Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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za' volds!
On 9/24/2007 dan-o wrote in from United States  (67.160.nnn.nnn)

hey! good luck to ze pacific northwest contingence at za'volds(the worlds)ooont!

john (stryke force), brad "jackhammer", mark "the fearsome one!" and skip "the asymm shape ape"


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Thanks Judy
On 9/22/2007 Corey wrote in from United States  (67.168.nnn.nnn)

Judy wrote- It took me a little bit, but the teacher in me definitely figured out that Corey is the quiet kid in the back of the class who instigates all the mischief :) Keep on instigating, we love it!

Yeah! Cool!! I like that Judy.. Intimidate.. Corey the Intimidator.. Like Dale Earnhardt. I think that would be cool to come to the race dressed in all black clothing, sporting those gargoyle sunglasses. Yep, No more being quiet for me, you can just call me the Intimidator!! Yep thats me, just like Judy says.. instigat...I.n.s.t.i.g.a.t.o.r..
Hey!! wait a minute, thats not right!?!.. You callin me a trouble maker??, A person that likes to stirs the pot, and laughs in the background.. a regular Eddie Haskell

... Well Hello Mrs. Harris. that's a very fine outfit that you have on today.. Bradford and I would like to see it young Marcus can accompany us to this afternoon's slalom festivities......

Hehe, guess it is more fun to be the smartass, I'll behave Mrs. Harris, just don't put me into the dumpster

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On 9/21/2007 Kash wrote in from Canada  (75.152.nnn.nnn)

the weekend is here and I'm sure all is in need of some r & r / and some wiggling,,,,especially after the great weeknd of last and a hard week that we all fell into,,,,

with Corey's analogy and Gary's video,,,,,refreshes the memories of an epic, triple F weekend,,,,fun, fun, fun,,, (i'm sure if ya use yr imagination,,u could be more explicit).

looking forward to seeing evryone at future races,,

sending my best and safe travels to Mark, Brad J. and Stryker,,,,,next weekend at the worlds,,,,,,now get out wiggle thru some cones



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Spokane Skates
On 9/21/2007 Judy - never anonymous wrote in from United States  (67.185.nnn.nnn)

Thanks to everyone for all the kind words. We had an extraordinarily great time last weekend. FYI - we're already looking to September for next year, so plan on it.

It took me a little bit, but the teacher in me definitely figured out that Corey is the quiet kid in the back of the class who instigates all the mischief :) Keep on instigating, we love it!

Really looking forward to Salem where I can learn some more from everyone, gotta learn to pump, looking forward to getting more course setting tips from Pauliwog, and definitely looking forward to hanging out with a really great bunch of folks.

We're hoping to bring down a bunch of the Spokane crew with us to Salem. Thanks for making it a two day event.

Thanks again to everyone that turned out for Spokane's 1st. And definitely keep remembering Art Pryde's words so we don't get hung up on all the negativity that's out there.

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Spokane Skates '07
On 9/21/2007 Gary wrote in from Canada  (208.181.nnn.nnn)

Here's a little vid I threw together from the photos/ footage I had. Sorry I didn't get any Sunday footage, the batteries were runnng out. Copy and paste into your address bar:


I love turning left and right as fast as I can around cones, but even more than that, I'm stoked on the diverse and awesome people that love slalom too. Spokane was great for seeing old friends and making new ones.

One of the best things about spokane was the new riders that Mark and Judy have been encouraging to come out and train on Tuesday nights. I was impressed by the number of women and their skating, and by the speed of Spokane's male young guns: smooth and fast.

Always a pleasure to skate with Seattle crew: Pat (thanks for the timing expertise!),Brad, Dan-o, Stryker and Corey (thanks for the kind words; but you're always faster than me. Good job too with remembering almost everyone's names and giving them public cudos.(PS - My wife likes being called Marnie better than Marty))

Nice as well to see the boyz from my home and native land; even if they are from Alberta - Kasha and Chris and his son.

Nice to ride with Tri-Cities Paul too.

Last but certainly not least a huge THANKS to the Spokane Skates Crew: Mark, Judy, Jessie, Caitlyn, Celina, Cindy, Eric, Will, Jordan, Jake, Greg (I hope I didn't miss anyone. If I did blame Corey, I copied off of him.)

Have fun, go fast!

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On 9/21/2007 dan-o wrote in from United States  (67.160.nnn.nnn)

Ya know.........

it just dawned on me........

That spokane race......really was a good time!


the wine is fine,
the roads got ridden.

folks all where friendly,
and the riders all where biddin'!!!


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On 9/21/2007 The quiet guy in the back of the classroom wrote in from United States  (67.168.nnn.nnn)

Just another shout out to the Spokane Skate Crew for the killer race last weekend. Big thanks to Mark & Judy Harris for a fun well organised event. Special Thanks to Erik Overland, for building the collapsible ramps. My back Thanks You thanks to Eriks 's Mom Helen, for all the stretching exercises.

Thank You Pat Chewning for driving 6 hours for bringing and running the timing system, and Thank You to Gary McBryde's wife Marty (?) for keeping Sunday's course well swept. Hope to see you on a board soon.

