Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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On 12/6/2001 adam t wrote in from (204.152.nnn.nnn)


In my opinion, your view is correct. Straight to the point, I enjoy the truth as I see it in your words.

Words are all we have here,

Thank you for presenting your opinion and I too wish Mr.GBH well.


adam t

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On 12/6/2001 GBJ wrote in from (24.38.nnn.nnn)

Actually, AdamT, the phrase is "Think Globally. Act Locally." That's beside the point.

I don't think anyone's reacting like your words were rocks. Personally, I congratulated you for your enthusiastic embrace of the matters at hand. I just wonder, when you state, "This community truly OWES the ISSA at least a look into this organization." You just seem so sure that "we" (the people at whom you've stated your intention to be throwing metaphoric rocks) are dismissing the ISSA out of hand, without giving them the time of day. What makes you so certain that is the case? How are you so certain that some, if not all, of "us" didn't spend years reading Jani's "Slalom!" magazine and closely following, if not participating in the Euro-based and centered ISSA activities?

So, having followed the history of the ISSA as it was happening, and deciding still to want to give a national organization a try at this point in time, am I somehow disrespecting Jani, his efforts or the ISSA?

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...throwing rocks.
On 12/6/2001 adam t wrote in from (204.152.nnn.nnn)


I took the time to e-mail Jani Soderhall. He took the time to explain to me a little about the ISSA in it's current form. Did any of you e-mail or write a letter investigating this Association? I see you are quoting from a rule book, this is good, but did you simply make a diagnosis without actually investigating? Bad prognosis.

I hold no issue with any of you/us. All of this passion is good, all of it. I don't want to stir the pot, I simply think there are some good ingrediants for this meal, you dig?

My "ISSA" posts can be looked at like throwing rocks at a crowd. The rock being the good idea of the ISSA and the crowd being this forum. The rocks I am throwing are good rocks, good ideas that won't hurt anyone. They are hitting people and they are responding albeit like they are real rocks.

It is amazing, I have been respectful and clear in my posts, and although I don't have 31 years of slalom enthusiasm, I do remember watching Tony Alva on the television being interviewed by Wide World of Sports after winning a slalom race against Henry Hester. (Kinda reminded me of the Steve O win) I didn't think I was disrespectful by "throwing the good rocks" at this crowd. This community truly OWES the ISSA at least a look into this organization. Seeing that people are so soulful and want to respect their past, well, the ISSA is a part of our slalom past on many accounts.

I live in Arizona and I am not a part of racing, but I have been riding Turner Summer Skis since 79 or 80. I like cones. (...those of women and on asphalt!) I want to come join in on the fun of this new resurgence in slalom and meet the people (from the past, present and future of slalom) after so many years of turning with just a friend here or there.

The ISSA was/is a good idea. I've followed it as much as I could from afar. And as I have already stated a couple of times now, "I will support any respectful organization for the advancement of slalom skateboard racing" through my membership and or donation.

I'm NOT attacking anyone, just throwing some rocks.

How does that saying go? "Think local, act global?"

I've said enough, you either will take a look or you won't. I did my part and I'll stop throwing rocks.

Best Regards,

adam [t]

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On 12/6/2001 Jack wrote in from (216.207.nnn.nnn)

Adam, I must respectfully disagree with you on the ISSA not being a dead horse. There is no organization. Not updating their website in three years? Have they sanctioned or organized any events in the last three years?
I respect what they did when they were operating, however I think it's time to move on.

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On 12/6/2001 GBJ wrote in from (24.38.nnn.nnn)

Oops... Re-read that last line as "When? Soon!" (I didn't mean to put in that second question mark!)

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On 12/6/2001 GBJ wrote in from (24.38.nnn.nnn)

Adam T., Are you speaking directly to me? It sure seems that way. I'm excited to see that you've taken such an interest in the different organizations that have or may evolve around the slalom skateboarding community. I hope you will bring some of that passion to an involvement in the USSSF. I just want to make it clear that things needn't be so adversarial as you seem to be making it. Forming the USSSF has nothing to do with "Turning our backs" on the ISSA. If I am not mistaken, the ISSA, as an International organization, is used to interfacing the individual organizations of multiple nations, in its' plans. There is no reason to assume that the USSSF would not send a representative to the ISSA. In fact, Article II of the USSSF By-Laws (Proposed) deals specifically with Affiliated Associations.

My intention in creating the USSSF is to lend my years of experience in association management to the 31 years of passion I've held for slalom skateboarding, and hopefully create a condition, at this special moment in time, that will be beneficial to everyone who loves our special corner of the sporting world. It is beyond doubt that the organization, its' officers, Board of Directors and myself will occasional fail to please everyone, but you have my word that the United States Slalom Skateboarding Federation is a true, not-for-profit, sport promoting and sanctioning body that will, to the best of any organization's ability, document, quantify, represent and act upon the expressed purposes and wishes of its' membership. Hopefully that membership will be large enough to actually claim to represent the majority of the community.

