Jason Mitchell, Seismic Nationals 2007, Hybrid Slalom.  Photo by Greg Fadell Northern California Downhill Skateboarding Association
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Slalom Skateboarding Pro Mike Maysey

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Q&A: Slalom Pro Mike Maysey (2489 Posts)
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On 4/24/2004 Cliff Coleman wrote in from (67.100.nnn.nnn)


If you make it to the La Costa race, could you please bring that item of mine for me? Thanks for taking care of it for so long!

Cliff Coleman

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punk out
On 4/24/2004 elvis wrote in from (209.172.nnn.nnn)

I did'nt think anyone skated on this page anymore, que paso.

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Good thing is forum is skate tips and not biking tips...we would all be dead
On 4/23/2004 jWAHL wrote in from (192.45.nnn.nnn)


That bike crash is more reason to move to So Cal. Evans needs a roomate.

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On 4/23/2004 sully wrote in from (67.123.nnn.nnn)

Ah skatin', he rules, he is soo HOT!. Did I tell you I love skatin? give me a call clayton.

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On 4/22/2004 Clayton wrote in from (204.33.nnn.nnn)

anyone for some skating this weekend. tunnel, pedmont...?
let me know.

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Great Slalom Spot
On 4/15/2004 Rich Sayers wrote in from (64.168.nnn.nnn)

Has Mike or any of you guys skated slalom around the duck pond at DVC in Pleasant Hill (East Bay near Concord)? It is an awesome spot-- super smooth asphalt, nice slope, good scenery and picnic tables.
If anyone wants to meet up for that and other East Bay spots that are more gnarly, email me or post here!

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On 4/11/2004 Miko wrote in from (66.81.nnn.nnn)

Ummm... Monday of course!

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Vans Milpitas Session...
On 4/11/2004 Miko wrote in from (66.81.nnn.nnn)

Another 6-8pm session with the Santa Cruz crew at Vans Milpitas... Come one, come all!

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East Bay Slalom and Park session
On 4/10/2004 Rich Sayers wrote in from (64.168.nnn.nnn)

Mike, Now I know why you were not able to make the East Bay slalom and skatepark session! Hope you feel better soon.

When you're ready we can shred some Contra Costa secret slalom spots and the Martinez skatepark-- anyone else want to join in?

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I WAS downhilling...
On 4/9/2004 mike maysey wrote in from (12.72.nnn.nnn)

on a bike...with a lot less protective equipment!!

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hurting yourself
On 4/8/2004 david wrote in from (192.211.nnn.nnn)

mike, you are supposed to hurt yourself downhilling on a skateboard, not on a bike!

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Lessons Learned
On 4/8/2004 mike maysey wrote in from (12.72.nnn.nnn)

So I found something of a hazard in biking.

I was hauling butt down a pretty fast hill last Sunday in the Presidio when something went very wrong. I was riding my cyclo-cross bike, which for those of you who don't know, is basically a road bike you can put knobby tires on for offroad riding. Anyway, I was heading to work at the bike shop and had just passed a guy on a bike. I was heading for a couple turns that I thought I remembered. It had been a while since I rode this route but I figured I remembered it well enough to go for it. The last time I looked at my speedo I was doing approximately 34 mph. I made it safely around this big left hand sweeper which fed into an 'S' turn that has a stop sign at the end. Entering the right hand turn at the top of the 'S', I quickly realized I was going way too fast as the turn was beginning to close off way too quickly. I tried to turn enough to make the turn but before I knew it, both tires had broken loose and I was heading for the curb on the opposite side of the road. I slid so fast I didn't even have time to clip out and ended up landing and sliding on my ankle, knee, elbow and shoulder. I slid to the opposite side of the road and watched as my bike got away from me and flipped up and over the curb. My body followed and I rolled myself over the curb and onto...grass luckily. I quickly jumped up and as I stood there taking inventory on the damage I sustained I realized I ruined all the clothes and had some minor road rash on my ankle, knee and elbow that was starting to sting. Luckily, the road was fairly freshly paved so I didn't lose as much skin as I could have if I had gone down on one of the worse roads in SF. (Some of them literally work like a cheese grater they're so bad.) Then I realized my shoulder was hurting quite a lot. I checked over the bike, no major damage, and limped myself to a pay phone since the battery in my cell had lost it's charge when I tried to call the sales manager at the bike shop to tell him what had just happened and that I wasn't going to make it to work. I got myself to a pay phone and called Sirie. She came quickly and took me to UCSF ER. The doc fixed my up with some pain pills and diagnosed my with an Acromio-Clavicular separation in my right shoulder. No major damage, just some lost skin and some pain in the 'neck.'

Painfully, I learned you shouldn't try to take a bike with knobby tires around sharp curves as fast as you can take street slicks. Two days off from work and I'm still in a little pain, but I'll be fine. Don't know what this means for skating at this time since slalom takes a lot of shoulder, at least for me. I figure I'll be back in the swing of things in a couple weeks.

