Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Sliding & Stopping (1660 Posts)
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power slide stops
On 5/6/2004 Airin wrote in from (207.6.nnn.nnn)

Yeah I like the idea of power slides to slow down or stop but they do require more room than the footbraking technique. And, well sometimes you just don't have that room given the composition of the road and its' cars.

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power slides
On 5/6/2004 isabelle wrote in from (209.66.nnn.nnn)

all slides are really power slides; Coleman, Bert etc.....as since nomenclarute is regional, I just use that term when I'm not sure of the other person's vocabulary.
About foot braking, yeah you're right that second or 2 to adjust your weight safety before foot braking can cause problems; accelerating more, losing time to out manuver a car.... so SLIDE rather than foot brake.
Slides are slow down and they are much funner, safer than foot braking.
I only foot brake when I'm rolling slow enough that I could have run-it-out, otherwis I slide to slow/stop.
Hope that helps!

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Learning to foot-brake
On 5/6/2004 Bugs wrote in from (202.32.nnn.nnn)

"...make sure that your remaining foot is in the center of the board BEFORE you take off the drag foot...Lightly/slowly lift up your braking foot and see how the board feels before commiting..."

I'm just learning to foot-brake and this advice seems to apply 100% to my (non-mongo) braking. But damn, it's a slow process - a second or two to make sure my foot is centered and my balance is OK before I put the braking foot to asphalt, and then I still don't stop all that quickly. Not that helpful in traffic, but maybe my expectations are too high. Are there any good videos on the net showing some foot-braking?

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Power slide?
On 5/5/2004 Airin wrote in from (207.6.nnn.nnn)

Isabelle, can you say more about the 'power slide'. How is it different than a normal slide, for example, different from say a Coleman slide?

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silver surfer slider
On 5/5/2004 joseph wrote in from (211.30.nnn.nnn)

brad edwards 40 inch model by gravity, bones bombers 85a 68mm, trackers or indys of suitable width.

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Public Domain
On 5/5/2004 New Brunswick SLider wrote in from (198.151.nnn.nnn)

I find heelside slides about 40 times easier than toeside. I ALWAYS superman on toeslides. well im getting better now but I've worn a hole in my jeans

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On 5/5/2004 vaitus wrote in from (24.199.nnn.nnn)

just picked copy a copy of old school powell future primitive from the early 80's, besides being an awesome video for vert /pool and plain old fun skating, it has a looooong 2/3 min coleman sliding sequence that's ze best I've ever watched on film (but I keep hearing good things about the monkey, though Ihaven't watched that). flow is great too but it's cut mtv style, while future primitive shows you this long run almost start to finish and I find it nicer to watch.

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speed to slide
On 5/5/2004 isabelle wrote in from (209.66.nnn.nnn)

As per the geocities site, Cliff's explanations are GREAT (he's a skate buddy and is the Man-Of-Slide to me!), but you DO NOT NEED TO GO 20mph to do any slide....that's perposterous!
Sorry Cliff et fans like me, but you can slide at under 5mph. It won't be a long one, but it is safer to learn at low speeds! You can't slide in the hospital emergancy room at they trend to your wounds from going faster than you're ability level!
Yes, the faster you go, the farther you slide, BUT be safe, start slower, maybe during a rain with crappy berrings (so you won't mind wrecking them!) 'cuz the water makes sliding CAKE!
Note: to pop-back from fakie, you do need some speed or you'll land on your ass. Practice makes a better skater and injuries mean you're out!

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Wider or wider
On 5/5/2004 isabelle wrote in from (209.66.nnn.nnn)

Wider trucks are harder to turn, but are still very easy to slide, pump, turn. I exclusively ride Randal 180s on all my downhill boards, Trackers for everything else.
Wider means stabler, so I can slide, bomb or do whatever I want without changing gear.

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Trucks for Sliding
On 5/5/2004 silversurfer wrote in from (24.62.nnn.nnn)

hc - I love your web site. It is (as far as I know) the best INSTRUCTIONAL skateboarding site on the web.

Now, I have a question for you.

Generally speaking are wider or narrower trucks better for sliding?

Thank you for your help.

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bert vs coleman
On 5/5/2004 hc wrote in from (68.122.nnn.nnn)

(scroll down)

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Lose Speed
On 5/5/2004 isabelle wrote in from (209.66.nnn.nnn)

First, if at all possible, don't learn to foot-brake until you're confident power sliding and NEVER BAIL YOUR SKATE.....that's suicide.
I've seen someones legs buckle from a run-out/bail and it was UGLY road rash over the WHOLE side area from theknees to shoulder area;OUCH!
Learn to power slide to regulate your speed. If you must foot brake, make sure your foot remaining on the board is well balanced, apply your foot to the asphalt heel first (or you'll stick/get bucked) and apply pressure from your asphalt foot into your groin area by squeezing your legs together...this will slow you down or stop you safety.
Sliding is an essential component in downhill skating...learn it or skate flats only. Got to Gravityboard.com to purchase the Flow video/look at team rider pages for LOTS of power slide video clips.
RAGE ON and remember....safety first, wear pads/protection AND SPEED'S A GOOD THING only if you can control it.

