Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Skateboarding Law (490 Posts)
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skateboarding in virginia
On 12/8/2008 AC baybee wrote in from United States  (198.69.nnn.nnn)

does any one know the skateboarding laws in virginia

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San Francisco: skateboarding is legal everywhere at any time
On 10/15/2008 Morgan wrote in from United States  (75.61.nnn.nnn)

In March of this year, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors approved Ordinance 45-08, enacting Proposition A which repealed the entire Traffic Code and enacted the Transportation Code. The new code says nothing about skateboards. The *only* law in SF about skating is that you must wear helmet & pads in city skateparks.

State law still says that minors must wear helmets.

Ordinances passed this year (45-08 is linked as a PDF from here)

All SF municipal codes:

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Correct Decision, Wrong Reason
On 9/7/2008 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (24.21.nnn.nnn)

Lebanon school district relaxes policy on skateboards
by The Associated Press
Wednesday September 03, 2008, 11:41 AM
LEBANON -- An Oregon school district says students can ride skateboards to class -- but the boards have to be put away as soon as the students arrive.

The Lebanon School Board voted unanimously Tuesday to change district policy.

Under the old policy, teachers and staff were supposed to confiscate skateboards, inline skates or scooters and place them in the principal's office for parents to retrieve.

But Lebanon school Superintendent Jim Robinson said that put too much responsibility on staff members.

-- The Associated Press

==================================== ======================

Correct decision to let people skateboard to school -- but the reason is "too much responsibility on staff members (to confiscate board and store in principal's office)". HUH????

The right reason: Students should be free to choose any reasonable transportation to school (walk, bus, skateboard, scooter, etc).

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Public Golf Course
On 7/20/2008 nelsonn wrote in from United States  (67.185.nnn.nnn)

So I went golfing at a course here in eastern washington, and it has a sick cart path that is unbroken around all 18 holes. It's a public course and although there is a fence around certain parts of the course, much of it is not fenced. In addition I don't think there are any trespassing signs, and there definately aren't any "no skateboarding" signs. I'm wondering two things: 1. If there is a security gaurd what legal right would he have to detain me in the event that I was caught and he tried to do so? 2. Would this be a reasonable risk to take given that it would be an awesome ride, but also given that the chances of gaurds or actual police arriving is semi-moderate?

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On 7/20/2008 Ashley wrote in from United States  (98.121.nnn.nnn)

I live in Lexington, NC and my brother and his friends were busted earlier today for skating in an empty parking lot. 1 of the guys ran out of gas so they rode their boards to the bank to get money for gas and they almost got arrested for it.. they got back to their cars and there was 3 cop cars waiting for them. They were told they cant skate anywhere in the city. The closest skatepark though is over 30 minutes away. Whats really lame though is that there is NOTHING for kids in our town. AT ALL! WE have to drive over 20 minutes away just to go to a clean movie theater... its freakin ridiculus!!!!!!

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Public school parking lot skateboarding
On 7/10/2008 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (15.252.nnn.nnn)

Usually, the law allows the owner of the property (the public school board) to allow or disallow skateboarding. Usually, a sign is required to be posted in order to inform you about what is not allowed.

The law might be unclear and subject to different interpretations.

As is common in most of these cases, the attitude and behavior of those involved will determine what happens more than the literal meaning of the law. For example, does the security guard have a bad attitude to skateboarders? Does the security guard run everyone off (bicyclists, pedestrians, etc)? Has the school recently been the target of vandalism, tagging, or arson? Were the skateboarders polite and considerate and not interfering with traffic? And a hundred other intangible subjective things could make this go either way.

Instead of dealing directly with the security guard, you might have more success contacting either the school board, the principal, the custodian, or some other authority. The security guard works for someone else who sets the policy. Find that other person and using your best persuasion skills and your best behavior, ask them to instruct the security guard to leave you alone.

I can't condone the security guard grabbing either you or your board unless there was immediate danger of you damaging propery or other people....