It was fun to meet everyone. Stoked to see all the first timer getting hooked on Slalom. Nice change to see all the ladies running cones- Cindy Overland, first time on a skateboard 2 months ago, and Jessy 4 months ago, Caitlin, Selina, and Judy all rippin it up. Guys too, Erik,Jordan,Greg, Paul Stieger- good to see your getting back into it
Spokane's young gun, Will tearing up the courses so bad he split his board on Saturday.

Good seeing The Canadian crew, Kash, G-Mac, Phish , and his son Cam.
Gary Mcbride is one fast mutha- riding pretty much a stock out of the box Axe. Look Out!!!
Congrates again on Sunday's Podium.
Kasha -Fast & smooth, hope your healin' well after the equipment malfunction.
Chris the Phish, I enjoyed watching you flying down the GS course Sunday, double pumping through the cones. I hope someone has video of that. That was fun to watch

Other memories- Judy Harris, smiling and giggling as she hits cones in the course.
Jessy, on her second run on Sunday, you can see a light bulb go off in her head- thinking yeah I got this!!
Jordan, (or his brother) cruising down the course on like a 25" board made by Gravity
Mark & Judy's food fight at Azteca

Congrates to all the winners in each Class. Really cool to see Our man Dan-O's 3rd place Podium on Sateday(sp) Yeah!! Keep it up Dan-O.

I had a really good time. Thanks everyone.Hope I have everyones names and info correct. Hope to see everyone in Salem in a few weeks

In the words of our friend Art Pryde- Skateboarding has always been about freedom.
Corey Moy

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Just some thoughts.....
On 9/20/2007 Paulskiiwog wrote in from United States  (65.122.nnn.nnn)


Dang, Saterday sounds fun, I wish I could make that one.

Joe Iocovelli - Hey, come sit on the CSA couch once in awhile man, you're always welcome in our house even though you're a Nor'Easter(just don't pee off our balcony). Come to one of our races too while you're at it.

Schlater - P

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Oct 13-14 Acorn Sortta Slalom
On 9/19/2007 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (24.22.nnn.nnn)

Yes, Paul and I are expanding the event to be both days. If you can only make one day, please come on Sonday (note spelling), since this is the MAIN EVENT day.

On Saterday (note spelling), I would like to set a "NIMBO" course as one of the courses. This is "Nearly Impossible Mixed Bag of Offsets". Or as Dave Mitchell would call it the "Pat Chewning Memorial Offset". Think of setting a course with offsets SO far apart that is is nearly impossible to make the course. Then, with practice, you finally figure out it IS possible. You make the course. Success! You have a feeling of accomplishment.

One of the two courses on Saterday (note spelling) will be like this, if you want.

The other will be "NITDQ". (Nearly impossible to DQ). An easy course.

As with the spirit of the event, the timing system will be set up at the last minit (note spelling), and if it works, we time the event. If not, I skate and forget about timing.

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Wanna treat your wife/girlfriend/bear porn daddy?
On 9/19/2007 joe i wrote in from United States  (67.189.nnn.nnn)

OK, maybe this belongs in the BST forum, but I figured you folks are the only ones that would be interested. I apologize if you find it distracting.

I bought a one night spa getaway for the new Courtyard Marriott in downtown Tacoma. It comes with breakfast and a spa gift certificate. It's good until
11/1. It's from an auction for the Childrens Miracle Network. It's stated worth is $400.

I don't have time to go and I thought maybe one of you would want to send someone who is overlooking the fact that you're leaving town again to go to the worlds. Or maybe you just plain need the pampering yourself.

I'll take cash or gear in trade. I didn't pay $400, so go ahead and lowball me.


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Great News for the Salem "Some Sorta Slalom with Acorns"!!!!!!!
On 9/19/2007 Mr Organizer/Disorganizer wrote in from United States  (65.122.nnn.nnn)

Hey, to all of you distant(and near) travellers planning on coming to Salem for the "Some Sorta Slalom with Acorns", You can now probably plan on coming and racing BOTH SATERDAY AND SUNDAY.

Pat Chewning is possibly/probably volunteering to be in charge of directing some kind of slalom related something on Saterday for everyone who wants to make it a weekend thingy or can only make it Saterday. I'll let him make that decision however.

If Pat can't do it, and someone else wants to be in charge of something on Saterday, you won't be stepping on my toes.

As always, there is ALWAYS the chance we might get busted and told to disperse(hasn't happened yet, but the possibility is always there)so, BRING YOUR POOL/PARK SETUPS and you can go ride one of the nearby skateparks or go bomb some hills somewhere(the locals could tell you more, I don't have a clue on that one).

Hope to see everyone there - Paul

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On 9/18/2007 malcolm wrote in from Canada  (24.80.nnn.nnn)

sorry i missed it. sounds like it was alot of fun. i might have to miss salem too. school just got really crazy again.

