Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Sliding & Stopping (1660 Posts)
Topic Info
On 7/17/2004 RanDom wrote in from (81.131.nnn.nnn)

Well everett, the surrender slide, which is sometimes known as a superman is when your going down the hill, you put both hands on the floor in front of the board and extend your body forward away from the board into a press up position. Give it a go it takes a while to get your head round it but when you do its easy, and you can link it easily into 360s either way, colemans and what ever else you can think off.
As far as the new style 360, you'll have to wait and see for that one!

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New move
On 7/17/2004 Chris (Faltown) wrote in from (62.3.nnn.nnn)

This is chris here. that new move is called a helicopter. it f@@kin' rules. i'll put up a link to the footage of the move on the website so u can see it for yourself. Also we have a 900 nose grab. That will be on there too as soon as we film it.


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new slides
On 7/17/2004 everett wrote in from (198.81.nnn.nnn)

hey random whats this surrender slide that you were talking about but more importantly what is this "new" 360 slide that will blow minds?


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Yeah Cliff
On 7/16/2004 RanDom wrote in from (213.122.nnn.nnn)

Yeah Cliff, we're all real keen to come over and sample what Berkeley has to offer, we've all been upping our game in preperation!
remember the 'surrender' slide, well Chris has added a nice little variation on that one, and mark invented a new type of 360 that will blow your mind! And as for me, well those gloves you gave me have barely worn at all, what is that stuff? (randomrides@yahoo.co.uk)
C u soon Dom-randomrides

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"Those guys from Cornwall"
On 7/15/2004 Cliff Coleman wrote in from (67.120.nnn.nnn)

Hello Andy, Mark, Dom, Chris, John Warburton and everyone from Cornwall! I still want to return to the UK to ride with all of you again soon. First however, I am going to San Diego, CA for some Slalom racing. I'll be there from 7-22-04 to 7-26-04. Then I return home to Berkeley, CA for about two and a half weeks. At that time, 8-12-04, I leave for about five or six weeks to Tazmania and Australia. It will be your winter when I get back, so I would like to try and schedule my next visit to your area for next spring. You guys that might be able to travel to Berkeley should check your calendars and try to do it! There is an air-fare war starting now and it might be a good time to buy tickets? If you were to do so, remember, I return from Australia aroud 9-15-04. I will then stay in Berkeley for a while. I could host a few guys and then show you the area when I live and ride. We have skateable weather nearly year round. So don't consider that a factor if/when you might schedule a trip.


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hi roger...
On 7/14/2004 silversurfer wrote in from (24.62.nnn.nnn)

I thought so...have you been following the bearing wars 2? What bearings do you use? Is your main board still the MB2?

Do you like any particular shoes for speedboarding and foot braking?
What about other gear?


Eric Liebert (aka silversurfer)

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On 7/14/2004 roger wrote in from (130.166.nnn.nnn)

Exactly, If a rider has no other way of controlling their speed, then sitting on the ground is their only choice - road rash is far better than breaking/spraining your foot, over extending you knee, bashing in your head, or any of the other bad things that often happen from stepping off at speed.

Sitting on the ground, "home run slide", is the fastest way of stopping. It puts you in a feet first position (safest) and without any tumbling. Many emergencies (car pulling out, pile-up of riders, etc) do not give you any other options and a small rash on your ass is often the safest choice.

Quick story: I was riding down a parking structure, rounding a turn in a full tuck doing almost tweenty and head on into a truck ten feet away. I stopped in time (barely touched the truck), but got a new hole in my back pocket.

Yes, I have bailed out with home run slids many times. Most of my shorts have busted up pockets and if you saw my leathers you would not have to ask ;)

Yup, Hugh is a bro!

Roger Jennings

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On 7/14/2004 ss wrote in from (24.62.nnn.nnn)

might get you a road rash but it's better than what would happen if you cant control you speed and wipe out while standing.

As roger said carving, sliding or foot braking are much better options!

Sitting is a last resort, it is not good technique.

Am I right roger?

BTW, are you Roger J, Hugh's friend?

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Sit on the ground??
On 7/14/2004 Myrran wrote in from (67.116.nnn.nnn)

Sitting on the ground for a way to stop??
s#@! that sounds like a way to get a big ass rash!!
Do you do this?? I'd like to see a video, or a pic, anything........