WHAT State, County, City, and school? (Laws are different in each locality)

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Skateboarding Law
On 6/30/2008 Dan wrote in from United States  (76.27.nnn.nnn)

So i have a question about the legality of skateboarding in a public school parking lot. Today I was skating in the parking lot of a public high school near my house with my buddy when the security guard of the school pulled up behind us.(mind you it's summer time and school is no longer in session.) After honking and forcing us out of his way he stopped, jumped out of his car, and raced over to me grabbing me by the arm and reaching for my board. As he had me held by the arm my buddy got up in his face. Eventually we where able to get away from him. I tried to reason with the security guard but he only resorted to violence. I was wondering if it is legal to skate in a public school parking lot. I mean its public property and I pay taxes. Its legal to skate in the streets so why not in these parking lots. There is no traffic, i'm out of the way of other cars, i'm being safer. Can this security guard legally attack myself and my friend like he did. Is he in the right for acting as he did. I just want to longboard. I love longboarding, it brings me joy. Why do people hate skateboards what have we done?

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you guys are all dumb a's
On 6/19/2008 conrad wrote in from United States  (209.189.nnn.nnn)

all of you think your so smart saying that "all skaters trash and destroy everything" well thats not true you jack asses, any skater who goes around vandalizing property is and are posers so dont bring all of us down cause they f#@! it up for everyone...and skating on the sidewalk is a good thing taking your f#@!ing dog to a skatepark or your kdis to go "slide around" is bull s#@!..the old guys who said that should be shot...skateboarding is also a form of travel and we would gladly skate on the roads but most likeley get bitched at a cop and how much traffic we would hold up
skating is a life hobby for a huge percentage of american youth and youths across the world

its a hobbie...say you have a hobbie whatever it is...say you collect something ...well what if someone came to your house and told you that you cant put them there or you cant do that....you cant look for stuff with your metal detector in the park without a bright orange vest to impose caution....well thats what you guys are implying....your taking skating...a hobbie not a sport and turning it into a property....we go and skate now and instead of thinkging about having fun we are always thinking about "are we gonna get kicked out...are we gonna get arrested for skating.."
the other day(i live in new mexico and they have a helmet law going on) well i was at skatepark and me and my friends were haveing a great time...we wated all week to go to that skatepark and when we got there a nark came and kicked us out cause we didnt have any helmets...i am over 18 and he kept trying to kick me out and i was just ignoring him so he called in for back up and two cops came made a big ol seen and came up to me and said i have to leave...i said no i dont and then one of them finally asked how old am i? and i said 18...then he told me that im cool to stay and he had nark leave then when nark left he had my friends come back and skate...his own child skates too and understands the halmet law is bulls#@! and that skateboarding shouldnt be a crime or a rodeo controlled law smuged conspiracy.... so he let us skate...so screw the old guy who said ho would bring his dog to the skatepark....cause its in the name "SKATE<------PARK'

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let the skaters skate
On 5/14/2008 Jesus M wrote in from United States  (169.241.nnn.nnn)

cops are always bother us for no reson we want to skate and biud f#@! a skate park in Las vegas

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skateboarding at las vagas
On 5/12/2008 austin wrote in from United States  (71.50.nnn.nnn)

u know what at las vagas ther is no place to skate so i sucks her and their is like a million cops and secrety they f#@!en suck they try to stell your bord and break it i think they should go to hell and to the juy with the long complant no one will read it ok

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what rights do security guards have to attack
On 5/8/2008 donnelly wrote in from United States  (72.197.nnn.nnn)

while riding an empty parking garage in dago, while going by a security gaurd at speed i told him "sorry, leaving right now" he said nothing. i finished my run 3floors underground. while walking by him i repeated what i said, he came up and tried to grab my board, and slammed it into my forehead. i Told him he's not allowed to touch me unless he's making a citizens arrest for a felony. He said nothing, and started coming after me, i told him hes gonna get hurt if he doesn't f#@! off. He pulled off his clip on tie and came at me, I slammed my board against his hand, he kept coming and i jammed my pintail in one shoulder and tomahawked his right shoulder, and got distance between us. My other friend at this moment was on another floor alone, and had been put in a choke hold dragged in an elevator and choked to where blood was around his whole neck. we filed a police report, but the one gaurd split, and the one i fought with said i attacked him. the cop backed me saying "he's the one with a huge knot on his head." He was just shaking and didn't know what to say. later on another one of em' a huge football playing 6'4 afro amer. came chasing me for blocks. He almost had me and im fast as can be. when he finally tired i slowed down and told him to pick up the pace, which he did. My insane laughing is probably still got him wanting that tackle sooooo bad. sometimes the law doesnt matter, be respectfull, but if you have some renagade bored ass gaurd, be ready to split quick, or protect yourself, and call the police. What are the laws for the security in this case, i was in the process of leaving.

