Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Riding Locations (2778 Posts)
Street Review
Coronado Skatepark
On 11/8/2000 Glen wrote in from (216.101.nnn.nnn)

I heard that the design layout is OK but the concrete work is horrible.
Andy MacDonnald said it needs to all be ripped out.

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Coronado Skatepark
On 11/7/2000 Blah wrote in from (166.90.nnn.nnn)

Rumor has it that there's a new skatepark in Coronado. Has anyone skated it? Where? How much does it cost? Etc?

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On 11/6/2000 dano wrote in from (209.239.nnn.nnn)

Being an old school skater guy, I'd say alameda is cool. The bowl is fun and the banks and bumps are sweet but it's a little too spread out to work a long line and keep your speed up. I'd recommend the Palo Alto park for old school carving and Healdsburg for its layout and variety. If you want hills, the oakland hills rule. Best Ive found in the bay area.

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On 11/6/2000 smurfette wrote in from (199.174.nnn.nnn)

hows the scene at Alameda skate park?
I'm an old school skater girl that whants some scoop on the rides at the park. So whats the scoop?

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Gatehill rd.
On 11/6/2000 Herbn wrote in from (216.107.nnn.nnn)

Hey dan ,we should skate,Gatehill is just out of Harrimann past Lake Welsh Beach, call my shop[Skate Werks]or stop by.

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On 11/6/2000 eddie c wrote in from (204.128.nnn.nnn)

if u live in florida in the brevard county area
go to downtown cocao .there are streets that are perfect
hills every where .so go to cocao not the ghetto part
the old downtown part.

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Tri-State Aera
On 11/5/2000 Dan wrote in from (151.198.nnn.nnn)

I just finished my birch plywood longboard and my friend just got his liscense so we were out looking for a place to ride. We headed up to Bear Mountain/ Seven Lakes Drive to cruse around. Right before the second run a park ranger comes up and tells us that the section of the park we were in closed 10 minutes ago. So, we played it cool and left to go up near the Silvermine ski aera. Right after the ski aera is a smooth road that is about 3-3.5 miles long. Best place to ride that I've found yet, I was going down the hill butt boarding and two dear jumped out and almost killed me. After that we get to the bottom and a cop pulls us over. She says that we can't skate there any more because she dosen't want to see us get a case of road rash (which was crap because I was wearing leathers). Well, I guss I'll have to go during the week.

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On 11/5/2000 Bob Pinings wrote in from (216.78.nnn.nnn)

right in tucker thear are some preety sweet spots
esspeshially in the down town area, huge hills,
any way the trick here is not to be nailed by cars
(I've been sideswiped and cused out more than I can
count)any way on a skale from 1-10 it'd be an 11!!

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Re: NYC Ghandi Uptown Hills
On 11/3/2000 Tnaylor wrote in from (209.208.nnn.nnn)

I've seen plenty of steep hills on the West Side above 120 th. How's the traffic off of Claremont?

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boise idaho
On 11/3/2000 carolina valderrama wrote in from (132.178.nnn.nnn)

theres a nice little 8/10 of a mile stretch on your way up to table rock
you turn down on troutner street and keep going on it following it
without going down hill then you get to it. we clocked each other going about
35 to 40mph on this hill. its also great for lougeing-where we hit 45-50 mph.
check it out.

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NYC - Brooklyn
On 11/2/2000 Mike wrote in from (151.202.nnn.nnn)

Prospect Park - The north hill going against traffic is good. Also, if you want to go further out, the North Shore in Suffolk has some serious hills.

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On 11/2/2000 Herbn wrote in from (216.107.nnn.nnn)

I don't think there's anything in Manhatten that qualifies as a serious hill.Lots of cool cruising,smooth asphalt,but downhill speed nah.

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Tri state
On 11/2/2000 Herbn wrote in from (216.107.nnn.nnn)

uh.i was gonna put this up before but now i'm inspired.Any sunday a.m. longboarders could meet me at B.K. by the G.W.B. jersey side,be ready,slider gloves would help,I have several hills,each of which will put you on the interesting side of 40 mph,one possibly 50,i've only carved that one twice.Don't need no stinkin condolences:)lets ride!

