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Dr David Hartman on Head Injuries

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Q&A: Dr David Hartman on Head Injuries (824 Posts)
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and another thing
On 2/21/2005 chris B wrote in from United States  (204.78.nnn.nnn)

...and by the spelling in my last post, you'd think i fell on my head one too many times....sorry...working on a laptop today....smaller keys...

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Dome protection
On 2/21/2005 Chris B wrote in from United States  (204.78.nnn.nnn)

Fro the larger faster hills, i go with a protec snowboard helmet with a face shield, but to be honest, i still wear my FLYAWAY for the TS and milder hybrid stuff....
The original foam lining is nothing more than a bath sponge. I've replaced it with higher density, non-memory ceuluar foam that springs back better and offers the protection of modern helmets. You can cut out the old foam (if it hasnt crumbled to pieces already) with a hobby blade and use contact cement to glue the new foam in. The ones i just had made are cut to match the dimensions of the originals exatly width and length, and are aobut 1/4" thicker. If you'd like to buy a set, drop me a line.
At least that way, you can still wear that old flyaway without worrying about busting your noggin (plus the stuff i made absorbs sweat, so it wont run into your eyes anymore)

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Giro Flint Helmet XXL Thor This Is The Deal
On 2/21/2005 North Carolina Longboarder-DownHill Billies wrote in from United States  (166.82.nnn.nnn)

Here is the best bet going on helmets out there...it's the Giro Flint snowboard helmet and it has a removable full face guard. David Hackett had recommended it for super G slalom racing. I got the XL and it fits my head well..the only negative it is tight going on...once it is on it is comfortable.

Here is the best deal out there right now price wise:

This helmet is NOT Snell rated, however.

Marion Karr
North Carolina Longboarder
Proud Member of the DownHill Billies

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Mr. BigHead
On 2/21/2005 Dr. Dave wrote in from United States  (68.251.nnn.nnn)


Trash that helmet. It's long past any reasonable level of protection. It's time for a new one. Here's a copy of a post last year when this issue was raised. If readers have other suggestions for xxxtra large helmets, post 'em for Thor. After all a Norse Thunder God needs good protection. drdh

On 6/11/2004 Ken wrote in from 66.80.xxx.xxx:

. . .I recently picked up a Giro S4 snowboard helmet from REI's website marked down from $70 to $30 in extra large and it fits great. The workmanship is good and all you have to do is remove the insulation from the vent holes (there are plenty of vents for that NC humidity)and remove the little googles strap from the back with a metric allen wrench and you're all set. I know mailorder is a less than ideal mode for such a purchase, but at this price it's well worth a try for a nice helmet. Good luck in your search and keep rollin' the long planks!

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On 2/21/2005 Dr. Dave wrote in from United States  (68.251.nnn.nnn)

soc D.

Your best bet for a specialty as narrow as that involving neurological conditions of the ear/auditory system is to contact one of the Bay Area's hospitals and see who is listed. You should be able to find one directly or through the department of Neurology.


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On 2/21/2005 Dr. Dave wrote in from United States  (68.251.nnn.nnn)


Your symptoms sound like what is called "Baker's Cyst." This is a fluid build up that occurs due to some other problem in your knee, e.g., injury, tear of your meniscus etc. The injury causes swelling and fluid to build up in your knee. Fluid becomes trapped inside the knee's joint capsule. Even when the injury has healed, you may still have the swelling in the back of your knee. This is associated with pain usually described as dull and aching.

Anyway, treatment is often with rest, cold, and anti-inflammatories. Don't massage it or try to drain it yourself. See a sports medicine doc or orthopedist and let us know. And as far as skating on it --- You know the old joke "Doc, it hurts when I do this!" and the doc reples "Well don't do this!" (BaDUM - cymbal crash here). Don't skate until you've seen your doc and done some treatment. If you go back on the plank there's a chance of further injury, surgery, etc. Trust me, you do NOT want knee surgery if you can avoid it.

