Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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McKendry on Speed

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Q&A: McKendry on Speed (1810 Posts)
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On 7/30/2009 doug wrote in from United States  (76.114.nnn.nnn)

Congrats Rob, what are you gonna do with your body pillow.

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Thanx Rick
On 7/30/2009 me wrote in from United States  (67.174.nnn.nnn)

We ain't done yet Rick. You've been a such a great friend and advisor to me not only in racing but how to live. Our sport grows everyday because of you and I hope the newbies never forget to listen and learn from a stand up guy like yourself. See you at the top.

I'm only moving and will be chasing you all at Maryhill next month.

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Good Times
On 7/29/2009 Kludy wrote in from United States  (70.179.nnn.nnn)

Rob, had a flood of good times thinking about you this eve. From maryhill, you cooking us steaks with the bros coming to our camp noT finding go food, to us talking on the way to the airport from what ever that hill was that we should have whent to jail for doing over 70mph and all most causing a motobike to crash; to that picture I have of you and the boys at my house before the barret race; to me telling you that you have to make the turn to race at munsville . To the every begining coming to your place for the EDI race at, O i forget but riding your bike path that became a real race in later years !
Yes myfreind , we have lots to share when we get old. but not yet < hA !!!!!!!!!!!!11

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On 7/29/2009 KLUDY wrote in from United States  (70.179.nnn.nnn)

To find love is indeed very rare. You have always been lucky so I will not wish you good luck but I will wish you happy and fun time in a different area of life my freind. You and I have lived a life time already and remimberies last forever ! Have a blast and give you girl a hug for my, your a good guy and a great catch not to mention one hell of a chef;) We will see each other again one day! I LOVE YOUR SHOW ROB McKENDRY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sunday Vail Pass, last rides...
On 7/29/2009 mckendry wrote in from United States  (67.174.nnn.nnn)

Yeah this is a Venom Shocker to me to. I've lived in Rado for 13 years and will miss it greatly. I have friends here who are like family and have lived out so many highs with.

All I wanted to do was ride and I did, to the point of being broke. Sometimes borrowing money to pay the bills or knowing I wouldn't have my rent. Driving a s#@!ty car and not having enough cash for a date or a movie alone. I never cared about anything at times as much as a season pass. Riding the snow was more important than anything else.
Well the snow melts up here now and then and the most beautiful roads in the World are abound. Rado has some of the best pavement and you will continue to hear about riders like Maytum, JMFC, Coop, Calvin, Setler, Wester, Putrah, Kawika, Holden, Cecchi, Linblad, and Ruppert. That's just the names I can remember at the moment but it doesn't matter cause we add more everyday. No matter how far away I get I will always have amazing memories of bombing the biggest and fastest roads in the World with a crew of riders who feel the same way about Rado.

I plan on getting back here as often as poss but it's time for the next adventure. I've decided to move in with a woman who makes me feel like every cheesy 80's song ever made. I've won the lottery and to cash in I'm moving to NY. There's hills and snow so I will be able to get my fix. I will be skating and hope to keep hitting races for years to come. SkunkTech will continue to make boards and that will be a great excuse to show up and drink beers and share stories.

I plan on riding Vail Pass Sunday with anybody who wants to come up and beat this old guy to Copper before I move.

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On 7/29/2009 Kludy wrote in from United States  (99.160.nnn.nnn)

Rob; YOU HAVE A CHICK ? A REAL ONE ?????????????????????????/1

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Da Turd... is moving?
On 7/29/2009 Nick wrote in from (174.51.nnn.nnn)

Rob, I heard you were moving away from Rado'?
Is it true? Will the OG of downhill no longer reign in Colorado? If so we gotta shred a bit before you're gone. Happy trails, good thing you got into canadia, i'm living vicariously through the stories i've been hearing about Paskapoo since i couldn't go. Peace, let me know if you can ride before you're bustin out of here.

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da Rodeo
On 7/28/2009 mckendry wrote in from United States  (67.174.nnn.nnn)

