Org: DHB (282 Posts)
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What? You never seen a clown down on his luck
On 11/7/2008
wrote in from
United States
All dixie cup racers please go to downhillbillies.org to vote on the best costume worn by a racer at the friday night race. The winner will race the Dixie Cup for FREE next year.
Post pix of your choice if you would like.
Thanks from "The Little Feller"
On 11/7/2008 Darren Hodges
wrote in from
United States
I would like to say that my first Dixie Cup was a blast. I had fun racing and most of all meeting a bunch of new friends from near and far. Thanks to all for your kindness, encouragement, comradery. Someone said it was like a homecoming and after riding, working, and hanging with the DHB this past year, I completely understand why.
Thank you DHB for all of your generosity and your ability to endure my constant chatter, chain smoking, and sudden outburst of obscenities. Thank you for my fancy new Dixie Cup jacket it came in handy, but you guys really got me by giving me the kick-ass Rayne board. I can’t wait test it out.
Special thanks to DHolt and Evan who introduced me to the sport. You guys have inspired me to continue pushing forward and the advice is great but I always seem to do the total opposite. I will try to do better.
For the first in my life I’ll make a long story short,
Enjoyed it, love ya all, see ya soon.
WWWooooohhhh Fireworks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hammerhead Hibernation
On 11/7/2008
wrote in from
United States
First, Brent said it best, Thank you all who came to the event. These guys would have to deal with me all by themselves and that is just plain WRONG.
As I do every year, right after the Dixie Cup I have to "disappear" for a while so if you guys need to get in touch with me email me at:
karr.mobile AT execquest.com
I won't be on the message boards at all for a few weeks.
We are talking about doing some kind of Winter Long Board Jam like we did back in 2005 so stay tuned. No racing just riding...and raffles....
Marion Karr Downhillbillies
Thanks from the DHB
On 11/7/2008
wrote in from
United States
Thanks to everyone for the positive and complimentary comments about the DHB and the 2008 Dixie Cup. I think I speak for the whole DHB crew when I say the real thanks needs to go to the riders and people who support the DHB and the Dixie Cup year after year. Each year it’s a labor of love to pull of an event like the Dixie Cup but without the skaters who travel near and far, the Dixie Cup would be nothing more than nine or ten hillbillies trying to out cuss, out lie, out drink, out smoke and out redneck each other on the top of a hill somewhere in Statesville. Once again the thanks goes to all the skaters and people who continue to support the DHB.
PTBDHB Punk "Metal" Brent
On 11/6/2008
wrote in from
United States
HUGE THANX to all who came and the sponsors of this years DIXIE CUP!!! Just to name a few:
Joe I, your kind words mean a ton to me. You get us, and what we are trying to do more than anyone. Its funny you mentioned little kid friends because for most of us that is exactly what we are. SST , EVAN , BRENT , ROOKIE and myself have been skating together and the best of friends for more than 25 years now. We should be so lucky as to have you come join the circus and YES YOU ARE OFFICIALLY DxHxB NOW AND FOREVER!! Except for the beat-in which we can handle next time we see ya. Thanx again for the inspiration you give us and all you do for the sport.
NICK I, WOW You are the coolest, I sometimes have to remind myself your still a kid. Three of my favorite moments involve you 1: the way you and my plum teamate old school EVAN handled yourselves racing hard, trading wins but never showing any competitive egos to ruin the magic of of the moment we could all learn from you two.2: pretty vacant I was hoping you would kill it like you did at the farm. 3:standing on the ramp with your shirt off showing your muscles saying Keith Hollien likes my guns.I know your dad is proud of you just like the rest of us.
Fatboy, always good to see you man SORRY about the hushpups but I promise you that next years racers pack will include dinner rule #1 FATBOY ALWAYS STARTS THE LINE DAMMIT!!
CIV, So glad to have you back to the cup. Last year just wasn't the same without you. We didn't have anyone to blame stuff on. Sometimes it takes a few events to really get to know people before your comfortable around them but you fit in with the whole group right off, the first year (back in the sandbagger days) and weve all always thought alot of you. Good to see you bro. NICE COMEBACK.
