Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Masters 45+ (602 Posts)
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age in and of itself
On 9/19/2004 david e wrote in from United States  (24.9.nnn.nnn)

"age, in and of itself,.."

theres no such thing actually,..age always brings change, like it or not.

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On 9/18/2004 -JC- wrote in from United States  (63.184.nnn.nnn)

I stepped on a longboard for the first time three years ago (almost to the day) and instantly remembered why I had skated as a teen. (Thank you, GI Joe.)
In a couple of weeks, the calendar says I'm older, but I could care less about that linear thought.
I skate, I put on skate races, I teach kids to skate. I'm at the prime of my skating life.
Can I race? Not well. But again, that doesn't stop me. I'm plenty stoked watching three or four generations of skaters blow by me.

Spread the stoke.
That, for me, is the job of the "Master's".

Jack; you are forever young.
And a Bahne was my first. ;-)

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what does it matter?
On 9/17/2004 richard marnhout wrote in from United States  (198.81.nnn.nnn)

age, in and of itself,and how it applies to a skater, is a meaningless thing. what you DO on a skateboard is what matters.


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On 9/15/2004 Jack Smith wrote in from United States  (66.82.nnn.nnn)

I am forever young...

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Too Late
On 9/15/2004 -JC- wrote in from United States  (63.184.nnn.nnn)

Before I saw the list, I thought I might try to get a few licks in...
Guess I'll stick to organizing. And practicing.

Happy 'early' B-Day, Cannonball. You got me by 6 days. And 7 years.
What are your plans? Morro? I'd like that, too, but I guess I'll settle for Burque ditches.

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Keith is on the Bubble!
On 9/15/2004 Miko wrote in from United States  (66.81.nnn.nnn)

Allright Keith! You're the first 45 year old on the list which makes you the official 'Bubble Boy' Could you clue me on Bobby's age (and anyone else for that matter.)

Masters Division

Creeping up on 45 years old...

Rick Stanziale - 39
Richy Carrasco - 41
David Carrasco - 42
David Hackett - 43
Duane Peters - 43
Steve Olson - 43
Eric Groff - 43

45 and up...

Keith Hollien - 45
Claude Reginier - 46
Scott Johnston - 47
Pat Chewning - 47
Steve Evans - 47
Bruce Bjortvelt - 49
John Hutson - 49
Mark McCree - 49
Miko Biffle - 51
Rene Carrasco - 52
Henry Hester - 53
Randy Smith - 53
Jamie Hart - 54
Don Bostick - 54s
Cliff Coleman - 54

Ageless so far...

Bobby Mandarino
Gary Fluitt
Chris Barker
Kenny Mollica
Brent Kosick
Jack Smith
Steve Sherman
Charlie Ransom

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On 9/15/2004 Keith Hollien wrote in from United States  (68.101.nnn.nnn)

I am 45 years old.

Later Keith, Team Radikal.

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Eli and Evans!
On 9/13/2004 Miko wrote in from United States  (69.19.nnn.nnn)

Well Eli *should* get his bad self down to Morro... I'll get on the phone to the Skunk and harrass him a bit. He's always good at a party too.

Evans was the real deal sunday at La Costa... Talk about precision zagging... like a guided missle. It was so cool to see him that stoked as well! It's been a long time coming. And... he's the consumate MASTER. The bar is going to be very high for the rest of us.

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Don Bostic
On 9/13/2004 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (66.124.nnn.nnn)


I don't often get the chance to talk to Bostic. He has a home in Auburn, CA. His company, World Cup Skateboarding keeps him very busy. Check the company name for a web-site. You can read about what he is up to regarding skate competitions etc.

Ransome, Hart, Myself, Cross and Bostic ran cones about four total times near Bostics house two years ago when I made it to the full season of events. Don and Jamie Hart got me out and excersizing and it helped me lose a lot of weight. Whether Don comes out for a Masters race or not, he has always been a class act!

Regarding the Super GS or what ever it will be, I hope it is a fast one. Eli Smouse would probably do well in such a race. I really enjoyed the La Costa GS! I had a good qualifying time. If I had run clean against Evans, I would have been happier. He is an awesome racer and I loved seeing him win the tight the second day.

Cliff Coleman

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Oldy Schmoldy...
On 9/13/2004 Miko wrote in from United States  (69.19.nnn.nnn)

Thanks for the kind words Cliff! I'm still thinking of your showing at the 04 La Costa race and thinking... Will he be that fast at the Worlds Super GS? 8-) I'm hoping to see you there!

I don't feel that old, most of the time. 35 year old trapped inside a 51 year old body. The daily details of survival are what keeps me off my board most of the time. Good thing Cabrillo College has a hilly campus and a small police force.

I'll add Don to the list in hopes he'll see it and come out to play the slalom game again. After all... he won the B-Pro class at La Costa '01. Do you ever hear from him?

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Miko, we all have a chronologic and a biologic age.
On 9/13/2004 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (66.124.nnn.nnn)

We are the generation that didn't go quietly to the rocking chairs. Imagine how many skiers are over the age of 50. If a skater finds a way to skate consistently and without injury, then there is no reason to "retire" from involvement or competition solely because of age.

Some of my best results have come after the age of 50. I'm fudging on one of those results because it actually took place the day before I turned 50. When I watch Miko race, I don't see an old racer. I see a fast racer who will be very tough to beat. This is the same with so many other racers with large numbers for their age.

You might as well list Don Bostic at 54 for your list of racers ages. He knows what these so-called Masters classes are all about, he raced and won in the Masters or what was then known as the Geriatrics division, 28 years ago.

