Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Skateboarding Law (490 Posts)
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what rights do security guards have to attack
On 5/8/2008 donnelly wrote in from United States  (72.197.nnn.nnn)

while riding an empty parking garage in dago, while going by a security gaurd at speed i told him "sorry, leaving right now" he said nothing. i finished my run 3floors underground. while walking by him i repeated what i said, he came up and tried to grab my board, and slammed it into my forehead. i Told him he's not allowed to touch me unless he's making a citizens arrest for a felony. He said nothing, and started coming after me, i told him hes gonna get hurt if he doesn't f#@! off. He pulled off his clip on tie and came at me, I slammed my board against his hand, he kept coming and i jammed my pintail in one shoulder and tomahawked his right shoulder, and got distance between us. My other friend at this moment was on another floor alone, and had been put in a choke hold dragged in an elevator and choked to where blood was around his whole neck. we filed a police report, but the one gaurd split, and the one i fought with said i attacked him. the cop backed me saying "he's the one with a huge knot on his head." He was just shaking and didn't know what to say. later on another one of em' a huge football playing 6'4 afro amer. came chasing me for blocks. He almost had me and im fast as can be. when he finally tired i slowed down and told him to pick up the pace, which he did. My insane laughing is probably still got him wanting that tackle sooooo bad. sometimes the law doesnt matter, be respectfull, but if you have some renagade bored ass gaurd, be ready to split quick, or protect yourself, and call the police. What are the laws for the security in this case, i was in the process of leaving.

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On 4/14/2008 jake f wrote in from United States  (209.7.nnn.nnn)

i hate cops that areest you for no reason at alll

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On 4/14/2008 jake wrote in from United States  (209.7.nnn.nnn)

this is stupid i am a skater and the laws are tooo hard on us they will arrest you for nothing its soo stupid and i think that people r stupidd that dont belive me

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sktaeboard law in CA
On 4/13/2008 Hector wrote in from United States  (68.101.nnn.nnn)

Hello people, I went to the farmers market in San Diego CA, Hillcrest area. I skateboarded there and on my way back a police officer in his cruiser told me over the bullhorn that riding the skateboard in the street is not allowed. I was riding my longboard and was waiting for the light to change just like when I ride my bicycle in the same direction as traffic. So I got home checked the San Diego Municipal code: §84.12 Use of Skateboards, Coasters, Roller Skates, and Similar Devices Restricted (a) It is unlawful for any person riding on roller skates or by means of a coaster, skateboard, toy vehicle, or similar device to go upon an open roadway in the City of San Diego, or upon the sidewalk or public plaza in any business district, or upon any inclined surface area of any City–owned or privately owned parkade where signs forbidding such activity are displayed at the ground level elevator entrance and at each vehicular entrance to the parkade. (b) Between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., it is unlawful for any person riding on or by means of a coaster, skateboard, toy vehicle, or similar device to go upon: (1) any portion of public rights–of–way within the Mission Beach community, as defined by the Community Planning Area Map, as designated on Map Drawing No. C–637.1, on file in the office of the City Clerk as Document No. 768482; or, (2) any portion of the most westerly public walkway between San Diego Place on the south and Law Street on the north, known as Ocean Front Walk or Ocean Boulevard, or to go upon the public walkway immediately adjacent to the bay extending from the Mission Beach community, around Sail Bay, through Crown Point Shores, as designated on the map on file in the office of the City Clerk as Document No. 00–18425. (c) Any person upon roller skates or riding on or by means of a coaster, skateboard, toy vehicle or similar device on any sidewalk or right of way not open to public vehicular traffic shall exercise due care and shall yield the right of way to pedestrians. (d) No person shall go upon roller skates or ride on or by means of a coaster, skateboard, toy vehicle or similar device on any sidewalk or right of way not open to public vehicular traffic at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent having due regard for pedestrian traffic and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety of persons or property. (e) Except for school–sanctioned events authorized by a school site administrator, no person shall ride any skateboard, roller– blade, roller–skate or similar type device on any property owned by any school district which has a policy prohibiting such use, and displays a sign at the main entrance to the property informing visitors of the policy. Check your town's municipal code. If I am reading paragraph a) correctly there has to be a sign prohibiting skateboarding! There are no signs there. I suppose the police officer had a safety issue?! The only diference in my view between bicycles and longboarding is that the bicycle has a brake. I've seen motorized skateboards, so do they classify as motor vehicles? I checked the Caliifornia vehicle code: 21968. No motorized skateboard may be propelled on any sidewalk, roadway, or any other part of a highway or on any bikeway, bicycle path or trail, equestrian trail, or hiking or recreational trail. Added Ch. 275, Stats. 1977. Effective July 8, 1977 by terms of an urgency clause. Here is the link for the California vehicle code rules of the road http://www.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/vctop/lov/lovd11.htm Looking at the list just wear a helmet and you should be ok to ride the longboard. Maybe the police officer thouhgt the skateboard was motorized. Or he has issues..... Wondering in San Diego