Gonna half to let the idea of letting my chick post on me blog soak in...gotta watch what I say from now on? hmmmm. Have to consider banning her.
So she brought up the new speed record 'cuz she and I were on the phone when Kyle was taking runs. Some time has gone by and a lot of miles just talking about Rist and the "record" with some peeps at Paskapoo. I would like to discuss more about Rist and the "record" in another post.
I just got home after hours in the van and all the smells that come with 6 downhill guys in a mini van. 7 hours at the border was my new speed record. We went into the office at 5:30 am and the wait began. I had to talk to an imigration dude who didn't show til 8 so back to the States to hang out in Sweet Grass, Montana. The imigration dude said "no" unless I could somehow show that the event couldn't happen without me. I like saying that and hope any future race organizer could remember I will stimulate your local economy. So back to the no man's land truck stop in the US where I was able to contact fore mentioned girlfriend and asked if she could help a brother out. She was able contact Chad one of the race organizers who faxed an incredible door opening letter to the Canadian border. I guess they sent only 14 copies. By noon I recieved a phone call from the imigration dude who said bring your guys back in and we'll discuss things. So back to the office were a cute Black Labrador loved my pocket. Kinda sucks when everybody in the room wants to pet a dog that wont stop smelling the residue of dope in your pocket. They brought me to the counter to show me the visa printed and ready to go. So in a back room you never want to see I was interigated interragated interag? about dope and told the would go easy on me If I just showed them where it was. I don't have anything and the dog was just smelling some leftovers that came from a stranger who borrowed my shorts and was carrying something for a friend and my tailor is a hippy and I walked to close to a drum circle and and and...OK! I tried it once. I had nothing on me and wasn't smuggling into Canada, who does that? The guy who has been working on the visa is tightening his gloves and just a cut up at this point. I mean I don't have anything and do they really bend you over for an empty pocket? Must be bored. I let em look at my shorts and thankfull tat was enough. So they get the cars keys and Fido makes a lap or 2 thru the car. I'm looking at 5 guys who just drove across the US with me, waited for 7 hours, while watching with the entire room. Very cool! Guy comes back in to ask "who owns the red and black backpack?" No way, I have a red and black backpack. So we go outside to watch him rifle thru my dirty sox looking for the dope. So fun to watch this for me cuz my socks are gross and this is the step before borrowing money from Price and we are across. This uniformed chap doesn't find anything and lets me scrape up me stuff and load the car and says he will meet me inside. Somehow it can only get better. The guy turns around to ask me if I have the keys? Now the dream move in retrospect would be to quicly lock the doors and shut em. Forcing the border patrol to jimmy the lock in front of eeeerbody inside. BUT I just said "I gave em to you". He told me to hold on while he tracked em down. So funny I busted out laughing. LOL no really LOL. Good stuff. Thanx to ya'll who got me thru. Can't say it enough.
ZEN! So glad I got to chase you in my 3 runs.Huge race with a chairlift! Great weather. BEER! This race is still soaking in. I got to see so many of my Canadian friends some of whom can't get into the US. I have some work to do racing. Jody has been crushing my race dreams since DB1. I blew it. wow ok I thought I was past it...

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new world speed record
On 7/22/2009 McKeeney wrote in from United States  (72.230.nnn.nnn)

Hey there, this is McIII's girl, Laura. Just talked to Rob - he's on his way to Calgary, packed into a van with Steve Doman, Dave Price, Calvin Staub, Joel Putrah and Kyle Wester. So on the way outta RADo, they hit Rist Canyon Road where Kyle set the new world speed record. Fastest speedboarder ever? Kid was clocked at 79.5 MPH today. Three runs: 77, 79, 79.

Next stop? Paskapoo. Good luck sneakin' in there Rob.

Wish my boy a happy birthday tomorrow (Thursday) and someone buy him a drink or 10 from me. I'll pay you back at Maryhill. Wish I could be there with you all to put faces with all the stories I've heard. See you in September! x.

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MCKooondry in Canada
On 7/22/2009 IanC wrote in from (96.23.nnn.nnn)

Maybe you won't be allowed back into the States tis time. Then you'll have to become one of us!

Good luck Rob in Calgary Rob!

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On 7/17/2009 me wrote in from United States  (67.174.nnn.nnn)

sneaking into Canada next week...
I always feel honored to have friends like you guys and if you would like to stop by the compound maybe have some Kool Aide and pudding I could try to enlighten you about these new friends of mine who seem to think we are all one.
Skating fast but not as fast as you guys.
aint seen your package...uh...I keep loaning out my gloves to these Vail newbies...the future.

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GMR Fun Run!
On 7/17/2009 Jimmy Flindt wrote in from United States  (75.4.nnn.nnn)

when you comin back to Cali Rob?

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new gloves?
On 7/17/2009 Jimmy Flindt wrote in from United States  (75.4.nnn.nnn)

YEAH ROBERTO!!!!!!!!!!

joe - I need a sponsorship package, my one set of gloves left are thrashed!!!! same black one's without finger pucks!!!! and some extra slide pucks!!!! a new tshirt also would be nice!!!!

representing TimeShip Racing since 2003.

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TimeShip Delivers
On 7/17/2009 GI Joe wrote in from United States  (65.19.nnn.nnn)

Has your sponsorship package arrived yet? Price mis-spelled the name of your street at the Post Office so I hope the Carrier knows that it's Nottingham instead of Norringham. Either way you are my favorite ham. If it gets returned we can make Dave bring it to you personally.

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On 7/15/2009 Liam the Saffa wrote in from United Kingdom  (82.132.nnn.nnn)

Rob! YOOOO DA MAN!! Too many of those Krishna folk here in London but a bit of song and dance always brightens my day. All these folks here are so up their own asses you've gotta smile when you see a band of peace loving Skinheads Dancing through the corporate wankers on the side walk banging on their drums and symbols.. Beats the pants off most of those other "Godly" folk tryna tell you its their twisted way or
eternal suffering. Waaaah haaa ha. Sounds like you are continuing to live it up Rob,you're an inspiration to us all! have fun bombing all those rad roads in Rado brother!! Hope i can come out their for a visit some day in the not so distant future.


