Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Org: ISSA (41 Posts)
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Slalom in Brazil ISSA
On 8/3/2007 Gardenal wrote in from Brazil  (200.150.nnn.nnn)


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Banked Slalom
On 6/18/2007 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (15.252.nnn.nnn)

The ISSA does not recognize the banked slalom as a separate discipline.

A banked slalom race could be tight, hybrid (special), GS, Super-GS It all depends on the steepness, length, and cone spacing.

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On 6/5/2007 cabbaGe wrote in from United States  (76.100.nnn.nnn)

banked slalom (ditch) needs its own deal, completly different set ups then GS..does the ISSA have a banked slalom division?

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Ditch or "banked" slalom racing
On 1/8/2007 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (67.189.nnn.nnn)

I received a question from a race organizer in New Mexico where they like to race in ditches (banked concrete) rather than on roads or sidewalks.

If he applies for an ISSA sanction for his event (GS race on banked ditch), should it be considered just as though it were held on a street?

My personal opinion is YES, because the similarities outweigh the differences:
Cones, cone penalties, downhill incline, turns, speed, starting line, finish line, timing, long race course (compared to tight slalom) .... all of these are indistinguishable from a "normal" GS race.

But I'd like to hear other opinions on this.

Would it make a difference if he were applying for a higher status (MAJOR, MAIN), rather than a lower status (PRIME, BASIC, PLAIN) ??

What do we say, do events held on a ditch count?

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2007 North America Contest Coordinators
On 1/6/2007 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (67.189.nnn.nnn)

In 2007, ISSA contest sanction applications in North America will be handled by the 3-person Contest Coordiantion team of: Chris Barker, Eddy Martinez, Pat Chewning. A similar body is being organized for Europe.

After considering the information in the application for status, the contest coordinators will assign a status to the race (Major, Main, Prime, Basic ... these determine the World Ranking points possible for each race).

Please apply early enough to attain the status you are seeking: Major -- 4 months Main -- 3 Months Prime -- 2 Months Basic--none

Obtain the sanction application here and send to Pat Chewning, Chris Barker, or Eddy Martinez:


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World Championships granted to DHB
On 12/23/2006 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (67.189.nnn.nnn)

The ISSA Board of Directors have voted and will grant the Downhillbillies (Marion Karr) the 2007 World ISSA World Championships.

27-30 September 2007
Statesville, NC, USA


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ISSA Contest Sanctioning Process
On 12/17/2006 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (67.189.nnn.nnn)

Contest organizers who wish to submit their contest for ISSA World Ranking status may view the sanctioning process and download the application form here:

Click here for link

(You may have to replace the "_" with "." to follow the link.

Claude is working on getting ISSA regional contest coordinators for the USA and Europe in place for 2007. They will be the people granting the contest status (MAJOR, MAIN, PRIME, BASIC) [aka 4-cone, 3-cone, 2-cone, 1-cone] to each contest.

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Rules and Regulations review
On 11/8/2006 Claude Regnier wrote in from Canada  (69.199.nnn.nnn)

We are working on the rules for ISSA and would like anyone who is genuinally interested to take part in the discussions and descision making process on the other slalom sites.


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ss.com temporarily down
On 9/17/2006 Jani wrote in from France  (82.232.nnn.nnn)

Leo wrote "what happened at slalomskateboarder.com?"

Leo, some junior hacker deleted some forums and caused some other trouble, so I needed to restore the latest backup, merge it with the current data and at the same time update the forum software to the latest version.

As you've most certainly seen, it's up again since some time.


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the website
On 8/21/2006 Leo wrote in from United States  (67.87.nnn.nnn)

what the hell happened at slalomskateboarder.com?

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On 8/9/2006 Claude Regnier wrote in from Canada  (70.25.nnn.nnn)


Okay so the elections took place in February and since then I’ve had a chance to speak with a lot of people about ISSA the old and the New.

The Old Rules do not need a complete overhaul.

I would like to see workgroups formed as suggested. Corky and others spent a lot of time on the rankings and I’d like to see Pat Chewing – VP of ISSA Chair the workgroup in charge of reviewing this area. Pat can work with Corky and others to figure out a better way to do this but maintaining a degree of flexibility for growth is a must.

