Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Riding Locations (2778 Posts)
Street Review
On 10/23/2000 Ant wrote in from (209.24.nnn.nnn)

does anyone know where the Quintara hills are in San FRancicsco. they are killer hills. i was carving them the other day and since the hills are steep i could see my wheels sliding out from under me. i am gonna go soo nto buy better wheels so that i can continue the carve sessions at Quintara with out becoming road kill.

see you on the hills

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On 10/23/2000 Mickey D wrote in from (132.239.nnn.nnn)

Hey what's up cats? I know this is events, but maybe it could turn into one. There didn't seem to be a lot of posts on the locations page, so I figured I'd try here. Don't be pissed, I won't do it again, I promise. But I was just wondering: I live in Laguna Niguel, South Orange County. I wasn't able to make it out to the dump road run on sunday, but I was wonderin' if anyone could give me some more ideas as to where to ride around OC. DT mentioned some parking garages in Irvine that sound sweet, and now I know about the dump road, so I'll keep that one in mind. I'm actually at school at UC San Diego, so if anyone knows any phat spots around here, that would be sweet too. Take it easy ladies and gents.

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Bedford Row parking structure
On 10/21/2000 Lindsay wrote in from (202.37.nnn.nnn)

Thats in Christchurch, but hey I know not that many longboarders around here seem to be into that kind of buz (or any kind jeez) so it's not about to get overused I guess.Got up nice and early this morning and finally bombed it, rapt to find it had 11 storeys of polished concrete and steep ramps. This one is the only local structure that you actually GAIN SPEED in without pumping on each flat. It was excellent, and then to exit under the barrier arm in a tuck yippee. The guy in the box is a friend of a friend and cracks up at it.

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x - Valley spots.
On 10/18/2000 Glen wrote in from (216.102.nnn.nnn)

Griffith Park - above travel town, is a closed off road after hours. Both sides of the hill.

Burbank - the dump road is closed by 4:00pm. Go up to the Starlight Bowl and ride down the road that's gated. Beware of the gate at the bottom though, ouch. This is the hill from the 70's classic, "Skateboard The Movie", that Leif Garrett won the downhill race (yea right!).

Lake Hollywood Dr. - the street that over looks Lake Hollywood, just below the Hollywood sign. This is a burly hill. Reeeaaaallll steep. Not much traffic at night, if you can't make the turn at the bottom you will have enough speed to launch to Orange County.

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On 10/18/2000 roger wrote in from (198.206.nnn.nnn)


Let me know if your up for some late night carving/cruising. Many roads between Mulholland and Ventura Blvd in south valley. Some are steep, twisty, smooth and too fast. Others are cruisers. Don't remember the names either. Or can go up to north valley. I usually ride after midnight on weekdays.

(Woodland Hills, CA)

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On 10/18/2000 Brian wrote in from (207.188.nnn.nnn)


I used to ride the various canyons leading down from Mulholland. I don't really remember many street names. (I mostly thought of them by landmarks and terrain quality ;-) I remember when the city came through and repaved a bunch of the canyon roads. That was great.

Where are the good spots these days in the Valley, especially in the hills above the Ventura Blvd corridor? It's not uncommon for me to be in the area on occassion and if I have my board with me... I might want to get some riding in.

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On 10/16/2000 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

Hey Brian,

I cut my skating teeth on the hills in the north SFV... what area did you live? We used to (and still occasionally do) skate Wilbur and some other secret spots. There are still quite a few hills worth carving/bombing, although the traffic makes it scary! HR

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Good hills
On 10/16/2000 Herbn wrote in from (216.107.nnn.nnn)

I live just north of the GW bridge and have numerous cool hills.That would be Northern Jersey and a bit into New York State.

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NYC - Where do the Lboarders go?
On 10/16/2000 T Naylor wrote in from (209.208.nnn.nnn)

I see longboarders all over the place, mainly commuting. Where do you all go to get your groove on? Any hotspots upstate, uptown, bkln, NJ, etc....

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On 10/16/2000 steve wrote in from (205.208.nnn.nnn)

I've been reading thorough the archives and ran accross quite a few Spokane entries. I left Spokane in 86 for hellishly hot Dallas texas. Anyway, One of my absolute favorites was Carnahan road. I believe it is somewhere in or just outside of south east
Spokane. It was kind of rural. This hill was so steep that when you stand on the very top you can't see the hill. That road drops out of site and you can see it on the horizon when it comes back up another hill. It's STRAIGHT down. I would ride it with 97A wheels since the asphault was very smooth and straight. I did big slides all the way down keeping a fast speed throughout the run. It was kind of like sliding on ice. I used a couple of hand size pieces of 2x4 for sliding gloves. (I still do) It was insane. There was almost no traffic either. There were houses just over the top of the hill and nothing inbetween the top and the bottom.

Someone, go.

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Lompoc / Vandenburg AFB Gravity???
On 10/15/2000 Bob Swartz wrote in from (206.246.nnn.nnn)

I will be working on Vandenburg, AFB (Lompoc, Ca) from Oct 24 till the 27th. I need to ride, I need my fix. I havent riden since
G-Games if you dont count training Diane Sawyer for 10 minutes on GMA. I want to bring my equipment and taste some California Gravity if
someone knows of any riders or roads I can hook up with somewhere between Guadalupe and Santa Barbara. post here or better yet
email me. Dont want to give up any secrets...do we.

Secret Squirrel

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Santa Cruz area
On 10/11/2000 Eye D. Ott wrote in from (128.114.nnn.nnn)

Dudes, if anyone is in the Santa Cruz area, I've been scoping out some killer hills in Aptos/Watsonville. These are the kind of hills where you want to wear all your pads and bring your balls. Fun stuff.