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last post
On 7/11/2009 gOAd wrote in from United States  (97.85.nnn.nnn)

I believe too

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I believe!
On 7/11/2009 McKendry wrote in from United States  (67.174.nnn.nnn)

Hitchn yesterday up Vail Pass to ride to Copper, my Friday ride. I got a lift from a Hari Krishna, I haven't read the book yet so I don't know if I;m spelling it correctly? So this guy is real nice and I figure if he try's anything I could roll this lil old dude. As soon as he told me he was a Krishna I cracked a joke about not seeing his peeps in airports lately, just to let him know i was goin to be a tough sell. My church, The Church of Skatin, hasn't been around that long but we have all kinds and acceptence is importatnt. I've had rides from scary drunk construction workers to crazy hookers who wanna take me back to there place. People who pick you up and then tell ya they will go outta there way to give you a ride, that can be kinda scary or a definate red flag. Hitchhiking is a large part of bombing hills for me and I have considered keeping a journal of all the rides I've had. But I can't remember to brush my teeth or not to smoke sometimes. The scariest rides though...the religious cats. Ya just never know thier level of devotion or how bad they need members. This guy had his sell down! He was talking about goin through life on a board and how meditation is like flying down a hill and just kept trying to be serious about Krishna. My whole take was how the Church of Skatn had more members and could probably kick his ass in the ensuing Holy War between our to groups. He had these lil prayer beads and asked if The Church of Skatn used material objects to embody hope and faith??? I pulled out a skate tool and started speaking in tounges.

Rado is goin off!! There's Outlaws, big mountains, pretty animals and longboards everywhere. Any hill I choose to ride now there are signs of other Church members coming for service. Vail Pass is still littered with the sign holders the highway folks promised to pick up in 2004 after the Pass Timeship race. It's 5 am now and time to get ready for church. Mass today will be conducted at the top of Cottonwood with a peak at Poncha down south. Don't come to Rado!

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No Time Trial for me..
On 7/10/2009 DuBois wrote in from United States  (74.211.nnn.nnn)

I tried spreadin the word, don't know who bit.
Slalom Nationals are distracting some of the potential victims....

Hope I get to see you before Paskapoo...If not Have fun and stay PAGAN!!

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Happy 233rd year of America
On 7/7/2009 Nick Cecchi wrote in from United States  (129.81.nnn.nnn)

ROB! get ready to get shreddy, i'm comin home to bomb some hills with my favorite skater.
Lady Liberty was good to me this year.
see you soon.
oh and do you have joe lehms #? I'm passing through abq and i'd like to hit sandia crest. otherwise, i know all the ditches.

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Happy Birthday America
On 7/5/2009 mckendry wrote in from United States  (67.174.nnn.nnn)

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fur is murder!
On 6/30/2009 DuBois wrote in from United States  (74.211.nnn.nnn)

more geeking out:

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Yeah you know me
On 6/29/2009 McKendry wrote in from United States  (67.174.nnn.nnn)

O.P.D. is hitting big up in the High Country. OPD t shirts anyone? Tom Settler stopped by this weekend and ripped up some freshies and got first decsent on ???? Road. (and he didn't see the code Justin) The hill is kinda hidden unless your across a valley and then you see this band of dropping OPD. Tom slayed the dragon and also hit some OPD while waiving hello to the security cameras. Here's the ones I can name on the hit list;) Red Sandstone, Buffer Creek, Red Sky Ranch, Daybreak Ridge, Colorow, Alpine Drive,Cresta and OPD's that are hard to walk down. Go ahead and Goog Erf some of those from your couch and dream bout Colorado. Tom was able to ride some crazy gnar in 24hours and glad to see these hills ridden without footahbreaky.
I've noticed I keep putting photos of dead animals up here while other posts contain skateboarding footage. And thank you guys for keeping me in the loop. This lil guy killed himself Saturday. I tried to get around him but when a chipmunk wants to die who am I to not come down on his lil rodent stature with the Radikal hangar of judgement.

I'm startin to think my new leathers will not have my name on them. Riding hills with such heavy bust factor and killing animals while riding. It might be smart to have "McKendry" streaked across my butt while trying to flee. I should get somebody elses name...I can see the cops now looking for this guy "Huey or Dubes" who keeps blowing thru security gates. Dan Dengler has now droppped in for a couple days and we are outta here like a dead chipmunk to Vail Pass. See ya on the top.

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you down with O.P.D.?
On 6/27/2009 DuBois wrote in from United States  (74.211.nnn.nnn)

The butthole on that beaver is staring at me.

Dont tell too many kids that Combination!

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Pdxdownhill #2
On 6/27/2009 Billy Bones wrote in from United States  (97.120.nnn.nnn)

Pdx Downhill #2 from Billy Meiners on Vimeo.

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Thank Q
On 6/27/2009 robmc3 wrote in from United States  (67.174.nnn.nnn)

Couldn't think of a better way to start the day. I'm on my way up yo Daybreak right now with a crew of 2 to do some recon. Fun to call a private shuttle from the resort to poach the hill. We skate a hill with heavy security using thier shuttle service. Beaver Creek is dead to me!

What a country...high country. Vail is primed and all the roads are hitting.
Sun is shining and I can't look at this computer any longer. peace

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