Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Masters 45+ (602 Posts)
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On 2/12/2007 Cat wrote in from United States  (67.117.nnn.nnn)


What the heck happened-- when it rains, it pours!
Hurry up & heal so you can slalom!

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Funny stuff, not that funny !
On 2/12/2007 Kludy wrote in from United States  (216.70.nnn.nnn)

I was thinking this past weekend that if I was to go to Texas for a new sport that I should get in shape and learn how to do it. Have not done much of anything in over 5 months so sat. I was running by my house and came off the new slalom board and turned my ankle and whent straght to my hands. Spraned my left ankle and right hand, then the dumby that I am started working out hard and straned my chest and back.I can only smile every time I move or walk thinking to myself, what a dumby!
Are we not suppose to get smarter with age ? I was trying way to hard.

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Kludy Texas
On 2/10/2007 stephen lavin wrote in from United States  (24.14.nnn.nnn)

Kludy, I will be in Texas for the sizzler so will Keith. There will be a bunch of youngins' and a good number of "Masters" too. get out there and help us out...

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On 2/8/2007 Cat wrote in from United States  (67.117.nnn.nnn)

Mac--- shame on you!

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On 2/8/2007 Miko wrote in from United States  (67.150.nnn.nnn)

I you wear them, you clearly get more hill time, which gives you an edge . . .

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On 2/8/2007 isabelle wrote in from United States  (72.192.nnn.nnn)

"To grow up does not mean I have to put my skateboard away, just find other ways to ride it. GOT ME A REAL SLALOM BOARD NOW."
did i hear a PUMP STATION GS RUN? let me know when you rally down my way.

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Texas and Masters
On 2/8/2007 Kludy wrote in from United States  (68.8.nnn.nnn)

Is there alot or some guys and women going to be at the Texas slalom e-vent over say 40 ? Tried of dealing with young bucks wanting to win and cant ride, I LOVE THEM ALL AND TEACH WHAT i KNOW BUT THEY SCARE THE HiLL OUT OF ME. Ha, ha! Got to get over that I know but for now just want to ride my skateboard with people that has seen as much as myself.I am back and forth with this e-vent. Never traveled to a slalom race , alot of money and dont know if I can even compete. With the cones that is ! Its funny, never thought about my age untill I saw my kids growing into adults over nite and my love for them really showed me my real age. To grow up does not mean I have to put my skateboard away, just find other ways to ride it. GOT ME A REAL SLALOM BOARD NOW.

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On 2/8/2007 isabelle wrote in from United States  (209.66.nnn.nnn)

i've Mastered at being old while acting young-at-heart...........hehehe

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On 2/8/2007 Mac wrote in from United States  (65.221.nnn.nnn)

If us guys are masters Why can the gals (Isabell, Cat etc) be Mistresses? But if they bring a riding crop to the race I will keep my distance :)

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Wrong Mac Marty
On 2/8/2007 Mac & Max wrote in from United States  (65.221.nnn.nnn)

Are you thinking Mac McLaren? Dad of Kyle and Joe.... That is Mac OG, I am Mac father of Max 13 year old. Who buy the way won the US nationals jr div in the Giant Slalom last Aug. So, you are in a way right. None of the COSS Kids are getting much if any practice or the "Masters" parents :(

COSS & Mile High Rollers


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On 2/8/2007 Cknuck/Claude Regnier wrote in from Canada  (74.101.nnn.nnn)

It's not about where your at but where you're at, EH!

It's al about the stoke!

It's the new AA!

ANY AGE!!!!!

Isabelle check your pm on the fish!

Thanks again and welcome to the club ya'll.

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On 2/8/2007 overthehill~downtheotherside wrote in from United States  (4.243.nnn.nnn)

What the 50 & over masters wear under their crashpads!

Miko, I think if you use your AARP card you qualify :^)

We'll see you oldfarts & fartettes on a hill near you soon...Iksron

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Master ?
On 2/7/2007 Eddy Texas Outlaws wrote in from United States  (70.115.nnn.nnn)

I do not consider myself a master. Just some guy who is 46 yrs old and stills loves to skate. Am I all beat up body wise. Oh Yea. I still smile after a slalom or bombing session. I may wake up in the morning and my feet hurt, but I go out and do it again. Why because I love to skate, not at the level of some of the top riders, but I am there. Riding scared when you are hauling ass down a hill still scares me, but it still lets me know that I am alive. Your Amgo Eddy Texas Outlaws/Team Pavel

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On 2/7/2007 Miko wrote in from United States  (67.150.nnn.nnn)

If you have to use MasterCard to get to the races, does that make you a Master? Seriously, I'm not racing anymore cause I maxed all my cards!