SHASTA, Joe said it best you are an Angel. From announcing , helping with timer, course marshal , conehead , to nurse. If our event was good it was largly because of you and all the people who helped out, THANX-A-TON
C-BARK, The DHB's #1 BROTHER FROM ANOTHER MOTHER If any of us are ridding good its because Chris has helped and worked with all of us starting right after the first Dixie Cup when he came in on his own dime to honestly teach us most everything we know about this sport. he still today continues to be a great friend and teacher to me and all the dhb, C-BARK Also saved the DIXIE CUP this year. We were trying not to sweat to bad on sat. before the race when he saved the race by completely taking the only timer in N.C apart on the curb of court street and put it all back together fixed, not to mention the dozens of times he was called to the timing table and everything else he did. THANX MAN YOUR A TRUE BROTHER.
DAN, Thanx for coming again and putting up with all of us, you do such a good job handling whatever comes up and keeping it going smoothly we would have had a hard time getting it all in on sunday without you.
THE MOTORCITY MADMEN: FADELL AND BARA, You guys were at the warehouse loading the truck before I even got there and helped out all weekend. I'm so glad you both came all the way for the BEAST OF THE EAST This year were we had alot of time to hang out and skate since there was only a couple dozen of us. from the three days of GS to the sidewalk slash (a sick s curve run) to night patrolling the bario. awesome times can't wait to see you both soon.
DC OUTLAWS OHM AND BP, Weve been friends for years but this year more than ever I feel a kinship with both of you. I had a blast hangin out , pulling for and racing close to you guys at the cup. Your both to close for us to not ride together this winter and spring talk to ya soon.
On 11/6/2008
Gary "GPymp" Glasser
wrote in from
United States
Did anyone notice that Civ is still very fast? I love being a slalom fan. Civ is another racer I have enjoyed watching for awhile.
On 11/6/2008 Bara
wrote in from
United States
no prob!...Watching Fadell go on Cricket Patrol was hillarious
Sorry For the Spider Crickets
On 11/6/2008 McHammerHead-Downhillbillies.org
wrote in from
United States
But its that time of year around here and they love my basement!!!!
Marion Karr Downhillbillies
Heres to ya boyz!
On 11/6/2008 BARA
wrote in from
United States
Cheers...to all the reasons this Dixie was fantastic...
To Karr Kastle, Marion and Donna and their hospitality...thanks for openning your door to a broke yankee
To Chopstix
To Pre-Brady Law clips on Disney bedsheets
To Spider Crickets
To "Airport" (1970)
To all my DHB Brethren...i love you guys, man
To "fanning"
To Shannon riding his bike around in clown make up the day AFTER halloween
To Joe I defying the odds
To Mike Ohm defying age
To the Warehouse
To Team Mitchell and their endless support and smiles, you guys just kick ass
To the philosophies of Fadell
To Second Frett
To "1998"
And to seeing the friends i havent seen for a year...you're all so friggin disfunctional...you all rock...and youre all cool as hell
Thanks again DHB
See ya next year
Big thanks!
On 11/6/2008
wrote in from
Wow, one of my favourite things to do after returning from a race is to come online and read all of the love that is sent out to the race organizers. To me, this is one of the little things that help fuel them to organize great races such as this one in the future! I cannot express the love that I felt for the sport and its participants being there as a spectator so I can only imagine what it must have felt like for the racers.
I have only been to one other DHB organized race and that was the World's last September but let me be among the many who have stated that DHB and their families are in a class of their own when it comes to this stuff. Everything was well laid out and yet you never felt that the crew was too busy to have a great time themselves, which I love to see! The determination and motivation to make this race the best yet was obvious in every aspect and I don't think it could have been pulled off in a better way.
In all the best ways, I remember feeling at the end of the weekend that I had just witnessed something extraordinary that does not often occur within the slalom community. Even though it was a 'race', the attitude from all racers, organizers and families that participated was different than I have ever experienced. The vibe was pure chill and it felt like everyone was there to help others and make a difference. Even though racing was an integral part of the environment of course, at the end of the day it was about cheering people on and encouraging them to do their best, even if they were about to knock you out of eliminations in the next lane. Overall, the vibe was very personal and I felt more like it was a giant session than a cut-throat competition and I mean that in the nicest possible way. I wish that every race that I attend in the future can emulate this vibe for it was remarkable.
A huge huge thanks to Marion for all of his help in making this trip possible for Mike and I. It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces and get to know some of the people I have met in years past even better. I find every race that I attend I can take a little more away that I know about my friends in this community.