When? Soon? The USSSF in 2002!

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On 12/6/2001 adam t wrote in from (208.203.nnn.nnn)


...just got an E from Jani Soderhall, the ISSA is not dead. There is a current movement and from what I understand, there is a member of the French contingency that has been checking out the NCSDS forum(s) quietly. They just need help with interest, help in putting in the time, they need volunteers. There has got to be someone from the USA that will step up to the plate, someone?

A web site is often static (and a sport like slalom) and goes through periods of increased interest, ebb and flow. Right now, the tide has turned somewhat like the slalom situation back in the early 90's. Europe is turning on again too. The ISSA is a good organization and seems petty to start something new, when something so well run already exsists.

It is important to investigate the ISSA, it's rules, the history, listen to those racers that were involved. If you want to be involved in organizing racing, and you want the sport to ADVANCE, then surely we can build on a solid organization that has proven it's worth. Build on the history of the ISSA. North America could have it's own faction, a part of it, and move forward. Not reinventing the rules.

The talk of "killing the soul" is odd. Professional slalom skateboard racing will not kill the soul. It will only serve to strenghthen it. Professional racing rules will increase the performance, reduce the rule interpretation argument and attitudes that lurk under the surface about current racing races/conditions.

"Killing the soul" comes under the form of organizing because YOU decide YOU want to be in charge. It won't kill the soul, it will kill yours. Do you want to help the sport of organized slalom skateboarding move forward? At least seriously investigate (actually study) the history of slalom racing. I think this request is reasonable.

Investigate, do jump to conclusions and pronounce it dead because this is not true according to Jani Soderhall on 12/6/01

Talk with the people who have raced in the ISSA. Talk with the people who were and are in charge of it. Their words are golden. I believe that you will find that there is room for you, here in the USA to become an "official" in this organization

I am not angry that people want to make a new organization. I don't have a bad attitude towards all the arguments and the riffs going on at these forums. It's all good. It's about passion, no apathy, it's time to light up the torch and move forward with racing rules that are international in scope. I will even support your organization if you turn your back on the ISSA. I want to see the sport grow and take it's course to the olympics. I bet that most of the racers want the same thing. This is not about "me or you" it's about slalom racing.

The ISSA is not a dead horse by any means.

Have fun,


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On 12/5/2001 cfavero wrote in from (152.163.nnn.nnn)

qouting muddy waters"i got my black cap on,i got a mojo too"cf

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On 12/5/2001 Boardman wrote in from (12.80.nnn.nnn)

Re garding the mojo powder:

"if he touch that, he die"

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On 12/5/2001 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (198.160.nnn.nnn)

Kolchak: Smoke and mirrors dood...
...if that don't work mojo powder will have to do.

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The Night Stalker
On 12/5/2001 Kolchak wrote in from (151.203.nnn.nnn)

The whole slalom thing is kind of hysterical. I just can't believe how many skaters we dug up in California alone. It's like dawn of the dead or something. So once the graveyard is empty the Zombies have to go out and get more people Zombiefied. How are we going to do that? And how can we pool our resources and vendors together to do that?

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cfavero's slalom race to the finish
On 12/4/2001 lbk wrote in from (209.244.nnn.nnn)

now we talking just for fun

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On 12/4/2001 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (24.148.nnn.nnn)

Yeah! The last man standing wins!

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On 12/4/2001 cfavero wrote in from (205.188.nnn.nnn)

hey lbk,that pool contest sounded like tons of fun,wish i was there.you know,skating is really about shining rules.i propose a downhill/slalom format where any thing goes.you know,rocks ,tacks,missles,sticks,whatever.we would all have our own protective gear,gasmasks,motocross chestplates,hell,maybe even bullet proof vests.the winner would be not who is fastest,but who finishes.cf

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Bigmouth Racing
On 12/4/2001 Boardman wrote in from (12.80.nnn.nnn)

Just thoughts. I am not trying to step on anyones toes. I personaly think it would be classic to see "Bulky" on the podium myself. I just see an amazing amount of politics involved with all this. I think I will bow out graciously and shut my trap. I just wanna race.

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On 12/4/2001 Mr x wrote in from (208.29.nnn.nnn)

JD ssssssssshhhhhh!,You're blowing our cover
Mr.y & Mr. z

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USSSF & Vert
On 12/4/2001 lbk wrote in from (64.157.nnn.nnn)


Thanks for reading my posts and commenting on them. It might not be obvious but I think we are going in the same general direction on slalom skateboarding. I understand what you are getting at.

The vert stuff I posted was just to try to get some responses going. Hell I was involved in an oddity this past June, a pool contest we held at the Vans Skatepark in Northern VA. It was put on by Surfrider Foundation's Washington DC Chapter & ECRW (look them up on your search engine) The contest was done in an open jam format. A total grassroots thing. Trophies were painted chunks of coping from an old bowl in the area. The winners got to choose from tons of donated prizes that were zip tied on the park fence. The guy who won first place selected the "any size tattoo" as his prize. It was a blast. And guess was there to help out with judging? You guessed it, GBJ.

