Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Sliding & Stopping (1660 Posts)
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Touching the ground with your foot
On 5/14/2004 John Gilmour wrote in from (207.172.nnn.nnn)

You can take your foot off the board to drag it- but first you would have to check the "taking your foot off the board" forum.

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How to stop
On 5/14/2004 John Gilmour wrote in from (207.172.nnn.nnn)

I decide not to go any faster and slow down without going off the road. This technique has worked for me for years. I've discovered though over the years that prayer is relatively ineffective in preventing impacts.

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bay area slide clinics?
On 5/14/2004 sfPaul wrote in from (69.104.nnn.nnn)

Hey Cliff...are you planning any slide clinics in the bay area? They sound like a blast.

hc...Didn't you mention something about educating us bay area noobs?

My girlfriend and I just started skating at the beginning of the year and would definitely like to skate with some experienced riders. I'm starting to learn to slide, but she wants someone who actually knows what they are doing to teach her.
I've been practicing on a 37" S9 with the 85a powell bombers and that works ok on the smooth little hill that we ride on.
I'm waiting for Purple Skunk to get the blue 85mm/80a Krytos back in stock to put on my Curve 40". Will these slide decently at lower speeds or should I pick up some harder wheels for everyday riding/sliding and use the Kryptos for higher speeds?

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Attn: hc & isabelle
On 5/14/2004 silversurfer wrote in from (24.62.nnn.nnn)

Thanks for the info.

Can you give me any more specific recommendations for a sliding board?

I am considering a Comet DH spoon 36" or a Curve Swift 40". I would also consider other decks if you have any specific recommendations.

What specific trucks would be good. I was thinking maybe Randal R2's, I don't know whether to go with 150mm, 180mm or a different truck.

As for wheels, I was thinking Street G's or Super G's in maybe 90a, or is that too hard or maybe too soft?

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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On 5/14/2004 isabelle wrote in from (68.7.nnn.nnn)

I like lots of surface area for high speed control , so wider is better for me and they still slide like butter. I also like bigger (taller) wheels for the speed they generate, especially on flats, where you won't have to push as much.
Gravityboard is coming out with a new wheel that's super wide and tall......drooling in the meantime....hope that helps!

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On 5/14/2004 hc wrote in from (68.123.nnn.nnn)

silversurfer, thx for the compliment on my site (couple of pages ago), regarding trucks widths, (actually track width) having it the same as deck width is a good starting point. Going wider have it's plus and minuses.

Regarding speed, I agree with Isabelle, I always teach new riders to slide on the flats first.


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Super G's / Street G's
On 5/14/2004 silversurfer wrote in from (24.62.nnn.nnn)

What duro do you guys recommend for sliding?

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Gravity Super G's
On 5/14/2004 Ian wrote in from (172.171.nnn.nnn)

Isabelle you've sold 'em to me!
Will order a set & see how I get on.

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Gravityboard SuperG's
On 5/13/2004 isabelle wrote in from (209.66.nnn.nnn)

I presonally like gooey or very hard...in-betweenies run rougher.
SuperG's are my favorite wheel 'cuz you can bomb, power pump, slide, ride rough roads, smooth asphalt and EVERYTHING inbetween without worrying if you've the right equipment. They are "no risk", all fun wheels........GO GET 'EM at Gravityboard.com or your local ripping skate shop (if they don't carry them, you might think about educating your local skate shop as to WHY they should)

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On 5/13/2004 isabelle wrote in from (209.66.nnn.nnn)

I once melted the core of my wheels skating too hard during the heat-of-the-day. I ended up on 3 wheels and almost eating s#@! when my melted wheel came right off my truck....beware of extreme conditions and check your equipment regularly.

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On 5/13/2004 Tom M. wrote in from (198.26.nnn.nnn)

On 5/12/2004 fokke wolfe wrote in from 67.173.xxx.xxx:
has anyone ever noticed if heat and/ or humidity can cause a board to ride slower than usual ?

I've never really noticed the heat causing an effect as much as the cold.

Seems like it could, though -- especially on soft wheels over tar-oozing asphalt.

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On 5/13/2004 Ian wrote in from (172.186.nnn.nnn)

Thanks for comments Isabelle.I have a set of Cliffsliders but I find them too hard for our rough tarmac roads here in Uk...very noisy, rattly & scary when hit some gravel.
Think will try the 85a super G, hopefully won't be too gooey!!


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On 5/13/2004 isabelle wrote in from (209.66.nnn.nnn)

I've slided on both the Kryptos Hawaii and the Gravity Super Gs...they BOTH rock sliding, carving, downhill in general. If you're looking for a harder soft wheel, try the Gravityboard Street G's. Cliff used to ride them and his old GraivtyCliffSliders were just that. Try them and you'll have the best of both worlds; soft to cling to the road during pumps, yet easy to slide 'cuz they're not too gooey (sp?)

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On 5/13/2004 Ian wrote in from (172.208.nnn.nnn)

After Cliff just taught me to slide on my Bulldog Dub Cons, after a little more practice I want to try a softer wheel.I usually run 78a but I'm not ready to slide a wheel that soft yet.
Am considering Gravity Super G 85a or Krypto Hawaii K 82a.
Any of you guys have any views on these wheels or alternatives I would be grateful

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Sliding styles related to wheel hardness.
On 5/12/2004 Cliff Coleman wrote in from (67.100.nnn.nnn)

I just returned from the UK today and was pleased to see riders charging hills with hard wheels as well as soft wheels. Soft wheels in the 75-85 durometer range lead to a racing style of sliding, drifting through corners etc. Most often Toe-side or Heel-side throughout the corner. Many times just shooting the section between each turn.