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On 4/14/2008 jake f wrote in from United States  (209.7.nnn.nnn)

i hate cops that areest you for no reason at alll

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On 4/14/2008 jake wrote in from United States  (209.7.nnn.nnn)

this is stupid i am a skater and the laws are tooo hard on us they will arrest you for nothing its soo stupid and i think that people r stupidd that dont belive me

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sktaeboard law in CA
On 4/13/2008 Hector wrote in from United States  (68.101.nnn.nnn)

Hello people, I went to the farmers market in San Diego CA, Hillcrest area. I skateboarded there and on my way back a police officer in his cruiser told me over the bullhorn that riding the skateboard in the street is not allowed. I was riding my longboard and was waiting for the light to change just like when I ride my bicycle in the same direction as traffic. So I got home checked the San Diego Municipal code: §84.12 Use of Skateboards, Coasters, Roller Skates, and Similar Devices Restricted (a) It is unlawful for any person riding on roller skates or by means of a coaster, skateboard, toy vehicle, or similar device to go upon an open roadway in the City of San Diego, or upon the sidewalk or public plaza in any business district, or upon any inclined surface area of any City–owned or privately owned parkade where signs forbidding such activity are displayed at the ground level elevator entrance and at each vehicular entrance to the parkade. (b) Between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., it is unlawful for any person riding on or by means of a coaster, skateboard, toy vehicle, or similar device to go upon: (1) any portion of public rights–of–way within the Mission Beach community, as defined by the Community Planning Area Map, as designated on Map Drawing No. C–637.1, on file in the office of the City Clerk as Document No. 768482; or, (2) any portion of the most westerly public walkway between San Diego Place on the south and Law Street on the north, known as Ocean Front Walk or Ocean Boulevard, or to go upon the public walkway immediately adjacent to the bay extending from the Mission Beach community, around Sail Bay, through Crown Point Shores, as designated on the map on file in the office of the City Clerk as Document No. 00–18425. (c) Any person upon roller skates or riding on or by means of a coaster, skateboard, toy vehicle or similar device on any sidewalk or right of way not open to public vehicular traffic shall exercise due care and shall yield the right of way to pedestrians. (d) No person shall go upon roller skates or ride on or by means of a coaster, skateboard, toy vehicle or similar device on any sidewalk or right of way not open to public vehicular traffic at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent having due regard for pedestrian traffic and in no event at a speed which endangers the safety of persons or property. (e) Except for school–sanctioned events authorized by a school site administrator, no person shall ride any skateboard, roller– blade, roller–skate or similar type device on any property owned by any school district which has a policy prohibiting such use, and displays a sign at the main entrance to the property informing visitors of the policy. Check your town's municipal code. If I am reading paragraph a) correctly there has to be a sign prohibiting skateboarding! There are no signs there. I suppose the police officer had a safety issue?! The only diference in my view between bicycles and longboarding is that the bicycle has a brake. I've seen motorized skateboards, so do they classify as motor vehicles? I checked the Caliifornia vehicle code: 21968. No motorized skateboard may be propelled on any sidewalk, roadway, or any other part of a highway or on any bikeway, bicycle path or trail, equestrian trail, or hiking or recreational trail. Added Ch. 275, Stats. 1977. Effective July 8, 1977 by terms of an urgency clause. Here is the link for the California vehicle code rules of the road http://www.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/vctop/lov/lovd11.htm Looking at the list just wear a helmet and you should be ok to ride the longboard. Maybe the police officer thouhgt the skateboard was motorized. Or he has issues..... Wondering in San Diego

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sure again
On 4/7/2008 ksjdg wrote in from United States  (163.153.nnn.nnn)

sure again

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On 3/18/2008 steve wrote in from (98.207.nnn.nnn)

i second that!

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On 3/18/2008 Cliff Coleman wrote in from Brazil  (200.157.nnn.nnn)

At this time in history, if you are a skateboarder, the Constitution of the United States is a bunch of Should bes and not the guarantees it is supposed to be! Read the Constitution. Then get a dictionary. Look-up liberty. Our Country is supposed to be based on this. Then ask yourself, why is there no liberty for skateboarders in so many areas of this so called free Country? Also remember that all Police, Judges, and courts have sworn an oath to up-hold the Constitution. Why can't they keep their word? We as a group need to hold them accountable and not let them continue to deprive us of our legal rights. The Constitution is the top law of the land.

