Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Conans Ultra
On 9/28/2011 peters wrote in from United States  (24.19.nnn.nnn)

Keep in mind Paulie that it goes 9 a.m. Sat to 9 a.m. Sunday. 24 hours SOLID. So if you feel like coming out at night or whatever, we'll be there. You can set up cones in the morning or something :-D

Oh and please DON'T chop that Gravity BE deck down!!! You forgot I got my name on it!

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Oct 1st = No Pauliwog in Eugene
On 9/28/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Dang, I'll be working, Saterday is my normal day to work.-P

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24-hour ultra @ Ruth Bascom Riverbank Path
On 9/24/2011 peters wrote in from United States  (24.19.nnn.nnn)

Hey Paul, Eugene Ultraskate starts in the Valley Parking lot near the Greenway bike bridge on the Ruth Bascom Riverbank Path system, the contest calendar listing has been updated with this map, and I'll get a street address from Conan to Google Map it. Conan's phone is 541-525-8777. He's got a load of sponsors throwing schwag for a relatively small turnout of peeps! I shoot down there Friday late afternoon.


Good to see some slalomers making it out. I hear Puyallup sessions still happening sporadically but I haven't been there in a long time.

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Corvallis Slalom and Eugene Ultraskate
On 9/23/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Well, oddly enough, more locals stopped by on the Sunday Slalom Session and slalom'd a few runs than usual so that was fun.

James - Where in Eugene is this Ultraskate thingy on Oct 1st anyway???


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On 9/17/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

As of 4:45pm Saterday Sept 17th, www.weather.gov sez' 30% Rain before 11am, and since I'm not getting anything other than 3 local "maybe's", I'm going to show up whenever I get done with things probably in the mid afternoon.

If you are coming from out of Corvallis, BE SURE TO CALL the number shown below.

Over and Out-Paul

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24-hour Eugene Ultraskate coming up FAST!
On 9/17/2011 peters wrote in from United States  (24.19.nnn.nnn)

Hey Salem/Eugene/Corvalis skaters, keep an eye on the weekend of October 1st.


If you want to come out and throw down some miles with us, or just sit in a lawn chair toss back brewskis all night and yell at us every 4 mile lap until the sun rises again, sign up!!

Here's the dude Conan that's putting it on. He's gunning for Paul Kent's record of 250 miles in 24 hours (set in Greenlake, Seattle)

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Direction Addendum....
On 9/17/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

In regard to getting off of I-5 and onto Highway 34, Go WEST!, as in WEST, that's W-E-S-T to get to Corvallis, not that "other" direction I wrote accidently.

You should be headed AWAY from the Cascade mountains, and TOWARD the Coast Range and the Coast, and the Pacific Ocean and Asia.

Just to be perfectly clear on that matter.


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Corvallis Slalom Spot Directions......
On 9/17/2011 Same Slalom'r as before wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Assuming you are coming from Interstate Number 5:

Take the Hwy 34 exit, go east to Corvallis about 7-10 miles??

Go over a bridge soon after I-5 as you go through/around Tangent, Keep going as it winds around a little here and there,

As you approach Corvallis, You'll see a big golf course to the right and a bigger bridge ahead of you, you will take that bridge and cross over the Willamette River, Be sure to be in the Left lane that is NOT a left turn lane and drive up and over the Willamette River in the Left lane of the bridge.

Next, look for 2nd Street, turn LEFT and slowly cruise through the small but lovely downtown Corvallis, go as far as you can go. You will likely be blocked near the very end of 2nd street by a big water/sewer renovation project.

If you are clever, you can go to the right and make a loop around and return to 2nd and go a little farther. Or if you want to keep it simple, park somewhere and walk to the river, there you will see the Riverfront Walkway, it will lead you down a small slope, that is where the action will be, either right there or a little farther down you will see our not-so-gnar but still fun skatepark(complete with a lot of BMX'rs), and the slaloming may be right next to the skatepark.