As for helping out this weekend, I truly appreciate your gratitude and I am simply glad that I could be of service. I know that there is nothing more terrifying to each racer than to see someone slam hard and I was just happy that I could help in those situations and that everyone ended up being alright! I am always happy to lend a hand in those circumstances and the thanks that I received this weekend truly melted my heart, so let me say thank you to those families - the Tolley's and Iacovelli's. It is people like you that make me love being a nurse.
Anyway, I know that circumstances have kept Mike from racing this year and you can all blame me for being part of those circumstances (moving him up to TBay all summer), but I am so happy to watch the man that I love truly enjoy every second of racing this weekend and I am so grateful that he is surrounded by the community that are the slalom racers and their families. It was wonderful seeing everyone again and my only hope for 2009 is that I can connect with every one of you at some point over the year and cheer you all on personally.
Thank you again for making this past week so fantastic for Mike and I, I will always remember and appreciate it.
I wish I was in the land of cotton
On 11/6/2008
joe i
wrote in from
United States
DHB – I don’t know how many people understand how much hard work it takes to prepare for a race of this caliber. And just when you are about SPENT, the actual race comes around and you need to rev up the engine on an all ready low tank. You were gracious, helpful, drop dead funny and remind me of the kind of friends I had when I was little. Remember your little kid best friends whose company you enjoyed unfettered by responsibility, or worldly cares? I actually looked at some of the For Sale houses around Statesville half thinking I should come join the circus. *Does the toilet seat mean I’m an official DHB now?*
Nick I – I’ve seen people get better in between races, but I’ve never seen anyone get better in between runs. Something got switched on Saturday. Watching you was one of the best days of my life. You are a total bad ass regardless if the 8th grade class of St. Anthony’s gets it or not. Please wear a shirt next time. You can show off “Thunder” and “Dave” at the party.
Shasta – Nick wasn’t the only one that she helped this weekend. You were an angel. Civ is a lucky man. (I missed you Mike, glad you are back)
Old School Evan – You are the best competition Nick has ever had, on so many levels. He’s raced faster and slower guys, but you two were pretty even. You two also showed all present what racing should be about. Tearing up the course and then laughing on the walk back up. I’m glad you got the Rad, it’s sweet and you deserve it.
Men and Women of the B group – I was soooo tired and unprepared, but the racing was as tough as it gets regardless of class. I realize in the end some cones tipped in my favor. Next time I might not be so lucky. It was very gratifying though to win the big jug right there in Statesville amongst my friends.
Team Fatboy – My skateboard family from NJ, Toronto, Quebec, …. We are legion. Did anyone check out Fatboy’s composite boards? Did anyone check out Radballs doing “Pretty Vacant” at the Party? Did anybody check out our newest team member, Ape Suit Mike? How about Wayne “Phil” Barett? Is he on the team now? (Drunk Al’s not in, but he is the soundtrack)
Greg Fadell and anyone else that coached Nick on Court Street Saturday - I trust you guys are why he got better on every run. You have a father’s thanks. Next time can you mention a little about taking out the trash and cleaning his room?
Joe Mac, Martin, Justin, Karl, and all the young guys – Thanks for making slalom a young man’s sport, you guys lay it down with style and verve. Props to Justin and Karl for going PRO.
Keith Hollien – Thanks for protecting us from the terrorists or whatever that was all about. God bless Michelle.
Jason Mitchell – I’ll say it again. You’re my role model. Who would have thought you could handplant a start ramp? When I saw those big start ramps and the hill on Sunday, I knew you could do it. Your simultaneous drive to do your best AND elevate those around you fascinates me. You are earnest, genuine, unique and my treasured friend.
Johnny Harms – You are stealth personified! Rolling the big ramp in costume left me slack jawed.
Jeremy, Dr. No, Pimm, Lavin, and everyone that helped with the Sean Dawkins sale, THANK YOU. We are damn close to our goal of $4K and down to three decks. That’s all that’s left.
Sign me up for 2009
Best Damn Costume
On 11/4/2008 Cat
wrote in from
United States
Hands down: JBH....... talk to the cone!!
I'll post my pics & a short novel tonight!
Dixie Friday Nite
On 11/4/2008 Ellwood
wrote in from
United States
By the way, who won the costume contest?
