Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Lords of Dogtown Movie

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Lords of Dogtown Movie (472 Posts)
Topic Discuss the Movie
ain't bad
On 6/6/2005 SdwlkSurfr wrote in from United States  (134.126.nnn.nnn)

i saw the movie with my dad when it opened. i'm 19 and i ride a 42 board. My dad grew up in the 70's and remember reading skateboarder magazine seeing jay adams do a hand plant, then going out onto his home-made halfpipe and trying it out that day.
we both like the flick, but agreed that there were some discrepancies in the accuracy. where was Ho? what about jay's dad? meh.

still a good movie, i was impressed with the actors' abilities to skate.

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LODT Props for Sale!!
On 6/6/2005 Steve in AZ wrote in from United States  (192.175.nnn.nnn)

Check out all the movie schwagg for sale for charity:


I dunno if I really want a pair of Heath Ledger's smelly beachcombers...


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Lords of Dogtown
On 6/6/2005 MG wrote in from United States  (216.52.nnn.nnn)

I liked the movie a lot. Saw myself in there for a millionth of a second, but that's not why. I thought that Emile Hirsch did a great job as Jay, and the movie was a lot of fun. I would see it again.

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survey says...
On 6/6/2005 duane wrote in from United States  (68.15.nnn.nnn)

5.7 million weekend gross, disappointing as studio expected 9 million

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On 6/6/2005 Fatboy wrote in from United States  (67.94.nnn.nnn)

Saw it on Friday, I liked it. I went in with the right attitude, I knew it was as real as "That Thing You Do" or "Rockstar", and so I didn't get all wrapped up in historical correctness of it. The cameos were great and Tony Hawk stole the show!

Don't get all wrapped up in the accuracy issues - it's a movie with skating in it and cool cars and cool clothes, and probably half of you lived through it, so enjoy it for what it is!

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On 6/5/2005 gerri wrote in from United States  (207.252.nnn.nnn)

cool flick,it kinda sucked that there was no mention of jeff ho.would have been better with more details of all the other guys too but then i guess it would have been 6 or 8 hours long.i still think it was really good.we were stoked after watching it,went to hit the nearest parking garage but mr.rent a cop was eye ballin' us so we took to flat ground carvin' and berts.

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DT vs the World
On 6/5/2005 world wrote in from United States  (207.200.nnn.nnn)

forgot the "p" in corperate
or did i even spell that right let me know
1970s old school skater!

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DT vs the World
On 6/5/2005 the world wrote in from United States  (207.200.nnn.nnn)

no one has to see the flick
save your 9.50
someone made duckets
i know i didn't
the DT doc. and this movie and cement parks helped spark old school and some US manufact.
all boards crack, break, delam, twist but i'll buy from US for now
skateboard corperations been making price point skateboards for over 10 years
there's no "CORE" in corerate

wal-mart hater!

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great for the industry!
On 6/4/2005 Chris Yandall wrote in from United States  (68.224.nnn.nnn)


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LODT Today....
On 6/4/2005 North Carolina Longboarder- DownHill Billies wrote in from United States  (166.82.nnn.nnn)

Man can you say De ja freakin VU? Dang, man. That movie has my head rushing with memories from that time period like multiple bullet trains going in every direction. As I watched the movie I couldn't help but flash back to all those hours with SkateBoarder Magazine trying to see all of the motion on those still shots, all those skate sessions trying to skate with the style of those riders, and and those times my local crew and I tried our best to be that freakin cool (even though we weren't close). I thought of my best friend from back in the day who's freestyle riding was like the Logans, Russ Howell, etc. with multiple upside down tricks, daffy's, and walk the dogs, while I was into throwing down berts, riding anything that had any transition on it at all, doing every thing I could to pull something big. I remember reading about Alva's ride off that wall and going out and trying the same thing off of a very high loading dock (Yes, I broke the crap out of my Bruce Logan Model Earth Ski). The music, the clothes, the hair (yes, for those of you who know me, dudes, I had me some hair back then..some seriously cool hair...geez!), the attitude! Man, we tried to copy it all! Not just Alva, Adams, and Stacy...no, we wanted to be like all of the rippers combined. I can remember as if it were just last week walking into my jocked filled football crazy preppy ass Haves and Have Nots High School wearing my first set of blue and red Vans and getting laughed at by all of the jocks and cheerleader types. That crap all changed later when they learned my girlfriend was a hot looking college senor co-ed who had a thing for skater dudes! (Sressed my parents out to the max).
The scene early in the movie when the boys are bombing through all of the traffic that was parked reminded me of the time we were towed behind a jeep with ski ropes right down the strip one summer Friday night right at the peak crusing time.
Man, I could sit here and type all night about the flashes in my mind that have been coming fast and furious since I walked out of the movie this evening but I won't bore you further however, I do think this is for me the whole point of this movie. Yes, it tells the story, though Hollywoodized and dumbed down a bit, but the true beauty of this movie is the opportunity it gives those of us who were contemporary with that time frame to look through a window to our past that for a moment is alot clearer. For those of you out there who came later, it also must conjur memories of your first ride, the pulling of your first really cool trick you had worked so hard to perfect, the pain memory of your first skate induced road rash, or the stoke you felt when you realized you were a real skater! Man, that's a cool high for sure in my book.
Even if you don't agree with how all of the story is being portrayed or slanted by Hollywood, if you give this movie a chance, you will find a memory there.
I am totally freakin stoked right now! Dang, I love skateboarding!

Marion Karr
Age 42

"Fueling The Stoke One Hillbilly At A Time!"