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sure again
On 4/7/2008 ksjdg wrote in from United States  (163.153.nnn.nnn)

sure again

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On 3/18/2008 steve wrote in from (98.207.nnn.nnn)

i second that!

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On 3/18/2008 Cliff Coleman wrote in from Brazil  (200.157.nnn.nnn)

At this time in history, if you are a skateboarder, the Constitution of the United States is a bunch of Should bes and not the guarantees it is supposed to be! Read the Constitution. Then get a dictionary. Look-up liberty. Our Country is supposed to be based on this. Then ask yourself, why is there no liberty for skateboarders in so many areas of this so called free Country? Also remember that all Police, Judges, and courts have sworn an oath to up-hold the Constitution. Why can't they keep their word? We as a group need to hold them accountable and not let them continue to deprive us of our legal rights. The Constitution is the top law of the land.

I'm pissed off! Rosa Parks siad no when asked to sit at the back of the bus. I say no to those who say I don't have the Liberty to skate.

Cliff Coleman

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skating in Burnsville
On 3/17/2008 justinfincham wrote in from United States  (168.216.nnn.nnn)

about 3 months ago the town comittee of burnsville west virginia banned skating within city limits, what is the use of banning something that keeps kids out of trouble and away from drugs. If they are skating that is keeping them occupied so that they don't have to do anything else they will meet a lot of people and wont even think of doin anything. but when they go and fuk you over like that. its there own fault that they have so much damn crime... let them think about that s#@!...

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no skateboarding areas and we use them to skate on
On 2/4/2008 Darian Dessert-Mrgan wrote in from United States  (137.164.nnn.nnn)

there is no skateboarding and the city is woundering why we come back to destroy everything. the city is starting to band the skateboarding. we just need a skatepark insted of driving 10 or 20 miles.

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skating in mexico
On 1/23/2008 Ashtin wrote in from United States  (68.53.nnn.nnn)

I'm gong on a cruise to Mexico and i want to take my long board and so does my boy friend and his brother.So exactly what are the laws there about it?

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Skate/Longboarding Law
On 1/19/2008 Jarred wrote in from United States  (64.12.nnn.nnn)

The town i live in, which is lenoir, NC sucks you cannot skate anywhere without getting stopped by the cops. it is illegal to skate in the downtown district, although you are aloud too, ride a bike, roller blade, or ride a scooter. but for some reason skateboarding is illegal, even if you are cruising and causing no trouble...

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thoughts on behaviour
On 12/21/2007 Ghooste wrote in from United States  (138.88.nnn.nnn)

Sure is a crazy as shiz world. I reckon the law generally seems to make sence, that is that in general the application of it seems to be that if you are not damaging someones property or taking away their freedom you can do what the hell you want on your board. Skaters often have a feeling that they should have the freedom to skate where they want, its this basic fcuked-up Americanism of freedom for the self at others expence that in my mind is a source of alot of the agro.

Be reasonable, skate responcably and if you dont, expect the consiquences.

This does not of course mean there arnt di@ks out there but they have generally become predjudiced against skaters for a reason an its up to you an I to change that opinion.

That said I am a rebel, I do my own thing and go where I want, the only point I stop at is the damage thing, screw trespass law.

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response to the other comments
On 12/11/2007 benji wrote in from United Kingdom  (212.219.nnn.nnn)

look at the end of the day, skating is not a crime, nor should it be. Skating is an eco friendly way of transportation and enjoyment to both adults and adolescent people.
WE, AS SKATERS, have the right to ride along the streets but yeh i agree we shouldnt ruin public property, Most of us dont so people who generalise us can send their oppinions else where.

- WHAT CAUSES MORE DAMAGE? crashing a car or grinding a bench?