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Westchester county, ny
On 10/10/2000 SXE PHIL wrote in from (12.78.nnn.nnn)

Bman, Drive up here to Westchester, theres plenty of hills.

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Falkland Hill,Fife,Scotland
On 10/8/2000 Jamie Blair wrote in from (212.38.nnn.nnn)

This is the road from the car park at the top to the main road at the bottom.Speeds of 30mph can (& have been)reached down a nice 2mile winding stretch (app 40' bends) of a 1 in 4 hill.Be careful though the road is actually still in use so go in groups to spot for you.If you are ever in the east coast of Scotland this place is well worth a look.Cheerio.

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long island
On 10/5/2000 bman wrote in from (208.242.nnn.nnn)

also need suggestions on long island or also connecticut, preferably not too far from throgs neck bridge. gentle to moderate slopes. i'm new to the sport. picked it up in san fran a few weeks ago (thanks to my boy ross "45" johnson) and it's a super treat. i've ridden on the north shore of long island out east. hills are ok. try cutchogue past the public beach which is on skunk rd. past the beach bear right onto vanston. lots of hilly roads off vanston rd. turns are pretty blind so good to have a spotter. but if you pick the right places you can do it alone. try the area around carrington road. it's decent speed but the rides aren't very long, maybe a minute or two.

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long island
On 10/5/2000 bman wrote in from (208.242.nnn.nnn)

stuck on the east coast in a lot of flats. anyone out there who can help, please tell me where i can find some hills or skate parks around this jv longboarding area.

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Riding surfaces
On 10/4/2000 Glen wrote in from (216.102.nnn.nnn)

Masonite - is a smooth finish that many skateparks use to surface their ramps. It is not weather proof so most parks that are exposed to the elements don't use it because it won't last to long. Brickyard Skatepark uses it on their indoor stuff.

Skatelite - is the stuff that most pro vert ramps and outdoor ramps are surfaced with. It looks just like Masonite but it is bonded with an epoxy or plastic so weather is not a problem. Vans Onterio, Encinitas YMCA, and other use this as the preferred ramp surface.

Finnish Birch - Vans Orange vert ramp is covered in Finnish Birch. It is not the standard vert ramp surface but ride very nice.

Concrete, gunite etc - is the hard stuff. Sometimes polished smooth (most public skateparks), sometimes not (OB skatepark), sometimes covered in plaster (Da Combi Pool).

Steel - usually at outdoor facilities. Gets real hot in summer and gets real sticky, needs painting and then it's real slippery.

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On 10/4/2000 Justin Boyd wrote in from (63.200.nnn.nnn)

hay you gatta go hit monterays Franklen no bodys ben able too

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On 10/4/2000 Hamm wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Masonite comes in flexible sheets like plywood, but is some sort of wood by-product. It does'nt splinter and last longer than plywood since it does'nt have plys that delaminate. Any skatepark built by professional ramp builders uses masonite. Like the Vans parks or the 2 YMCA's(Mission Valley&Encinitas) in San Diego.

And yes, its hard, fast, and very,very slick. If skating masonite exclusively, you might want to use 88a or 90a. Although you'd have a hard time convincing Tony Hawk or Andy MacDonald they need 88a.

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On 10/4/2000 hugh r wrote in from (205.216.nnn.nnn)

Masonite is a company that makes hard board siding... So, I would imagine it is the wood type product that is used in some indoor skateparks and some ramps.

The stuff that I have seen is quite slippery (even more so than smooth concrete) Not sure what wheels would be best, as I have never riden on the stuff... HR

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Masonite vs. concrete?
On 10/4/2000 A cool dude wrote in from (128.193.nnn.nnn)

What's the difference between masonite and concrete? I hear that you want a tad bit softer wheels for masonite (vs. concrete)... Is masonite that real smooth concrete or what? Thanks,


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California Park, Chico CA
On 10/4/2000 Lukw wrote in from (132.241.nnn.nnn)

smooth riding on nice hills throughout the area. Must ride at night to avoid cars and people. Nothing like downhill riding on a nice summer night in nor cal.

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San Luis Obispo
On 10/3/2000 Pre-School Rider wrote in from (209.198.nnn.nnn)

Scott,that location rang a bell in my mind..The Payaso Crew is out that way,I think.(check the 'links' here,look for Payaso Skateboard Co.)If they're still in that area,you may have more riders around you than you know! Look,I'm in Vermont,and the 'nobody to skate with' mentallity would kill you here if you can't travel by car for an hour to see your other friends..You just gotta get up off your butt,and RIDE. Meanwhile,keep in touch with those you know who do skate,even if it's only by e-mail or phone,as connections can lead to skating places that you'd pass by,and sessions that stick in your memories.It's a good stoke to cruise with some friends,but taking on a hill on your terms has it's own rewards.I've come value both my own riding time,and those rare get-togethers,and I'm stoked just to be skating!(reasonably well for my middle-age years,too)

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On 10/3/2000 waxfoot wrote in from (128.171.nnn.nnn)

Scott, you gotta get out there and hit those hills, even if it's by yourself. I live on the big island in Hawaii and trust me - there's *nobody* to skate with. No sense getting pissed if you're the only one that's holding yourself back. Maybe if somebody sees you they'll join you.

a hui ho

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beverly hills, florida
On 10/2/2000 tony wrote in from (209.240.nnn.nnn)

new concrete park,north of inverness off of 491

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