Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Org: CSA (1772 Posts)
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Need images/pics from 2008 Hood River
On 3/9/2009 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (24.21.nnn.nnn)

I'm making a poster and a website to sign up for the 2009 World Championships. I would really like some pics to use from 2008 Hood River.


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CSA Rockers
On 3/8/2009 Judy wrote in from United States  (67.185.nnn.nnn)

This is just a shout out to the CSA'rs that met up at The Skylark last night - THANKS! All of you, including Cami (John have you got her skating yet?), I had so much fun last night. A much needed release of steam after a long, dreary winter. Looking forward to seeing all of you next weekend.

For those of you who didn't join us - BRAD ROCKS! We are going to have the best party in Hood River!

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Judy's email
On 3/8/2009 Stryker wrote in from United States  (98.225.nnn.nnn)

Paul, Judy's email address is: harrisracing@comcast.net. See you in Beaverton on the 15th. John

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Judy needs to email me
On 3/6/2009 Paulskiivoxg wrote in from (173.8.nnn.nnn)

Judy, email me with the "email-name-click-thingy" so I can get your email address since I only have access to internet at work and our computers don't let us use the "email-name-click-thingy". Thanks - Paul

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Needs for Worlds
On 3/5/2009 Judy wrote in from United States  (67.185.nnn.nnn)

Hi There - Here are some of the needs, just a few, that we have for Hood River. If you can take care of some of these for us, please let me know now and I can put a checkmark by this one. I'd like to be able to sleep at night, please help by signing up :)

We need a generator
We need gas powered leaf blowers
We need brooms
We need coolers
We need tables and chairs for timers and start/finish
We need multiple ezup awnings

There are other things but I would like to get commitments on these now. Thanks everyone.

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Course Setting for Worlds
On 3/2/2009 Judy wrote in from United States  (169.204.nnn.nnn)

Hi There, I just wanted to let CSA members know that we have Claude Regnier on board to be our official course setter for Worlds. I truly believe that this takes a lot of pressure off of the people we normally have setting our courses. Claude comes highly recommended and I have read myriad blogs and posts about the quality of the courses he sets. We will, however, need a bunch of you to help Claude with his duties. We want to be set, set up, and ready to go by 9 a.m. each day without fail. Thanks much everybody.

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On 3/2/2009 Judy wrote in from United States  (67.185.nnn.nnn)

Hi CSA'rs. If you could all email me a quick email to the attached email address I would appreciate it. I need to compile a master list of email addresses so that we can carry on our conversations off of the ncdsa website. In particular, I need email addresses for Brad Jackman, Dan-o, Skip, Spencer and Jody, and any of the Oregon racers please.

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On 3/1/2009 Judy wrote in from United States  (67.185.nnn.nnn)

Hi Paul, If you are getting emails or questions about worlds, please forward those to me. I can provide the information. Thank you, Judy

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REAL Hood River Race page Needed SOON
On 2/27/2009 Paul wrote in from (173.8.nnn.nnn)

Hey, Gareth or whoever probably ought to get the REAL Hood River signup page up soon so everyone knows whether or not to buy plane tickets. I'm getting emails and the question been raised on the Slalom forum. Thanks -P

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On 2/21/2009 Stryker wrote in from United States  (98.225.nnn.nnn)

Paul,Pat helped Gareth apply for Hood River to get "Worlds" status.There were some people that wanted it to be in Austrailia.No other bids as far as I know.A decision had to be made soon.I know that Fluitt had the deciding vote.Gareth and the CSA were awarded the winning bid.I think more people could afford to go to Hood River than overseas. That's as much as I know. I just want to help make this a good race for everyone who shows up for it.

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Hood River and it's elevation to the "Worlds"
On 2/21/2009 Paulskiivoxg wrote in from (173.8.nnn.nnn)

Um, just curious since I saw no discussion anywhere here on NCDSA CSA or Slalom Forum or on slalomskater.com or was emailed about it as a slalomskater.com/ISSA person of some sort,

....Just how did it come to pass that Hood River would be the Worlds?, was there a request to hold it from within CSA (Gareth, Stryker)? or because the DHB's are understandably overtaxed/wornout from it? Does Michael Dong want a Worlds title but can't afford to fly outside of the Northwest this year to get it? Or is COSS tired from the Nationals? or Claude and his crew have other things going on this year? Or some secret blackbox think-tank committee thought it was a good strategic thing? Are the Brazilians and their newfound slalom leanings somehow responsible? What's the story?

It all seemed to too suspciciously quickly established and decided and announced with no forshadowing in the story. I want to know the truth, and the truth behind the truth. -P

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Jumping the Gun
On 2/18/2009 Paul Howard wrote in from (173.8.nnn.nnn)

GARETH and STRYKER - I went ahead and put up an initial temporary signup page for Hood River to let everyone know it's happening but with a "heads-up" to wait on buying plane tickets until you guys put on a more official and detailed signup page. Check your emails, I emailed the contest code # to both of you so you can make changes/additions. Thanks - Paul

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On 2/18/2009 Paul Steiger wrote in from United States  (71.93.nnn.nnn)

Hey all,
Looking forward to helping CSA pull off a world class event.

It might be a good idea for each of us to generate an email distribution list with all of us that will be involved with organizing. This way, everyone gets updates and information sent directly into our personal email accounts. We do not necessarily want our plans and issues viewed by the larger community. This will keep everyone on the same page as we move forward.