See you there - Paul

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On 9/16/2011 Corvallis Slalom'r wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Well, the weather forcast for Sunday Sept 18th on www.weather.gov is improving to only 20% showers after 11am.

So, I'm planning on slaloming.

Again, If anyone is interested, post here or call or email me and I'll be there by 10:00 am or whenever people can make it, otherwise, I'm going to do "stuff" until I'm done and then I'll go just go down to the slalom spot whenever I get around to it.


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Weather addendum........
On 9/14/2011 Same Guy as before wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Ugghh, I have some weird thing going this year with slalom get-togethers of any sort and the weather, I just went to www.weather.gov which at the moment is stating "showers likely" for this Sunday.

Stay tuned, we'll see what transpires between now and then since it's still 4-5 days away (depending on how you count) and things can change a lot by then, or not at all.

Adios - Paul

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Corvallis Slalom Session Sunday Sept 18th????
On 9/14/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Weather permitting, I'll be slalomimg Sunday Sept 18th in Corvallis, Oregon.

It's pretty easy to find where it'll be, I'll give details if there's any interest. It will be downtown near and/or next to the skatepark. We may have to change locations, that won't be a big deal. Bring a park board too just in case.

Helmets will be required.

Here's the "Deal":
Single lane, slight pitch to the asphalt and/or cement riverfront walkways/bike paths, 70-ish cones, tight/hybrid, course can be changed around throughout the day if people want. I'll setup with my usual goofy mix of features. It's Not a race, there will be no timer, this is not a BBQ, but we can get take out pizza during the session or go get pizza afterward.


If anyone is interested, post here or use the name-click-email-thingy or call (541)754-7826, and I'll be there before 10:00 AM, IF NOONE CONTACTS ME, I'M GOING TO CHANGE MY DIFFERENTIAL FLUID IN MY TRUCK OR FLY MY GLIDER AND JUST SHOWUP WHENEVER I GET AROUND TO IT.

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Fast GS with ramps in Seattle TOMORROW
On 8/19/2011 peters wrote in from United States  (24.19.nnn.nnn)

Deano organizing a GS in Seattle... Just saw this on NWLB, it was only posted a couple days ago:

"A free 2 man boardercross is happening at Raineer Avenue South and Branden street at noon on Saturday until 3 pm. This is a official race on a closed city street.

This is not much of a boardercross, more of a open GS course with a couple of ramps that should be a little taller than a a curb.

I have some decks (load3, S9 and 5 mile) wheels (Otang and S9) and all sorts of other stuff. Come on out and race! "

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One more thing......
On 8/18/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

......If the Corvallis Slalom Session happens, it will be very, very "Techy" but NOT with the old 3-4 ft centers I used to do. Just in case anyone is intersted.

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Sept BBQ Cancelled for 2011
On 8/18/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Sorry but I just have too much stuff piling up so I'm going to just call it a "NO GO" and put it off for, hopefully, Spring 2012.

When I get back from Wyoming, and if my shoulder is doing OK, I might be into a slalom session and most likely it will be in CORVALLIS since I will be really, really, really sick of driving. It won't be exciting or "gnar" either, it will be on the Riverfront walkway next to or near the Corvallis Skatepark and very "Euro".

Thanks- Paul

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No Aug 7th slalom for Paul........
On 8/6/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

......'cuz I'll be doing more siding-related things all day long Sun/Mon/Tues.


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Aug/Sept-n-2nd job-siding-paint-n-BBQ's
On 8/3/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Here's my current situation, I'm in the middle of re-siding parts of my house(which means removal of the old, pre-priming, painting, installation of the new, caulking, etc, etc, etc), and I'm going to do it well(not just "good enough") which obviously needs to be done BEFORE the rains start, my 2nd job is keeping me busier than I really want to be and Aug 28th-Sept 10th I'll be gone to Wyoming.

If I don't get EVERYTHING siding-related done on the house prior to the Wyoming trip, I won't be at the BBQ because I'm not going to risk rain on open-frame portions of my house or delay things for a week or more to put on a BBQ, or risk not getting my siding project done because the rains start.

