Riding Locations (2778 Posts)
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Long Island
On 4/29/2000 Adam
wrote in from
I'm not racist or anything, but why do people from Lithuania and East Bumblefuck leave messages on this thing if they can't write or understand English. And why are dudes in these countries skateboarding anyways? I take that back, good for them, but if I see another message like,"Skate is good. Woman too is good. People skate me with", I'm gonna flip. Peace in Sarajevo.
Heritage Rd. Roleystone (Perth)
On 4/25/2000
Houndawg,Waldo, Doughboy, and Jeff
wrote in from
This message is for MAGGAS. Whats up out there. We are always looking for a good ride, but mostly skate around downtown through parking garages and Forrest Drive (aka, Great Crimson Highway) Kings Park and a couple of other hills that you have to hit past midnight. Anyway we recently were up at a mates house in Roleystone, and went out to the golf course, and they have the nicest paved stuff out there, smooth as butta! Any way Doughboy clocked Waldo doin about 65 Kilometers at one point. We dont recomend you ride at closing time of the country club because the drivers are mad, and they dont leave you to much carving space. But there are lights so it could be done at night. There are alot of great hills out there in Roley but mostly just long bombs that will give you no option to carve without rumbling off into the unknown! Ride on!
Yosemite National Park (Mirror Lake Road)
On 4/20/2000 doughboy
wrote in from
No kidding, in the park itself you can only ride on bike paths if there is one. But we like to bomb mirror lake road after 6pm so the foot traffic dies down, no cars allowed. Come check out the Yosemite Longboard Club. Also heard Big Mountain Road in Whitefish Montana is doable if you like switchback runs.late, doughboy.
Montreal. Quebec
On 4/19/2000 S.R.N.
wrote in from
SPRING!!!!! TIME TO CRUISE AGAIN!!!Montreal have a few good spot but at night go on Berry St. lots of fun!! but set your self with the light at the buttom.
SOuth california
On 4/18/2000
wrote in from
Anyone want to ride some good spots in so cal? fast , slow, ball bending? drop me a line and i will clue you in on some great spots.
south eastern xpressway Adelaide south oz
On 4/16/2000 notoes
wrote in from
Has anyone has bombed this road? new steep grade good surface but watch out for the reflectors. traffic changes direction halfway through the day (weird), so you have an hour free from traffic to go. cameras all the way dow so only do it once...
The Entire South Hill(Spokane,Wa.)
On 4/15/2000 Winston T.Grant
wrote in from
Ok,I've got a real treat for those that can hang;there's a place where you can seriously light it up(as i stated on another site,i once did 57 on an original Alva), or you can cruise until the cows come home (perfect pavement,on a loong,smooth hill with wide,banked driveways,BOTH LANES FREE ON SUNDAYS...The place ilearned to skate..High Drive,trust me,details are damn near unnecessary....If you can get there,you'll thank me! Late nights during the summer months will give you the rolling experience of a lifetime..NO JOKE>>>and there's more..Bernard st.from 29th as far and as fast as youy dare..if you just want to shoot,that is.Ah yes,almost forgot(heh heh)Grand Avenue from 29th on down..we're talking a western city with a GREAT road repair crew,folks.See,the whole South side is considered the wealthiest part of town,and the repairs up there are done well and completely(that's spelled PARADISE,for you newschool punx who ride like mice!!)its about a 1700 ft.high plateau with dropoffs on FOUR SIDES!!!!!Wide streets that all seem to end or begin in hills.There are numerous alternatives for those who like to groove: 1:ROCKETEERS;HIGH DRIVE ITSELF(WARNING)deceptively smooth,very,very fast surface;station someone halfway down for the speed shots,or you'll never getit on film;drops off SHARPLY BELOW 22ND.IF AT THIS POINT YOUR TRUCKS ARE NOT TIGHT,BEGIN CARVING LIKEYOU MEAN IT! 2: GRAND AVENUE;WAIT ON THE CORNER OF 29TH AND GRAND FOR THE LIGHT TO CHANGE,(THIS CAN BE A HIGH TRAFFIC AREA DURING THE DAYLIGHT HRS. WAIT FOR NIGHTS OR SUNDAY MORNINGS,EARLY..ITS WORTH IT....FOUR LANE,WALL TO WALL BLASTING IS POSSIBLE..WITH PROPER TIMING..YOU CAN EVEN MAKE THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT 17TH WORK FOR YOU..THERES A SEVENELEVEN AT THE BOTTOM.. (IF ITS BEEN RESURFACED RECENTLY,IT WILL BE INCREDIBLY FAST,SO KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED.) THERE ARE AT LEAST EIGHT SOLID, FAST RUNS TO BE HAD,ALL IN THIS PART OF TOWN ALONE!!! AS I'VE SAID TO MANY OTHERS,"IF YOU THINK YOU CAN RIDE,HAVE I GOT A TOWN FOR YOU!!!" (speeding tickets were considered a badge of honor if you skated in Spokane in the late 70s)- ALPINE HAUS used to mount them on the wall(Thanks,Vince,for encouraging a whole generation of young scofflaws)!If anyone gets up there to try it out, let everyone else know,this place belongs in the movies!!! I live in manhattan now,but my old rolling grounds remain unequaled..(more spots later...Winston Grant
go south from denver
On 4/14/2000
wrote in from
Maybe I'm just lucky, but I've got a great carver right outside my front door. It's probably not a quarter mile long, but the hikes back up are a bit easier. There are 3 nice turn offs if traffic is a problem (almost never)or if things get harry. Unfortunately I would love something longer and a bit faster. and longer. and maybe a little longer. The endless road.