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Other cameos
On 6/4/2005 Jonathan Harms wrote in from United States  (68.184.nnn.nnn)

I went to see the movie last night with a longtime skate friend, Glen Stallings, who said that the Del Mar cop/security guard was Jim Muir? I wouldn't have guessed that. Chaput and Jack were obviously very easy to spot. Adams was also easy to ID, but Alva was a bit harder at first (maybe it was that mustache). The real Skip Engblom was on screen for a brief moment, and Lance Mountain showed up for an almost subliminally short blip in one of the England scenes. There was no mistaking those eyebrows. :-)

Overall, I thought the filmmakers did their best to stay true to the feel of the times, but there were just a few too many odd, cringe-worthy moments for my taste (e.g., the immediate shot of Jay Adams sitting under the pier after it burned down). All I can guess is that quite a few scenes had to be cut or rewritten to keep it to a typical Hollywood length, and I can't help but think that Stacy & co. ended up with too much story to tell and not enough time to do it justice. But at least they gave it a shot.

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lords of dogtown
On 6/4/2005 nicktheripper wrote in from United States  (68.189.nnn.nnn)

don't forget lance, or chad sockin TA. the spin mag article was really sick, I thought it was that article turned into the movie. until last night.......

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the flick
On 6/4/2005 WAX wrote in from United States  (24.9.nnn.nnn)

I went to see it today since it was raining, and I needed some sort of skate in my day....Cool flick...lots of rad cameos, and it was weird seeing Chaput with hair..Jack could definatly become an announcer he was great.It was strange seeing Jay right next to the kid that was playing him..For Hollyweird it was good, but nothing as good as the Dogtown documnetary

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On 6/4/2005 Miko wrote in from United States  (66.81.nnn.nnn)

To add to that... violence, vandalism, profanity. It was really fun to watch, and Tony Hawk's spot was perfect. Didn't spot Peralta or TA. Guess I've gotta go again!

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jeff ho
On 6/4/2005 civilian2b wrote in from United States  (64.12.nnn.nnn)

jeff ho didn't sell his 'life rights' to sony for the film

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jeff ho
On 6/4/2005 glenn wrote in from United States  (68.0.nnn.nnn)

how come theres know mention of jeff ho

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Biniak Cameo
On 6/4/2005 Jack wrote in from United States  (207.114.nnn.nnn)

"You can't do that in here, this is a family Restaurant"

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On 6/4/2005 glenn wrote in from United States  (68.0.nnn.nnn)

nice realy i didnt see TA

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On 6/4/2005 zeek boy wrote in from United States  (68.189.nnn.nnn)

waa it not real, waaa its just a movie waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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CNN article
On 6/4/2005 Haim R. wrote in from Israel  (83.130.nnn.nnn)

Just saw a positive LoDT/Peralta interview article posted front and center on the CNN Intrnt'l web page:

Some day the movie will get here and we'll be able to see it too.

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Real Z-Boys cameos
On 6/4/2005 Beth wrote in from United States  (199.72.nnn.nnn)

Hey Glenn, TA is in it too, he has about the same # of lines as Peralta. He's hard to recognize at first though! Think "Oregon" =-P
Going to see it again tomorrow w/ my 64 y.o. mom, she saw 'DT&Z-Boys' and loved it and supported my pathetic attempts at skating in the 70's so she's down with it all...LOL

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jay and peralta
On 6/4/2005 glenn wrote in from United States  (68.0.nnn.nnn)

it was cool it see the real peralta and adams in it

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On 6/4/2005 66 wrote in from United States  (68.114.nnn.nnn)

i brought my boys age 7 & 9, wish i had left them at home.......most of it went over their heads.....they gave the movie two thumbs down

i give it one thumb up

very cool to see jack smith, chaput, et al...hawks part was a hoot....super stoked to see ricky byrds start ramps in the movie

my favorite character was rebecca demornay (sp?) as jay adams slut mom

a must see, and i'll probably even go again........

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On 6/3/2005 glenn wrote in from United States  (68.0.nnn.nnn)

i just came back from seeing it i liked it it was good the movie could be better but it would have to be wicked long but i liked it and thought it was awsome we had the best skate session in the parking lot before and after it so that made it more fun to so go see it bring ur kids nothing bad

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thx for the memories
On 6/3/2005 Barb Odanaka wrote in from United States  (68.5.nnn.nnn)

Thanks everyone for furthering my mid-life crisis with this discussion. :-)

Thirty years ago, I was an innocent 12 yr old from Orange County who repeatedly bribed her big sister to drive her up to Dogtown to "look for those guys" (with car doors locked, of course! :-). Though I clearly remember the Z gang creating a buzz among the spectators at the Del Mar contest, I also remember the thrill of watching Russ Howell, Skitch Hitchcock, the Logans, Ty Page, Laura Thornhill, etc. with their nose wheelies, L-sits, all that stuff. I know the movie (and others today) make fun of the flatland freestyle thing, but a two-wheel nose wheelie isn't exactly easy. At least it never was for me.

Im not going to worry about whether L.O.D. is historically accurate (it's a movie!) but with all the hype out there right now, I do wonder whether the Z kids were the very first to skate pools--didn't we see photos of Gregg Weaver doing this at the same time or a bit earlier? Sorry if the memory's foggy. In O.C. we skated a spot in Corona del Mar known as the Reservoir (very creative, since it was a reservoir). If anyone out there skated it, I'd love to hear from you.

In any case, I'm heading to the movie tomorrow night in Santa Monica with other mid-life crisis skate moms--arriving on skateboards of course. :-) If anyone wants to join us, we'll be easy to find. A bunch of over-the-hill women rolling down the Third Street Promenade, probably giggling along the way. If that makes you hardcore types cringe, well so be it. :-)

Barb Odanaka

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