I'm pissed off! Rosa Parks siad no when asked to sit at the back of the bus. I say no to those who say I don't have the Liberty to skate.

Cliff Coleman

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skating in Burnsville
On 3/17/2008 justinfincham wrote in from United States  (168.216.nnn.nnn)

about 3 months ago the town comittee of burnsville west virginia banned skating within city limits, what is the use of banning something that keeps kids out of trouble and away from drugs. If they are skating that is keeping them occupied so that they don't have to do anything else they will meet a lot of people and wont even think of doin anything. but when they go and fuk you over like that. its there own fault that they have so much damn crime... let them think about that s#@!...

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no skateboarding areas and we use them to skate on
On 2/4/2008 Darian Dessert-Mrgan wrote in from United States  (137.164.nnn.nnn)

there is no skateboarding and the city is woundering why we come back to destroy everything. the city is starting to band the skateboarding. we just need a skatepark insted of driving 10 or 20 miles.

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skating in mexico
On 1/23/2008 Ashtin wrote in from United States  (68.53.nnn.nnn)

I'm gong on a cruise to Mexico and i want to take my long board and so does my boy friend and his brother.So exactly what are the laws there about it?

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Skate/Longboarding Law
On 1/19/2008 Jarred wrote in from United States  (64.12.nnn.nnn)

The town i live in, which is lenoir, NC sucks you cannot skate anywhere without getting stopped by the cops. it is illegal to skate in the downtown district, although you are aloud too, ride a bike, roller blade, or ride a scooter. but for some reason skateboarding is illegal, even if you are cruising and causing no trouble...

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thoughts on behaviour
On 12/21/2007 Ghooste wrote in from United States  (138.88.nnn.nnn)

Sure is a crazy as shiz world. I reckon the law generally seems to make sence, that is that in general the application of it seems to be that if you are not damaging someones property or taking away their freedom you can do what the hell you want on your board. Skaters often have a feeling that they should have the freedom to skate where they want, its this basic fcuked-up Americanism of freedom for the self at others expence that in my mind is a source of alot of the agro.

Be reasonable, skate responcably and if you dont, expect the consiquences.

This does not of course mean there arnt di@ks out there but they have generally become predjudiced against skaters for a reason an its up to you an I to change that opinion.

That said I am a rebel, I do my own thing and go where I want, the only point I stop at is the damage thing, screw trespass law.

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response to the other comments
On 12/11/2007 benji wrote in from United Kingdom  (212.219.nnn.nnn)

look at the end of the day, skating is not a crime, nor should it be. Skating is an eco friendly way of transportation and enjoyment to both adults and adolescent people.
WE, AS SKATERS, have the right to ride along the streets but yeh i agree we shouldnt ruin public property, Most of us dont so people who generalise us can send their oppinions else where.

- WHAT CAUSES MORE DAMAGE? crashing a car or grinding a bench?


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On 11/26/2007 mbl wrote in from Canada  (216.58.nnn.nnn)

ok, you do not drop a six year old off anywhere and leave - let alone at the same place, time after time - that is how we lose children!
Was he with an older sibling? still does not make much difference - most older siblings or friends, when skating, are not watching the younger kid
Most skatepark insurance (that I've seen) stipulates that children ten years old and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. This was the rule of thumb at our 'park, although we did bend it a bit if we knew the child well and recognized his able skate ability and park etiquette.
This does not include skatecamp, where the kids are directly supervised.
BTW, kids really like it when their parents stay and watch them skate

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young kids
On 11/25/2007 hc wrote in from United States  (71.198.nnn.nnn)

Six is pretty young to be left at a skatepark. The potential danger is a lot higher than a playground.

Leaving a six year old at Vans while his parents go shopping is also very different than at an unsupervised skatepark.

was the kid wearing a helmet?

Another bad thing I see is parents letting very young kids into skateparks (often very unskilled or on scooters) who are not aware of park etiquette or lines, standing around on the flats while others skaters fly around trying to dodge them.

Once I saw this guy made a transfer right into a tiny clueless kid on scooter standing on the flats, while his dad was learning to skate in the street area.

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