I was unimpressed with the NYC Street Hotdog's.....San Fran has better....maybe im just bias.

Yes....Yes.....Traffic does make it more exciting/Dangerous.......butt have you ever been hit by a car?
I got nailed by a Ford Exploder Going down Van Ness Ave Really hard ran my board over and everything. It was quit the Spectical. She was nice enought to get me a new board in exchange that i dont Sue her....ha ha.

8 Miles?? Thats a lot of pushing. Good way to develope shin splints.

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never step off at speed
On 7/14/2004 roger wrote in from (130.166.nnn.nnn)

Never ever step off a board when going at speed (>20mph). If you can't control your speed by carving, sliding, or foot braking and have to bail, then just get real low and sit down on the ground.

"Jesus Christ" is a jackass who is either clueless or wants to see people getting hurt.

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On 7/14/2004 iRoy wrote in from (69.40.nnn.nnn)

AG, I am trying to learn to pendulem also. Here is the best explaination I have found: http://www.geocities.com/sk8sanjose/slideposts.html

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sliding gloves
On 7/14/2004 vaitus wrote in from (216.166.nnn.nnn)

if you want to make your own instead of buying them, use the same money to go on mcmaster.com and order some rubber backed uhmw plastic and some super adhesive backed velcro (double headed hook is the best). Then go buy some leather utility gloves, cut the pucks from the uhmw (this will require a power tool though), apply the velcro et voila, a fantastic pair of sliding gloves (or a tail bone, nose guard etc.) made of premium smooth sliding, long lasting material, some spare change and lots of uhmw and velcro left over for more sliding pucks to last you for a long time....

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sliding help
On 7/14/2004 AG wrote in from (138.89.nnn.nnn)

Hey guys....i need a little help with my sliding....i can 180 and stuff but i cannot pendulum for my life...any help would be great!thanx

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Myran! You douche! How dare you spit out a New York city hot dog!
On 7/14/2004 Jesus Christ wrote in from (66.108.nnn.nnn)

New York is awesome longboarding! They're hard to find, but there are a few really good hills on the street that are quite fun. Not as steep as some other places in the US, but the traffic makes up for that. Twice the thrill! You're right about some of the other longboarders though. Some are kinda fun though! The last race I was in, the broadway bomb (8 miles of fun fun fun down Broadway!) was just me and like twenty hungover 30 year olds.

-Jesus (and I was Jesus before Satan was Satan)

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On 7/14/2004 Jesus Christ wrote in from (66.108.nnn.nnn)

Mong, switch. Switch, mongo. fakie mongo switchie s#@!ty double back hand over metal thingy left foor on green, right hand red! Why don't people just board and stop with all the nonesence jargon!

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On 7/14/2004 Myrran wrote in from (67.116.nnn.nnn)

Thanks Satan your a Pal. Wish there was an edit button in this forum so i could erase my brain fart! I realised what my post said after the fact.

.....SF??....SF??.....I knew Satan lived in this town!! SF Slidin is where its at! NYC?? Jesus Chrits Ol Mighty i visited there a couple months back......not many hillz.....i did see some longboarders with there Sector-9's in Central Park.....they were wearing cut off's and hanging with some inline skaters...Yuk! Almost threw up my NYC Hot Dog! San Fran is the place for Longboarding....dont know anyplace better.....thats why im so damb good!!

Satan knows what im talking about........he rides the same hills.

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GO TO HELL SATAN!!... wait a second... damnit...
On 7/14/2004 Jesus Christ wrote in from (66.108.nnn.nnn)

I WOULD NEVER GO ON THE SIDEWALK! Sidewalks are for ass#@!s! Check on the Longboarding posting page, I posted something on that very subject. I go on the street and only the street. Dodging cars and the like. Fun fun fun! And I do go on hills! In central park there are some very nice ones. Can't slide though. Never too much room. Best thing to do is just jump off, dig your heels in the ground and try to stand. Then when your board comes by (and if you jump off right it shouldn't be going too fast) stomp on the bow and it'll flip up into your hands! Once I jumped off wrong so it was coming at me real fast. I stepped on the front and it f#@!ing flew! Good times! I guess this whole argument is just about geography. It's better to slide there than here!