Let us know how it goes. Best of luck,

Dr. Dave

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Knee sac?
On 2/18/2005 Jim Richardson wrote in from United States  (67.100.nnn.nnn)

Howdy .. I know this isn't head injury ,,, but it's definitley skate related..
About a month-five weeks ago, I slammed hard, straight on my kneecap in a ditch... didn't really hit anything else.. didn't scrape it.. just straight on impact. It was very swollen for a few dasy.. no real loss of mobility or pain on mobility.. took a few slams to my knees in a park with insufficient knee protection a couple weeks after the initial injury -- was wearing glorified gaskets with a cup but little real paddingn Anyway, in the last week I have notice what feels like a fluid sac about the size of 1/4 baseball on the kneecap in question. No redness or pain on motion.. if you press on certain parts of the patella it hurts like hell, but i just try not to do that ! Just wondering what I can do to make this go away and if I ought to be skating while it is like this??? thanks a bunch...

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Head Inury from vehicular accident
On 2/17/2005 soc Domingo wrote in from (69.234.nnn.nnn)

We are insearch of a neuro-otologist in the Bay Area (San Francisco) to refer a client who sustained head injuries in a major accident. I was led to this web site. If you are, please let us know.

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Helmets for big heads
On 2/17/2005 THOR wrote in from United States  (64.122.nnn.nnn)

Are the old fly away helmets any good? That is the only helmet I have ever owned that would actually fit on my dome. The old protects fit sort of only after many sessions and the foam gets compressed. The new helmets with the new hard foam don't even come close to fitting. What is a big headed guy to do that is religous about protecting my head. I smacked mine twice last summer with the old foam style helmets and I could tell the protection wasnt there. The problem with those old style foam helmets the extra large foam kits have half the padding. Who out there makes a xxxlarge helmet. I am desperate.

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Back 'n Knee
On 2/14/2005 Dr. Dave wrote in from United States  (68.251.nnn.nnn)


Every hear of the lateral collateral ligament? Didn't think so. Injury to that ligament is associated with side knee pain. See your ortho or sports medicine doc for the real dx, and in the meantime, do the usual rest, ice, anti-inflammatories if you can take them and if you are getting increasing pain on the board, lay off until you know what's going on.


Back pain is pretty commmon in the general population too but if you slam your spine into the ground a times, it's likely to be an unhappy spine. Causes can be irritated nerves, damaged discs, etc. If you have continued pain and especially if it's accompanied by numbness, shooting pain or movement limits in the arms or legs, get thee to an orthopod right quick or at least talk to your GP about x-rays. Otherwise, the usual anti-inflammatories if you can take them. I would go to the Orthopod before you set up treatment with a chiropractor.

Remember people, boarding is xtreme, but it doesn't require you to suck it in and live with pain. Consider pain symptoms as your bodies first warning to do something about it. Kind of like your car's engine knocking for a while before it blows up. So get it diagnosed and fixed earlier rather than later. Later it's usually harder, longer, less easy to fix.

Let us know how it turns out guys. DRDH

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chronic back pain
On 2/14/2005 betty wrote in from United States  (24.170.nnn.nnn)

With the falls that come with skating, comes chronic back pain. I hear everyone I skate with complain about it. Chiroprators and massages might help, but what else?

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On 2/12/2005 Aaron wrote in from United States  (67.49.nnn.nnn)

My right knee hurts on the outside, it doesn't seem to stop for about 3 months, think it's time to see a doctor?

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RE: Jack up that ankle 2
On 2/5/2005 Jack in Aurora wrote in from United States  (4.227.nnn.nnn)

Hi Dr. Dave,
I saw my doctor this past monday for a severe gout attack. He has me on lots of good stuff. After 6 days the pain is pretty much gone. The anti-inflams seem to be helping my ankle too. He said it might be a touch of tendenitis and it'll get better with some work. I'm putting in time a few days a week in the gym on the leg machines and working on my abs and glutes. Thanks for your advice.
Jack in Aurora

God rides a longboard.

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On 1/27/2005 Jack in Aurora wrote in from United States  (207.69.nnn.nnn)

Thank you.

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Upper Extremity Amputees
On 1/19/2005 Jack in Aurora wrote in from United States  (208.20.nnn.nnn)

This is posted on the bulletin board also. Sorry for the duplicate and its really not a question for Dr. Dave, but it occurred to me that this might be a good forum for this issue.