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On 4/5/2004 Arab wrote in from (65.28.nnn.nnn)

Yeah Mikey-I hear ya on the money thing, after travelling so much the last 3 years I think I'm gonna take it easy this year, I want to do Breck, still contemplating that, I'm gonna try and do La Costa, Bicknell, the worlds and anything else within driving distance, I think in the last 3 years I have travelled more then anybody to slalom events, its taxing on the pocket book but what a load of fun!!!!!

Been skating alot of pools and parks lately, Nathan and I found 11 backyard pools yesterday, from the recent rains they were all to full to ride and we didint have time to bail em out, but of those 11 we have 3-4 that are worth a return trip to bail out.

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On 4/5/2004 mike maysey wrote in from (12.72.nnn.nnn)

Good story Dave...Sirie hasn't done anymore grip jobs since yours. I was thinking of having or rather asking her to do my new board.

Arab, yo man, sorry we missed each other last weekend. I had a good time skating your spot. I know about MANX, I rode some on one of Evans' boards. I gotta get some of those wheels for my slalom equipment collection. Chaput and friends...funny, I don't really go to the slalom forum anymore. I'll be down for Attila's race and more than likely La Costa...don't know about any of the other travelling races yet, money has been a tough thing to come by lately.

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On 4/4/2004 Arab wrote in from (65.28.nnn.nnn)

Mikey-Sorry I missed ya last week, ran cones for the first time since the worlds at SSS today, OUCH!!!!!!!!!, Took a spin on Chickens new Wood/M-core boards and a some other prototypes he had going, as well as the new MANX wheels, OH MY GOD!!!!!!

Anyways, since Chaput and his friends have takin over the slalom forum with downhill talk and accussing me of whatever is up their assess, I'll be happy to talk slalom here with ya!

I'll agree, Rick is the Dick Brewer of slalom boards, I always try out Evans new rides, he has one board that is so killer, I was ready to ride it at the worlds last year.

Anyways-hope to see you at La Costa, I may try and do Attillas Bicknell race if I can get out and a ride a couple times before hand.

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On 4/4/2004 david wrote in from (192.211.nnn.nnn)

my grammer sucks, but i guessthats what happens when you skate all day then come home and self-medicate with beer and some greens :_)

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funny story to share
On 4/4/2004 david wrote in from (192.211.nnn.nnn)

hey mike, so i gots a funny story. so today i drove down to salem orgeon with some friends to run some cones with the cascade slalom crew. it was a blast, a sweet hill. but anyways, on to the amusing story. so i decided to take my speedboard up to the top and take a run down the hill. as i get to the top, i plop my board down. gareth roe, who is standing next to me, asked "did sirie do that grip job?". i was like, .....yea, how do you know her? he said he did'nt acually but he had seen the grip jobs that she had did on your boards and knows you. small world, huh?

sucks we could'nt met up at skate when i was in the bay area mike, i'll be in the city for the whole summer plus some, i got a whole list of hills you need to check out and bomb.


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Howzit going out there?
On 4/4/2004 mike maysey wrote in from (12.72.nnn.nnn)

Anyone have a question or comment out there? Funny story to share? Idea about some new equipment? I dunno, what's going on out there?

I rode the ICK tail a couple days ago with cut-down 80a Avila 75s front and rear and was able to fit it through a really mixed up ts/hs course. Four wheel drifts around offsets are really fun, lemme tell you. I think the the rear foot placement, on the kick, allows for traction control...it's amazing the way the rear wheels slide and recover so predictably. Not to mention speed generation with that gas pedal aka kick tail.

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La Costa
On 3/30/2004 Henry wrote in from (128.2.nnn.nnn)

That's cool man, by no means would I expect you and your femme to share a room with me. But if she bails on you, I can substitute.

Rick Ick's lookin supafly! He's the man.

TK, why don't you have a swallowtail shaped ICK?

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Swallow Tail
On 3/30/2004 TK wrote in from (66.30.nnn.nnn)

I've always loved the Swallow Tail design. One of my Favorite surfboards was a 7'0 Brewer Swallow Tail. Ricks board drips style. TK

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On 3/30/2004 mike maysey wrote in from (64.161.nnn.nnn)

I'm going to La Costa probably, but I'll probably share a room with my girlfriend...but I'll keep it in mind.

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On 3/30/2004 renecarrasco.com wrote in from (66.81.nnn.nnn)

The "Dick Brewer" of Slalom - RICK "ICK" HOWELL.

PHOTO: Rene' "Cannonball" Carrasco !

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ICK things, etc
On 3/30/2004 Henry wrote in from (128.2.nnn.nnn)

Mike, I'll get a hold of some pics and put them on the website asap. I'm waiting for tons of pics from Atilla so there will be a massive ICK site overhaul in the near future.

Also- you going to La Costa? Wanna share a room? I don't bite... hard.


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Ick Tail
On 3/30/2004 mike maysey wrote in from (64.161.nnn.nnn)

Adrian, hopefully some of the pics that were taken will get up soon. Rick and I took a ton of pics on Saturday night...I suppose he'll have them up soon, somewhere

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On 3/30/2004 Adrian wrote in from (207.114.nnn.nnn)

Hope you had a Great weekend and B-Day month. and if you can throw a pic of that Ick Tail so we can see it. Peace

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