Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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separated at birth?
On 6/27/2011 peters wrote in from United States  (24.19.nnn.nnn)

Gareth Crowe

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On 6/23/2011 Corey wrote in from United States  (76.22.nnn.nnn)

Thanks Pat, Paul. I will be in Canby Oregon later today. If I make it to Salem for some racing, I will see you all Saterday. If not, have a great time, and thanks for all your hard work!

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Events at Oregon State Games
On 6/22/2011 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (24.21.nnn.nnn)

Exactly as Paul said, only with correct spelling this time:

Saturday: Morning = Dual lane Hybrid
Saturday: Afternoon = Single lane GS

Sunday: Morning = tight inline (100 cone and 80 cone, your choice)
Sunday: Afternoon = Slalomcross

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On 6/22/2011 Mr Course-Setter 'sez wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Hey Corey, I "think" it will go like this:

Saterday - Dual lane Hybrid/general mirrored symmetry and Single lane Giant slalom. I don't know which will be done first.

Sunday - Single lane 100 straight inline tight 6.5 ft center-to-center and Single lane 80-something straight inline 8ft center-to-center probably in the morning, then probably in the afternoon will be the Dual lane head to head mirrored symmetry Slalom-Cross utilizing the hybrid course for the slalom section.

But, no guaranttees on that until Pat says so.

Adios - Paul

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On 6/21/2011 Corey wrote in from United States  (76.22.nnn.nnn)

Pat, Paul, what events are going to be run on Saturday and in what order?

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On 6/20/2011 Ravitch wrote in from United States  (208.54.nnn.nnn)

Hi guys
Thinking of joining you up in Salem - it would be fun to reconnect and was hoping for more people signing up.

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Fall BBQ in Sept- Don't sign up yet
On 5/16/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (140.211.nnn.nnn)

One more thing.....

Don't sign up yet, and tell all your friends to NOT sign up yet. I have to check to see if there are sceduling conflicts with visiting my family in Wyoming so I may have to got there during that time.

Thanks - The Management

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The REAL Bummer,,,,,,,
On 5/16/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (140.211.nnn.nnn)

The REAL bummer is that in Corvallis it was dry all day long, I got to go fly my RC glider, lose it in the perimeter of a autowrecking yard, not able to get it on Sunday, so I actually went and skated at the skatepark, shot my bow, and hsd dry pavement all day in Corvallis(and I strongly suspect in Salem also). Then today I found my plane, miraculously in a tree bordering the wrecking yard, rented a ladder in time to have the rain pouring down today, monday, and get soaking wet while I scaled the ladder, got the plane UNSCATHED!!! Returned the ladder to the rental place and now it's dry for the moment and likely to rain again today.

I wished it would have rained all day yesterday just so that
#1 - It would have made the BBQ cancellation validated
#2 - I would'nt have been out flying my glider and losing it and taking all morning today to find and retrive it.
#3 - I would have stuck around the house and gotten more things done that need to get done.


But at least I got to skate, and my plane is unharmed by Sheer luck.

That's all I got for now. -P

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On 5/14/2011 Brad"Jackhammer"Jackman wrote in from (184.77.nnn.nnn)

Sorry Salom got rained out again,Was looking foreward to skateing with you guys.Thanks for trying Paulie.Will see you at the State Games.Brad

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It's On! Well, not tomorrow but in Sept
On 5/14/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

I just feel weird not putting something on, so I tentavely posted "The Peaple's Slalom and BBQ #8" for Sept.

Don't make any hard plans yet, the date posted is NOT definate yet. I want to wait and see what the fall weather brings.

Thanks -P

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The rain in Salem
On 5/14/2011 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (24.21.nnn.nnn)

The rain is coming from the E this time .... in fact there is a flood/heavy rain warning for the Cascades and foothills. An unusual weather system. Wog is right, the humidity is so high that even if it rains it won't dry out quickly.


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On 5/14/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

One more thing......

I wish it would start actually raining just to make the cancellation worth it, but right now in Corvallis, looking out the window, everything is dry but really humid, so I'm hoping it doesn't turn out to become a big 'ol 80% chance of really humid weekend that did'nt precipitate but thought about it but still didn't precipitate anything, and thus leaving the pavement dry, and thus resulting another cancelled dry pavement non-event and leaving me sitting around buggin wishing the event did happen. Whatever.


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Rainwheels for Slalom and Still No BBQ
On 5/14/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Hey, Yes, really some nice waterproof grease filled bearings and slalom wheels make if Unobtainithane would be the ticket.

I checked in on www.weather.gov and www.weather.com and they agree that Sunday the 15th May 2011 will have 80% chance of rain or rain-showers.

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Salem weather
On 5/14/2011 Mark wrote in from United States  (75.139.nnn.nnn)

Thanks Wog. Lets figure out a functional rain wheel for slalom so we can run rain or shine. See you at State Games

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One more thing about the BBQ
On 5/13/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

I'm cancelling for now mostly for the long distance travellers so they have a better "heads-up", but if I come into work tomorrow and the weather system has drastically changed and if things look to be dry, I'll probably still go, we'll see. -P

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On 5/13/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Dang! As of 7:45pm tonight Friday, the National Weather Service(www.weather.gov) is still forcasting 80% showers all day for Salem for Sunday May 15th 2011. Showers are predicted above 50% also for Saterday night preceding and Sunday night following too, which doesn't sound good.