Near Denver
On 4/13/2000
wrote in from
Mariel: to tell the truth I don't bomb many hills right now--I skate to work & in skateparks BUT I have been training for Ride the Rockies on Lookout Mountain above Golden. When I get done with all this cycling I'm hoping to take my longboard up there 'cause its gorgeous and there's not much traffic. BEWARE: it is STEEP and not any turnoffs so maybe after you've got control but still WEAR PADS and tighten the trucks. There are a few of us in Denver that post notes here so hopefully you'll get more responses (and there's certainly no shortage of parking garages). . . hang loose!
Lungomare Serapo Gaeta Italy
On 4/13/2000
wrote in from
Great spot in Southern Italy, good for speeding...excellent for carving and styley....have a good ride!
Denver, CO
On 4/12/2000
wrote in from
Anyone know of any nice places in Denver for a newbie, pretty deserted, smooth, preferably witha turn off seeing as I've yet to master the art of stopping. see ya
Exit 1 PIP n.j. left turn to the hudson
On 4/11/2000 Herbn
wrote in from
Rode this one again first time this year(spring)it still needs some drying hairline seams were forming wet spots and in the near total darkness the shadows looked like wet spots so after a couple unexpected drifts during carves I was sliding down to low speeds because hard carves were to risky.Then I decided to just work on the first switchback corner(the best)after three runs I see headlights,I stop carring my board and tow it by the finger hole,low and inconspicuous in the shadows, of course it was a cop but he drove right by me and parked right in "my" corner ,once at the top I walked a little ways into the woods to an area I could see the loafing officer and an amazing veiw of nothern N.Y.C, it seemed like forever but it was probabely just a ten-fifteen minute authorized break,after the intruder left ,I went back to the road and took at least another six great runs.
Quebec city
On 4/9/2000 arrows
wrote in from
quebec city offer a lot.... great girl ... european city.... and great hill for every rider.....
On 4/7/2000 Drew
wrote in from
Yup. Keep on bombin'
On 4/6/2000
wrote in from
Anybody gonna do 420?
USAF Academy
On 4/6/2000
wrote in from
If you're in the Colorado Springs area there are some good hills at the Academy. Lots of hills with some insane drops. Some of the roads aren't as well paved as others but there are some good ones. If you can get there at night, it's the best with no cars.
Princess rd in Nedlands, Perth
On 4/6/2000 MAGGAS
wrote in from
Does anyone else here longboard in Perth? The best hill would have to be Princess rd in Nedlands. I'ts about 100 metres from crest to trough and it's made of that real nice smooth asphalt. Its best to skate it around 2am (there's adequate lighting), the only problem is you ocassionally get the odd drunk driver taking it faster than they can handle it, damn bum almost hit me last year.
5600 west-salt lake
On 4/4/2000
wrote in from
Here is a fun mad hill that will keep you going for about as long as you want. Start at about 5600 south and 5600 west head north. You will blast about as fast as you could want all the way to I think about 600 north about 7 miles. Heavy traffic but quiet at night. Better watch those lights too. But if there are no cars who cares.expect at least 45+ speeds the whole way down. tell me if you do it. I want to shake your hand cuz I am too chicken.
To Blah
On 4/4/2000 ViviDivine
wrote in from
Not sure exactly where I'll be in SD. I'll post here once I'm down there. On a side note: I just went to city hall in Kelowna, B.C. (where I am), and I found out that I'm not allowed to skate on the sidewalk, street, or anywhere else cept the skatepark. Being into skating for the cruising aspect, this puts a dampner on everything. They told me my board can be confiscated and a fine issued for 35 bux. the fine is nothing, but not my Supercruiser dammit!
Commercial Areas
On 4/3/2000
wrote in from
If riding in commercial areas is illegal, then I can't even skate out my front door. I live smack dab in the middle of Downtown where all there is, is office buildings and banks!
I'm such a criminal! :)
Keep Carvin'
Riding in commercial
On 4/2/2000 RJ
wrote in from
I thot that we had the same rights as pedestrians...man cops suck
On 4/2/2000
wrote in from
any body know sites around south jersey?
Extended Loop in Bend Oregon
On 4/2/2000
wrote in from
Connected the original loop with a bunch of roads our friends longboarded last year. Took us 15-20 minutes of nonstop riding to get down it. Should be able to do it nonstop once the cinders aren't on the corners. Longest, best ride in Central Oregon. Peace Gabe
santa cruz, CA
On 3/31/2000
wrote in from
just got a ticket for riding yesterday. It turns out you can't skate on the street or sidewalk in any comercial district (defined as 50 percent or more comercial). skating is only allowed in residential areas.
Santa Cruz - Live Oak Park
On 3/31/2000 Lono
wrote in from
My third visit and my timing was good, 11:00 AM on friday. There where only 4 others there, which meant i could workout some nice lines, which is really hard when it's packed. It's worth a check out if you can get there on a weekday morning. (Jose St. off Capitola Rd.)