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On 2/16/2009 Judy wrote in from United States  (67.185.nnn.nnn)

Hang on to your hats folks, the ball is rolling now. I feel like a pinball, but oh well.

Anyway, stay tuned as I will be hoping to see lots of raised hands to help with the jobs. Goal is to keep jobs chopped up into small pieces so nobody loses any hair over this thing!

This is going to take all of us pulling together to make it happen. I have emailed John Stryker an initial to-do list and I am sure he will be contacting some of you.

I'd like to enlist all wives, girlfriends, and significant others as well to help with many of the non-technical details as well. For example, I'm not sure a COSS event ever goes off without tons of help from Terri Mitchell and she doesn't even skate!

So stay tuned. My goal is that when we sit down in Salem, many of these tasks will already be accomplished or well underway. - Judy

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Hood River organization
On 2/16/2009 Mark wrote in from United States  (216.237.nnn.nnn)

WE are good to meet march 15, but not as a starting point. There are too many things we can have checked off the list by that point. We are clearly under the microscope for this event due to missteps by GG Llc last year. If we are going to deliver an event worthy of the status it has been granted, we need to move forward starting today. Judy and I will be in touch via email. Chime in if you are willing to help. -M

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On 2/16/2009 Judy wrote in from United States  (67.185.nnn.nnn)

I will be there.

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Organizational meeting
On 2/16/2009 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (67.161.nnn.nnn)

I suggest that the March 15th race in Portland include an organizational meeting for those of us who want to start working on the World Championship race.

We need a face-to-face "come to Jesus" meeting to agree to a common set of goals and to divide up the tasks for this big event. It makes sense to do this ASAP, when we might all be getting together anyways....


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On 2/14/2009 Judy wrote in from United States  (67.185.nnn.nnn)

Pat Chewning, please email Judy, she has some questions for you. Thanks

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On 2/14/2009 Judy wrote in from United States  (67.185.nnn.nnn)

I would be happy to serve as your cone marshall again. It was fun. Also, I heard a rumor that there will be no Gorge Games this summer, is that correct? If so, does that open the door for us on some sponsors in Hood River that may have said no because they were already tied up via GG?

Marion Karr has a wonderful event to-do list that we need to get out to everyone. I will ask him, via Facebook, to send it to us asap.

Do we want to have a fun dinner/banquet on Saturday night? The one thing I took away from Nationals in Colorado a couple of years ago is that many of the attendees wished the dinner had been Saturday night rather than on Sunday when it interfered with departures for a lot of people. Thoughts?

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On 2/14/2009 Paulskiivoxg wrote in from (173.8.nnn.nnn)

Hey John, thanks for the heads-up on the footstops, I'll give Maria a call.

As far as the "G/S-HUGE-start-ramp" goes, I personally, in my opinion(which is only my opinion), think it's a huge waste of time, wood, money, effort, etc. How often will it get used? Once a year at most would be my guess and potentially only once and never again. Where will it be stored? Even if it comes apart(which I would think it would have to be), will it be stored inside or outside to slowly rot in the weather?

I'm sure I could go down such a ramp, but with my unwillingness to lose backpacking, bowhunting, hiking, my job and thus my house to an avoidable injury, I doubt I'd go down anything that looks like the "Thunderdome" ramp. Slalom is already enough for me as it is. Just my 2 Cents - Paul

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Chapman's foot stops
On 2/13/2009 Stryker wrote in from United States  (207.200.nnn.nnn)

Paul, Sk8kings.com stocks Chapman's footstops. look in the accessories section.See You in salem John

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Hood sorta stuff
On 2/12/2009 Paulskiivoxg wrote in from (173.8.nnn.nnn)

I'll see what I can do, hopefully I'll be making it(hopefully the date doesn't get changed as it has in the past) and helping out as much as possible.

I agree with Pat, trying to make this the "Best Worlds event possible" is a bit over-expected. If any of you have been to a major DHB race, that would be hard to beat that level of organization. If any DHB'ers(the organizing DHB's-which is about ALL of them) are coming, it would be wise to recruit them a smidge or at least ask for advise. I've never seen a more organized crew at any race ever.

Also, if it's not on the Contest Calender, it's not happening in my mind or most people's minds so the sooner it's on there the better. Let me know if you want me to get the ball rolling on that and then hand the codes to someone else who can finish it up.

Adios - Paul

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Hood River
On 2/12/2009 Stryker wrote in from United States  (98.225.nnn.nnn)

Pat, Thnaks for being the so involved. I too have time right now to help alot.I wasn't making any Promises. I know that this is being held as a CSA Event. I want us as a group to known for being well organized and professional. 5months isn't very long to get everything ready. Try calling Gareth to get any task lists. I just named some things off the top of my head.

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2009 World Championships
On 2/12/2009 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (24.21.nnn.nnn)

I will set up the timing hardware and software and SHARE some time running it with the head timer/spreadsheet person (whomever that may be).

I may have time to attend to other planning/organizing tasks that take place prior to the actual event. I would need to see a list of what needs to be done and a set of expectations before I volunteered for another job.

I think we should set expectations low for this event, and then exceed expectations, rather than trying to promise the "Best World Championships Ever".

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On 2/11/2009 judy wrote in from United States  (67.185.nnn.nnn)

Hi There. I am 100% available to help and in fact will be in a gigantic pout if I am not put to work :) Loved working the races last year and am looking forward to doing so again.

Mark and I have already made our hotel reservations and will be there with bells on. If you guys have any organizational meetings on the weekends, give me a shout and I will try to zip over to join you, especially if someone will give me a glass of wine!

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