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On 11/26/2007 mbl wrote in from Canada  (216.58.nnn.nnn)

ok, you do not drop a six year old off anywhere and leave - let alone at the same place, time after time - that is how we lose children!
Was he with an older sibling? still does not make much difference - most older siblings or friends, when skating, are not watching the younger kid
Most skatepark insurance (that I've seen) stipulates that children ten years old and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. This was the rule of thumb at our 'park, although we did bend it a bit if we knew the child well and recognized his able skate ability and park etiquette.
This does not include skatecamp, where the kids are directly supervised.
BTW, kids really like it when their parents stay and watch them skate

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young kids
On 11/25/2007 hc wrote in from United States  (71.198.nnn.nnn)

Six is pretty young to be left at a skatepark. The potential danger is a lot higher than a playground.

Leaving a six year old at Vans while his parents go shopping is also very different than at an unsupervised skatepark.

was the kid wearing a helmet?

Another bad thing I see is parents letting very young kids into skateparks (often very unskilled or on scooters) who are not aware of park etiquette or lines, standing around on the flats while others skaters fly around trying to dodge them.

Once I saw this guy made a transfer right into a tiny clueless kid on scooter standing on the flats, while his dad was learning to skate in the street area.

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Arrested for leaving kids at skateboard park?
On 11/25/2007 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (24.22.nnn.nnn)

Associated Press

MEDFORD, Ore. - A couple whose 6-year-old son fractured his skull after his father dropped him off at a skateboard park have been indicted on felony criminal mistreatment charges.

Daniel R. Willis, 44, and June A. Willis, 49, also were charged with child neglect, a misdemeanor, in the October incident.

Daniel Willis said he and his wife were stunned and frustrated by the charges. He said they had no idea it was illegal to leave the boy and his 9-year-old brother s alone at Bear Creek Skate Park.

"I don't think I'm guilty of a crime," he said. "I may have made an error in judgment."

In addition to facing criminal charges, Willis said state Child Protective Services workers told him he could not be alone with his sons. "It's shaken us up pretty good," he said.

Willis said he works in real estate, and his wife is employed part time at a community college. When both parents are busy with work, they often leave the boys alone at the skate park for a few hours.

Oregon law does not set a minimum age for leaving children unsupervised. But if children are younger than 10, prosecutors have discretion to decide whether leaving them alone is criminal conduct.

William Aring Meyer, a former prosecutor who has defended parents accused of neglect, said standards of caring for children are constantly evolving.

"What was acceptable 10 years ago is not acceptable now," Meyer said. "I think it makes it hard to know sometimes what is acceptable and what's not acceptable."

The Jackson County grand jury indictment was released Friday by District Attorney Mark D. Huddleston. The couple are scheduled for arraignment Wednesday.

=============================== ===========

What's really weird about this is that the parents are arrested for NOT being with their kids, and yet now they are PREVENTED from being with their kids...

Would this story be different if the kid was injured at a ballpark, playground, tennis court?

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getting around a ticket
On 10/31/2007 ?????? wrote in from United States  (209.7.nnn.nnn)

IF you are riding your board around NOT doing any tricks you are usually ok. Me and my friends skate in front of a walgreends over by my school. We tested this theory. As long as we stood there or were just riding we wwere ok. If we started to do tricks as they were comming around the corner we were ok.

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On 10/17/2007 Oregon Doner wrote in from United States  (207.69.nnn.nnn)

Who really cares about all this. Just go Skate/Longboard like crazy. Just be cool and don't hurt anyone. Then there wil be nothing they can do.

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No skateboarding!
On 10/11/2007 Ryan wrote in from United States  (139.139.nnn.nnn)

Well I have seen alot of interesting busts. But one that gets on my nerves more than anything else is when one of my buddies is told they are not to skateboard because it is destruction of government property...us. Enlisted skateboarders are at our commanders mercy. The only prospective argument to give is that there is a skatepark on base! Built for us! and yet we are doomed if we show up even slightly scratched. I think it is the attitude they are trying to ban, not the sport. Hell, they say that flag football is ok, yet we have had more injurues from that than anything else. Granted that the park on base isnt the best it had a good mini. I wear all of the required pads. I guess it is the fact that all the other skaters are 14 or 15 years old and I am only a decade older than them.

This alone drives me to skate out in town, im not sure what the law is in Germany, but it has to be better than the one on base. But then there is the outlash that I dont wanna be part of the group, and play flag football with the unit. Um I think they may be right, because I do have my own attitude about what is right or wrong. Skating is right.

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On 10/9/2007 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (15.252.nnn.nnn)

The "stunt" I was referring to was:

A) Drunk riding
B) In the dark
C) Into the oncoming traffic head-on

Doesn't matter if you'r on foot, skateboard, rollerblade, tricycle, whatever.

