Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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morning hours
On 8/9/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (172.194.nnn.nnn)

Port Angeles skatepark ROCKS!!! what is it with skateparks not opening until 8 a.m. though??? if its noise ordinances that's B.S. 'cause the trucks and cars zooming through the neighborhood are cranking out higher decibels than a few skateboards flippin around the park. I got lucky yesterday morning I guess but today the padlocks are on so I'm waiting it out...

Here's Dan's page on P.A.

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Sunday Early @ NSCC
On 8/4/2006 Stryker wrote in from United States  (207.175.nnn.nnn)

I'll be finalizing the course set ups for the Combo-Plate II.I'll be there at 6- 9:30 AM.Come check out what you'll be Racing on the 13th. John

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Cyber Miles this SAT
On 8/4/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (64.236.nnn.nnn)

Small NW contingency @ Redmond velodrome tomorrow, 5:30 AM (yes, Ante Meridiem) for a few Cyber Miles. Will have 2 GPS devices so we can keep clockin', maybe a pursuit race or two? Gotta do it up early cause track bikers can show up from 7 a.m. There's also a big flat asphalt lot next to the vel we can use, in case we have to leave or you roll outta bed late. And couple skateparks not far away if you still have some leftover ergs.

Any Seattle slalom Sunday? Family's visiting, but the weather's lookin fine all weekend...I might be able to squeeze an hour Sun morning.

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On 8/2/2006 Dan Kasmar wrote in from United States  (67.102.nnn.nnn)

Hey, I'm going to be in Portland this weekend for work, but I'll be done working on Sat. by 630, and would love to hook up with for some skating! Slalom, park, sliding, don't care. I'd just love to do some skating while I'm down there. Post, or send me an email, and let me know.

Skip, you out there?


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On 8/1/2006 Dan Hughes wrote in from United States  (162.78.nnn.nnn)

I wake up at 4:30 everyday anyway, so that was not biggie.

If you're hitting this Saturday, I'd like to try out that JP special.

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eastside and combo
On 8/1/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (64.236.nnn.nnn)

What was even cooler Dan, was you and Stryker getting out that freakin early in the morning to clock a couple miles with us! Makes a good warmup for a park session eh? Always a great learning experience to watch your lines in the park and the J-SLIDE manouever (patent pending)

btw, we're tentatively planning to hit the Velodrome at sunrise on the 13th, for a few timed miles, then make it over to the Combo Plate by 10 a.m., hope some more P-towners sign up!

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On 7/29/2006 Dan Hughes wrote in from United States  (208.187.nnn.nnn)

I had fun this morning trying to keep up with James on his JP Pumping machine (signature model from Roe). Oh, I couldn't catch him, no surprise there, he's got thighs of steel!

Then skating Crossroads with those guys was equally as fun. James is dropping in now, a new thing for him.

Good times!

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Where the Hell is..........?
On 7/28/2006 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (64.5.nnn.nnn)

THORSKI- Wow, that's pretty heavy stuff, my condolances to you and Jr. Hope things settle well for you.

OK, Where the Hell is?: (but not limited to the following list)

1)Aaron Burk
2)Pat Alldred
3)DeRF (DogDerf as the rest of us know him, he has no enemies but is despised by many of his closest friends)
5)Dong- Did he die or was he abducted by aliens trying to learn T/S?
6)Medford Dave Anderson and the one Medford Jr ripper that didn't have a cob.....
7)Everybody else I don't have time to post on this lame entry because I'm at work and short on time.

OK, More amusing stupid posts like this later when I have more time-Over and Out-P

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Back from hell
On 7/28/2006 Thor wrote in from United States  (66.213.nnn.nnn)

Thanks for asking about me Paul. Bryce and I found out the night before Hood River that his Mom had passed. We have been dealing with that since. Dave Mitchell has a new board for me that I am dying to run some cones with and was possibly thinking a WSU session would be fun to do soon. Maybe next weekend as I am going to Hailey this weekend.
James Peters you are amazing! That was such a good read and a super accomplishment to be able to pull that off. Wow! I think James needs to be tested for steroids or unusually high levels of testoserome before the next race just to keep it fair.

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EASTside weekend
On 7/27/2006 the warden wrote in from United States  (24.18.nnn.nnn)

Shaping up to be a smokin' weekend!
-- Friday, Crossroads sk8park in Bellevue 7 a.m.
-- Saturday, Velodrome CYBER MILE, 5:30 a.m. followed up by Crossroads 7 a.m.
-- Sunday, possible NSCC practice session 7 a.m.

p.s. check out the combo plate, looks like a Canadian roadtrips in the works!

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combo plate shrinky dinks
On 7/26/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (64.236.nnn.nnn)

I'm definately up for some short distance rides these coming weekends-- cones, park, lets get out. Mmm more tasty trophies from the Wog. And Jackhammer how'd you funk up the arm?! Karl said he had a blast with you in Euro and you kept him stoked....speaking of "swellbows" I finally got a call from Addington, he's got some new hotmail address, he's supposed to spam us with it, I told him about the August Seattle combo so, he be there!