On 11/4/2008
joe i
wrote in from
United States
To ALL of the DHB, racers and family present;
You have my sincere thanks and deepest gratitude. This is my 8th year of racing and you all know I pride myself on throwing fun races. Dixie 08' was the MOST FUN I've ever had. Like Marion, I need some time to regroup and give my thanks to individuals, but from me and my son Nick, let me say this;
It was evident how hard you had worked. It was obvious that money came out of your pockets. It tugged at my heart to see how tired you all were, but you kept going. We all appreciate it. It was all worth it.
Nick & Joe Iacovelli
On 11/4/2008 Ohm
wrote in from
United States
DHB's, thanks again for all your hard work and putting on a killer race. I look forward to the Dixie every year. Sundays hill was so fun with the Mega ramps. I think a tight or hybrid should be thrown on that hill.
See you soon!
On 11/4/2008
wrote in from
United States
Just let me thank you guys for the amazing experience this weekend. I knew it would be tough coming back from a year off, but I felt like I didn't miss a beat. It felt great getting out there and hanging out with my slalom family, you guys and girls are the real reason this sport rocks. It's much more fun racing when you don't beat yourself up about skating poorly. I had a great time qualifying with Martin, I think he enjoyed it too..he got chased by the OTC rider. Props to Barker for the two elim rounds, he returned the favour from the National's last summer. Thats GS ramp was insane, I was sweating bullets before I tried it the first time. It was super smooth and fast, and almost no one bailed on it....you know, except for the guy in the AM finals that will remain unnamed.
The vibe for this race was different than I felt in other years. This was much more of a session feel than a cutthroat race. Everything went so smoothly and the Saturday party was great...thanks for the back room heads up to my DHB brothers.
The DH was fun too, even if I was wearing the most hilarious tights, thanks for the style tip Lavin!. I must thank blackkross out of France for the incredible board for the DH, I was totally stoked to grab such a functional work of art.
I have more to share with you all, but I have to collect my lost bags from the Duluth airport, that's right, we're still not home yet.....I love 36 hr trips from Charlotte to Duluth.....
One last thing...Brent, thanks for reminding me why I come to these events...your a super genuine guy and I enjoyed chatting with you again...
I could do personal shout outs all day, but I think I told most people how much they meant to me at the race. I love you guys....and I really really missed the scene. I promise not to vanish into thin air gain next season.
end rambling-
ps, thank you Shasta for the endless support. I think race organizers should start putting her in the race budget as a private nurse/timer/cone marshall.
On 11/4/2008 VOTE NOW and VOTE OFTEN
wrote in from
United States
On 11/3/2008 Fatboy
wrote in from
United States
Another great Dixie Cup! You guys always bring it!
However - you f$%kers owe me and Mig some damn hushpuppies!!!!!!!
Dixie Cup
On 11/3/2008
wrote in from
United States
Well Done on every level.Thanks for the great race.cf
On 11/2/2008 flea
wrote in from
United States
its all done'st
On 10/31/2008
Civ and Shasta
wrote in from
United States
Sitting in the Duluth, MN airport. The great white north is coming down! See you all really soon, hope you have some wildlife down there...we saw 10 deer, 2 foxes and a wolf so far today.
Bringing the bush with us......chains too...
On 10/31/2008 Mr. Surly
wrote in from
United States
CLT sunday
On 10/30/2008
wrote in from
United States
i have a friend driving down with me but flying back sunday p.m.Her flight is sunday pm at 7.15.is there anyone else heading to the airport around the same time and could give a ride?thanks for any considerations in advance,cf
High Tech Redneck Contact
On 10/29/2008 Hodges
wrote in from
United States
Or you'll probably be standing next Marion at the race, so just say "hey dude-Marion".
HammerHead Contact Info High Tech Redneck
On 10/29/2008
wrote in from
United States
Its GO TIME FOR THE DIXIE CUP which means I will NOT be near a computer much from here on OUT through the weekend BUT through the miracle of modern science and the fact I finally broke down and bought a Blackberry you can stay in contact with me. THE BEST WAY TO GET ME IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION OR NEED SOMETHING regarding the DIXIE CUP is to:
1st OPTION (and the one likely to get the quickest response since Multi-Tasking is my middle name):
Email me> karr.mobile@execquest.com
2nd OPTION> Text Message my Mobile phone 7 0 4 6 5 7 9 5 3 1 (again, a mulitasking opportunity)
3rd OPTION/EMERGENCY> Call my Mobile phone at the number above but be prepared to get a voice mail
Thank you in Advance For your Cooperation,
Marion Karr Downhillbillies