That kind of action deserves a ticket.

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On 10/2/2007 leathan wrote in from United States  (146.151.nnn.nnn)

Pat, you sir are a racist(or sportist I should say)... I free run, I skate, I roller blade, I bike. I can walk straight up to a cop and say watch this, do a back flip off a wall and he will say "WOW COOL!" I can do a 720 on blades and his jaw will drop. But if I do so much as a Variel Flip by him he will yell and bitch and maybe ticket me. It's just sickening that people like you make such comments like "You diserve it you were doing 'stunt'" Har Har, I'd like to see the day a person gets a ticket for doing a cart-wheel... Wont happen becaue just as stated before on this forum people view skaters as Deranged lunatic kids who do drugs then steal and beat babies for fun... But once again, that's just part of what we do :P (<---A Joke btw...)

So yeah because of all the extremists in our country "stunts" on a board are illigal in nearly all cities. But the attitude people derive from your comments is still annoying... God damn I have a 14 yr old freind who was just offered a major sponsership by Think... I'm so glad he didn't take your advice and "Not do stunts" I wish I would have been more like him when I rollerbladed.

P.S. Pat... You long board, some people skateboard (in the sense we do it for tricks) Kind of dumb to waste 100 bucks on a board ment for rails and tricks and leave it in your closet eh...?

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On 9/30/2007 Bullet wrote in from United States  (71.116.nnn.nnn)

I guess thats whats seperates the men from the boys...

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Bullet and his ticket
On 9/30/2007 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (24.22.nnn.nnn)

You deserved the ticket, the police were just doing their job.

Skaters that pull stunts like that are the ones that make it hard for the rest of us to get permission for races, set up practice sessions, etc.

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"TOP COP" .. $180.00 Fine
On 9/29/2007 BULLET wrote in from United States  (71.116.nnn.nnn)

So there I am 3 o'clock in the morning drunk as s#@!..Skating the coolest hill in my home town of Huntington Beach...If you know Huntington Beach its the hill on Atlanta that dumps you off at Beach Blvd.Not to much encline but fast and dangerous since cars seem to be a constant threat..Great playground I can skate the top 150 feet and pop in and out of a driveway ,jump the curb, or not and like I said real dangerous I mean stop on a dime or get run over I love it.. Anyway this nite I was s#@!faced and stoned off my ass and I had a croud of about 20 to 30 drunk party goers since bars are closed I give a great show at nite..So Im crouched low as s#@! like I always skate hills,that gives me great movement and Im already on the ground in case i lose it.Im going head on with a car coming up the hill and he dont see me cause its dark and im so low.At the last minute I pull out well this guy s#@!s himself and almost crashed.I notice its a cop and Im like "Oh f#@!"..So im finishing my run this ass#@! whips around, runs right up my ass lights blaring.Im thinking,"Dude". I am not about to bail and f#@! myself up because your on a power trip, Im on a skateboard I promise it will come to a stop..So I power slide to a stop and pop right up this cowboy's like "GET ON THE CURB"..Dude everyone is like 'f#@! That" so I say "Shows Over" and this cop makes everyone leave and rights me up for a f#@!in 185 dollar ticket and public drunkiness..From that day foward I have recieved tons of tickets from these creeps..At any rate just a little humor for you fellow "Outlaw Downhillers" if there is any still around but me..Come to Huntington any day or night cruse Main Street and ask locals where "Bullet" is and we will rock.. Hope to see you and hope you enjoyed this story.. Bullet.

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A visit by the sherrif's deputy
On 9/26/2007 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (15.252.nnn.nnn)

Set up a slalom course, just like I do about 3 times a week on a local (closed) road. I'm walking back up to the top of the hill when I see the sherrif's car pull up to the top of the course. As I arrive, he motions me to come over to the car....

"I saw your car parked here and the cones, so I decided to see what's up."

"Practicing some slalom -- it's a perfect spot, closed road, no driveways."

"I'd like to watch you go."

"Ok, pull your car next to mine so I have room to stop at the end."

I do a run thru the cones, sheriff is watching. I stop next to him.

Sheriff: "That was very impressive!" (Radio call, sheriff talks on radio, I start to walk back to top of hill.) "I've gotta go now"

Me: "OK, please don't pull out in front of me if I'm in the course."

Sheriff: "Will do"

When I first saw him, I thought maybe I had a 25% chance of being asked to stop, but looks like I'm OK to continue in this spot....

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