I'm looking for another upper extremity amputee or similar to compare skating notes with. While not technically an amputee myself, my physiology is classed as the same. I'm 45 with a birth defect from thalidomide resulting in one arm being very short and the other being nearly normal. Anyway it makes for some interesting technical problems when skating.
Jack in Aurora, Colorado

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Jack up that ankle 2
On 1/16/2005 Dr. Dave wrote in from United States  (24.13.nnn.nnn)


Make sure your doc knows about the gout. Gout can also be a cause of ankle pain, and you may need something stronger than homeopathy to deal with it. Let us know.


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RE: Jack up that ankle
On 1/16/2005 Jack wrote in from United States  (207.69.nnn.nnn)

Thanks Dr. Dave. I'll take those steps. Its been snowy and cold here in Denver for about the last week, so I've been on an enforced break due to nature. Can a person sprain an ankle just by pushing? I've taken a few falls but I can't remember rolling my ankle when I did it. I've got some problems w/ gout in my toes and I'm just starting drug therapy for that problem. I've been on cherry enzyme homeopathic therapy as a preventative for a number of years and it seems to help. I'm unable to take Indocin and I have to be careful w/ Ibuprofen. Thanks so much for getting back to me I'll go talk to my doctor this week and get a diagnosis and treatment plan.

"God rides a Longboard."

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Jack up that ankle
On 1/15/2005 Dr. Dave wrote in from United States  (24.13.nnn.nnn)

Hi Jack,

Some good advice from allrefer.com below. Basically, you may have sprained it. You may need a brace but first you need to (1) find out what's really going on, and (2) stay off the board for a while. If the pain persists andn/or you have any arthritis or other bone related issues, talk to a sports medicine doc.

"Ankle pain is most often due to an ankle sprain. A sprain is an injury to the ligaments that connect bones to one another. In most cases, the ankle is twisted inward (inversion injury), and there are tiny tears in the ligaments that may make the ankle somewhat unstable. This tearing leads to swelling, inflammation, and bruising about the ankle, making it difficult to bear weight on the joint. Occasionally, bones can be broken from a severe blow or fall.

Once an ankle is sprained, the injury may take a few weeks to many months to fully heal. Often, the injured ankle remains a little weaker and less stable than the uninjured one. A proper rehabilitation program can prevent this problem. Other structures in the ankle that can be damaged, and thus cause pain, are tendons (which join muscles to bone), cartilage (which cushion joints), and blood vessels (which leads to bruising). Occasionally, adjacent areas can cause pain to be referred to the ankle -- these include the foot bones, lower leg bones, knee joint, and even hip joint.

* If you feel pain in your ankle, rest it for several days. Try NOT to move the affected area.
* If your ankle is unstable, support it, especially during weight-bearing activity (like standing or walking). ACE bandages work well. If this does not provide enough support, you may need to be fit for a brace by a health care professional. Crutches or a cane can help take the weight off a sore or unsteady ankle.
* For swelling, keep your foot elevated above the level of the heart, including while you are sleeping. Ice the area right away. Continue to apply ice for 10 to 15 minutes every hour for the first day and then every 3 to 4 hours for 2 more days.
* Try acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain and swelling.

Even after the pain subsides, you will need to keep pressure off of it for up to 10 days for a mild sprain and up to 5 weeks for a more severe sprain.

Once you have healed adequately, you can start exercises to strengthen your ankle and avoid injury in the future. Do not begin these exercises until a health care professional tells you it is safe to start. One exercise, for example, involves balancing on your healing foot and hopping.

For arthritis of the ankle, take medication exactly as prescribed. When the pain and swelling begin to decrease, gently begin to exercise the joint again. Swimming is good, followed by stretching. Walking can be added later. Exercises can be done several times a day; but DO NOT overdo it. Pain is a message from your body to stop.

So taping it is probably the last step, not the first. Let us know what happens.
Good luck.


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Ankle hurts
On 1/14/2005 Jack wrote in from United States  (192.35.nnn.nnn)

Hi Dr. Dave,
I'm 45 and I've been skating again now for about 6 weeks. After sessions I've been having pain low on the outside of my right ankle (pushing foot) right below the bone after skating. Seems to be cumulative. More I skate the more it hurts. Would an ankle brace help?