So, since noone has posted here or emailed me about knowing any other deep secrets about the weather to the contrary of the NWS forcast, I'm hereby CANCELLING the BBQ for now.

Save your gas-money and we'll see about it in the fall?

Thanks - Paul

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BBQ's-n- 80% chance of Showers
On 5/13/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Hmmm, as of 3:05pm when I checked www.weather.gov for Salem Sunday May 15th, they are up-ing the probablility to 80% chance of showers.

I'll check back later tonight and see what transpires. I would say it's 80% that I'll call it off, again but I'm going to wait and see.

Stay tuned-Paul

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Ice Frogs-n-BBQ's
On 5/12/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Hey Adam, Nice picture posting, Thanks.

As far as the weather forcast is going, as of right now Thursday 5-12-2011 7:40pm, the National Weather Service (www.weather.gov) is forcasting 70% chance of showers, which could amount to nothing, a brief sprinkle or two with pavement drying soon afterward or intermittent showers all day.

So, at the moment I'm leaving things the same and waiting to see what happens as we get closer. If things get rained out, I may just postpone things until the fall, but then again, I've had fall events get totally cancelled due to rain that only got more frequent as the season progressed.

Stay tuned - P

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Welcome back
On 5/11/2011 Adam wrote in from United States  (198.144.nnn.nnn)

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Yay! I went backpacking in the snow!
On 5/11/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

That was the coolest backpacking trip in a long time. I was at 6000 feet, there was still at least 6 feet of snow everywhere, a red fox came by my tent the 1st night, I tracked a river otter travelling over the snow, saw my first snow-worms(yes, really) and lots of cool birds that didn't seem like they should have been up there with that much snow, but I think normally they and the otters moving through normally are there but not counting on that much snow that late in the season.

Anyhow, BBQ - Hmmm, we'll wait and see what the weather brings -P

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Backpacking, weather, and Salem BBQ
On 5/7/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Geeze I'm hoping the weather forcast doesn't worsen for this coming sun/mon/tues so I can get up there to go backpacking in the snow!!!!! And then have it "out of my system" so I can slalom in Salem the next weekend for the BBQ.

So, about the BBQ, so far there's only 4 total signed up, with me as the official "maybe", so if others are planning on going (if the weather is good) they should sign up.

If those of you who are signed up think you are definately NOT going to attend, let me know so that definately cancel it far enough in advance so unsuspecting newbies and others who don't know better don't show up with noone there. Otherwise, I'm going to forge ahead with plans as they have been stated.

I'll check and post again next wednesday when I get back to work.

Thanks - Paul

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Reschedule Brother!!!!!
On 4/21/2011 Paul Steiger wrote in from United States  (66.189.nnn.nnn)

You schedule, I'll do my best to come on over. I love to skate that hill! No slalom riders here and I hate skating alone!
Just hard as everyone seems kinda broke these days, which makes us all cranky, I'm sure.
Just like my new T says "The drinking will continue until the economy improves". Need to add "and the weather". Cold, wet, and windy spring blue's....

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Sorry about Sunday No-BBQ/No-show
On 4/21/2011 Paul Howard wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Paul Steiger- No problem, you didm't come across as negative and thanks for coming all that way. I wanted to come up anyway just to make a showing and tell everyone who did miss the message or left alread but I felt pretty sick and nausious. Not showing up just made me feel sicker, I'm pretty bummed about the whole deal.

Honestly, I really don't want to go through all of that again so I'm really thinking of just cancelling the whole thing completely so I don't put myself or anyone else through all of that again.

It rained hard and heavy the night before in Corvallis and I figured things would stay wet. Starting to feel sick the night before didn't help my optimism or lack thereof. Seeing things dry after having called it off just made me feel more bummed.

If the BBQ happens in May(see the slalom forum), I wouldn't recommend doing the trip again for that at your distance, especially if you are planning on coming to the State Games event in June.


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On 4/21/2011 Paul Steiger wrote in from United States  (66.189.nnn.nnn)

Didn't think my comments would be seen as mean spirited, though admittedly I was at the moment feeling a little mean (as was Mark!!!) especially with the March weather comment.
But Paul, from the eastside of WA (or Boise or Sacto sign ups), it's a full weekend gig getting there and back. Seattle is not much better. We were bummed and a little bit annoyed at throwing it such last minute, as all the forecast I checked said Sun on Sunday. With a dry Salem upon arrival Saturday late afternoon (4-5ish), didn't even occur to me to check.
If I would have checked I would have seen the 2:00 pm It's a go and the later cancellation.
Kids to find a weekend home for, almost 2 tanks of gas, a hotel, just part of the cost for the 3-4 times a year I'm lucky enough to ride slalom with all you west siders, which I enjoy so much. All worth it, even when things don't work out exactly perfect. Skated some parks and had a weekend with my lady.
You rock, with your hosting of this annual gathering. Not a one of us doesn't appreciate the work. Once again disappointment with the shock of no one there, just part of the gig.
It's all good, at least with me. These social sites record feelings for the moment, hopefully everyone will chill, we have too much fun getting together.

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On 4/17/2011 Mark wrote in from (74.82.nnn.nnn)

Sunny and dry on the hill....
Bad call.

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