-Your Lord and Savoir

PS: The thing about the hooves, very funny (really!)! And I actualy do board with sandals!

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On 7/13/2004 Satan wrote in from (69.104.nnn.nnn)

Btw, Myrran, mongo is not the same as switch and switch is not same as fakie. You can be mongo whether you are regular or goofy. Got that?

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Sliding is for pussies?
On 7/13/2004 Satan wrote in from (69.104.nnn.nnn)

Damn you Jesus, why I oughta slap you with my greasy lardy palm.

Sliding is very manly.
Sliders got big balls.

I do know how to footbrake, but it's hard when you got hooves.

BTW, I ride the steep ass hills of SF.

I hear you don't even ride hills, just sidewalk cruising in NYC in those ugly sandals.

Gotta get back to work. Got a part time job at Thrasher magazine. Damn that Jake Phelps, damn ball buster.

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On 7/13/2004 Jesus Christ wrote in from (66.108.nnn.nnn)

Gloves are for pussies! The best and fastest thing to do is stomp. Werriam-Webster online dictionary:

   Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

7 entries found for slide.
To select an entry, click on it.

Main Entry: 1slide
Pronunciation: 'slId
Function: verb
Inf lected Form(s): slid /'slid/; slid·ing /'slI-di[ng]/
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English slIdan; akin to Middle High German slIten to slide
intransitive senses
1 a : to move smoothly along a surface : SLIP b : to coast over snow or ice c of a base runner in baseball : to fall or dive feetfirst or headfirst when approaching a base
2 a : to slip or fall by loss of footing b : to change position or become dislocated : SHIFT
3 a : to slither along the ground : CRAWL b : to stream along : FLOW
4 a : to move or pass smoothly or easily b : to pass unnoticed or unremarked
5 a : to pass unobtrusively : STEAL b : to pass by gradations especially downward
transitive senses
1 a : to cause to glide or slip b : to traverse in a sliding manner
2 : to put unobtrusively or stealthily

All of this definitions suggest "slow". And to slowely come to a stop is BAD. Where do you board satan?

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On 7/12/2004 Myrran wrote in from (67.116.nnn.nnn)

MONGO.......oh yeah you push with you front foot....not your rear foot. this can make it really hard to foot brake as your weight will be twards the back of the board making the wob's come out in force. weird........my pal does it...its looks horrible.

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On 7/12/2004 Myrran wrote in from (67.116.nnn.nnn)

OK.........Listen up.

First of all Jesus obvoisly needs the Lord to protect him becouse jumping off your board at mor than 15mph is a bad idea. Satan has the right idea...sliding is the safest and the fastest way to stop. Soooo get yourself some slider gloves and save some clothes. The Grass ditch can prove to be painfull.
P.S. dont forgett the Lard :)


Mongo is skating right foot foward.....same a switch.

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On 7/12/2004 Jesus Christ wrote in from (209.222.nnn.nnn)

PS: What the fu fa f#@! is mongo!?!? I don't know any of this fancy
shmancy modern terminoligy that any of you use! Could someone help

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Satan, you're a dick!
On 7/12/2004 Jesus Christ wrote in from (209.222.nnn.nnn)

Slide? No no no, my dear satan. No wonder you got kicked out of heaven!
If you're going, say, 20 on the streets of, say Manhatta, and you see a car
going, say 60, on a cross road in front of you, and you decide to slide,
you're pretty much f#@!ed. You stop yourself on your board with your hand?
With lard? How slow do you go? Get new barrings. Or you probubly need new
wheels, because aparently yours are small enough to do an ollie. If you want
to do tricks, use a trick board. If you want to be cool, and go for speed,
use a longboard. If you really want speed, get a nice set of big blue
kryptons. Those will get ya going real fast! I bet ya $10 you can't land
an ollie with those! I've only seen one person almost do it and he was like,

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Highway to Hell
On 7/10/2004 Satan wrote in from (69.104.nnn.nnn)

Iroy my child, don't listen to Jesus.

What you want to do is to learn how to slide. You can use slider gloves, but I prefer greasing my palm with lard.

Come and join us as we slide down the highway to hell.

- Satan

BTW, Jesus, quit braking mongo and learn to ollie.

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