Also, long story made short, that trip often ends up with a loose and easily dislocating left shoulder by the time I get back, so I'm not real sure about the whole idea of slaloming the week or 2 afterward anyway.

That makes the whole thing for me less than 50% likely given my current everything-included-sitation so I'm not ruling it out for me, but I'm not going to plan on definately being there either and have a heart attack or stroke in the process of trying to do way, way too many things in possibly too little time. Right now my house is my total priority, the trip 2nd, and everything else is way, way on a back-burner at this point.

***SO, The real question is:

DOES EVERYONE WANT ME TO LEAVE IT ON THE SCHEDULE(and on the date posted, other dates don't seem any better for me at this point) SO EVERYONE(else besides me) CAN PLAN ON A SLALOM EVENT?, or should I just cancel it outright.

If I don't get any responses, and if I decide to cancel, it will be done before August 28th before I leave so everyone knows way ahead of time.

Thanks - Paul

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Sept BBQ
On 8/1/2011 pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (70.90.nnn.nnn)

Change the date to suit your schedule and we will show up.

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Sept BBQ???
On 7/28/2011 Paul Howard wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

I may not be available on Sept 18th Sunday to do the BBQ, so the thought of everyone else being there but me is NOT a problem for me and does NOT bother me in the least. Although, seeing everyone is pretty fun.


Does everyone else want to keep it on that date?

Does anyone mind(or prefer) if it gets changed to Sept 25th Sunday?

If I can't make it anyway and more people would prefer to do it on a Saterday, post here and let me know and I'll change the date to a Saterday.

Or, if people in general aren't interested/able altogether due to other events going on, I will gladly just cancel it out for the year since I have plenty to do otherwise anyway, and then try again next spring.

Thanks - Paul

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Salem Aug 7th
On 7/9/2011 Paul Steiger wrote in from United States  (66.189.nnn.nnn)

Pat, I'm traveling all that week and next.

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Tabor GS and Old School Speed Trap.
On 7/7/2011 Jordan Huotari wrote in from United States  (75.145.nnn.nnn)

Just a heads up... PDX Downhill is putting on a Mt Tabor GS and Old School Tuck race on Sunday the 24th of this July.

Check www.pdxdownhill.com for info and sign-ups.

Hope to see you all there!


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Salem Aug 7
On 7/2/2011 Corey wrote in from United States  (76.22.nnn.nnn)

Hey Pat, I might be able to come down for this, I still need to check my schedule. Any possibility on doing this the week before? Or better yet the week before and on a Saterday?

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Aug 7th Salem
On 7/1/2011 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (38.103.nnn.nnn)

Hey, umm maybe, I'm suddenly working a bunch of my regular days off from my main job(Clinic) at the 2nd job(Hospital) since they seem to be having "problems" and since I need the $, I'm taking whatever work comes up.

Thanks again for putting on the State Games -Paul

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Salem event Aug 7th ????
On 7/1/2011 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (71.237.nnn.nnn)

How about an unsanctioned event on Aug 7th ... Just for fun -- In Salem.

Who would be interested?

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ISSA T-shirts
On 6/30/2011 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (71.237.nnn.nnn)

I ordered 10 ISSA T-shirts to sell at the State Games of Oregon. Unfortunately, they arrive just AFTER the event.

If you want one ($20 -- a portion goes to ISSA for fundraising), then let me know.

They can be seen on ISSA web site (slalom skateboarder dot com).

Otherwise, I will see if I can get someone to sell them at LaCosta for me.

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Skip at the Games
On 6/27/2011 peters wrote in from United States  (24.19.nnn.nnn)

Wish I coulda made it -- Nice work dude!!

Off Subsonic's FB page: "Congratulations to team rider Skip Marcotte for his 2nd Place domination of all 4 events at the Oregon State Games! Skip won silver in the Hybrid, Giant Slalom, 100 Cone Challenge and Slalomcross."

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