Welcome to the club Kludyman, Stephen and Cat!!!

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On 2/7/2007 cat wrote in from United States  (67.117.nnn.nnn)

Congrats & welcome to the old geezer club!

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Just Turned 45
On 2/7/2007 stephen lavin wrote in from United States  (24.14.nnn.nnn)

Looks like I join the club whether I want to or not(?). Comes back to skating after 24 years off, has a decent 2006 season, then turns 45. hardly a "master" these days but what the hell I'm back for fun, family, and a little more fun...

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Masters ??
On 2/6/2007 Kludy wrote in from United States  (68.8.nnn.nnn)

I think I like your club !
Slalom here I come, get a board thrusday. New world for me but so is this club.

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On 2/6/2007 isabelle wrote in from United States  (72.192.nnn.nnn)

you ROCK chicka...and for a woman of any age, those pics of PumpStation are just plain PHAT......pleasure to have skated with you.
I will not be at the Harbor77 due to some family issues, but I HOPE 2 C U SOON!
If you make it, rip some runs smiling wide for me!?

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Ladys Masters
On 2/5/2007 Kludy wrote in from United States  (216.70.nnn.nnn)

Cat your my kind of lady and smart too. I saw you at the pump station a few week ends ago and you where so smart to have all the right pads. I asked you about them and you told me if you could get more pads on you would. Thats safe clean fun right there. Look forward to doing slalom again, the older I get the more I look at slalom. 1st run at the Dump road Outlaw race I had to come out of tuck, way fast and scared the crap out of me. I was thinking too much at the start of the day. You should go to the L.a. race next week end and ck out downhill

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On 2/5/2007 Marty wrote in from United States  (209.214.nnn.nnn)

Hey Mac,

It's actually a conspiracy we have orchestrated from coast to coast to keep your sons from practicing and getting any faster.

It appears to be working.......

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This cold snowy weather is getting old....
On 2/2/2007 Mac wrote in from United States  (65.221.nnn.nnn)

Snowed a few more inches last nigh that make 7 weeks in a row with snow in denver! UNHEARD of for this city. Still no skating. Oh well minus 12 in denver this A.M.!

COSS & Mile High Rollers


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Dan In Conn.
On 1/31/2007 Cat wrote in from United States  (67.117.nnn.nnn)

Dan-- let's see some pics of all your boards!

I'm glad people are posting regularly here again-- I like to see what all you old farts are doing! (I'm 47!)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Masters At 45
On 1/27/2007 Kludy wrote in from United States  (68.8.nnn.nnn)

If that goes for downhill riders I may have just joined the club.Dont know if thats a good thing or bad thing but unthing I can do about it but maybe take up slalom.I guess if I am still riding at 45 thats a good thing. Need to go skate ! January 15, 1962 and started riding a 2x4 in 1968, WOW I am getting old.

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On 1/27/2007 Dan wrote in from United States  (69.182.nnn.nnn)

45 and living in Connecticut. Skater since 1975. Still have every board I ever bought or permantly borrowed and they are hanging in my den. I am searching for some old schoolers in the Hartford area to longboard with on the weekends. Is there anyone out there? Downtown Hartford is utterly vacant on the weekends (especially in the early mornings). Nothing too extreme, but feel the need to just roll around with those who experienced the 70's. Let's ride!

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cYa sk8 niche blah
On 1/20/2007 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (70.167.nnn.nnn)


Got Tiny URL?

Thanks Adam. I'm sure you've heard this podcast by now. It's an hour long and it could use some editing(I should talk :P ) Anyways, have a listen and fast forward through all the concrete wave stuff :P

Malakia said he'd work for ncdsa in a heartbeat if he didn't have to quit his SF job . Yes .... i'm joking but nevertheless the industry is getting a breath of fresh air from somewhere.

Can you feel it brother?

could it be sector 9?

i have a feeling it's the same as it ever was. the skaters will always speak louder than the mfg's in the long run. and mix and match equipment will keep the market honest and hopefully not so unservice oriented.

I think it's a season to turn turn turn and join forces ... cuz itz all good?

i'm forever a ncdsa fan and I appreciate all you've done . be nice to get you in these podcasts too.... Y0! if i can stomach howie stern, i'm sure i could live to hear the voices of our industry here and there thru skateboard media broadcasts where the text comes alive and we hear the personalities in full force :) e.g. Brooks! bRILLIAnt!

Cheers mate

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