Thanks all you guys, for encouraging the insanity.

Art -- you rocked Hood. See you and Norski there again if not sooner!

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Combo Plate Trophies
On 7/26/2006 Same Guy as before wrote in from United States  (64.5.nnn.nnn)

Hmmmm, just savoring the smell of space-age polymer plastic psuedoclay baking in the oven. They'll be served hot at the Combo Plate. 4 of 'em to be precise. - Adios, SGaB

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Jackman's elbow
On 7/25/2006 P.Wog wrote in from United States  (71.193.nnn.nnn)

Brad, what the heck did you do? Let us know when you get back if you don't get internet time. -P

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On 7/24/2006 Brad Jackman wrote in from Austria  (80.122.nnn.nnn)

Congrats from Brixlegg James you are awsome!cant wait to hear more when i return.awsome raceing here,i had to race with a dislocated elbow all weekend but still managed to make the sixteen cut on friday and püll a 6th place finish on sunday in the GS.running short on intercafe time and shure more info on the race will be posted soon.take care,see you soon...CSA RULES..The Jackhammer

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Push-n-Pump Peters
On 7/23/2006 Norski wrote in from United States  (66.81.nnn.nnn)

Awright James! It was great racing with you again at Hood. Watching you push back up the hill after shooting POV for Maria, race after race, I'm not suprised to hear you pulled off the STP race!

Congratulations - L8r SK8r

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James da man!
On 7/23/2006 Dan Hughes wrote in from United States  (208.187.nnn.nnn)

Great read man. Way to go!

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James "The Leg" Peters
On 7/22/2006 Josh B wrote in from United States  (24.22.nnn.nnn)

James- That is so killer!! What can I say that hasn't been said already? Nice job!!

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Where the Hell is Mel
On 7/22/2006 Same Guy as Before wrote in from United States  (64.5.nnn.nnn)

Yeah, Where the hell is Mel? OK, I think that's really all I have to say.

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Where the Hell is Thor?
On 7/22/2006 Some Guy from Wyoming wrote in from United States  (64.5.nnn.nnn)

Yeah, Where the hell is Thor? That's all I've got to say.

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James Ironman Peters
On 7/22/2006 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (64.5.nnn.nnn)

Hey James, I just read the story on PavedWave, That is truly impressive, you make me proud to be a skateboarder! See you at the Combo Plate-Paul

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On 7/22/2006 Tim wrote in from United States  (71.117.nnn.nnn)


Thanks for the well wishes. I am hoping to be able to ride in the combo plate. I see the Doc again on the 1st. James congratulations! That is totally awesome. How did the bikers treat you on the ride? Jackhammer, best wishes for a succesful Euro session. Capt'n Dave, heal up quick. CU all soon.

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On 7/22/2006 Corey wrote in from United States  (67.168.nnn.nnn)

Brad, Kick some Axe!! good luck at the Worlds, I know you will do well.

Dave and Tim , heal up quick. can't wait to skate with both of you soon.

James, That's incredible , 200+ miles pumping on a skateboard. We should have loaded you up with a bunch of stickers on your back for a human billboard. Really that is amazing!!

Skip, John, and everyone else- Sunday cone session sounds good for me at NSCC, 9am. Gonna be another hot one


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#2118 you're an animal
On 7/21/2006 Art Pryde wrote in from United States  (69.235.nnn.nnn)

James, that's an awesome feat of endurance!! I've done a few semi enduro things (skiied Hangman's Hallow @ Mammoth 10 times in 2 hours, rode 5 or 6 century bike rides, paddled 28 miles in the ocean twice on my surfski, and hiked 22 miles up-and-down Mount Whitney in a day a couple of times), but 200 miles on a skateboard....I lift my skateboard deck to you with respect.

I read your write up, and it sounds like the second day was a real mind over body experience. It's a strange place when you almost block out all external stimuli and focus as hard as you can on what's happening internally. When a slight change in body postion/angle can bring you another 5-10 minutes of relief.
Way to go! See you next year @ Hood!

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Seattle to Portland LDP
On 7/21/2006 peters wrote in from United States  (24.18.nnn.nnn)

hey thanks dave, skip, and pauli, and all other bros who have been mailing me about this. It was an experimental ride and turned out to be one of the most phenomenal experiences in my life. I didn't hype up the media or spam on it too much because, well, I wasn't quite sure day #2 was even going to happen! But I'll let you know for sure next time I skate down there, say, this time next year so we can do brewskis afterward!

I finally wrote up the experience on pavedwave -


Skip, there should be some cone killin' going on Sunday morning, drop a line!

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On 7/20/2006 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (64.5.nnn.nnn)

Congrats to JP, and best wishes on healing to Capt'n Dave and Timmy. Just got back from a bowmaking class and catching up. Adios-Paul

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