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Claremont, N.Y.C.
On 11/2/2000 Gandhi wrote in from (216.59.nnn.nnn)

Hey all ya NY and NJ guys,
While I express condolences for your plight (living in the tri-state area), I do have a suggestion for a good hill. While in college at Columbia, my nights consisted of starting on 116th and Broadway and skating down a block to Claremont (one block west of riverside dr.) and riding that down to LaTiamene (which is equivalent to 124th). The crux of the hill lies north of 120th, and I'd skate down and take cabs up for a buck numerous times a night. Haven't been there in three years, so I can't assure you that it's still ridable, but it was the best hill I knew of in the city.

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On 11/2/2000 matt jackson wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

Hello I am 22 and live in Corpus Christi, TX. I have been longboarding for about a year now. It is a great thing. If you want to contact me go ahead. Most often I will go out skating and try and do nose manuals, nose rides, spins, boardwalking, and overall high speed. It is intense. The ability to go as fast or faster than cars is neat. I have about 5 boards. I have a G&S, blind, carve,and 2 sector 9's. So its up to me as to what and how I want to skate on any occasion. We don't have any big hills like in California. I have fun with it, hopefully its the same for you and your friends.


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NYC -Brooklyn
On 10/31/2000 T Naylor wrote in from (209.208.nnn.nnn)

I'll be trying out Prospect Park this Sunday AM. Decent hill on the South end of the park. Pavement is a bit rough, so I'll be using 78A's 76 mm. It goes against traffic but there are no cars on Weekends and the far lane tends to be a bit empty. Any NYC area longboarders out there, let me know if you want to join me.

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San Clemente
On 10/28/2000 Glen wrote in from (216.102.nnn.nnn)

any bowls, or pools.

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On 10/28/2000 DT wrote in from (24.4.nnn.nnn)

After 10+ years of problems with the city, San Clemente finally opened their first skatepark. Its a well laid out park thats free to the public. Requires helmet and pads, but there is no one that enforces it. Park hours are 6AM to Dusk.

Also this park is at the top of some of the best hills in California. La Pata is a 60+ mph hill with about 30 other great hills within a few square miles (most of which are less than 6 months old) including a hill thats about 1 week old. ITS BUTTER!

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On 10/27/2000 RICK MCMASTER wrote in from (142.30.nnn.nnn)



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Bellingham WA
On 10/26/2000 Kaylee wrote in from (209.43.nnn.nnn)

I found the perfect hill last night. It is really long, not too steep, but not mellow either. A few turns, no hairpins though. It goes right by a cemetary for a while, and you can get some super speed. After you pass the cemetary, it levels out and starts to go uphill slightly. Then, as you approach the intersection, it goes uphill more, and then you roll to a stop when seconds before you were going as fast as your balls allow. It's empty after 2am. No cross-streets, and the ones that do come to a T with the road, they have the stop sign. It's lit nicely. God, I love this hill. If anybody ever wants to do some serious nocturnal downhilling in the Bellingham area, drop me a line and I'll make time to show you this gift from the skate gods.

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up north
On 10/25/2000 Herbn wrote in from (216.107.nnn.nnn)

I have spots.yes i do,not like a dalmation ,it's true.I ride them often. Though if what you ride is like you say these spots could kill you.Feel free to look up my shop Skatewerks,in Westwood N.J. i skate after work, sometimes, but definitely if someone wants to tag along.

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hey Herbn & T Naylor
On 10/25/2000 soppy wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

the whole Ny Nj longboard scene puzzles me.
I tride skating in Central Park but it was as much uphill as it was down. Totally sucked.

In NJ i found a few side streets in Jersey City but they're only a block or two long (pathetic)

So i am stuck in NJ with no place to ride

If you guys find anything keep it posted


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limited time only
On 10/24/2000 tony wrote in from (63.228.nnn.nnn)

Recent trip through Kansas. Headed west out of Lawrence on I-70. They are re-building the interstate. There are long hills of 2-3 miles top to bottom. Perfect new asphalt, 2 lanes plus emergency shoulders not open to traffic yet.

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San Francisco Sunset District
On 10/23/2000 Ant wrote in from (209.24.nnn.nnn)

my and a bud are thinking about getting an after dark crew together and skating as a group in the sunset. we did it last weekend and it was killer. no cars. we had the streets all to our selves. night skating rules so if anyone is interested email me and we should try to work something out.

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Dump Road
On 10/23/2000 Chris S wrote in from (209.178.nnn.nnn)

Mickey D,

We were there pretty well into the afternoon. Chris Chapet didn't show up until about 1:00. And at about 2:30, a bunch of the Gravity guys showed up, infusing fresh energy into a scene that was just starting to wind down. Next time come out, better late than never.


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