Race Rules – Again these do not need to be totally revamped just some refinements. Is there a BOD member that would like to Volunteer to Chair a workgroup to discuss this area.

Other areas that need to be dealt with is ISSA and Media relations – We need to get a video about ISSA and holding a Sanctioned events in your community – Benefits for all –

Memberships – Sponsors and such

Organizers list could also be included in the new manual along with the Card System for cone Judges.

We (the BOD) need to be sure to speak with each other on a weekly basis about proposed changes or difficulties. The rest of you please contact me to figure out what you would like to work. I would suggest that you try to get someone from different areas for input in each and every topic up for discusion and change.

There is a lot of info within the site, it would be good to include and add as much as possible to inform people.

We really need to get this all done by the end of November in order to get the new rules and regulations out for Jan 2007.

The time is now folks. Step up and take charge. There are a lot of people that talk a good game so now is the time to put your money where your mouth is.

I will accept suggestions from anyone. If you are interested in voicing your opinion in an area please contact me and I will let you know who you are working with should it not be posted anywhere.

Thanks & Good Luck

ISSA – President
Claude Regnier

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ISSA Forum Registration
On 7/12/2006 Cliff wrote in from United States  (69.142.nnn.nnn)

I'm having trouble registering on the ISSA forum.
Every time I try to register it goes back to the first page of the registration, and after a few tries it tells me that I cannot make another attempt during "this session".

I am rather confused and would like to be able to use the ISSA forum, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Please send me an email if you know how to fix this.


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ISSA Decision on 6-wheels and equipment
On 4/13/2006 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (15.243.nnn.nnn)

The ISSA board of directors has made the following decision on the use of 6-wheel skateboards and other controversial equipment.

Click here for link

The ISSA Board of Directors has formulated the following decisions/recommendations in response to the current use of 6-wheeled skateboards in competition.

A) Who decides if 6-wheelers (and other controversial equipment) are allowed or not? (ISSA decision: Race organizer)
B) Will the race results be accepted in the World Ranking (ISSA Decision: Yes)
C) Does the ISSA encourage race organizers to be as unrestrictive on race equipment as possible? (ISSA Recommendation: Yes, as long as it is still a "skateboard".)
D) Does the ISSA encourage further division of races into equipment classes? (ISSA Recommendation: No, but this is a better alternative than disallowing [banning] controversial equipment. See also the limitation on awarding WR points in item G)
E) Does the ISSA encourage race organizers to proactively keep track of controversial equipment usage and to publish their intent to allow/disallow certain equipment? (ISSA Recommendation: Yes, decisions by race organizers should be published in the race promotional materials.)
F) Does the ISSA encourage racers contemplating the use of controversial equipment to contact race organizers to get an advance ruling before showing up for a race? (ISSA Recommendation: YES)
G) If a race organizer decides to separate a race into classes based on equipment used, should both races be deemed separate "disciplines" and both count in the World Ranking? (ISSA Decision: NO, only a single race discipline per event can count in the World Ranking, and this should be the race discipline with the most "traditional" and "uncontroversial" equipment class. It is for this reason that the ISSA discourages the practice of separate equipment classes (see item D above).
H) Does the ISSA encourage race organizers to ban or disallow contoversial equipment: (ISSA Recommendation: NO, if the equipment is close enough to be called a "skateboard" then it should be allowed.)

ISSA Board of Directors: April 2006

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Sound of wind blowing.....
On 4/5/2006 Michael wrote in from United Kingdom  (87.112.nnn.nnn)

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ISSA Board Member vote
On 3/20/2006 Jani wrote in from France  (82.127.nnn.nnn)

If you're an ISSA member, please vote in the ongoing ISSA Board Member 2006 vote currently ongoing at ss.com.



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Redundant Redundancy Again
On 3/9/2006 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (67.189.nnn.nnn)

Martin: This ISSA forum is for those racers (and there are quite a few in the USA) who prefer to use NCDSA.com rather than slalomskateboarder.com and as a result would ordinarily see NO information at all from the ISSA.

It is similar to reading more than 1 newspaper .... Some people do that.

