Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Cliff Coleman on Sliding and Safety

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Q&A: Cliff Coleman on Sliding and Safety (1159 Posts)
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On 6/28/2005 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (68.127.nnn.nnn)

Thanks Chris. As I said on Chris' forum, Chris Chaput can just about do it all! He races, he rides upside down. He slides, he rides luge and flys throught the air in the streets of San Francisco challenging for first in the "Big Air". He butt boards, manufactures great products and his and many other's results back those products up.

Congratulations on your two Golds at Maryhill.
Cliff Coleman

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From 1 CC 2 Another
On 6/28/2005 Chris Chaput wrote in from United States  (66.116.nnn.nnn)

Here's an excerpt from a long post that I made earlier:

"I also want to make this point abundantly clear - THIS IS NOT A NEW IDEA OF MINE! This type of technology has been inspired by and borrowed from some of the pioneers of gravity racing solutions - namely Darren Lott, Dave and John Rogers, Manu Atuna, and Cliff Coleman. Their open minds and their commitment to "finding a better way" down the hill are unsurpassed in gravity sports. To them, it's not about attitude, it's all about what works. And more specifically, it's about what's SAFE at high speeds. I have complete respect for them as human beings as well as for their contributions to the sport. There is no way on God's Green Earth that I would be doing what I'm doing if they hadn't of paved the way. Many others deserve credit, especially the race promoters who allow us to come out and play..."

Thanks Cliff, and keep up the good work!

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On 6/27/2005 slyder wrote in from United States  (67.122.nnn.nnn)

cliff, some video on your site would be good.

actually tons and tons and tons of video would be good.

all sliding. short boards. longboards. soft wheels, hard wheels.
loose trucks, tight trucks. tricky sliding. purely functional
speed control sliding...

can't have enough video. it's a fact. picking through other
videos for the sliding parts is tiresome.

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On 6/27/2005 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (68.127.nnn.nnn)


It's not a problem announcing my clinics/festivals on this site. I just recently got my web-site up and running. Check it out at: "cliffslider.com"

My next events are scheduled for the first three weeks of July in the UK. I'm then free for a month or two before returning to British Columbia in Canada for an event on September 17/18, 05. If you think there is enough interest in your area, then contact me and we should be able to work something out.

Thanks for the interest,
Cliff Coleman

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Minimum speed for sliding?
On 6/27/2005 brad wrote in from United States  (155.229.nnn.nnn)


Thanks for taking the time to respond to my question. I can see now why I have been having a problem. I have the technique pretty close to what it should be from reading a number of your older posts and articles I found and watching lots of videos, esp. the ones of you sliding. In one of the videos I was watching, you were right behind another skater on a steep hill and pulled up behind him with a slide just like you had brakes on your board. It was really beautiful, so controlled and so graceful.

I have been trying to get the slide on an "easier" hill before going on to sliding on a steeper hill, which would explain why my wheels are not releasing. I will put the harder wheels back on the board and give it another try.

Is it a lot of trouble to give details on your upcoming slide clinics on this forum?

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Minimum speed for sliding?
On 6/27/2005 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (68.127.nnn.nnn)


I don't think about it in terms of what the minimum speed to slide might be. You will find that the best place to learn should be on a slope that won't let your speed get out of hand. You don't want to get going too fast! It is more difficult to slide on a flat or gentle slope. The irony is that even on the slight slopes or for that matter the flat areas, it is not as easy to slide as on a road with more incline to the slope. Many of my students have had some trouble learning until they got to a steeper area. Remember, I never take them to the steeper slopes until they have the slide techniques necessary to negotiate them.

Regarding the hardness of your wheels, you will obviously slide easier on harder wheels, 90a+. On your 83s, you can slide them also, but they will take a little more to get them to break free. Hard wheels for trick slides. Soft wheels for speed and that smooth roll if you want to cover many miles and want a smooth ride. Also, when sliding,soft wheels will slow a rider much more quickly than hard wheels. Which ever wheels you are riding, remember that you have to learn when to put the brakes on!