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Spokane Skates
On 9/17/2007 Stryker wrote in from United States  (76.104.nnn.nnn)

Thanks Mark and Judy, This weekends race went off smoothly. There are always some hick-ups putting on races(especially with timing systems).A two day event to start off with!WOW. You both did a very good job for your first race. I think everyone had a great time.I look forward to coming back next year. This is going to be a regular stop on the CSA Race Calendar. Right? Thanks Again. John

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CAT-Some Sorta Slalom with Acorns in Oct
On 9/17/2007 Paulskiiwog wrote in from United States  (67.170.nnn.nnn)

Hey, Unfortunately, I work Saterdays and am stuck with running the Salem event on a Sunday since the work schedule is already made out and with everyone else's vacations I'm unable trade days around, Sorry. Hope to see you and everyone there (if it does'nt get rained out). - P

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Spokane Skates
On 9/17/2007 Judy wrote in from United States  (67.185.nnn.nnn)

Just wanted to send a shout out to all those who came to Spokane this weekend. We had a GREAT time and really appreciated the show of support from Portland, Seattle, and Canada.

Congrats to Corey Moy and John Stryker as the overall champs from the weekend of racing. Congrats to Jake Mehrins our Open Mens Beginner 1st place finisher, Eric Overland, first timers 1st place, and Selina (don't have last name off the top of my head) as the 1st timers women's 1st place. Full results will post later today when I've had more tea.

As I said at the race, I'm particularly proud of all the first timers we had and the new women who are coming out to race - nice job you folks.

The Spokane crew is already looking ahead to next year and an even better September event. (quickrete is on the way to Lincoln Park)

Hope you Seattle folks didn't get held up by the wildfire on I90 for too long last night. It held my daughter up for three hours as she was heading this way.

Put us on your calendars for 2008, it will be even more fun.

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On 9/16/2007 Cat wrote in from United States  (67.117.nnn.nnn)

P.S. Any chance to have your little soiree on Saturday??

Just checking.

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On 9/16/2007 Cat wrote in from United States  (67.117.nnn.nnn)

I signed up for your little get-together.

Now hopefully I can get one of the NorCal peeps to drive up with me!

I can't wait to skate the derby hill again & see all ya'll again!

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Spokane Showdown
On 9/13/2007 Corey wrote in from United States  (67.168.nnn.nnn)

Looking foward to seeing a Hood River rematch of Harris, and Kasha this weekend. Throwing the Superfast G-Mac in the mix, should be some exciting racing.


Brad, Dan-o, and I, will be in Spokane around 8pm tomorrow night. Call us if anyone wants to get a drink, dinner, or skate the streets of downtown Spokane.
Corey 253 606-6407

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Spokane Skates Event
On 9/11/2007 Judy wrote in from United States  (67.185.nnn.nnn)

Hi Everybody, Here are directions for Saturday's race locale in Spokane: From downtown Spokane - Take Interstate 90 West 2 miles. Take exit 279 to Pullman heading South and continue on Highway 195 approximately 3.5 miles to Qualchan Road. Take a right on Qualchan Road. Go to Lincoln Blvd, which is your first left. Follow Lincoln (don't make any turns as it winds up the hill making a couple of big bends). At this point you will be salivating at the new pavement. Stay on this road 1.5 miles as Lincoln Blvd. turns into Lincoln Way. As you approach the crest of the hill Lincoln Way magically becomes Parkridge Blvd. At the crest of the hill look for Ravenscrest Drive on your right. At the intersection of Parkridge Blvd. and Ravenscrest Drive you will see the start of the course on your right - you are there!

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the spelling of days.....
On 9/10/2007 dan-o wrote in from United States  (67.170.nnn.nnn)

hey, paulie.

your day spelling is a bit off...

you got saturday right, but monday is spelt mundeigh.

mundeigh, mundiegh. got it!

well! ok...

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Spokane Hotel
On 9/9/2007 Stryker wrote in from United States  (76.104.nnn.nnn)

I just booked room at the Econo-Lodge in Downtown Spokane. Orbitz had this one as the best rated and the most cost effective. $59.00 at night. For two nights with taxes and fees it totalled $143. There are double rooms availibe for those who want to share the expenses. See You there. John

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I Suck, Spo-kane, No-can-do
On 9/7/2007 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (65.122.nnn.nnn)

I gotta work Saterday and be to work monday morning at 5:30 so that pretty much drives a wooden stake through it for me. -P

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Roadtrip Portland to Spokane
On 9/7/2007 Pat Chewning wrote in from United States  (67.189.nnn.nnn)

Anyone from the Portland area want to carpool to Spokane next weekend?

Basically, my car is going there with me, my skateboard stuff, the timing equipment. There will be room for someone else. It is a 6hr drive, I could use another driver, or at least someone to yank the wheel from me as I fall asleep and head off the road.

-- Pat

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On 9/6/2007 Cat wrote in from United States  (67.117.nnn.nnn)


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Question for Cat
On 9/6/2007 Pauliwog wrote in from United States  (65.122.nnn.nnn)

Hey Cat, Do any of you Norcal slalomer's use the "NorCal" forum? It seems like I never see anything but the downhill crowd using it. Schlater- Paul

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