Well, If you can't make it out to the Gathering, then it's cool. We will get to ride & race sometime else.


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On 12/4/2001 JD wrote in from (67.24.nnn.nnn)

Don't exist??!..DON'T EXIST?!??!!??....whad-a-ya mean we don't exist!!....Psycholoyd ..say it ain't so.

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Knucklehead dis-organization
On 12/4/2001 psYch0Lloyd wrote in from (198.160.nnn.nnn)

arab: At GGP you had received what amounted to be our only piece of uniform being distributed at the time, it doesn’t matter now, you probably forgot all about it. It was NOS so probably worth something on ebay anyway. My point is, sometimes you do get sumthin' fer nuttin’. Good thing we don't really exist otherwise you'd have to disavow any knowledge of us. It wouldn’t be easy to put a label on what we are or even describe us anyway...


Sh out out to Garry "Goofy" Ryan of Goofy Graphics, Morro Bay, CA!!!

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On 12/4/2001 slappy wrote in from (64.236.nnn.nnn)

I'm with Jack on the Olympics.
Did the Olympics kill windsurfing or mountain biking?
No one who participates in those sports thinks,'Gee, if we could only pull out of the Olympics and bring back the soul.'
The souls of those sports are still on any trail or body of water with some wind.

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On 12/4/2001 GBJ wrote in from (209.48.nnn.nnn)

John, With years of experience under my belt as the Business Manager of a small national trade association in the United States, I think I have a fairly decent grasp on what it takes and how much it costs to run a similar organization in this country. There is also the question of what the organization intends to do and provide for its' members that plays very heavily on the expense side of the budget. I'd be glad to hear anything Jani has to add, but ultimately the failure of the ISSA to prosper or even survive will have a significant impact on the perceived value of their suggestion.

One of the things the USSSF will almost certainly be doing is the convening of a Rules Committee. I would think that the USSSF Rules Committee would be foolish to discard completely some of the valuable rules work done by the ISSA. Whether any rules produced by that committee will ultimately bear any resemblance to the ISSA rules will be up to the members of that committee, which means we'll just have to wait and see.

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International Skateboard Slalom Association
On 12/4/2001 John Gilmour wrote in from (151.203.nnn.nnn)

Actually ISSA was not formed until 1990 the ski gates were just part of the lack of standards that existed before then.

I had the membership scale from ISSA wrong. They had two schedules of dues. The East paid less than the west due to their weaker currencies. A western supporter paid $20, a active copetitor paid $50 and a Pro paid $150. It would be interesting to have Jani comment on how much it takes to run an organization and what their costs were so we could use this knowledge to help construct a dues structure.

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On 12/4/2001 Jack wrote in from (216.207.nnn.nnn)

Boardman, do you really believe that an event held once every four years would kill the "soul of our sport"?
I too respect Olson's skating and his image. Is it right for the Olympics? I don't know if it's right but it sure would give the announcers something to talk about. I would much rather see Olson on the victory stand than the "no-class" 100 meter US sprinters who posed and made complete fools of themselves during the last Olympics.
The USOC did seriously consider including skateboarding for the '84 games.
Do you think that skaters are the only athletes who participate in the "extracurricular activities" you mention?
I have a buddy who was on the '72 Olympic track and field team...you wouldn't believe the stories he has told me. Ever hear of a guy named "Pre"?

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On 12/4/2001 loneskater wrote in from (159.87.nnn.nnn)

lbk, i don't know what the deal is, i just don't want to see that I can't race if i don't belong or make a series. i can't afford to make a series of races and i am certainly not good enough to get paid to race. i would support GBJ's or any organization that helps slalom. $25 easy, $50 high probability,and volunteer to help no problem. if you knew me you would know i am a hands on kind of guy. i don't shirk from labor. apples to oranges, vert is not dead, i can show you a bunch of youngsters that rip and never been in a contest or care to be. the X games are an exibition. i never watched them. i would rather spend my time riding. there are numerous good areas with vert in the U.S. some you gotta pay (Vans), and many you don't (Burnside). vert is a soul/feeling thing. yes it can be judged, but i don't have to be in a contest to have fun with other skaters. as far as the underground it will always be that is the purity of it. Slalom is different. racing itself is fun.
i will say this, i will watch what FCR does, they have alot of experience and trust them to do the right thing. i know GBJ wants this with all his heart, he believes in slalom.
i am contracted to work april and may 2002, so i may be out of the loop for a little bit but i will be around. George.

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The new improved organization
On 12/4/2001 Jimmy Vegas wrote in from (165.24.nnn.nnn)

Jimmy Vegas hates competition, all he likes doing is finding a good hill and coasting down it on his sector 9 (thats right..sector 9) board. Thats what this club is about...no rules, no morals only downhill.

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