Ride safe and have fun,
Cliff Coleman

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minimum speed for sliding
On 6/27/2005 brad wrote in from United States  (155.229.nnn.nnn)

I am wondering if there is a minimum speed required for a heel side slide and does the length/weight of board affect how it will slide - assuming 1) the wheels are 90a or higher 2) the wheels are around 83a?

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Hey Smitty
On 6/26/2005 Art wrote in from United States  (64.164.nnn.nnn)

Where are you in BC? I'm thinking about a move there in a year or so from the SF bay area. I'm an old riding buddy of Cliff Coleman's I don't hill ride anymore due to injuries but if Whistler gets the 2010 winter Olympics I'm there. Just interested in where to live. I'm leaning toward Vancouver Island, south around Vic, for waves. Hit me back.

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Nice poster, Lushers!
On 6/21/2005 Greg 'Smitty' Smithwick wrote in from Canada  (154.20.nnn.nnn)

Hey Lushers! I sent an info request e mail your way today. I'd love to know how you picked your hills for the seminars.

We have one in the works for Sunshine Coast of British Columbia (Canada) in September. Trouble is, I am not sure WHICH of our hills we should use. Also, looking forward to posts about your experiences with Cliff. He is a righteous dude, and we had a great time hanging out with him at Danger Bay 4 this year!

Next year we are hoping you will come slide with us in May! This year Bricin held the first ever slide comp in Canada.

Good luck, and I know you guys will have great success!

Greg 'Smitty' Smithwick
Gibsons Hillbomber Recon Sqn

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trucks on a sliding board
On 6/21/2005 bpizzle wrote in from United States  (67.163.nnn.nnn)

hey cliff,
how's it going? first off i'd like to thank you for all the time and effort you put into this website and the others you contribute to; for those like me just starting, advice from a seasoned guy like yourself is really valuable. thanks a lot.

i was wondering how important are the trucks on a sliding board. i have 2 friends who slide a lot and got me into it, they just have basic Independant longboard trucks fairly tight. i figure they aren't nearly as important as hard wheels or a comfortable deck, but i'm sure you know more than me. obviously a loosened pair of trucks will want to turn rather than slide... how important are a pair of trucks for sliding?

thanks again,

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On 6/20/2005 Darren wrote in from United Kingdom  (62.173.nnn.nnn)

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Cliff UK Slide Festival
On 6/20/2005 darren wrote in from United Kingdom  (62.173.nnn.nnn)

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j's question re: Bones Brigade Video Show
On 6/20/2005 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (64.142.nnn.nnn)

The skaters in the Bones Brigade Video Show are, Stacy Peralta, Chris Iverson and Todd Hastings. Stacy is busy making movies. The next seems to be about "The Bones Brigade". He is producing it with George Powell. I don't know where Todd Hastings is. He was the team manager years back for the Bones Brigade. Chris Iverson is still working at Powell. He is now the father of 3 kids and doing well.

I don't remember the location it was filmed. Check with Powell.

My favorite slide videos are the ones coming out now. They have all of the crazy slides that are being done currently.

Cliff Coleman

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Rich Lind
On 6/20/2005 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (64.142.nnn.nnn)


Where are you located these days? Send me an e-mail.

Cliff Coleman

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On 6/20/2005 j wrote in from United States  (67.122.nnn.nnn)

cliff, et. al.,

I'm curious:

Who are the skaters in the sliding portion of 'the bones brigade video show'?
besides peralta that is.

Where was it filmed?

Where are those skaters now?

what are your favorite sliding videos? why?

get typing. (just kidding).

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Berkley Hills
On 6/18/2005 Rich Lind wrote in from United States  (68.8.nnn.nnn)

Cliff it's been a realy long time, almost finished my 20 years in the Navy But I'll never forget the great times in the Berkley hills with you, Cadmen Bear, and Mike Phillips. Keep skating.

Rich Lind

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Hai, Sensei!
On 6/18/2005 Smitty wrote in from Canada  (154.20.nnn.nnn)

As soon as the rain stops, I am on it. I have a great mall parking lot that I use late at night this time of year. Once the mall closes, I get two acres of carving downhill bliss all to myself.