Cliff Coleman

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We're ALL Old!
On 9/11/2004 Miko wrote in from United States  (69.85.nnn.nnn)

Thanks for the updates Rene! The list is getting longer, but I really need the racers below to fess up before I make up ages for you.

Masters Division

Creeping up on 45 years old...

Richy Carrasco - 41
David Carrasco - 42
David Hackett - 43
Duane Peters - 43
Steve Olson - 43
Eric Groff - 43

45 and up...

Claude Reginier - 46
Scott Johnston - 47
Pat Chewning - 47
Steve Evans - 47
Bruce Bjortvelt - 49
John Hutson - 49
Mark McCree - 49
Miko Biffle - 51
Rene Carrasco - 52
Henry Hester - 53
Randy Smith - 53
Jamie Hart - 54
Cliff Coleman - 54

Ageless so far...

Keith Hollien
Bobby Mandarino
Gary Fluitt
Chris Barker
Kenny Mollica
Rick Stanziale
Brent Kosick
Jack Smith
Steve Sherman
Charlie Ransom

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On 9/10/2004 Fatboy wrote in from United States  (67.94.nnn.nnn)

42 and still disappointing my Mom.......

"Aren't you a little OLD for............

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AGELESS BROS. .......!
On 9/10/2004 renecarrasco.com wrote in from United States  (66.81.nnn.nnn)


Actually, Richy "The Brown Bomber" Carrasco is 41 -

..........and Dave "Cowboy" Carrasco is 42.

Thanks for compiling this list!

Take care,
..........-Rene' "Cannonball" Carrasco ! -52 .......53 Oct. 3rd.

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Russ Howell??!#%@%$^
On 9/9/2004 Miko wrote in from United States  (66.81.nnn.nnn)

I'd love for Russ to come out and race with us... until then I'll assume he has no reason to be on a Slalom Racing Masters list. If you know him, give him a holler!

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when I was 6 my favorite number was 4
On 9/9/2004 stevie wrote in from United States  (68.4.nnn.nnn)

I'm only 44 so I can't post here until next year when I become an old fart

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Who is more aged than us
On 9/9/2004 old dude wrote in from Australia  (203.94.nnn.nnn)

Hey you forgot about Russ Howell

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Who is more aged than us?
On 9/9/2004 Miko wrote in from United States  (66.81.nnn.nnn)

Mi Mark... Glad you're alive and kicking after the big blow!

You're right... Hutson will be 49 until december I think. So I'll post you both as youngins @ 49. I need Keith and Mandy's ages. I'm hoping to compile a database of racers ages. Maybe I should just get EVERYONE'S. Here's the latest of my ever growing list.

Masters Division...

< 45 years old...

Richy Carrasco - 42
David Hackett - 43
Duane Peters - 43
Steve Olson - 44

45 and up...

Claude Reginier - 46
Scott Johnston - 47
Pat Chewning - 47
Steve Evans - 47
Bruce Bjortvelt - 49
John Hutson - 49
Mark McCree - 49
Miko Biffle - 51
Rene Carrasco - 52
Henry Hester - 53
Randy Smith - 53
Jamie Hart - 54
Cliff Coleman - 54

Ageless so far...

Keith Hollien
Bobby Mandarino
Gary Fluitt
Chris Barker
Kenny Mollica
Rick Stanziale
Brent Kosick
Jack Smith
Steve Sherman
Charlie Ransom

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got teeth??
On 9/9/2004 MARK MCCREE wrote in from United States  (69.34.nnn.nnn)

Well, Adam went and did it.

I told him we need a forum for us old guys and -well here it is


Hutson is a few months younger than I, I am 49---- will be 50 in January. I THINK he is younger. I raced him in Moro last worlds on sunday and he told me then. All I remember was -hell I'm older than he is!!

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On 9/9/2004 Geezer-X wrote in from United States  (208.28.nnn.nnn)

And still alive.

And I know for a fact Curt Kimbel is a year older than me.

And I still have my first set of Trackers...

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On 9/9/2004 Judi wrote in from United States  (68.127.nnn.nnn)


I think you should leave it like it is so we don't split up this catagory to much. I think 40 somethings will be reading it not just 45+ readers. Seems most of the skaters I run into are about that age. It's amazing the respect the young have for us. I went into a skate shop yesterday with my slalom board to get something and the employees and kids were stoked.

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45 and up
On 9/8/2004 Kludy wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

I am happy you started it at 45.I love racing young bucks still!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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On 9/8/2004 North Carolina Longboarder wrote in from United States  (63.167.nnn.nnn)

Cannonball: From what I have read and seen via the net, the mag, and this forum you could smoke no matter what bracket you were in!

Roll On Brothers And Sisters.

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How 'bout ........
On 9/8/2004 renecarrasco.com wrote in from United States  (66.81.nnn.nnn)

...How 'bout :

MEN 18 - 44
SENIOR MEN 45 - 49

........-Rene Cannonball Carrasco !

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On 9/8/2004 Stefan wrote in from Germany  (80.139.nnn.nnn)

Yorck wrote:
A masters downhill category would be cool too! 40 should be old enough to be a senior in this sport. What about the omsa?

Well, OMSA (Old Men Skateboard Assoc.) don't know, when they split.
I heared of SOMSA (Stoked Old Men Skateboarding Assoc.)
Anyways, being 40 and still riding (not competing anymore) means one of my goals in life has been reached. Others (50, 60, 70 ...) will follow.

Living in a small town in Germany, I enjoy getting the strange looks from mates in my age. The only thing that scared me, is when a young skater calls me:" Sir, where did you get this board (pointing at my Sector Nine Tanker)."

Stay all well,


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