, car model and color and what not over your cell phone right in front of him and he'll freakin crumble. Keep the volume up really high on the camera so the sheriff can hear the part about the gun too! Always better to outsmart a total wanker than get violent...although sometimes you gotta do whachya gotta do.

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New York kicks ass
On 7/27/2004 Jesus Christ wrote in from United Kingdom  (193.82.nnn.nnn)

New York kicks ass! I love reading about all these laws in other states about skatehoarding! In Manhattan, there is not a single rule about boarding. Once some cops stopped me to check it out. They took me longboard and held it at their wastes in a rather falic manner, thrusting into the air and making comments about pleasing the misses at home.

PS: I'm tired of people putting New York down as a bad place to longboard! I've been all around and it's still my favorite place! Weeving in and out of cars (I would never go on the sidewalk) and getting yelled at by cab drivers... that's the life for me!

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Parks and Helmet Requirements
On 7/9/2004 Tom M. wrote in from (198.26.nnn.nnn)

Hey NCL,

To extend the convo from Pools&Parks, this is how the IN law is stated regarding safety gear (I guess its a bit different from CA's):


There are other laws & definitions that cover the terminology used (e.g., http://www.in.gov/legislative/bills/2003/HB/HB1001.2.html, etc.), but you know how this legal stuff is...

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Riding in Bike Lanes
On 7/9/2004 Espie wrote in from (135.214.nnn.nnn)

Thanks David! I'll take my chances since there's so little traffic and the only cops I ever see are sitting in Starbucks. :)

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bike lanes
On 7/8/2004 David wrote in from (63.74.nnn.nnn)

Here in Colorado, it is illegal to ride a skateboard (or blade or roller -skate) in a bike-lane. some cities here like Boulder/ Louisville/Longmont I know that law is enforced. Up here where I live in Ft. Collins / Loveland it is not enforced (typically).
Usually, Skateboards are catagorized as a "toy" and as such cannot be ridden on
a public street.A bicycle,having been used on U.S. streets since before the turn of the century is considered a "vehicle". Often it seems the police will over-look the fact if you are not riding "dangerously" and /or in heavy cross-traffic, etc. However, IF someone complains, then the cops will brake out this law and they will cite you.
It varies from place to place, so you'll have to find out per your area and how strict they are in enforcement.

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Riding in bikelanes
On 7/8/2004 Espie wrote in from (135.214.nnn.nnn)

Is it generally cool to skate in bike lanes? The street I want to ride on has light traffic and I have yet to actually see a bike use the lane (it's the burbs, people drive SUVs or not at all.)

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Cape May
On 7/3/2004 Rich C wrote in from (217.32.nnn.nnn)

I seem to recall it got withdrawn due to the immense amount of negative feedback it got, presumably from the likes of us...

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Cape May Skateboarding Ban
On 7/1/2004 jp wrote in from (12.30.nnn.nnn)

Wondering if anyone knows what happened with this ban? I am going to Cape May for a week and want to bring my Landyachts Chief and Sherman Shrimp & Skate board with me and do a some skating.


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On 6/11/2004 bones wrote in from (81.154.nnn.nnn)

fair comment
i hear what you are saying and have taken it onboard,
lets try not to drive over each others cones :-)

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Punch Up
On 6/11/2004 Sketchmaster wrote in from (4.22.nnn.nnn)

Bones: No guns doesn't mean that the worst case scenario is an old fashioned punch up. Plenty of people were sent early to their graves before firearms were even invented. Where I grew up everyone (except me) had this concept of "fair fighting". I coined the phrase "If you don't like the way I fight then don't pick a fight with me". People get all b*tt hurt when they get all comfortable kicking my ass around and I pick up a brick or pipe or whatever I find laying around the city. When you work someone with a brick it hardly looks like a "punch up" when you're done. Fighting fair is for losers.

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sucker cones
On 6/10/2004 bones wrote in from (81.155.nnn.nnn)

hey you guys
the sucker cones idea is absolutely fantastic
i live in the uk so nobody carries guns so the worst case scenario is a good old fashioned punch up,
we get quite a few problems with what we call "boy racers" where i live thinking it is funny to drive over our cones,but maybe not for much longer,
thanks guys you have just made my day


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Chewning's Cones
On 6/9/2004 Sketchmaster wrote in from (4.22.nnn.nnn)

As far as the gun goes: He's a fool. Out here the threat is probably justifiable cause for a legally defendable homicide. The storage of a firearm at a remote location is useless for that fool and the threat of its use is counterproductive to his cause (he's already given up the element of surprise which is invaluable in any violent confrontation). Your rock in the hand is way more deadly than his gun miles away. The first person I ever sent to the hospital was sent off with a head injury from a rock. His whole forehead peeled back like the flapper lid on a McDonald's garbage can. That was just one hit. I could have easily finished him off if I had wanted to. AAAhhh... sweet memories. It seems like it was just yesterday. My discretion would have led me to smash that guy up way before he got a chance to talk any smack (but I live in the ghetto and when people do that crap to you in the ghetto they are not trying to scare you but are trying to hurt you). Anyway, I can only hope that the dork learns first hand what rocks can do.

P.S. : I, too, recognize that behavior of individuals performing a given activity is perceived by others as indicative of the general population of individuals that engage in said activity. I, however, disagree with Adam that the image of slalomers as pacifists that willingly submit to any abuse that is directed towards them is a positive image. My only concern is that a defensive cone might present a danger to someone that is not involved in the conflict. My vote is "No" on the cone and "Yes" on the rock. Only hits count.

Let the negative ratings begin... Vote early, vote often.

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Sucker Cones
On 6/6/2004 longboard dude. wrote in from (66.108.nnn.nnn)

Hey Pat, sounds like the guy got serious issues. Don't waste your precious time on him. 911 him if you have to. Is there such a thing as indestructible cones? Something sponge like that brounces back and begs for more abuse.

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On 6/6/2004 hugh r wrote in from (69.166.nnn.nnn)

Threatening some one with a gun (even if it's not with them) is against the law... if your local sherrif won't persue it... call the fbi, because they will.

It's commonly referred to as a terrorist threat, and is a huge deal these days... much bigger than whether or not your allowed to skateboard at a paticular place. Don't take threats of violence lightly... lurching his car at you can also be considered assult.

Ask the cops what they do when some one lurches a car at them... they shoot the person in self defense. HR

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