This is why I love small towns!


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On 6/17/2005 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (64.142.nnn.nnn)


Learn crouching heel-side turns first, without sliding. Then while in all of these practice turns, let your lead hand/glove slide along the surface of the road. Don't grab the rail with the free hand. Instead, reach with the free hand in the direction of travel. After practicing crouching turns, all you have to do to start the board sliding is to reach with the free hand farther across your body and in the direction of travel. The free hand reaching across your body ratates the upper body, weighting the inside rail and initiates the slide.

Now Smitty, if you want to be good at anything, do your reps! 25 crouching turns without sliding. Then 25 more with sliding.

Get busy,

Cliff Coleman

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Opposite problem
On 6/17/2005 Greg 'Smitty' Smithwick wrote in from Canada  (154.20.nnn.nnn)

Hiya Cliff!

Hey, I am getting the hang of toe side sliding on the new board (tho my boot toes are taking a beating since the deck is so LOW).

My trouble is committing to putting my hands down in the heelside/backside turn. I know this is critical...And I like how you described working up to the slide with a series of runs getting tighter and tighter.

It just feels awkward pivoting my upper body left to put the hand down.

Any thoughts?


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thanks cliff
On 6/15/2005 civilian2b wrote in from United States  (140.185.nnn.nnn)


thanks for the quick response. and 'yes' i'm always padding up (to include helmet).

you broke it down to me like i was a three year old and that's exactly what i needed..i'm printing out your response :)

thanks again

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On 6/15/2005 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (68.127.nnn.nnn)


When working on toe-side slides, start by putting on your helmet! If a rider gets pitched from the board while in a toe-side slide, the back of the head can become a likely impact area. So again, when sliding toe-side, put on the lid.

Now, about the pressure of the hand on the ground question. Don't worry about that. Instead, start carving huge turns to the toe-side. Place that hand on the ground near the deck and let it drift out to where it feels comfortable. This should happen naturally. It's very important to look in the direction you are going! Your eyes will lead the way! Your free hand can either be grabbing the deck near or under the front foot, or you don't grab with the free hand and instead reach with it in the direction your are traveling. It will guide your upper torso as much or as little, so you can keep the line you want through the turn. Do about 25 of these carving toe-side turns, with each turn getting slightly sharper than the previous one. This should make you much better toe-side slider.

Good Luck,
Cliff coleman

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On 6/15/2005 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (68.127.nnn.nnn)


You would have to talk to the organizers of Slalom on the Farm. They have a good thing going focusing on Slalom. If they asked me the same questions, it would be more appropriate.

Thanks for the ideas however,
Cliff Coleman

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quick slide question (no, really)
On 6/15/2005 civilian2b wrote in from United States  (140.185.nnn.nnn)

i'm just getting into sliding, and had a quick question about when you grab the board.

say i'm turning toe side and want to ease into a mellow 'starter' slide, i'll put my right hand (i'm goofy-footed) by the front truck...

now the question is, is do i push with my hand to really kick the board over into a slide, or is it more of a easy mellow pressure-thing.

i'd like to know before i try the 'wrong' approach and eat it

thanks for any and all help

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sLiDE sWitCH burt, burt
On 6/14/2005 kyle deZi wrote in from United States  (65.175.nnn.nnn)

wonderin if you heard or knew anything about the slalom on the farm races or knew the folks that organized it, i went they other weekend and it was one of the best times ive had in a long time. the courses they set up are pretty long and also on nice steep hills great for sliding also i think it would be great to incorporate some other aspects of downhill riding into the contests such as style comp and maybee some slide limbo. if you could point me in the direction of how i would talk to the people putting it together or maybee shoot em a brief message of your own it would be awsome. keep pushing, thanks

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Yes it is.
On 6/14/2005 Cliff Coleman wrote in from United States  (68.127.nnn.nnn)

Yes it is my web-site. I still have some work to do on it, but soon it will be complete. I don't have any gloves, I ride Timeship gloves for those with inquiring minds. I'm getting my hoodies and hats embroidered and they wilol be available soon.

Cliff Coleman

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