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On 5/5/2004 isabelle wrote in from (209.66.nnn.nnn)

NorthAmerican names for power slides is VERY confusing...their name depends on what region you're from. Al;l slides are power slides. I call a Bert slide one with a grab, Coleman one without a grab and have been REEMED for doing so...oh well, I still use those terms so my friends know what the hell I'm talking about........
As for videos/places to SEE these in action, go to Gravityboard.com and buy the Flow DVD, checkout the team rider videos.
I am a true adrenaline junkie who pushes power slides at extreme speeds.......GIRLS RIP TOO! Go for it....it's all about safety. You gotta be able to stop/slow-down to keep control of your quiver or die.
Hope that helped!

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On 5/5/2004 silversurfer wrote in from (24.62.nnn.nnn)

Please, more info on Bert's and Coleman's. I really want to pick up these skills. I am going to pick up some sliding gloves (bozi's?), some harder wheels (any suggestions?) and some videos.

Does anyone have any other ideas or suggestions for learing these skills?

(K-LEE the info you provided on the truck forum was great, I'm still debating the final set up, though.)

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...the difference
On 5/5/2004 K-LEE wrote in from (64.106.nnn.nnn)

But I think the main difference between the two is that during a Bert, your hand stays planted and you have no need for slider gloves. During a Coleman, you definitely need slider gloves.

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Bert vs. Coleman
On 5/5/2004 K-LEE wrote in from (64.106.nnn.nnn)

From what I can tell, a Bert is a sliding turn done on a bank or transition generally. A Coleman is a sliding Bert down a hill. When Cliff was in town for the first Bear race and I put him up for the night in my studio apartment, he even told me himself that a "Coleman Slide" is really nothing but a Bert.

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Bert vs a Coleman?
On 5/5/2004 Airin wrote in from (207.6.nnn.nnn)

What's the difference? Or are they just the same only is the Bert more of a surf style TURN while the Coleman involves actually SLIDING on the wheels?

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On 5/4/2004 Scott S. wrote in from (142.227.nnn.nnn)

Shredder - how fast does he go?
Please get a video as fast as possible, i would really like to try this slide, sounds awesome

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On 5/4/2004 Dave wrote in from (67.164.nnn.nnn)

Try Indy 166 and powell bowl bombers
64mm x 95a

I am just starting to learn to slide
and use a 9.5" x 15.5" deck/ Deadbolt
trucks and old Powell 68mm x 90a wheels.

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1440 Slides
On 5/4/2004 Shredder wrote in from (132.230.nnn.nnn)

hi scott, hi hc
Cengiz does a toeside- two hands- down (frontside) pendulum to gather momentum and when he swings back, he keeps rotating- the number of rotations only dependent on the inclination of the road. Pretty sick what he does. As soon as we have it on video, we'll put it on www.customlongskates.com so stay tuned...

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Trucks and Wheels for Sliding
On 5/4/2004 silversurfer wrote in from (24.62.nnn.nnn)

joseph - can you give any specific recommendations for a slide board set up?

I am thinking of using a 36x9.5 deck. Can you recommend trucks and wheels that would be good for this?

Chris - how about those Liquids and some Abec 11's, but which ones? Would the speed trucks or carving trucks be better for sliding? And which wheels?

Does anyone else have any specific recommendations for a set up to learn sliding on?

How about more tips for learning basic slides? Thank you!

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comet trucks
On 5/3/2004 joseph wrote in from (211.29.nnn.nnn)

i would get conventional trucks like tracker or indys in the right size depending on your wheel choice. conventional trucks set loose are great for sliding.

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trucks for sliding
On 5/3/2004 silversurfer wrote in from (24.62.nnn.nnn)

Generally speaking would a wider or a narrower truck be better to put on a board that I want to learn sliding on?

I'll be using it for general cruising and carving, also.

The deck is a Comet Downhill spoon nose 36"x9.5"apx.

Should I get Randal R2 150mm or R2 180mm. Or would something else be better.

Chris Chaput I know you can't post product info on this forum, But you advertised product reviews on the back of fall Concrete Wave. Well, I bought the mag and there was no liquid, abec 11, builtin, big red x product reviews anywhere inside!

So, if you could e mail me with some info on these products I would appreciate it. Or, post on the vendors corner. I cant WAIT to hear about the new products.

I am especially interested in Ceramic Builtin bearings, Liquid trucks and new Flywheels.

Thank you.

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Chemistry of Polyurethane
On 5/3/2004 Olin Applegate wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

I am doing a project for my chemistry class on the chenistry of skatewheels made from polyurethane. If anyone has any information on the chemical composition of skatewheels or any interesting info on skatewheels the info would be much appreciated.

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helmets ok
On 5/3/2004 herbn wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

but look at the trucks! they look a bit like mine but when it comes down to it , they kind of have too.

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