-- Pat

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On 3/8/2006 martin siegrist wrote in from Switzerland  (83.173.nnn.nnn)

the issa has it's own forum no?

redundancy sucks!

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Making a Statement
On 3/7/2006 Claude Regnier wrote in from Canada  (70.26.nnn.nnn)

A fe weeks ago I posted about an organisation that works with communities and cities on hosting sport events. This organization has a worldwide forum and is expanding.

In April I will be in attendance at the Show in Ottawa offering some insight about Sllalom Skateboarding. If anyone wishes to forward any info or really good crowd pics that I could include in a slideshow presentation pleae forward them to me at one of my e-mail addies.

Thanks, here's a link to the site - http://www.canadiansporttourism.com

Comments or suggestions are welcome.

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Goals for 2006 if elected
On 3/2/2006 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (67.189.nnn.nnn)

Here are some of my initial ideas of what I think the ISSA should do in 2006. These are things that I think I can help with if I am elected to the Board of Directors. Even if I'm not elected, I will be an active contributor.

1) Helping to establish the ISSA organizational structure and decision-making processes.
A) To streamline decisions.
B) To make the members feel part of the decision-making process.
C) To avoid the "Us" vs "Them" attitudes.
D) To publish decisions clearly to inform members.

2) Membership re-definition and drive for more members.
A) Establish mechanism for membership sign-up.
B) Redefine as 1-vote-per-member
C) No dues or fees for 2006 (this can come later)
D) The more members we have, the more influence we can have (e.g. To seek sponsors, to influence other sports organizations, to help with insurance, etc.)

3) Establish the World Ranking System of race status to be under ISSA control
A) Needs improvement
B) Relieves the manager of the World Ranking from making these decisions. (Can spend efforts in other areas of managing this).
C) Streamline decision-making on status assignment
D) Change some of the rules to allow more PRIME events.
E) Establish a bid process for the big MAJOR and MAIN events.

4) Review and Modify (where necessary) the racing rules
A) Allow race organizers to be innovative by selectively adopting portions of the rules. (I have some ideas from other sports where they list SEVERAL ways of doing things and allow the race organizer to choose.)
B) Establish some definitions (e.g. "Skateboard") with the goal of being as UNRESTRICTIVE as possible. Allow race organizers to be more restrictive if they desire.
C) Modernize rules to allow race organizers to do new events (banked slalom, park slalom, slalomcross, etc)

5) Seek out other sports bodies to include Slalom Skateboarding in their offerings
A) USA has "State Games" in several states.
B) PAN/AM games
C) Olympics
D) Local schools
E) Local parks departments and skateboard parks/clubs

6) Work with race organizers to raise the level of professionalism, organization, prize value, spectator appeal, and other attributes of races.

If the ISSA get a good start on these 6 items in 2006, then I think this is great progress.

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ISSA Nominations closed now
On 3/2/2006 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (67.189.nnn.nnn)

The decision-makers for ISSA 2006 will be chosen from the following nominees for the ISSA Board of Directors. You can see that regardless of how the voting might go, the USA should be pretty well represented. If you are a member of the ISSA, voting will occur very soon. In fact, voting has started RIGHT NOW, but just to determine HOW MANY people will be on the Board of Directors.

Those of you who are not yet members can still become members and participate in this vote.

Nominees are being encouraged to write up some goals for 2006. I would hope that the USA nominees would share those goals here at this forum for the USA audience...

Accepted Nominations:
Jani Soderhall
Hans Koraeus
Keith Hollein
Jack Smith
Jadranko Radovanovic
Wesley Tucker
Joe Iacovelli
Pat Chewning
Claude Regnier

Did not accept Nominations:
Sam Gordon
Marion Karr
Donald Campbell

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ISSA Board Election 2006
On 2/27/2006 Jani Soderhall wrote in from France  (82.232.nnn.nnn)

If anyone is interested in having a say regarding the next step of the ISSA, make yourself heard now!

The period for nomination of board members is only open until tomorrow Feb 28, according to Pat's proposal. The nomination and voting is in a closed "private ISSA forum" open only to members, as the actual voting in this round will only be done among paying members. But, if you have a proposal for a candidate, don't hesitate to publish it anywhere at ss.com (or even here!).