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put that dremel away
On 1/14/2005 herbn wrote in from United States  (64.12.nnn.nnn)

oh well ,the doc says ,i have a slight impingement on one disk,nothing close to worth risking an operation,as dr dave said,"last resort". How do you feel about inversion tables, i made a homemade one. Is it worth the space?or should i drag it out to the woods and ride my moutainbike over it:)

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get out the dremel
On 1/4/2005 herbn wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

I've tried albiet unofficially a round of prednizone,though now that i think a bout it ,i was REALLY hurt'n at the time,i'm alot better right now,xept for the toe numbness and prickly saddle feeling,it's been like two months and another round of those roids might do some good,but i just feel as though this injury is becoming easier to flame up and longer in duration and just more severe ,beyond just normal aging. If those spurs are digging into something that's transfering inflamation to the nerves,the spurs gotta go ,even if it's a setback. At least i can make a cool come back in the spring.

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Ah got spurs. . . .
On 1/4/2005 Dr. Dave wrote in from United States  (68.74.nnn.nnn)

Welcome back, Herbn,

Bone spurs are often just a part of normal aging. You may not have done anything in particular to get them except grow older. Treatment options include steroids, physical therapy and sometimes surgery. Generally the less invasive methods are tried first, but your doc can give you the word on what's the best option. Let us know how it goes. . . .


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herbn's back
On 1/3/2005 herbn wrote in from United States  (205.188.nnn.nnn)

x rays showed bone spurs off the sides of the lower vertibra,apparently no mushed(official dr'r speak:) discs. MRI tommorrow,i guess the dr will figure out how much and exactly where he's gotta go in to grind those pesky sucka's away. That is what is usually done,right? I hope my toe tingling/minor numbness goes away after said surgury. Bone spurs are built up over time and repeated injurys,i think i remember the steel mini ramp session that started these,like 7 years ago. well maybe it was something else before that.

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Helmets to Die For
On 1/3/2005 Dr. Dave wrote in from United States  (24.13.nnn.nnn)


I would avoid ANY helmet that had a either a point or cone on the back OR an extended face/jaw point, a la BMX helmets. The problem with non-rounded helmets for boarders is that if you fall forward or backward (as we do) on the point, you will push the helmet into the front or the back of your neck, or if you fall just slightly to the side of the point, the helmet's aero "feature" will twist your neck and possibly break it.

The consequences would be paralysis, like Chris Reed, if you twist your kneck and damage or break your spine, or death if the brainstem is damaged.

I'm not affiliated with anyone, or advertising anything. I have nothing to gain personally from this advice. But I'm a (non competitive) longboarder/carver and I personally wouldn't wear one of the pointy or BMX style helmets if it was padded with 100 dollar bills.
I question whether those helmets even have any real wind tunnel aero benefit. I doubt that the developers spent the $$$ to do formal aerodynamic testing. Remember, lots of things that look aero are not. The Corvettes in the '60's are good examples. They looked sleek and slippery, like they'll cut through anything. When engineers actually got around to measuring their aero properties, they had about the same aerodynamics as a plumber's van.

So Think. Don't get suckered by fast looking helmets. Look inside instead, for the label: Best is Snell. Search the list for the other official labels. And as one writer commented, it looks like some of the cheaper helmets just put a piece of paper in the box saying it's certified but don't put a label on the helmet. The cert. label has to be inside the helmet, otherwise you're being scammed. Look for that label.

SK8 Safe,


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Helmet cone
On 1/1/2005 craig wrote in from South Africa  (168.209.nnn.nnn)

Thanks Doc

More q's re lloyds cone...

It wasn't much of a cone on his helmet. The back of the helmet just wasn't round, it had a slightly pointy shape...no modifications, just as it came from the shop.
I believe all the talk about the "cone" on his helmet being the cause of the injury to be largely unfounded guesswork. Are you familiar with the Charly Insider paragliding helmet shape?? I'm wondering if that was truly the problem.
Was the helmet just badly designed? Should we simply avoid the helmets with the whatever rating the paragliding helmets have??

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