Hard wheels on the other hand, lead to a Downhill freestyle type of riding. 360 slides, 540 slides, slides standing and crouching, and countless other variations. The riders from Cornwall swept the first three places in a Slope-style contest we had in Sheffield, UK. They were ripping it up, many inspired by the Great Sergio Yuppie.

The next slide clinic will be in a little more than two weeks in Alb, NM.

Thanks for the kind words both Ian and you too Isabelle. I'm having a great time!

Cliff Coleman

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On 5/12/2004 fokke wolfe wrote in from (67.173.nnn.nnn)

has anyone ever noticed if heat and/ or humidity can cause a board to ride slower than usual ?

If u got anything id like to know

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Cliff Dawg
On 5/12/2004 isabelle wrote in from (209.66.nnn.nnn)

Hey man......you're as popular as your blow-up on your skate and THAT'S SAYING A LOT! Miss skating with you and keep on charging. See you soon and we're warming-up La Costa hills for you!

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Tire soles
On 5/12/2004 Shredder wrote in from (132.230.nnn.nnn)

Just make sure you put a LOT of pressure on when you glue the tire to your soles (needless to say it's necessary to sand the sole and the thread inside and clean it dust- and fatfree). I used several clamps (the screw- type) and two sole- size boards to distribute the pressure and allowed the shoo goo to dry two days.
I've been using them for four months now and there is hardly and wear but really good brakepower...

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Solver Surfer
On 5/12/2004 ian wrote in from (172.189.nnn.nnn)

I learnt to slide with Cliff this weekend.I used Bulldog Longboard,Bulldog Dub cons & tracker darts(wide)
The dech is just right length & has great wide kicktasil, the wheels are reccommended too.If I can learn on this equiplment anyone can!

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Cliff Coleman slide clinic UK
On 5/12/2004 Ian wrote in from (172.189.nnn.nnn)

Just wanted to say a huge thanks to Cliff for coming over to the UK & teaching me & many more how to slide.In one day I went from being unable to slide,to pulling slide after slide.
Cliff I could not have achieved this without your help & patience.Now I gotta learn to do it with a longer board & softer wheels which is what I usually ride.Will be back on those Sheffield hills again this weekend.Cheers mate

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Foot Sliding
On 5/11/2004 Eddy wrote in from (65.179.nnn.nnn)

I finally learned this year how to foot break at speed, it can be hairy at times,but if there is no long run out. Put that foot down and break. My first race was Luna Slalom Jam 2003 thank you Ricky Byrd for having a bunch of haybails at the end of the course. I decided at the end of my runs to jump into the haybails, Keith Hollien had this look of shear shock digging through the haybails looking for me and making sure I was OK. The Vans old school sneakers take quite a beating. Eddy Texas Outlaws.

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Loved ones
On 5/11/2004 isabelle wrote in from (209.66.nnn.nnn)

I agree fully with your commitment to your wife-to-be....don't say you love someone and want to spend the rest of your (short?) life with them if you're into HUGE risks like not wearing protective gear; that makes you either a liar or not very bright.
I ride Kryptonic helmuts 'cuz their team riders (I'm a new rider for them) HAUL ass and have field tested their equipment; THAT I TRUST!
Roll safetly...roll with protection AND I'm going to be wearing a helmut FOR SURE in my next Gravityboard ad and it'll be obvious why I need one......stay turned to your fav skate/surf mag... it'll be out this summer.......PEACE OUT!

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Thanks for saying that
On 5/11/2004 proehljm wrote in from (152.117.nnn.nnn)

that means alot what you said. i really hope more ppl on the gravity team wears helmets. no one wants to do it in a video but people dont realize thats when it means the most.

i am the only one that wears the helmets out of my friends. i promised my soon to be wife that i would always wear a helmet after i watched my buddy plant his face on curb. you look at a helmet thats been worn and you see all these places its roughed up and you realize that could of been your head. anyone who is in the sport long enough knows that falling isn't cool.longboarding aint just the skatepark stuff. if people are really hauling 45 mph you better believe when you hit that pavement its going take skin.

btw. protec helmets are only good up to 25 mph i hear.

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Shoe reenforcement
On 5/11/2004 isabelle wrote in from (209.66.nnn.nnn)

Kool ideaabout reenforcing your shoe sole with tires.......I oncewas bombing a hill in La Jolla, maching around a hair-pin without having first spotted the run and a fire hydrant had blown and there was a river of water gushing out into the street......I wore my RIGHT shoe down to my skin (OUCH!) in an emergancy footbrake (I didn't know how to slide then)..........I wish I'd known about the tire thing.....what a GREAT idea to add longevity (sp?) to your equipment.

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On 5/11/2004 isabelle wrote in from (209.66.nnn.nnn)

Yeah, I suck for not wearing protection in the all parts of the Gravityboard Flow DVD....that WAS NOT good role modeling and I do appologize for conforming to the "kool" look by sacreficing (sp?) safety.
SHAME ON ME. NOW I always wear a helmut NO MATTER WHAT. I've 2 children and a loving husband and would be a fool to aboandon them to look kool.
No one looks kool in the hospital intensive care unit..........
Keep it up - CHARGE ON - but safely!

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