This is the right time to voice your concerns and make sure that the right bunch of guys are elected to take ISSA one step further.

I'm getting out of this now, so you'll soon have to find someone else to blame. Luckily there are a couple of nominees already. I wish them all good luck.

I've done a couple of things for the revival of the ISSA, but I haven't been able to find the time nor the motivation to do more, so I'm stepping down. I hope Pat and others will have enough strength to push the idea of international cooperation further.

For those who want no harmonization of rules, no cooperation, no ranking system, no Slalom! mags, no lycra, ie only real skateboarding, keep up the good work. There are just a few more motivated people out there trying to achieve something for others, once they've lost motivation, you've succeded.


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On 2/22/2006 North Carolina Longboarder-Downhillbillies.org wrote in from United States  (166.82.nnn.nnn)

One clarification, I have been nominated but have turned down that nomination because I do not have enough experience in the sport as of yet to best be in a position to properly fulfill the role. I think people like Joe I., Tucker, Pat Chewning, and many others are the ones that need to be look toward for this role.

I am focusing my efforts on the Downhillbillies and the American Slalom Skateboard Associations (a group purchasing organization made up of race promoters that specifically focused on insurance, timing systems, sharing of information, race planning, etc.).

The DHB's are focused on building a strong, grassroots movement in slalom, downhill,skatepark, and skateboarding in general here in the Southeast.

Marion Karr
Skatesville, North Carolina
DHB World Headquarters

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How to vote in the ISSA initial organization.
On 2/21/2006 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (67.189.nnn.nnn)

To kick off the initial ISSA organization, the main organizer (president, I suppose -- Jani) decided to use a "shareholder" method of determining who gets how many votes. If you want to be involved as a voting member of the ISSA as it gets officially built into an organizational body, you must do the following:

1) Support the ISSA by contributing $25 (this is what the other members have done).
2) You can do this through paypal issa@slalomskateboarder.com
3) You can contribute and get up to 5 votes at $25 per vote.

This is only for the initial organizational voting for the Board of Directors, Constitution, etc.

After there is a working organization, I'm sure one of the topics will be how best to change this to a 1-vote-per-member system, and what really constitutes a "member" of the ISSA.

If there are any racers in the USA who really want to shape the ISSA by accepting a nomination on the Board of Directors, yet do not have the funds to become a member, let me know. I will contribute your $25 fee if you are really willing to be a contributor as the ISSA gets organized into a real working group run by the members.

-- Pat

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What the ISSA needs right now.
On 2/21/2006 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (67.189.nnn.nnn)

What we really need is a seasoned high-profile "gnarly", anti-establishment person from the USA (preferably from California) on the ISSA board of Directors. To inject the proper amount of historical perspective, to keep the rest of from straying too far afield, to call us on our bad decisions, to shake things up a bit, to bring the "soul" of racing into the organization, to bring some USA credibility to the ISSA. This is a great opportunity to set the direction of the future of international slalom competition.

If you're up for that, I would like to know. I can steer you through the process of getting nominated ....

-- Pat

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ISSA needs US participants
On 2/21/2006 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (67.189.nnn.nnn)

The ISSA is forming an actual representative form of business now. We need USA people interested in setting the direction of international skateboard competition. If you have an interest in participating, shout out now. There is a nomination process to get people on the Board of Directors, and that process will soon close. It is likely that the USA might be under-represented simply from lack of interest.

Once this decision-making body is in place, it will make a list of items to address which may or may not include: World Ranking (# of each type of event, who decides, etc), revising and reissuing racing rules (or "suggestions" for rules that organizers can use), sanctioning of events, and other topics.

I'm hoping that whoever gets elected onto the ISSA board to represent the USA will use this NCDSA forum, along with the one on www_slalomskateboarder_com to solicit input from the USA racers, inform them of upcomming decisions, and generally mirror some of what is going on at the other site and within the body of the ISSA.

USA people nominated so far include: Keith Hollien, Jack Smith, Pat Chewning, Wesley Tucker, Marion Karr, and Joe Iacovelli.

Nominations conclude on Feb 28th.
Voting starts March 15th.
Voting closes March 30th.

-- Pat

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